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Youngest Migrants Held in 'Tender Age' Shelters (1 Viewer)

Brain damage Minnie? You expects the citizens of Trump Fan Nation to care about a child having problems with his or her brain? In the immortal words of Trump's one-time campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, "womp womp".

This has just been so surreal for me.

I can’t wrap my head around this kind of lack of compassion/ concern for young children.
I am done. If you want to rationalize taking 2000 kids from their parents a month on the border, don't let me get in your way.

I am simply pointing out the faux outrage that you people are doing.
We separate kids from their parents everyday here in the US for a variety of reasons.

It can take months to years and costs parents 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fee's to get their kids back.
quit acting like this doesn't happen and spare us your faux outrage and empty fist shaking.

You just don't like the facts your would rather continue your appeal to emotion argument.
And there it is. **** the constitution, eh? Cruel is fine as long as they're brown.

I'm glad you people are starting to just openly admit this. It's going to really help out in November.

what in the constitution says we have to have open borders?

i must have missed that part in my reading?

please expound on your knowledge there....
This has just been so surreal for me.

I can’t wrap my head around this kind of lack of compassion/ concern for young children.

From the same people who clutch their pearls, whip out their smelling salts, and weep when the very mention of legally aborting an 8 week old fetus happens, no less.
From the same people who clutch their pearls, whip out their smelling salts, and weep when the very mention of legally aborting an 8 week old fetus happens, no less.

As George Carlin once said: "If you're preborn you're fine. If your pre-schooled, you're ****ed."
This has just been so surreal for me.

I can’t wrap my head around this kind of lack of compassion/ concern for young children.

so where is your outrage that the obama adminstration lost 1500 kids and some of them ended up with

where are the 1000 threads on that calling for obama's head? no where to be seen.
the hypocritical spin you guy display is amazing.

There are currently 2.1 m kids in the US that have been separated from their parents due to them breaking the law.
this event is nothing new and has been going on for decades.
As George Carlin once said: "If you're preborn you're fine. If your pre-schooled, you're ****ed."

Haha I never heard that.

George Carlin was a funny man. He was a bit before your time but he was the first person I ever saw who "shocked" me as a youngster.
Actually it’s perfectly conscionable, their “parents” (or unrelated smugglers) shouldn’t have showed up illegally at the border, get caught, and refused to plead guilty and file a frivolous asylum claim. Also we can’t just hand children over to custody of someone who may not even be their real parent, which is a very frequent occurrence, Obama’s gone so we don’t hand kids over to human traffickers anymore

Please provide credible cites for all your assertions, including that asylum is frivolous and the frequency by which children are entering with persons other than their parents. I'd like to be wrong, but I see a lot of uninformed Fox News talking points in your post.

Then, perhaps you could better explain why you support wholesale child abuse levied on Latin American children, is it because they are Latin American? And, for extra correct, if you profess to be Christian, please reconcile all of this with Christ's commandments in Matthew 25.
so where is your outrage that the obama adminstration lost 1500 kids and some of them ended up with traffickers?.

Where do you get your information? That happened in 2017. Obama wasn't president in 2017.
The Trump administration is receiving criticism after a top official disclosed during testimony before a Senate subcommittee that the Department of Health and Human Services lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children placed with sponsors in the United States.

I can understand your confusion, because they look so much alike.
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Your link does not disprove, it throws in Chile (the most prosperous nation in Latin America and nearly Central European levels of development) and Argentina (in the G20 and at one time wealthier then Germany, at least until the Perons got a hold of it) (which also, are not Central America, those counties plus Uruguay are in the Southern Cone and not Central America) along with Peru (the fastest growing economy in the Continent who’s per capita income has doubled in the last ten years) with Guatemala and El Salvador, two of the most violent countries on planet Earth with ES being the most violent. And ignores an earlier university survey showing about 45% of adults in both countries believe beating children with objects is a valid form of discipline

In fact the three Central American countries most represented in attempts to breach the border werent even in your report!
If the choice is between catch and release or detain and seperate. I accept the latter as the lesser of 2 evils

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When given legal counsel, 98% of asylum seekers are in full compliance with all court appearances when released with their family pending the case.

You are choosing what is clearly the greater evil.
I am simply pointing out the faux outrage that you people are doing.
We separate kids from their parents everyday here in the US for a variety of reasons.

It can take months to years and costs parents 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fee's to get their kids back.
quit acting like this doesn't happen and spare us your faux outrage and empty fist shaking.

You just don't like the facts your would rather continue your appeal to emotion argument.

It is not false outrage. Social services takes kids form parents as a last resort. There is a reason for that, it is extremely traumatic to kids to take them from their parents.

Now, sure, if you go to prison, your kids don't go with you. However, in most cases, the kids then go to the other parent or to a close family member. If you are arrested and your kids are with you, then social services must find another parent or close family member to take them. If you are in jail for a significant length of time, and another parent or close family member cannot take the kids, then they have to place them in foster care - which is a last resort for them.

What is going on at the border is nothing like that. Unlike previous administrations, this administration is choosing to prosecute everyone, including families that enter the country illegally. Previous administrations, both Republican and Democrat, did not do so because they did not want to be in the business of separating thousands of children a month from their families. Doing so is needless cruelty.

This is not something I normally talk about, but I think that a lot of people have a hard time really getting what these kids are going through. This is because thankfully most people have a good childhood or at least an OK childhood. When I was a kid, my mother was nearly beaten to death by her boyfriend at time (this was the culmination of years of abuse from him towards her and my brother and I). When this happened, I was 11 and my brother was 9. When she was discharged from the hospital we were all homeless (we lived with her boyfriend when it happened) and taken to a battered women's shelter. First the Dorcas House, and then Battered Women's Shelter. At the Dorcas House we would have been separated from our mother and made to sleep in a different area of the shelter from. We through such a fit that they moved us all to the Battered Women's Shelter where we could at least be together. I really don't know how to describe the feeling you have as a kid going to a shelter like that. All I can say is that it's absolutely horrible. The only thing that would have made it worse would have been if they would have split us up.

My point is, I feel for what these kids are going though. We are taking an average of 70 kids a day from their parents on the border right now and splitting them from their parents. Moreover, unlike what I went through, they are in a foreign country to them, disconnected from everyone and everything they have ever known. Thankfully most people really don't know how horrible this is for them. Thankfully most people have never had to live through anything even remotely like it. I am telling right now though, it is horrible and it is wrong. I don't care who is in office, Democrat or Republican, if they were doing this, it would be wrong and it should end.
We do this all the time everyday when parents are arrested in the us.
If there is not a family member that will take them they go to live in a group home or other such state run institution.

So what is the difference?

The difference is that they can't blame Trump. :mrgreen:
When given legal counsel, 98% of asylum seekers are in full compliance with all court appearances when released with their family pending the case.

You are choosing what is clearly the greater evil.
I 5 hunk Trump should declare martial law and start sending them all home immediately.

Crisis over

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The Daily News gets it right.

I 5 hunk Trump should declare martial law and start sending them all home immediately.

Crisis over

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I almost wish he would do that, if it meant it would keep these kids with their parents. But he will continue to separate them using them as leverage to “make Congress “ pass something. And children and babies will continue to sit in the facilities scared and crying for their moms and dads, while trump continues to play a game to get what he wants. What a guy. What a leader we should all look up to.

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Where do you get your information? That happened in 2017. Obama wasn't president in 2017.

Back in 2008, the inspector general for the Health and Human Services department noted that HHS and Homeland Security weren't regularly checking in on these children to make sure they were doing OK with their sponsor families. So, HHS started following up with the sponsors 30 days after the children's release.

But, as the IG noted in a follow-up July 2017 report, HHS doesn't always succeed in its attempts to reach the sponsors. It reported that in the first half of 2016, HHS couldn't reach 16% of the 25,975 children placed with sponsors during those months.

In other words, under President Obama, the government "lost" 4,156 illegal immigrant children in just the first six months of 2016!

I can understand your confusion, because they look so much alike.
I can understand your confusion. there is a lot of misinformation going on
you should try getting better sources.

PS all the pictures of kids in cages and buses were all the obama administration as well.
they were taking in 2014.

so now that you have some facts lets see your outrage. (somehow i feel you will simply make an excuse).
Take your child, and brake into someone's house with him/her in tow.

See how fast you get separated, lol.

Lawbreakers have their children separated from them every day of the week, and many of these children find themselves in foster care. Parents have to prove to that they are good enough to get their children back in their custody.
Is that a humanitarian crisis?

Only if the haters can blame Trump.
Lawbreakers have their children separated from them every day of the week, and many of these children find themselves in foster care. Parents have to prove to that they are good enough to get their children back in their custody.
Is that a humanitarian crisis?

Only if the haters can blame Trump.

Those seeking asylum are not breaking the law. So what’s your point, again?

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What about age discrimination? We have child labor laws. There should be a law taking a child away from his parents without due process.

There is due PROCESS. And it IS a process, not an instant result. Made longer by claiming asylum once the parents are caught in an effort to avoid prosecution.
Next week the anti-Trumpers will invent another faux outrage.
What a shame that many have decided to pin their hopes on the alleged "crisis" at the border attempting order to take Trump down.
It's not like most of the country aren't on to their games.

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