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2 Nikolas? What? (1 Viewer)

Comrade Brian

DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
NE, Minnesota
Political Leaning
I am getting confused, there are 2 Nikolas and one of them just made like 4 threads about another Nikola. Can someone figure out whats going on? I'm getting confused.
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Comrade Brian said:
I am getting confused, there are 2 Nikolas and one of them just made like 4 threads about another Nikola. Can someone figure out whats going on? I'm getting confused.

Reported...Mods are on it
I suspect a ruse and shenanigans are afoot.
My apologies for posting the same thing 4 times; I just wanted to make sure that it was read. Here is the existing copy of my announcement:


I didn't want to spam your forums, but I am actually serious about the announcement. If you need verification of this, check the forum that I link to in my announcement (and no, this isn't a publicity stunt).

Apologies again.
Well, you know, lot's folks share user names with other folks. AFAICT, it's not uncommon or a big deal.
How do we know YOUR the real Nikola? Hmm. . .maybe we should think of a question only the real Nikola would know. Any ideas?
FinnMacCool said:
How do we know YOUR the real Nikola? Hmm. . .maybe we should think of a question only the real Nikola would know. Any ideas?
How was it that Spock could tell which one was the evil Kirk?
lol, dude I am really gunna like you.

We had a few spammers - lol.
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
wow, this is an old thread. Fill me in, what historic event happened here a long time ago?

hahahaahaha oh man

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