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WTC Collapse, It's not adding up (1 Viewer)

Thats a rarity, truthers attacking truthers. Usually they support each other even when their CTs are mutually exclusive.
The reason it did not address those things are several. First, NIST report was a political coverup, and was conducted in large part by one of George Bush's "very best friends". Secondly, it was only window dressing, meant to satisfy gullible members of the public like yourself, while protecting the guilty parties that were responsible for those explosions in the basement and those lateral ejections of large structural pieces.

It's really quite simple Jack, but one MUST be curious, and one MUST open one's eyes.;)

Ok, so please explain why it would make sense to anyone to both use airplanes and demolition? It's overly complicated and would require a huge number of people to carry out.

While you may find it unbelievable that the planes alone could cause the collapse of the WTC, I find it even more unbelievable that anyone would come up with and try to implement such a ridiculous plan and that the U.S. government could keep it covered up for 15 years.
Ok, so please explain why it would make sense to anyone to both use airplanes and demolition? It's overly complicated and would require a huge number of people to carry out.

While you may find it unbelievable that the planes alone could cause the collapse of the WTC, I find it even more unbelievable that anyone would come up with and try to implement such a ridiculous plan and that the U.S. government could keep it covered up for 15 years.

And his theory includes drone aircraft. So the evil government had to make two airliners vanish together with all of the passengers. Nobody would come up with such a needlessly complicated plan.
And his theory includes drone aircraft. So the evil government had to make two airliners vanish together with all of the passengers. Nobody would come up with such a needlessly complicated plan.

Actually he beleives all 4 planes were faked
Ok, so please explain why it would make sense to anyone to both use airplanes and demolition? It's overly complicated and would require a huge number of people to carry out.

While you may find it unbelievable that the planes alone could cause the collapse of the WTC, I find it even more unbelievable that anyone would come up with and try to implement such a ridiculous plan and that the U.S. government could keep it covered up for 15 years.

Seriously if the ebil US govt actually wanted to do 911 what would be easier and less likely to come out afterwards as a ebil govt conspiracy:

1.Faking 4 hijackings, paying off the families of those who "died" on the planes, faking injects on live ATC RADAR, installing tons of thermite without anyone noticing, switching planes midair without anyone noticing, using mini-nukes without anyone noticing, using faked videos from multiple sources to show the planes crashing, crashing a plane in a field for some unknonw reason etc etc etc...
2. Putting the idea into the heads of some terrorists to hijack and crash some passenger jets
They're all just CGI Holograms from NASA!

That shoot xray laser cannonballs!

Just realized maybe the Xray lasrer cannonballs were plane shaped and thats what the videos show slamming into the buildings!
That shoot xray laser cannonballs!

Just realized maybe the Xray lasrer cannonballs were plane shaped and thats what the videos show slamming into the buildings!

X-Ray laser cannonballs from Satan himself!
When those 10 floors happen to be sandwiched in between the top and bottom of the building, they matter quite a bit. :roll:

When about 6 or 8 of those 10 floors were leased by the Kissinger protégé who eventually went on to become the head of the Provisional Coalition Authority after our invasion of Iraq, it really becomes interesting, eh? ;)
When about 6 or 8 of those 10 floors were leased by the Kissinger protégé who eventually went on to become the head of the Provisional Coalition Authority after our invasion of Iraq, it really becomes interesting, eh? ;)

This is relevant and proves your non exploding non radioactive Mini-nukes that explode and emit radiation beacuse?

*edit* dont bother asking him for sources HD dont need no stinking sources!!!!
Greening's paper assumed that every level had the same weight.


How could the bottom levels be the same weight as the top levels but be strong enough to hold the weight?


Is it safe to say that inside the exoskeleton façade, the structural steel of the towers was slightly tapered, from bottom to top?
Ok, so please explain why it would make sense to anyone to both use airplanes and demolition? It's overly complicated and would require a huge number of people to carry out.

While you may find it unbelievable that the planes alone could cause the collapse of the WTC, I find it even more unbelievable that anyone would come up with and try to implement such a ridiculous plan and that the U.S. government could keep it covered up for 15 years.

Among all the other posts here, yours stands out as being the only one of substance, and I thank you for it.

I can only speculate because I wasn't involved in the planning or execution, but the simple answer is that the airplane strike provided the nexus, the excuse, the plausible reason (on the surface) for the eventual collapse of the buildings. Keep in mind that one of the goals was to strike terror into the American populace, and airliners crashing into buildings is a pretty spectacular way to do that. It was theater, on television. It was a magnificent sleight-of-hand, and very impressive.

And the 1978 film The Medusa Touch, clearly fiction, promotional artwork for the film shows an airliner crashing into the upper floors of a fictional high rise building similar in design to WTC. Only point is certain people had already imagined an event you consider absurd and unbelievable. That one of the men responsible for that film, a film I have not personally viewed ever, was Arnon Milchan, a former member of the Israeli intelligence apparatus, makes it even more interesting. This information about the film and its origins is available at Bollyn's site, Christopher Bollyn
I can only speculate

You dont speculate, you dream in technicolor and that is all you ever do.
Facts? Nah you dont need them
Logic? Who? you never met the guy
Reason? Well yeah you have one, you hate the ebil US govt
Evidence? Thats what sheeple want free thinkers dont need that stuff!
When about 6 or 8 of those 10 floors were leased by the Kissinger protégé who eventually went on to become the head of the Provisional Coalition Authority after our invasion of Iraq, it really becomes interesting, eh? ;)

Uh, wut?

You would be very surprised at what 911 trivia there is.

Paul Bremer's company (Marsh & McLuhan?) leased about 6 or 8 floors of those involved at the North Tower. He was a protégé of Henry Kissinger, and went on to be appointed head of the CPA by Bush. He was the dude frequently wearing a nice Brooks Brothers suit, with desert camo combat boots. A real fashion trend setter. :mrgreen:
You would be very surprised at what 911 trivia there is.

Paul Bremer's company (Marsh & McLuhan?) leased about 6 or 8 floors of those involved at the North Tower. He was a protégé of Henry Kissinger, and went on to be appointed head of the CPA by Bush. He was the dude frequently wearing a nice Brooks Brothers suit, with desert camo combat boots. A real fashion trend setter. :mrgreen:

Among all the other posts here, yours stands out as being the only one of substance, and I thank you for it.
I never saw the point of insulting people.

I can only speculate because I wasn't involved in the planning or execution, but the simple answer is that the airplane strike provided the nexus, the excuse, the plausible reason (on the surface) for the eventual collapse of the buildings.
Why would that be necessary? Why would such a complex plan and sleight of hand be preferable to just using explosives or using planes? You don't need spectacular for causus belli, The sinking of the Maine (which was not actually done by the Spanish) and the Gulf of Tonkin incident provided good excuses to go to war without being spectacular. They also weren't planned, but were cases of the U.S. government using any possible excuse.

And using an extra plane to crash into a field in Pennsylvania makes no sense at all.

And the 1978 film The Medusa Touch, clearly fiction, promotional artwork for the film shows an airliner crashing into the upper floors of a fictional high rise building similar in design to WTC. Only point is certain people had already imagined an event you consider absurd and unbelievable. That one of the men responsible for that film, a film I have not personally viewed ever, was Arnon Milchan, a former member of the Israeli intelligence apparatus, makes it even more interesting. This information about the film and its origins is available at Bollyn's site, Christopher Bollyn
Mr. Milchan also produced "Pretty Woman." Should we assume he is also involved in prostitution? And he produced JFK...aha! PROOF that he is involved in a conspiracy.

The Medusa Touch stars Richard Burton as a man with psychic powers who has caused multiple disasters out of disgust with the world. One of the events is an airplane hitting a London office building. There's just no relationship.
I don't see how the fact that one of Hollywood's most prolific producers, with 138 films to his credit had one film early in his career, that had artwork vaguely similar to 9/11 can be considered anything more than a coincidence.
I never saw the point of insulting people.

Why would that be necessary? Why would such a complex plan and sleight of hand be preferable to just using explosives or using planes? You don't need spectacular for causus belli, The sinking of the Maine (which was not actually done by the Spanish) and the Gulf of Tonkin incident provided good excuses to go to war without being spectacular. They also weren't planned, but were cases of the U.S. government using any possible excuse.

And using an extra plane to crash into a field in Pennsylvania makes no sense at all.

Mr. Milchan also produced "Pretty Woman." Should we assume he is also involved in prostitution? And he produced JFK...aha! PROOF that he is involved in a conspiracy.

The Medusa Touch stars Richard Burton as a man with psychic powers who has caused multiple disasters out of disgust with the world. One of the events is an airplane hitting a London office building. There's just no relationship.
I don't see how the fact that one of Hollywood's most prolific producers, with 138 films to his credit had one film early in his career, that had artwork vaguely similar to 9/11 can be considered anything more than a coincidence.

He is clutching at straws.
When about 6 or 8 of those 10 floors were leased by the Kissinger protégé who eventually went on to become the head of the Provisional Coalition Authority after our invasion of Iraq, it really becomes interesting, eh? ;)

So now the guy who thinks hitting the world's largest office building is an amazing feat of aviation thinks specific floors were targeted by aircraft.
So now the guy who thinks hitting the world's largest office building is an amazing feat of aviation thinks specific floors were targeted by aircraft.

But you see it wasnt actually the planes that hit the buildings, it was something else, possibly X-ray laser cannon balls shaped to look like planes
But you see it wasnt actually the planes that hit the buildings, it was something else, possibly X-ray laser cannon balls shaped to look like planes

Ahh, my mistake. Obviously those are much easier to steer. Particularly the blue x-rays, they're quite docile. The green x-rays are a bit stubborn but it's workable. I assume the red x-rays we saw that day were artificially colored, everyone knows red x-rays are suuuper expensive.
Thats a rarity, truthers attacking truthers. Usually they support each other even when their CTs are mutually exclusive.


What kind of people think pointing out a verifiable and comprehensible fact is an ATTACK?

The objective is to get everyone to understand and thus solve the problem. We have too many people BELIEVING one side or the other and presenting stupid emotional arguments. :roll:

I guess if people get their egos wrapped up in their stupid arguments then any disagreement must seem like an attack. :lol:

Is it safe to say that inside the exoskeleton façade, the structural steel of the towers was slightly tapered, from bottom to top?

Actually it applies to the exoskeleton also. An article from a 1970 engineering magazine provides data on the perimeter panels from the 9th floor to the top of the building:

The largest contract for fabrication of structural steel is held by Pacific Car and Foundry Co., of Seattle. It is $21.79 million for 55,000 tons of steel for the towers' bearing wall panels from the ninth floor up.

In all there are 5,828 of these panels, each about 10 ft wide, 36 ft high, with the heaviest individual panel weighing about 22 tons. Each panel consists of three box columns, 14 in. square, made up of plate up to 3 in. thick and, connected by 54-in, deep spandrels.
Some Articles From Engineering News Record.

If we were told how many different weights of panels there were and the quantity of each we would have good data on the taper up the building.

There is a History Channel documentary that says the panels were 22 tons each implying that they were all of the same weight. But if that were the case then the panels on one building would be 61,000 tons which is more than that article says for the total weight of panels for both buildings.

So the whole WTC 9/11 Affair is a morass of misinformation.


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