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Z: "NOT GUILTY" and/or "COMPLETELY INNOCENT" !!! [W:2] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2012
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Z: NOT Guilty and/or COMPLETELY Innocent.

Trayvon Martin (or TM in this post) wasn't the average, normal "child" portrayed by the Prosecutors, or his supporters. TM was a teen age thug. He was suspended from school for graffiti, found with drug residue in his bag, and arrested for stolen jewelry and burglary tools which were explained away. Zimmerman (Z in this post) was a neighborhood watch guy. Z mentored black kids. Z's best friend is a black. And, Z dated black women.

TM did NOT have two black eyes and lacerations on the back of his head. Z did.
And that proves, without ANY shadow of a doubt, that it was TM that was on top....NOT that TM was on the bottom, during the scuffle, as claimed by the Prosecution, or his supporters. Thus, Z had his eyes blackened, and his head pounded into the concrete by T ...... CLEARLY indicating that Z had EVERY INDICATION that his life was in jeopardy.

THE LAW IN THIS CASE: Since the ULTIMATE DEFENSE for NOT GUILTY is shooting and/or killing an attacker while acting in SELF DEFENSE on account of reasonable FEAR FOR ONE'S LIFE ........Z is CLEARLY and UNMISTAKABLY "NOT GUILTY"..... and COMPLETELY INNOCENT.....no matter WHAT ELSE led to the scuffle.

The FACTS, other than the above, may be clear, and/or murky. The Cops comment for Z not to pursue the issues in this matter is clear. The rest may be murky. BUT THE BASIC FACTS FOR Z BEING "NOT GUILTY", or "COMPLETELY INNOCENT" of Manslaughter, or "LESSER OFFENSES" ...are NOT met by the evidence which is based on the LIES of the Prosecution, ex: that Z in his phone call claimed that Z stated that he "KILLED" TM, whereas the tape clearly indicates that Z said that he "SHOT" TM. That it was TM that was on the "bottom of the scuffle", and/or that Martin was an off-the-wall RACIST !!!

To PROVE Z "GUILTY" and/or "GUILTY" of Manslaughter, or any LESSER OFFENSES, one must PROVE evil intent, or hate. This the Prosecution CLEARLY was not able to do, relying on OUTRIGHT LIES, "What ifs", and EMOTIONAL RHETORIC which doesn't have any place in a Court of Law.

The Chief of Police and the Investigating Detectives were CLEARLY CORRECT to have found Z "NOT GUILTY", and did NOT arrest Z.


PLUS, The Black Racist Obama and his OBVIOUS Black Racist Stooge, and Alter Ego, ERIK HOLDER , Head of the Dept of Justice. Before the trial began, Obummer clearly indicated his racist sentiments for TM claiming that TM was like his son, if he had one. And, Holder sent out his rabble rousing minions from the Justice Dept to incite Black Rioting if the verdict went against TM.

BUT, NOTE WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE FACTS & THE EVIDENCE BROUGHT OUT IN THE TRIAL: Both Obama, and the Professional Black Racist & Rabble Rouser Jesse Jackson behaved as follows...Obama, according to his Spokesman Carney, suddenly doesn't "listen to TV, and doesn't have any comment"....whereas Obama was openly listening to the TV BEFORE the Trial. And, Obumster obviously listened and commented on the SCANDALOUS Fast & Furious, the IRS, and other Administrative Fiascos. And Jesse jackson suddenly is counseling "restraint" following the trial.

WHY ?!?!?

Obviously because they do not want to go down historically as being LEGAL IDIOTS in this " Z vs TM" case !!!

This was, and is, a CLEAR "open & dunk" case with Z being CLEARLY "NOT GUILTY" as the Chief of Police and the Investigating Detectives found. And, therefor, they didn't even arrest Z. This whole trial is a TRAVESTY of JUSTICE brought on by BLACK RACIST POLITICAL PC PRESSURE !!!
re: Z: "NOT GUILTY" and/or "COMPLETELY INNOCENT" !!! [W:2]

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I hope as soon as he's pronounced not guilty he begins a warparth of suing every piece of **** news organization that slandered and harassed him (especially CNN for the SSN deal), then retires with those millions to a beach somewhere.
I hope as soon as he's pronounced not guilty he begins a warparth of suing every piece of **** news organization that slandered and harassed him (especially CNN for the SSN deal), then retires with those millions to a beach somewhere.

Sueing MSNBC is a slam dunk.

George Zimmerman may become 1%er after he's done.

Since it's already well established that MSNBC gets it's talking points every day from the Obama White House, how deep are Obama's pockets ?
I never saw a picture of Z with two black eyes. I did, however, see a picture of his pristine jacket back after he was allegedly on his back in the grass and mud, with TM allegedly on top, allegedly struggling for his life.

He's not got a squeaky clean past, either. You rather forgot to mention that.
I hope as soon as he's pronounced not guilty he begins a warparth of suing every piece of **** news organization that slandered and harassed him (especially CNN for the SSN deal), then retires with those millions to a beach somewhere.

Hear ! Hear !
Sueing MSNBC is a slam dunk.

George Zimmerman may become 1%er after he's done.

Since it's already well established that MSNBC gets it's talking points every day from the Obama White House, how deep are Obama's pockets ?

Z will have them by the arse !
I never saw a picture of Z with two black eyes. I did, however, see a picture of his pristine jacket back after he was allegedly on his back in the grass and mud, with TM allegedly on top, allegedly struggling for his life.

He's not got a squeaky clean past, either. You rather forgot to mention that.

That's lib/gay bovinepoop about Z's undirtied jacket. Supply proof. YOU DON"T HAVE ANY !!!

Z had two black eyes with lacerations on the back of his skull. The photos of that were published in the Media ( I saw that on Greta Van Sustern's show tonight where the police had those photos BEFORE the trial, during their investigations)..... see that for yourself. And, brought out in the trial as you will see.

Z doesn't have to have a squeaky clean past to get a NOT GUILTY verdict. Ask any attorney, Z's past record is irrelevant to the proof of a NOT GUILTY, Manslaughter, or Lesser charges verdict.

However, even Z's "not squeaky clean past" is way less damaging than thug Travon Martin's.
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That's lib/gay bovinepoop about Z's undirtied jacket. Supply proof. YOU DON"T HAVE ANY !!!

Z had two black eyes with lacerations on the back of his skull. The photos of that were published in the Media ..... see that for yourself. And, brought out in the trial as you will see.

Z doesn't have to have a squeaky clean past to get a NOT GUILTY verdict. Ask any attorney, Z's past record is irrelevant to the proof of a NOT GUILTY, Manslaughter, or Lesser charges verdict.

However, even Z's "not squeaky clean past" is way less damaging than thug Travon Martin's.

Funny, I'm not seeing any images in your post. Tomorrow, when I am back on my PC, I shall post my proof.

I'm brand-new here. is it standard protocol to assume someone is lying when you don't like what they have to say?
We know more than the jury. The OP lists Trayvon's drug use, but he also worshiped the gangster life of violence on his social media pages.

Defense was weak, pointing out Trayvon used his four minutes to stalk Z, while Z used his four minutes to do his job and try to keep an eye on Trayvon, but not following up the logical conclusions. Logically, the not-so-innocent Trayvon then jumped Z and punched him in the face. Illogical Trayvon proponents argue that we can't take Z's word for it and that nobody knows what happened. But in the legal sense, we know exactly what happened. Because presumption of innocence goes to the defendant and there is no evidence to the contrary, one must presume reasonable circumstances most favorable to the defendant - purely as a mental exercise to meet our American standard of justice. Is it reasonably possible that Travon began the physical altercation by punching Z in the face? Yes. Therefore, one must presume it as a reasonable possibility and say that it's very possible that Trayvon initiated an assault and battery upon Z. This isn't done to impugn Trayvon, rather it is a legal construct any juror (and good defense attorney) should argue to meet the American standard of justice.

Assuming Z feared for his life at this point, Z would have been well within his rights to shoot Trayvon, but he didn't. Trayvon then further compounds his assault by hitting a man while he's down. Again, this comports with the evidence, but even in the absence of evidence, one must presume circumstances favorable to the defendant and therefore in our legal construct, Trayvon did indeed hit Z while he was down. Now Z is truly in fear for his life. To those who say "Z's injuries weren't that bad," I defy you to hit your head on the concrete hard enough to make cuts. I venture to say that one in ten people die of such blows to the head. Impacts hard enough to cause cuts, throw the brain against the skull and resulting hemorrhage or brain swelling has killed many similarly injured. To those brave couch-sitting, contemptible naysayers I say, please rejoin reality.

What does the fiasco of this trial do to the fabric of our society? O'mara and the defense rightly point out how convicting innocent men leads innocent men to ask, "if there's no difference between how an innocent man is treated by the law, then why not be a criminal?" This is the end of civil society. But it's much more specific in this case. I personally appreciate neighborhood watch. The more neighbors watching my community, the better. What does this case do to neighborhood watch? If an upstanding citizen such as Z has to go through this legal gauntlet, who will perform the valuable duty of neighborhood watch?

No my friends, Z must be found completely innocent. Innocent to preserve our society. Innocent because it's what's right and good. Innocent, because it's in all our best interest.

I have been extremely busy lately, so have only been able to follow the headlines of the trial. I'm tonight, finally, watching the rerun of the AC30 coverage. I'm noticing the studio is lighted in bright red. The photo of Z behind Anderson is rimmed in red. CNN seems to want to instill some rage in people watching. Red is a very confrontational color. I am somewhere where there will be no "civil unrest" as that idiot Nancy Grace said other cities are preparing for. Seems like CNN is wetting themselves over this possibility, and having something to report to boost ratings. How many people have died in Chicago since this incident. Well over a hundred. Zimmerman had a right to defend himself if he thought his life was in danger. He did not, however, make the best decisions prior to the confrontation. Murder, no. Manslaughter, a definite possible outcome from this jury. This is the system we have. The ultimate outcome is up to those 6. Myself, I would rather be judged by those 6, than be carried by a different 6.
Sueing MSNBC is a slam dunk.
good, then you can explain for us exactly what the suit would be about and why msnbc stands no chance of defending itself from those charges

George Zimmerman may become 1%er after he's done.
don't think so. his money will be the income from his story; whatever is left of it after o'mara and west collect their fees

Since it's already well established that MSNBC gets it's talking points every day from the Obama White House, how deep are Obama's pockets ?
i look for your documentation that this is something other than fabricated bull ****
Funny, I'm not seeing any images in your post. Tomorrow, when I am back on my PC, I shall post my proof.

I'm brand-new here. is it standard protocol to assume someone is lying when you don't like what they have to say?

No, it is not "standard protocol to assume someone is lying when you don't like what they have to say, but it IS standard protocol in any situation, when OBVIOUSLY FALSE CRAP is being spewed, i.e. THE CRAP about seeing: "a picture of his pristine jacket back after he was allegedly on his back in the grass and mud, with TM ALLEGEDLY (caps mine) on top......" WHEN ALL THE EVIDENCE points to Z having his eyes blackened and lacerations on the back of his skull while the thug TM was pounding his head into the copncrete !
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Funny, I'm not seeing any images in your post. Tomorrow, when I am back on my PC, I shall post my proof.

I'm brand-new here. is it standard protocol to assume someone is lying when you don't like what they have to say?

he is a new forum member, too
you will find out who you can debate with on an intellectual basis with the experience of time on these boards

as you pointed out, the jury received no information about prior 'bad acts'; so, it is not a legitimate analysis to use that data to project the jury's verdict

that zimmerman's jacket was found to be more wet on the back than the front immediately after the event seems to conform with his statements about what occurred that evening
good, then you can explain for us exactly what the suit would be about and why msnbc stands no chance of defending itself from those charges

don't think so. his money will be the income from his story; whatever is left of it after o'mara and west collect their fees

i look for your documentation that this is something other than fabricated bull ****

The Lib/Gay Agenda ain't gonna fly on this one.

I don't have the time to respond to any Lib/Gay CRAP.

Others who may not be too disgusted can handle that.

"IF" your, and/or any other post, falls into the category I mentioned above, then you have my above response to that.

Let me just say this as an addendum to my post: The reason that the Obumster and some of the more vocal TM supporters are suddenly silent and don't wish to involve themselves in a "SUABLE MANNER", and that the turd Jesse Jackson is even counseling "NONVIOLENCE" when he was RABIDLY yowling and basically promoting RACE RIOTS if the trial acquitted Z with a "NOT GUILTY" is not only that these turds fear to appear as LEGAL IDIOTS.....the more compelling reason is that they are fearful of being sued. Because, as I stated in one of my posts: Z has them by the arse !!!
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The Lib/Gay Agenda ain't gonna fly on this one.

I don't have the time to respond to any Lib/Gay CRAP.

Others who may not be too disgusted can handle that.

"IF" your, and/or any other post, falls into the category I mentioned above, then you have my above response to that.

Let me just say this as an addendum to my post: The reason that the Obumster and some of the more vocal TM supporters are suddenly silent and don't wish to involve themselves in a "SUABLE MANNER", and that the turd Jesse Jackson is even counseling "NONVIOLENCE" when he was RABIDLY yowling and basically promoting RACE RIOTS if the trial acquitted Z with a "NOT GUILTY" is not only that these turds fear to appear as LEGAL IDIOTS.....the more compelling reason is that they are fearful of being sued. Because, as I stated in one of my posts: Z has them by the arse !!!

recognizing you are new to the forum, allow me to point out that it has an ignore feature you have the option to use, for those forum members whose posts you would prefer not to peruse
Allow me to help.

Pictures from the police station the night of the incident.


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His roll-aound, shimmied, scooted-in-the-wet grass, dirt and cement beatdown for 30 feet pants

Allow me to help.

Pictures from the police station the night of the incident.



The two photos by Paperview do not show the BACK of the jacket which some previous post BOGUSLY asserted was neither "dirtied " and/or "wet".

The reason this poster spewed CRAP is that ALL the EVIDENCE by the Investigating Detectives PRIOR to the trial included photos of Z with two black eyes and lacerations on the back of his skull CLEARLY indicating that Z was on his back with the thug TM forcefully beating Z and pounding Z's head into the concrete.

Pictures with Z having TWO BLACK EYES and LACERATIONS on the back of Z's skull, photos taken by the cops during their investigations immediately after the incident was seen by me on Greta Van Sustern's show Friday, July 12. And, which will be available after the Trial data becomes available.
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His roll-aound, shimmied, scooted-in-the-wet grass, dirt and cement beatdown for 30 feet pants
Gosh, you may be right. I don't see ANY cement on those pants. The eyewitnesses and forensic experts must be lying.

Here's some other pictures, BEFORE Zimmerman cleaned himself up:


Let me give you some helpful advice: Many of the folks following this trial have been doing so since the onset, and are well aware of the facts of this case. If you try to bring the Al Sharpton/MSNBC narrative into the discussion, you'll likely be eaten alive by the informed people. I suggest reading the threads relating specifically to the testimony and acquainting yourself with the facts.

This photo of the back of Z's jacket has to be BOGUS. And the assertion that these photos by Paperview were taken immediately after the incident MUST BE CRAP.

REASON: The Investigating Detectives found Z with TWO BLACK EYES and LACERATIONS on the back of Z's skull. That CLEARLY indicates Z's version that he was on his back, severely beaten, and his head pounded into the concrete. The Trial's EVIDENCE IS CLEAR ON THAT POINT.

The police photos taken IMMEDIATELY after the incident, where one can plainly see Z with TWO BLACK EYES and lacerations on the back of his skull, are consistent with Z's version of events ........these were CLEARLY ILLUSTRATED ON GRETA VAN SUSTERN'S SHOW ON FRIDAY JULY 12.

And, of course, the REAL photos will be the ones on Greta Van Sustern's show.......NOT Paperview's. And, when the trial data will be available I will bet my bottom nickel that I am correct.

So, you can either believe me, and Greta Van Sustern's show......or Paperview.

That's your choice.

IMO, this OBFUSCATION and DISTORTION of FACTS, or the TRUTH, is typical of the Dem Lib/Gays.
Paperview paperview paperview, don't forget to put up the picture of a 12 year old TM!!!!!!

LOL Do you work for NBC??? Are you aware FACTS in the case? A police officer who inspected GZ at the scene of the altercation reported the grass and wet marks on the back of his jacket. Of course like all the blamestream media you are posting pictures from when he is at the police station, QUITE some time after the incident.

Why do so many continue to PROVE they belong in the low information subset??


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