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Zelensky (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2020
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I'm so amazed by this man and his courageous dedication to his country. I'm watching The Five right now and they're discussing Zelensky.
Martha McCallum was just discussing his young age and his background as a comedian. Then she said something I've been feeling so strongly in recent days:

"There was this kind of lightweight feeling about what he might be like." [Then with extreme passion in her voice, she said] "Look at this guy. I mean, he is a portrait of courage. He's extraordinary."
[Then with extreme passion in her voice, she said] "Look at this guy. I mean, he is a portrait of courage. He's extraordinary."

He expects to be murdered by that unhinged Russian's troops.

So far he has not fled.

He may soon become a martyr.

As a lifelong coward myself, I am in awe of such a courageous and dedicated person.

He truly loves his country, and he apparently is willing to die for it.

Too bad we do not have a President who has the guts to apply real sanctions. For example, just heard that we are capable of stopping all the trains in Russia in their tracks. Yes, I guess the Russians could do the same to us. But if it would stop the Russians from murdering Ukrainians, then maybe most Americans would support such a sacrifice.

He expects to be murdered by that unhinged Russian's troops.

So far he has not fled.

He may soon become a martyr.

As a lifelong coward myself, I am in awe of such a courageous and dedicated person.

He truly loves his country, and he apparently is willing to die for it.

Too bad we do not have a President who has the guts to apply real sanctions. For example, just heard that we are capable of stopping all the trains in Russia in their tracks. Yes, I guess the Russians could do the same to us. But if it would stop the Russians from murdering Ukrainians, then maybe most Americans would support such a sacrifice.
I'm in awe of him too!
Kinda shows that you don't need to be an insecure bully, an autocrat or autocrat-wannabe, or have a military background to be a strong, courageous leader.

Insecure autocrat wanna-be rulers do not bully people by having military backgrounds or respect for any of their soldiers.

Unfortunately for the entire northern hemisphere, Russia has a strong military and autocrat at the same time.
Reports from Kyiv say that President Zelenskyy and his administration remain in Kyiv. Within a day or less flight will probably be impossible.

No one knows how he will be treated by the Russians. Putin allegedly began hating Zelenskyy after it became clear he couldn't bully him.

We've all seen how badly Putin treats Alexei Navalny (who is again on trial at the penal colony).

Zelenskyy has never been my cup of tea politically, but I highly respect his personal courage in this horrific situation.
I'm so amazed by this man and his courageous dedication to his country. I'm watching The Five right now and they're discussing Zelensky.
Martha McCallum was just discussing his young age and his background as a comedian. Then she said something I've been feeling so strongly in recent days:

"There was this kind of lightweight feeling about what he might be like." [Then with extreme passion in her voice, she said] "Look at this guy. I mean, he is a portrait of courage. He's extraordinary."
I was especially impressed by the Ukrainian soldiers that told the Russian warship captain threatening them to go **** himself. They died, but they did so with dignity.
Tucker must be singing his praises.......does that mean he has abandoned his defense of Putin?
I first admired him with the way he handled Trump's attempt to bully him. He had a fine line to walk and he walked it brilliantly. This guy has had so much to deal with and he has done it deftly and bravely. Good man.
I am a bit surprised, pleasantly I might add, too see such praise for him coming from the right. Fox must have changed their tune.
Wonder who told the Faux News folks to stop loving it up on Putin? I guess they didn't like having their clips play on Russian state TV...
Wonder who told the Faux News folks to stop loving it up on Putin? I guess they didn't like having their clips play on Russian state TV...
Yes, a very bad look. Maybe a bridge too far even for Murdoch.
I am a bit surprised, pleasantly I might add, too see such praise for him coming from the right. Fox must have changed their tune.
Wonder who told the Faux News folks to stop loving it up on Putin? I guess they didn't like having their clips play on Russian state TV...

But don't worry. He won't trash Putin. He's shifted to blaming Biden for Putin's invasion/war. Which you would already know just by the typical right winger posts in here doing the same.
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Yes, a very bad look. Maybe a bridge too far even for Murdoch.
Fox has been doing that a lot lately, where they go too far with an issue and then suddenly have to pull back. Over the last month, its happened on at least two different issues with Durham and now this.
Fox has been doing that a lot lately, where they go too far with an issue and then suddenly have to pull back. Over the last month, its happened on at least two different issues with Durham and now this.
You think the base will catch on? One almost get whiplash on the Ukraine/Russia issue.
Wonder who told the Faux News folks to stop loving it up on Putin? I guess they didn't like having their clips play on Russian state TV...
It's my understanding that Russian TV, you know from Trump's Genius, is not even playing footage of the fighting.

I guess here in the states Fox has no choice but o.
You think the base will catch on? One almost get whiplash on the Ukraine/Russia issue.
The people who believe what Fox news has to say seem to have a unique ability to remember history as is presented at the moment.
The people who believe what Fox news has to say seem to have a unique ability to remember history as is presented at the moment.
Please go read the thread on Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has a unique theory on why Putin invaded the Ukraine. In it, he says he thinks that, because Russia is communist, it's poor and can't feed its people, so it wants Ukraine to do so. These people don't even know that Russia isn't the Soviet Union and isn't communist, let alone the size of its wheat exports. They have no idea that you can't have a small set of multibillionaire oligarchs at the top of a national economy if you have communism.

If I ever get to heaven, let it have elected government officials with higher IQs and some education!
It's people like Tubberville, Grreene, Cruz, Jordan, Johnson, Gaetz, the bozo Congress critters from Texas and Colorado who's names I can't even be bothered to look up their names are who make me wonder.....well make me wonder a lot of things
Please go read the thread on Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has a unique theory on why Putin invaded the Ukraine. In it, he says he thinks that, because Russia is communist, it's poor and can't feed its people, so it wants Ukraine to do so. These people don't even know that Russia isn't the Soviet Union and isn't communist, let alone the size of its wheat exports. They have no idea that you can't have a small set of multibillionaire oligarchs at the top of a national economy if you have communism.

If I ever get to heaven, let it have elected government officials with higher IQs and some education!
Russia exports grain I believe
I was especially impressed by the Ukrainian soldiers that told the Russian warship captain threatening them to go **** himself. They died, but they did so with dignity.
And the Ukrainian marine who blew himself and the bridge up.

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