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10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States! (1 Viewer)


Sep 27, 2007
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10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Are Blue States Smarter than Red States?

by Maureen Farrell

Are Blue States Smarter than Red States? - Maureen Farrell at BuzzFlash.com
Cannot link this due to word filter, but you should be able to figure out how to get to the site...if not, PM me to ask. This is the best rant of this subject ever: http://www.****thesouth.com/

Warning: strong language!
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Smart people understand that it's statisically impossible to draw conclusions about the differences between subgroups of a state simply by looking at the overall averages within that state.

Dumb people don't.
Oh, okay! I'd be happy to teach you.

You head over to TinyURL.com - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL

You paste the URL in question into the text box that'll be on the main index page marked "Enter a long URL to make tiny:"

Clicky button

Copy the tinyurl.com URL it generates on the next page

Paste to taste

Presto! :D
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Can someone translate this for me?
I think one needs to account for the cost of living in blue states. I would imagine it would be considerably higher. Regardless, wealth does not correlate directly with intelligence.
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Somebody posted this on this site a couple of years ago:

Somebody posted this on this site a couple of years ago:


This suffers from the same problem mentioned above.

In order for it to be relevant that "blue states" give more than "red states," "blue states" would have to be 100% democrat while "red states" were 100% republican. That's obviously not the case.

If you want to determine which party's members tend to subsidize the other, the relevant data to examine is individual party affiliation by income/tax burden. That shows quite the opposite.
hmmm. well, given the change in cost of living, raw income isn't that solid a measure; what is?

how about unemployment?
Cannot link this due to word filter, but you should be able to figure out how to get to the site...if not, PM me to ask. This is the best rant of this subject ever: http://www.****thesouth.com/

Warning: strong language!

Too bad the ranter is ignorant of American history. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, James Madison, Patrick Henry, etc... are all southerners. There wouldn't have been a a good commander in chief of the Continental Army, the Declaration of Independence, Common Sense and other pamphlets, and fiery statesmen. The northern colonies waited to go to declare independence until they had all of the southern colonies on board.

At the time of the Civil War, the southern states paid for 90% of the government and paid money in tribute to the north. Slavery was legal in all of the states under the Constitution of the United States until the ratification of the XIII Amendment. He leaves out that many northern states made it a crime to be black and living/traveling through the state. Many northern state citizens in positions of power would seize free blacks in their jurisdiction and sell them to the southern states in order to move blacks from their borders. The Underground Railroad went to Canada since the northern states had laws on the books that made it a felony to help escaped slaves, in addition to the prohibitions for blacks living in northern state borders. He fails in his rant.
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10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Hold on a moment.

Who is 'in charge' now? :thinking:

I certainly wouldn't make the leap that the "smart" people live in blue states and "dumb" people live in the red states. That isn't being intellectually honest. Now if you have an issue with our economic status across the entire United States - then I'd jump on the bandwagon of our failed economic policies.

Sad fact is - people throughout the U.S. are suffering financially right now.
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The reality is....the GOP has been very successful using religion to get poor people in the South to vote against their economic interests. Its very simple.
The reality is....the GOP has been very successful using religion to get poor people in the South to vote against their economic interests. Its very simple.

10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Oh really? It's because blue states have smart people and red states have dumb people?

You don't think that it couldn't be because a majority of blue states are on the East Coast and West Coast, and so have a larger quanitity of ports from which to import goods from other nations taking part in free trade between nations?

Or you don't think that it could be that many red states have agribusiness as a major factor in their economy and that we could make the earnings of farmers comparable to blue state professionals, but doing so would raise the costs of food so much that it would be unaffordable, and so farmers are forced to keep their food cheap so you don't pay $20 for a piece of fruit?

Or you don't think that the reason that it could be that the blue states are considered so wealthy may also be because they're the states with greater amounts of personal debt, so they are only wealthy if you don't count the debt that they owe?

There's a lot of reasons why states become wealthy or poor. Saying it's only because "smart" people live in blue states and "dumb" people live in red states is highly disengenous. Considering how "blue" your leaning appears to be, one would have thought you would have made a smarter post than you did.
The reality is....the GOP has been very successful using religion to get poor people in the South to vote against their economic interests. Its very simple.


he read George Lakoff and it explained to him how liberals are So Much Smarter Than Everyone Else If They Could Just Get In Charge Everything Would Be Fine, but Evil Republicans Keep Them Out Of Power Using Social Issues That Aren't Important. it was a response to the 2004 "values voter"; and sort of irrelevant in the post-complete-failure-of-liberalism-age-of-Obama.
Or you don't think that the reason that it could be that the blue states are considered so wealthy may also be because they're the states with greater amounts of personal debt, so they are only wealthy if you don't count the debt that they owe?

bingo. shall we compare the states with the largest unfunded liabilities?
he read George Lakoff and it explained to him how liberals are So Much Smarter Than Everyone Else If They Could Just Get In Charge Everything Would Be Fine, but Evil Republicans Keep Them Out Of Power Using Social Issues That Aren't Important. it was a response to the 2004 "values voter"; and sort of irrelevant in the post-complete-failure-of-liberalism-age-of-Obama.

Actually, George Lakoff's whole thing has more to do with the different models Conservatives and Liberals draw from as they view society.
:doh ! i got george lakoff mixed up with thomas frank :meaculpa: :D
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

LOL, I suggest a third-grade economics course for you. This subject is obviously WAY over your head.

Check unemployment figures in blue states, and compare them to red states. Find out why companies are leaving them in droves and relocating in red states. Find out why there is no signficant recession in Texas and other red states. Find out why home values have stablized in red states. Find out why there are no state taxes, no union strangleholds, no Chicago-style mob politics........

Are you really arguing that things are better in California, Michigan, Illinois, and New York? LOL, those states are virtually bankrupt.
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LOL, I suggest a third-grade economics course for you. This subject is obviously WAY over your head.
They teach economics in third grade? :confused:
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States!

The Poorest States In The U.S. (PHOTOS)

But why is it like that when GOP says their economic policy is much better?

That's because smart people (people with education) live in blue states. Business, though pro-GOP, intend to hire smart people. So big firm used to locate in blue states. Smart people vote with thier own brain, are more independent. Dumb people believe propaganda. GOP candidates used to be rich people and have more financial support, can spend more in advertisement.

Heh. I note you still have to get a dig in there about the GOP being the party of the rich in the same post where you insist Republicans are poor morons.
Heh. I note you still have to get a dig in there about the GOP being the party of the rich in the same post where you insist Republicans are poor morons.

For being a bunch of idiots, we sure seem to know how to run the country, eh?


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