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Written Statement/Written Confession (1 Viewer)

If George was not embellishing his narratives.. he would say.. I don't know.

You know what a red flag is, I assume.
So, you are unable to answer your own question.
Yes it is simple. So why are you not able to do it?

When you see a person go one way and then you follow them that way, but they are no longer there. (lost them)
And you turn around to return to your vehicle and that person approaches you from the rear.
He doubled back because he is no longer heading in the direction he originally was.
That is as simple as it gets.

Start using your thinker. It is in there for a reason.

George claims he went thru the north cut to Retreat View Circle.. the street he lived on ..

PS.. he walked his Rottweiler around the circle and to the grassy alley every night... and his SUV was parked on Twin Trees.

How did he know where Trayvon was and that he doubled back?

George claims he went thru the north cut to Retreat View Circle.. the street he lived on ..

PS.. he walked his Rottweiler around the circle and to the grassy alley every night... and his SUV was parked on Twin Trees.

How did he know where Trayvon was and that he doubled back?

You need to think about what I previously said.
I think it the result of him knowingly illegally killing TM.

On Thursday morning the second batch of evidence hits the street so it will be interesting to see what else they have against GZ.

I'm trying to keep a straight face, here....but your theory is that Mr. Zimmerman is guilty because of your list?
You need to think about what I previously said.

I'm not sure she wants to. It's much easier to just post silliness then claim others have to think.
George claims he went thru the north cut to Retreat View Circle.. the street he lived on ..

PS.. he walked his Rottweiler around the circle and to the grassy alley every night... and his SUV was parked on Twin Trees.

How did he know where Trayvon was and that he doubled back?


He didn't know.
Why don't YOU consider such information?

How do you know what someone did and where they went if you never saw them?

My career involved tens of millions of dollars.. I couldn't "guess" or invent information. Old habits die hard.


Yes, when you were 12 years old traveling around the world alone you were carrying tens of millions of dollars.

I guess that is why you are so paranoid and terrified in public of other people.

Since you use career in the past tense, against I have to conclude OLD.
I'm not sure she wants to. It's much easier to just post silliness then claim others have to think.

How do you explain George claiming that Trayvon doubled back when he said he didn't know where Trayvon went and had lost "visual".

I couldn't do that... without "Taro Cards".
Oh I have and I have invited you to use your head. Beyond that.. there is nothing I can do.

As joko above, and others have pointed out pointed out, he didn't.

Your question Sharon: "How did George KNOW where Trayvon went or where he doubled back from."
Think about it. If you lose someone, you have no idea where that person is or from whence they came from.
How do you explain George claiming that Trayvon doubled back when he said he didn't know where Trayvon went and had lost "visual".

I couldn't do that... without "Taro Cards".

He knew Trayvon had doubled back when he saw TM approaching him. Pretty simplistic really. He knew what he knew when he knew it and not before.

Yes, when you were 12 years old traveling around the world alone you were carrying tens of millions of dollars.

I guess that is why you are so paranoid and terrified in public of other people.

Since you use career in the past tense, against I have to conclude OLD.

I did not have a career at age 12..

Terror? LOLOL Speak for yourself.. I have done a great deal of public speaking ...

Yes, I am old and retired.

When you have a half million dollar discretionary budget and generate 13 million a year.
.. it means you are good at what you do.
How do you explain George claiming that Trayvon doubled back when he said he didn't know where Trayvon went and had lost "visual".

I couldn't do that... without "Taro Cards".

Well, then you aren't thinking. What would you assume if you didn't see someone when you first passed by, then that person ended up coming back at on your way back the other direction? Maybe he had an invisilibty potion? He's an expert at camoflage and had just been lying on the ground? Not sure what other conclusions you would have drawn.
Why don't YOU consider such information?

How do you know what someone did and where they went if you never saw them?

My career involved tens of millions of dollars.. I couldn't "guess" or invent information. Old habits die hard.

Will answer the above question.

Myself isn't the one making those claims, you are.
I'm trying to keep a straight face, here....but your theory is that Mr. Zimmerman is guilty because of your list?

It is impossible for GZ supporters to keep a straight face.

Like most others, you are ignoring the facts in the OP because you cannot explain all of GZ's own contradictions he gave a couple of hours after killing TM.
It is impossible for GZ supporters to keep a straight face.

Like most others, you are ignoring the facts in the OP because you cannot explain all of GZ's own contradictions he gave a couple of hours after killing TM.

Start by analyzing the case in terms of what the state can and cannot prove with the publicly disclosed evidence available to it.
I did not have a career at age 12..

Terror? LOLOL Speak for yourself.. I have done a great deal of public speaking ...

Yes, I am old and retired.

When you have a half million dollar discretionary budget and generate 13 million a year.
.. it means you are good at what you do.

OK, fair enough. No reason not to believe you.

However, public speaking and fear of people in outdoor settings are different from each other. Standing in front of a group of people is extremely safe physically.
He knew Trayvon had doubled back when he saw TM approaching him. Pretty simplistic really. He knew what he knew when he knew it and not before.

From where?

George is lying because he knows he screwed up and he's frghtened.

He says TM popped out of the bushes.. There are no bushes. He claims TM said MF a dozen times and you are gona die tonight..

If one of my boys were in a struggle with GZ they wouldn't be inventing bad dialogue.
It is impossible for GZ supporters to keep a straight face.

Like most others, you are ignoring the facts in the OP because you cannot explain all of GZ's own contradictions he gave a couple of hours after killing TM.
When it is known what happened. And understood why something was said. It is no longer an inconsistency.

And, as we all know, the following is what was said about the evidence.

Serino said his investigation turned up no reliable evidence that cast doubt on Zimmerman's account – that he had acted in self-defense.

"The best evidence we have is the testimony of George Zimmerman, and he says the decedent was the primary aggressor in the whole event," Serino told the Sentinel March 16. "Everything I have is adding up to what he says."
It is impossible for GZ supporters to keep a straight face.

Like most others, you are ignoring the facts in the OP because you cannot explain all of GZ's own contradictions he gave a couple of hours after killing TM.

The OP is stupid-headed analysis. Whiny, juvenile trivial. The foolish inconsistencies that are the hobgobblins of people with little minds.

So, yes, it is hard to keep a straight face about it. You're right about that. The OP is not only stupid, but of such trivialities.
He says TM popped out of the bushes.. There are no bushes.
Why are you lying?

You already know that there are bushes.
And depending on your point of view the bushes are either right in front of, or behind, the divider.
Which could make it appear as though a person came out of the bushes.

Why are you lying?

You already know that there are bushes.
And depending on your point of view the bushes are either right in front of, or behind, the divider.
Which could make it appear as though a person came out of the bushes.


LOLOLOL.. the Bushes are less than 30 inches high. Come on... Think.
How do you explain George claiming that Trayvon doubled back when he said he didn't know where Trayvon went and had lost "visual".
Even though you know a person headed in a certain direction, it doesn't mean you know exactly where they went when you can no longer see them. Duh!
But since Trayvon came back from the direction he was headed in order to confront Zimmerman, he doubled back.

This isn't rocket science.
Use that thinker that is on your shoulders. It is there for a reason.
LOLOLOL.. the Bushes are less than 30 inches high. Come on... Think.

So you refuse to think.
What a shame.

If he says Trayvon came from the bushes, or from behind the bushes, what I said explains it.
Three days earlier the capias request was made.
And as I understand it, had to be made in order for the prosecution to take over the investigation.
That seems markedly different from the assertion earlier that it didn't come until weeks later as the result of political pressure. Seems to actually preclude the possibility that Serino decided to charge GZ as a result of political pressure. If one were going to make the case that there was some political pressure on Serino, it would seem like it would be easier to make the case that he changed his story to "not enough evidence" rather than from "not enough evidence."

Perhaps joko's got some different info than we do. idk.

Fwiw, I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that Serino had filed similar paperwok in February. So, that means you're most likely right about him not filing an affidavit to the effect that GZ should be arrested in February.

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