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Zelenskyy Is The Antichrist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2011
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Political Leaning
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.
So what you are saying is that you support Putin. Now we know.
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.
I'm not religious, so I don't really know what it means to be "the antichrist", but I think you are giving Zelensky way too much credit. He's a (possibly unwilling) tool for the Globalists, and nothing more.
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.
Never heard of a hero to his people being an antichrist figure.
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.
It was determined, long ago that Rich Little is the anti-christ.
Please tell me you cut and pasted this Putin propaganda and did not waste your time coming up with it on your own.
Yes, I've seen a few of these results now on a Google search that Zelenskyy is the antichrist, and I understand their reasoning:

1. He campaigned charismatically for Ukraine NATO membership since he quickly rose to power in 2019.

2. He persuaded the majority of his people to support him, when in prior years the majority was against NATO membership for Ukraine.

3. Though NATO membership for Ukraine is a foolish act for sure, instead of vocally denouncing Ukraine NATO membership, he convinced NATO members to either be silent or give serious consideration to his request.

4. Putin, though reputed as a bully, and who's definitely a dictator in a mafia-capitalist system, could, of course, not allow Ukraine to become a NATO member, as that would allow NATO nuclear missiles to be placed within a mere 375 miles of Moscow.

5. Still, despite Putin's warning to cease and desist, Zelenskyy kept clamoring for NATO membership, and everyone paid attention to him.

6. Putin readied his military on the border of Ukraine, yet still Zelenskyy kept up his ridiculous request for NATO membership, asking now for NATO nations to come to his defense, despite that being a surefire way to start a nuclear war.

7. When Putin invaded, Zelenskyy, who was clearly at fault for starting the war, just like Khrushchev in October of 1962 was clearly at fault for causing Kennedy's military response when Khrushchev threatened to place USSR nuclear missiles in Cuba, began to posture as if he was the innocent victim of an "unprovoked" invasion, and he blinded so many into buying his ludicrous false assertion.

8. Though Russia's major goal was simply to demilitarize Ukraine, not occupy or annex it, Zelenskyy told the world that Russia is starting with Ukraine and will then take over Eastern Europe again, and western leaders responded as if they believed him.

9. Russia then warned the west that anyone interfering with their attempt to demilitarize the clearly aggressor Ukraine would receive an unprecedented (nuclear) response and Putin placed his generals in nuclear alert. But Zelenskyy still pressed for Ukriane membership into NATO and for other nations to help him by putting their troops on the ground in Ukraine, a nuclearly global suicide request.

10. Suicide squads were sent by Russia to Ukraine to take out Zelenskyy, but in typical antichrist fashion, he evaded and defeated them all.

11. As Russia's assault continued, Zelenskyy told the world about the suffering his people were enduring, thereby gaining sympathy, and diverting attention away from the fact that he caused the invasion with his NATO nuclear missiles threat.

12. Zelenskyy's appeal to emotion got all the U.S. liberals, who already hate Russia ideologically, ready to go fight Russia. U.S. Conservatives knew that if Biden did so with troops and air support that nuclear war with Russia would break out, cynically criticized Biden for his restraint in their attempt to paint Biden as "weak", hoping thereby to gain traction in the midterms.

13. So Zelenskyy managed to get both sides of the aisle on his side, demeaning Russia, when the truth remained that, like Khrushchev in 1962, the cause of this military conflict was on Zelenskyy's head. Yet he managed in his charismatic rhetoric to blind the vast majority of American politicians to seeing that fact and that the right ethical thing was for Zelenskyy to surrender to Russian terms.

14. Then Zelenskyy addressed Congress, again appealing to emotion, sucking them all in, left and right, that they needed to provide a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Zelenskyy knew that a no-fly zone would create an immediate global nuclear war, yet he immorally asked for it anyway. Sadly, so many Americans were duped into supporting him, that "evil" Russia had to be put in their place, when in reality the only one exhibiting evil is Zelenskyy in his attempt to incinerate the planet.

15. Even though Zelenskyy had quietly hinted at maybe it was a bad idea for Ukraine to join NATO, when it came time to admit that openly to Congress, he was silent on it, saying nothing about NATO missiles, and everyone in Congress cheered his "toughness to fight the bully Russia".

Yes, clearly Zelenskyy exhibits antichrist traits in his ability to charismatically blind everyone to his own faults and create a near mass hysteria in the west to fight Russia, a global annihilation act for sure.

Though I don't really believe Zelenskyy is the true antichrist, that he's merely a political lightweight and a fool for sure, I can see why people are beginning to say that he's the antichrist.

Of course, I'm no religious scholar, so hell, they might be right.

“So many conspiracy theories, so little time”.
Wrong forum.
I'm not religious, so I don't really know what it means to be "the antichrist", but I think you are giving Zelensky way too much credit. He's a (possibly unwilling) tool for the Globalists, and nothing more.
As I posted in the OP, I don't really think Zelenskyy is the antichrist. But I couldn't help noticing after reading some of the Google results that he shares some of the key traits of what religious people have said the antichrist would possess, chief among them being a charismatic ability to blind people to his own mistakes and whoop people into a frenzy about the other guy being "evil", and at the annihilation expense of those who follow him.

I still think Zelenskyy is a political lightweight, and a fool for sure. But that he's able to blind people to the fact that his incessant call for NATO membership would allow him to approve NATO placing nuclear missiles within 400 miles of Moscow, a possibility Putin could not allow and also could not wait in military response for when NATO accepted Ukraine (as any Russian invasion after that and NATO's honor-bound response would mean nuclear war for sure), is a curious phenomenon indeed.

Regardless of whether Zelenskyy is the antichrist or merely a vocal blustering fool, he still possesses the strange ability to get people to deny obvious realities and whip up a mass hysteria against Russia that has us on the brink of nuclear WWIII annihilation.

Either way, he is the most dangerous person on the planet, by far. We would all do well to keep our cool and a reasoned, rational mind right now.

There's no going back to correct what we will most certainly realize for a few minutes was a huge mistake in mindlessly following Zelenskyy .. once the missiles start flying.
As I posted in the OP, I don't really think Zelenskyy is the antichrist. But I couldn't help noticing after reading some of the Google results that he shares some of the key traits of what religious people have said the antichrist would possess, chief among them being a charismatic ability to blind people to his own mistakes and whoop people into a frenzy about the other guy being "evil", and at the annihilation expense of those who follow him.

I still think Zelenskyy is a political lightweight, and a fool for sure. But that he's able to blind people to the fact that his incessant call for NATO membership would allow him to approve NATO placing nuclear missiles within 400 miles of Moscow, a possibility Putin could not allow and also could not wait in military response for when NATO accepted Ukraine (as any Russian invasion after that and NATO's honor-bound response would mean nuclear war for sure), is a curious phenomenon indeed.

Regardless of whether Zelenskyy is the antichrist or merely a vocal blustering fool, he still possesses the strange ability to get people to deny obvious realities and whip up a mass hysteria against Russia that has us on the brink of nuclear WWIII annihilation.

Either way, he is the most dangerous person on the planet, by far. We would all do well to keep our cool and a reasoned, rational mind right now.

There's no going back to correct what we will most certainly realize for a few minutes was a huge mistake in mindlessly following Zelenskyy .. once the missiles start flying.

Conspiracy theories. *YAWN*
As I posted in the OP, I don't really think Zelenskyy is the antichrist. But I couldn't help noticing after reading some of the Google results that he shares some of the key traits of what religious people have said the antichrist would possess, chief among them being a charismatic ability to blind people to his own mistakes and whoop people into a frenzy about the other guy being "evil", and at the annihilation expense of those who follow him.

I still think Zelenskyy is a political lightweight, and a fool for sure. But that he's able to blind people to the fact that his incessant call for NATO membership would allow him to approve NATO placing nuclear missiles within 400 miles of Moscow, a possibility Putin could not allow and also could not wait in military response for when NATO accepted Ukraine (as any Russian invasion after that and NATO's honor-bound response would mean nuclear war for sure), is a curious phenomenon indeed.

Regardless of whether Zelenskyy is the antichrist or merely a vocal blustering fool, he still possesses the strange ability to get people to deny obvious realities and whip up a mass hysteria against Russia that has us on the brink of nuclear WWIII annihilation.

Either way, he is the most dangerous person on the planet, by far. We would all do well to keep our cool and a reasoned, rational mind right now.

There's no going back to correct what we will most certainly realize for a few minutes was a huge mistake in mindlessly following Zelenskyy .. once the missiles start flying.
By your definition we’re all lucky we threw the antichrist out of the white house in 2020.
Never heard of a hero to his people being an antichrist figure.
Then you haven't heard very well.

One of the traits that religious scholars apply to the antichrist is his ability to dupe people into following him, even worshiping him, while blinding them to the obvious reality that he's the one who is responsible for their suffering.

Then you haven't heard very well.

One of the traits that religious scholars apply to the antichrist is his ability to dupe people into following him, even worshiping him, while blinding them to the obvious reality that he's the one who is responsible for their suffering.

Zelenski is NOT duping anyone.

A duper NEVER puts his own life in the crosshairs. He dupes, he doesn't support his words.

Zelenski has clearly stated where he is and has dared Putin to come after him. He has put his own life at risk. That is not duping, that is supporting his words. He is a hero, not an antichrist.

Heck, Ont, you should know that................'
It was a ridiculous post.

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