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Would you cross party lines at the polls & for who? (1 Viewer)

Would you be willing to cross party lines in 2008's Presidential race?

  • Yes. I always vote for whomever is most qualified.

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No. I always walk the party line.

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Ok, I'm a pretty solid Democrat, though I consider myself a centrist. There are actually a number of issues that I agree with the Republicans on, though, and comprimise usually works better than one extreme or another. That's why I voted here in Massachusetts for both Bill Weld and Paul Cellucci for Governor.

Ok, so down to it. In 2008, who might you be willing to cross party lines for in the presidential race, if you're willing to do so at all.
JustMyPOV said:
Ok, I'm a pretty solid Democrat, though I consider myself a centrist. There are actually a number of issues that I agree with the Republicans on, though, and comprimise usually works better than one extreme or another. That's why I voted here in Massachusetts for both Bill Weld and Paul Cellucci for Governor.

Ok, so down to it. In 2008, who might you be willing to cross party lines for in the presidential race, if you're willing to do so at all.

Hi POV. I have crossed party lines, but I didn't want to say "always," so I said I always went straight ticket (which is democratic).

If Hillary Clinton were to run against John McCain, I would likely vote for McCain. Same with Rudy Guilliani. However, if the republican nominee was Bill Frist, I would pick Hillary any day over that loser.

Hey, so you live in Mass? I grew up there, but don't live there anymore. I liked Weld too. I'm still a "liberal from Massachusetts" though. ;)
Unfortunately, I seem to do it all the time. I would love to vote libertarian but... I also like to have my vote mean something too. :rofl
If the Republicans cloned Lincoln, I would vote for him. :mrgreen:

I could vote for McCain if he's against a particularly weak Dem in 2008.
hipsterdufus said:
If the Republicans cloned Lincoln, I would vote for him. :mrgreen:

I could vote for McCain if he's against a particularly weak Dem in 2008.

If the Republican's cloned Lincoln, I would vote democrat in a heart beat. He was at the right time in history, and not a good Prez IMO. Don't get me wrong (some people will), I am very glad what he did for this country as far as freeing the slaves.

I would vote Independant for the first time if McCain was nominated as well.
If there's not a substantive issue distinction IMHO to be made in an election, I choose the non-incumbent. So I cross party lines all the time esp in local elections.
vauge said:
If the Republican's cloned Lincoln, I would vote democrat in a heart beat. He was at the right time in history, and not a good Prez IMO. Don't get me wrong (some people will), I am very glad what he did for this country as far as freeing the slaves.

I would vote Independant for the first time if McCain was nominated as well.

Well, I doubt that Lincoln could get the nomination in this day and age anyway.
I am a registered independant, have been voting since '88, and voted for Bush the last 2 times. The reason was because the Republican ideas appealed to me, and neither Gore nor Kerry was anyone I would want in the White House. And I have news for you: Hillary is on that list as well. Keep throwing left wingers up at me and the question is a moot point. McCain trumps anybody the Dems will nominate anyway, maybe they should draft him in to the party.
HMM, yes and no. I can't vote in this poll. I always vote for the most qualified, and they always are libertarians, so I vote party line, at least for federal office. All polls, even "yes or no" polls should have an all of the above, or none of the above :D
John McCain is currently the only republican who would get my vote against any dem nominee...however, the republicans will NEVER nominate McCain.
while i typically walk the party line
i have no problem voting for best candidate, even if he is Dem :3oops:
doesnt happen often, but i did vote for a dem in '04
it was for Mosquito Control Supervisor:lol:
I vote along with who I think is the best candidate. For example, I don't completely agree with Sen. Lieberman's ideals, but I think he has enough conservative to be acceptable as an opposition candidate that I would vote for. I put Zel Miller in the category as well and there are a few more I can't think of as of yet. There is also a local guy we have in Louisiana that I respect on the Democrat side, State Treasurer John Kennedy (No s&*$!, that's his real name).
LaMidRighter said:
I vote along with who I think is the best candidate. For example, I don't completely agree with Sen. Lieberman's ideals, but I think he has enough conservative ideas to be acceptable as an opposition candidate that I would vote for. I put Zel Miller in the category as well and there are a few more I can't think of as of yet. There is also a local guy we have in Louisiana that I respect on the Democrat side, State Treasurer John Kennedy (No s&*$!, that's his real name).

*did edit for clarity*

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