Firstly, latent tb is not infectious.
Secondly, even with no treatment, only 5-10% of people with latent tb will go on to develop tb. So given your numbers in that year it works out to be around 700-1500 people. Half of those will develop full tb within 2 years. So we're looking at, worst case, where nobody is treated, 400 people getting TB in year one. In 2014 about 10,000 people get the disease per year, so those refugees would have accounted for 4% of all TB cases that year.
This was in 2014, so now two years on, I'm not sure I see the evidence of a TB epidemic bringing the country to its knees, so why are you getting your panties all in a twist?
EDIT: Also, Vance, statistics around HIV are misleading because HIV makes it easier for other diseases to kill you. IN fact, having HIV makes you much more likely to die from TB. So even though the cause of death might be TB, it might have only been life threatening due to HIV in the first place, so difficult to say whether HIV killed someone or TB did.