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WTC Collapse, It's not adding up (1 Viewer)

I suppose that you have a better explanation. Please share it with us.

Of course he does. It was airplane shaped visible X-ray cannon balls in conjunction with tons and tons of nanothermite that set off the non exploding non radioactive mini nukes that explode and emit radiation

Yeah, and the 911 Commission Report "explained" it all, eh? :lamo
This was his standard. Go whine at him.

Is there a reason you keep dodging my objection about visible X-rays? Are you hiding something?
This was his standard. Go whine at him.

Is there a reason you keep dodging my objection about visible X-rays? Are you hiding something?


As I've mentioned before, some questions are intelligent and worth answering and engaging. Others are just fluff and wind, and not worth answering, pointless and trivial.

As I've mentioned before, some questions are intelligent and worth answering and engaging. Others are just fluff and wind, and not worth answering, pointless and trivial.

You're the one who raised the possibility of an X-ray weapon. Do you really think "X-rays aren't visible and don't travel at airliner speeds" is pointless and trivial? You're suggesting fundamental laws of physics are trivial to discussing 9/11?

Interesting. Alright then.
You're the one who raised the possibility of an X-ray weapon. Do you really think "X-rays aren't visible and don't travel at airliner speeds" is pointless and trivial? You're suggesting fundamental laws of physics are trivial to discussing 9/11?

Interesting. Alright then.

What he is saying is that he knows he said something stupid and would prefer to ignore it than deal with it.
You're the one who raised the possibility of an X-ray weapon. Do you really think "X-rays aren't visible and don't travel at airliner speeds" is pointless and trivial? You're suggesting fundamental laws of physics are trivial to discussing 9/11?

Interesting. Alright then.

Your criticism comes from a position of ignorance, one we both share. I've never been involved in xray laser research, and never have you. I've said from the start that the xray laser theory is plausible, but still just a theory. You want to make it sound like I worship at the Church of the Xray Laser. For such a gullible dude you sure are full of it.
Your criticism comes from a position of ignorance, one we both share. I've never been involved in xray laser research, and never have you. I've said from the start that the xray laser theory is plausible, but still just a theory. You want to make it sound like I worship at the Church of the Xray Laser. For such a gullible dude you sure are full of it.

It is not plausible and you know it.
Of course he knows it but anything to blame the ebil US govt is OK with him

He seems to think that a government is a kind of evil entity, like Godzilla for example.
He seems to think that a government is a kind of evil entity, like Godzilla for example.

No just the ebil US govt. He loves Bad Vlad probably pretty keen on Kim Jong-Un as well

After 16 years, why is there not one concise explanation for CD. There is no consensus on what was used, who did it, how it was done. It is interesting to see the conflict between various CD supporter authors/groups. AE911T has never provided an explanation. They just want a new investigation. Prager says it was "neutron nukes", yet fails to explain how it was done. Many authors who made money on 911 have gone silent.

Yes, some posts are not worth a response. imo, The CD supporters generally come up with nonsense when pressed for details.
Your criticism comes from a position of ignorance, one we both share. I've never been involved in xray laser research, and never have you. I've said from the start that the xray laser theory is plausible, but still just a theory. You want to make it sound like I worship at the Church of the Xray Laser. For such a gullible dude you sure are full of it.

But that's just it: it's not plausible. It's not even possible.

Thoreau. X-rays are photons. They travel at the speed of light. The "ball" you pointed at was subsonic.

Oh, and you can't see them. X-rays are outside the visible spectrum. The human eye is incapable of perceiving them.

And that's not even getting into the whole issue of x-rays being a terrible medium for a laser weapon: they are absorbed and scattered rapidly by the atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the energy projected would actually reach the target. (and, at a certain distance, you'd actually direct more energy back at the shooter than you manage to impact the target with!)

This isn't some barrier that your "xray laser research" can get around. These are laws of physics. You can't make xrays pass cleanly through the atmosphere.
But that's just it: it's not plausible. It's not even possible.

Thoreau. X-rays are photons. They travel at the speed of light. The "ball" you pointed at was subsonic.

Oh, and you can't see them. X-rays are outside the visible spectrum. The human eye is incapable of perceiving them.

And that's not even getting into the whole issue of x-rays being a terrible medium for a laser weapon: they are absorbed and scattered rapidly by the atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the energy projected would actually reach the target. (and, at a certain distance, you'd actually direct more energy back at the shooter than you manage to impact the target with!)

This isn't some barrier that your "xray laser research" can get around. These are laws of physics. You can't make xrays pass cleanly through the atmosphere.

X rays destroying a building. Maybe Lex Luthor was involved.
Maybe Cheney IS Lex Luthor!

Let's imagine that HD is correct. Now who in the evil government first thought of the plan, then he'd have to convince his colleagues to support the insane plan, then they would have to contact airline companies, telephone companies, the NYFD, the NYPD, a whole bunch of people willing to be the passengers that disappear, air traffic controllers and a host of of others and persuade them to join in. Plus rigging the buildings with explosives and/or firing an X ray laser cannon without anyone noticing it. Now that is much more plausible than 19 hijackers crashing planes into buildings.
Let's imagine that HD is correct. Now who in the evil government first thought of the plan, then he'd have to convince his colleagues to support the insane plan, then they would have to contact airline companies, telephone companies, the NYFD, the NYPD, a whole bunch of people willing to be the passengers that disappear, air traffic controllers and a host of of others and persuade them to join in. Plus rigging the buildings with explosives and/or firing an X ray laser cannon without anyone noticing it. Now that is much more plausible than 19 hijackers crashing planes into buildings.

You forgot the non radioactive non exploding mini nukes that explode and emit radiation again!

But seriously if the Ebil govt really was behind this wouldn't it be far easier, use far less people, have better chance of success and vastly less chance of exposure just to plant the idea of hijacking and crashing passenger jets with some known terrorist organization that hates the USA?
You forgot the non radioactive non exploding mini nukes that explode and emit radiation again!

But seriously if the Ebil govt really was behind this wouldn't it be far easier, use far less people, have better chance of success and vastly less chance of exposure just to plant the idea of hijacking and crashing passenger jets with some known terrorist organization that hates the USA?

Well, the convolutions of the truther mindset are a wonder to behold.

After 16 years, why is there not one concise explanation for CD. There is no consensus on what was used, who did it, how it was done. It is interesting to see the conflict between various CD supporter authors/groups. AE911T has never provided an explanation. They just want a new investigation. Prager says it was "neutron nukes", yet fails to explain how it was done. Many authors who made money on 911 have gone silent.

Yes, some posts are not worth a response. imo, The CD supporters generally come up with nonsense when pressed for details.

I say again Mike, it is just too damn complicated, perhaps too subtle, for you to grasp. :peace
But that's just it: it's not plausible. It's not even possible.

Thoreau. X-rays are photons. They travel at the speed of light. The "ball" you pointed at was subsonic.

Oh, and you can't see them. X-rays are outside the visible spectrum. The human eye is incapable of perceiving them.

And that's not even getting into the whole issue of x-rays being a terrible medium for a laser weapon: they are absorbed and scattered rapidly by the atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the energy projected would actually reach the target. (and, at a certain distance, you'd actually direct more energy back at the shooter than you manage to impact the target with!)

This isn't some barrier that your "xray laser research" can get around. These are laws of physics. You can't make xrays pass cleanly through the atmosphere.

And again to you Deuce, from a pilot who really believes the Hani Maneuver to be possible, your understanding of physics as demonstrated by numerous posts here is less than substandard. I admire your principled stance against torture, but your grasp of physics and human performance is impressive in all the wrong ways.
And again to you Deuce, from a pilot who really believes the Hani Maneuver to be possible, your understanding of physics as demonstrated by numerous posts here is less than substandard. I admire your principled stance against torture, but your grasp of physics and human performance is impressive in all the wrong ways.

And again to you Deuce, from a pilot who really believes the Hani Maneuver to be possible, your understanding of physics as demonstrated by numerous posts here is less than substandard. I admire your principled stance against torture, but your grasp of physics and human performance is impressive in all the wrong ways.

Odd how you can't actually identify any point in that post that is wrong. My grasp of physics is bad? Enlighten us then, professor. Tell us how every physicist on the planet is wrong about photons. Go ahead and tell us how light doesn't actually travel at the speed of light.

And show me the human being who can see x-rays. (no, superman doesn't count, he's not real)
I say again Mike, it is just too damn complicated, perhaps too subtle, for you to grasp. :peace

Not at all T72. It is you who failed to answer in a meaningful way.
Noted: you did not give an explanation to why there is still multiple CD theories.

Believe what you want.
Odd how you can't actually identify any point in that post that is wrong. My grasp of physics is bad? Enlighten us then, professor. Tell us how every physicist on the planet is wrong about photons. Go ahead and tell us how light doesn't actually travel at the speed of light.

And show me the human being who can see x-rays. (no, superman doesn't count, he's not real)

The notion that one could see a subsonic ball of x-rays belies a lack of knowledge of physics that is astounding in it's level of ignorance.

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