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Would you allow your children to be taught by a transgender? (1 Viewer)

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Jan 25, 2006
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Dayton, OH
Political Leaning
In recent news, a man named Mr. McBeth was allowed to return to teaching at Eagleswood Elementary School after undergoing gender reassignment surgery to become a woman. Now named Lily McBeth, she was allowed by the school board to return to the school as a substitute teacher.

So, that poses the question....would you allow your children to be taught by someone who was once a man, but is now a woman?
hipster_19 said:
So, that poses the question....would you allow your children to be taught by someone who was once a man, but is now a woman?

Sure. Why not?

Long as she ain't showing off the scars from her surgery, I just don't see how it's an issue.
Korimyr the Rat said:
Sure. Why not?

Long as she ain't showing off the scars from her surgery, I just don't see how it's an issue.

I don't see how it is either. But, some of the parents are arguing that since the children are so young (it is an elementary school) that they won't understand why this teacher was once a man, and is now a woman. I can understand where they are coming from, but they need to realize that their children are not as sheltered and ignorant as they might think. If anything, I think children would be much more understanding about it than adults would!
I would venture to guess that the parents that are using their children as an excuse as to why McBeth shouldn't teach would have issues with gay teachers as well. In short, small-minded bigotry. Never ceases to amaze me how parents will not only inflict unfounded fears on their kids, but are unwilling to objectively answer children's questions, discuss children's concerns with them and only offer their own viewpoint when actually asked.:roll:
hipster_19 said:
I don't see how it is either. But, some of the parents are arguing that since the children are so young (it is an elementary school) that they won't understand why this teacher was once a man, and is now a woman. I can understand where they are coming from, but they need to realize that their children are not as sheltered and ignorant as they might think. If anything, I think children would be much more understanding about it than adults would!

I think I am siding with the parents on this one. If the children were older, then it wouldnt be an issue, but I dont think that children in elementary school should be subjected to the kind of confusion that comes along with dealing with this issue. Gender identity is a complex issue that we have not fully explored. I think that the potential harm (even if it is just a suspicion of harm) that could be done by confusing the children is just not worth being PC over this. If Ms. McBeth would like to work with older kids who are not going to suffer the confusion that younger kids may, then I see no problem with that.
ngdawg said:
I would venture to guess that the parents that are using their children as an excuse as to why McBeth shouldn't teach would have issues with gay teachers as well. In short, small-minded bigotry. Never ceases to amaze me how parents will not only inflict unfounded fears on their kids, but are unwilling to objectively answer children's questions, discuss children's concerns with them and only offer their own viewpoint when actually asked.:roll:

I don't necessarily believe that. A teacher being gay is not as apparent as a teacher who used to be a man and is now dressed as a woman. That can be very confusing to children. The children don't necessarily have to know that the teacher is gay, but they certainly know that their once male teacher is now dressing like a woman. It could be very cofusing to a child, especially at that age. I do agree that the parents should just talk about the issue with their children to allow them to understand the situation, but instead, they just choose to ignore it and hope it goes away. Those are inevitably the children that rebel when they grow up because their parents try to shelter them.
jallman said:
I think I am siding with the parents on this one. If the children were older, then it wouldnt be an issue, but I dont think that children in elementary school should be subjected to the kind of confusion that comes along with dealing with this issue. Gender identity is a complex issue that we have not fully explored. I think that the potential harm (even if it is just a suspicion of harm) that could be done by confusing the children is just not worth being PC over this. If Ms. McBeth would like to work with older kids who are not going to suffer the confusion that younger kids may, then I see no problem with that.

I agree, said the same thing in the poll, well said, I just flipped out when I read it!:shock:
Deegan said:
I agree, said the same thing in the poll, well said, I just flipped out when I read it!:shock:

I'm sorry...a bit dense today...did you flip out because I said this or because of the issue itself?
As long as "she" teaches well I can not see any reason as to why not teach. Parents are simply instilling an uncalled for phobia as a result of thier own ignorance.
hipster_19 said:
I don't necessarily believe that. A teacher being gay is not as apparent as a teacher who used to be a man and is now dressed as a woman. That can be very confusing to children. The children don't necessarily have to know that the teacher is gay, but they certainly know that their once male teacher is now dressing like a woman. It could be very cofusing to a child, especially at that age. I do agree that the parents should just talk about the issue with their children to allow them to understand the situation, but instead, they just choose to ignore it and hope it goes away. Those are inevitably the children that rebel when they grow up because their parents try to shelter them.

Trust me, when a 6 year old sees and recognizes that Mr. M is dressing as a woman, that 6 year old will ask, usually quite loudly and without remorse, 'Why is Mr. M dressed like a lady??'
It's the point of confusion that should be addressed by parents in a non-condemning manner, but instead they take the easy way out by using their kids as their excuse for not willing to discuss this type of diversity. The great thing about small children, at least of school age, is when they don't understand they SAY they don't understand and that is the time to talk to them. To stand there and tell anyone that THEY are confusing to their children and therefore should not be around them is a copout.
ngdawg said:
Trust me, when a 6 year old sees and recognizes that Mr. M is dressing as a woman, that 6 year old will ask, usually quite loudly and without remorse, 'Why is Mr. M dressed like a lady??'
It's the point of confusion that should be addressed by parents in a non-condemning manner, but instead they take the easy way out by using their kids as their excuse for not willing to discuss this type of diversity. The great thing about small children, at least of school age, is when they don't understand they SAY they don't understand and that is the time to talk to them. To stand there and tell anyone that THEY are confusing to their children and therefore should not be around them is a copout.

Very well said! Its like you're reading my mind!
ngdawg said:
Trust me, when a 6 year old sees and recognizes that Mr. M is dressing as a woman, that 6 year old will ask, usually quite loudly and without remorse, 'Why is Mr. M dressed like a lady??'
It's the point of confusion that should be addressed by parents in a non-condemning manner, but instead they take the easy way out by using their kids as their excuse for not willing to discuss this type of diversity. The great thing about small children, at least of school age, is when they don't understand they SAY they don't understand and that is the time to talk to them. To stand there and tell anyone that THEY are confusing to their children and therefore should not be around them is a copout.
:applaud Well said :bravo:
If it isn't affecting the kids in negative ways, sure.
How about judging the person based on his teaching ability.

Mr. D said:
How about judging the person based on his teaching ability.


I agree with you. In the case of an elementary school teacher, part of that teacher's ability is the capability of providing a positive role model to the children. I just feel that in the case of a transgender post-op, that ability is kind of shattered when his/her very gender identitiy is confusing to the children. I just dont see anything exceptional coming from allowing Ms. M to thrust those kinds of questions on children at such an impressionable time in their lives. Further, I think the time and circumstances of explaining those situations should be at the discretion of the parents and not because the school did nothing to curb such an incident, but exacerbated it by exposing the children to gender crises that are confusing for most adults to think about...let alone elementary school kids.
hipster_19 said:
Would you allow your children to be taught by a transgender?

That question is like asking "Hey do you want your kids to be in the same classroom as a psyco?" or "Would you like your kids being taught by someone who belongs in a nuthouse"?
Mr. D said:
How about judging the person based on his teaching ability.


I hear that serial killers are very intellegent people,do you want them teaching our kids too if they can teach well?
jamesrage said:
That question is like asking "Hey do you want your kids to be in the same classroom as a psyco?" or "Would you like your kids being taught by someone who belongs in a nuthouse"?
Oh? how do you claim so? you have evidence that transexuals are pshycos?
jfuh said:
Oh? how do you claim so? you have evidence that transexuals are pshycos?

Sane people do not have gender identity issues and have their dick and balls chopped off to be something they are not.

If I took a knife and purpusly chopped my fingers and toes off becasue I did not want to write anything anymore or play video games, normal people would not say that I am insane they would say that I am ****en insane for doing something like that.
ngdawg said:
I would venture to guess that the parents that are using their children as an excuse as to why McBeth shouldn't teach would have issues with gay teachers as well. In short, small-minded bigotry. Never ceases to amaze me how parents will not only inflict unfounded fears on their kids, but are unwilling to objectively answer children's questions, discuss children's concerns with them and only offer their own viewpoint when actually asked.:roll:

That's not true. I don't have issues with homosexual teachers. I'm not even sure I'd have issues with EVERY transgender teacher.

But this particular teacher had a sex change at age 70. That makes my alarm whistles go off cause to me that's crazy. Why do something like that so late in life? In my mind it's a sign of mental instability and baggage to have an operation like that at that age. Her mental state could be great but her circumstances are so bizarre and public that I would be against her teaching my kids. There's too much risk that she's a little unstable in my honest opinion.

Like I said in the other thread...If my 70 year old grandpa wanted to wear dresses and have a sex change I'd have him checked for dementia.

Therefore THIS particular case is a definite no in my mind.

Plus I believe at the very least she should have agreed to go quietly to a new school but she is instead choosing to make this a public spectacle. Why? You'd think she'd be happy to avoid having to explain her MR to MS conversion to young kids who might know her from years past. Teachers get new kids every year anyway so what's the big deal about going to a new school? I wouldn't want her at my kids school due to aforementioned however if she agreed to go quietly to a new school I might consider her more sane and concerned about the welfare of her would be young impressionable charges. Plus even if she did come to my kids school I probably wouldn't even know for sure what was up. I might suspect she use to be a man but I wouldn't ask her since it's none of my business. And I might relax more safe in the knowledge that my kids aren't likely to be asking her questions about why she use to be a man last year and she won't be answering questions about gender in a way I don't agree with.

With all that in mind I have to question the mental stability behind the decisions she is making. Does she really think it's perfectly okay to ask a child that called her MR last year to call her MS now? Why does she even want to deal with those questions? Plus she is 71 now. Why not just retire? I can't help but think she has an agenda to just get a transgender issue in the media since she is basically at the end of her career anyway.
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Mr. D said:
How about judging the person based on his teaching ability.

What, and give him/her/it a chance to corrupt our children and possibly teach them it is alright to change your sex?

No, I would not allow my child to be taught by a transgender if I knew the teacher to be one.
ThePhoenix said:
What, and give him/her/it a chance to corrupt our children and possibly teach them it is alright to change your sex?

No, I would not allow my child to be taught by a transgender if I knew the teacher to be one.
The ignorance that is pervading this forum when it comes to this subject in particular just boggles the mind.
First off, where on earth are you getting the idea that she's out to teach your kids ' it is alright to change your sex'? What? Little football-playing junior is suddenly going to ask you if he can be a girl for a week? Get real...
Transgenderism is, in a word, complicated. The subject has to actually live the life of the preferred gender for a minimum of one year before any type of transformation is begun. They have to undergo psychological therapy, hormonal therapy, blood work for years. The surgery to complete the transformation is the last item of a long list a transgender must follow.
Quite frankly, the fact that this person really had to live two lives for so long, knowing that one was a lie, shows more strength than most posters have shown here. Also, the fact that for almost 7 decades she knew she was not a 'normal' man, yet tried to live as one anyway must have been a lot harder psychologically than anything she is going through now. Quite frankly, not one single person here or anywhere else is aware of the psychological health of their kids' teachers until it's brought out in such arenas-then suddenly everyone starts arming themselves and with lit torches, march through their village to 'kill the monster'. That mentality shows a lot more instability than someone who FINALLY got their $h!t together.
jallman said:
I agree with you. In the case of an elementary school teacher, part of that teacher's ability is the capability of providing a positive role model to the children. I just feel that in the case of a transgender post-op, that ability is kind of shattered when his/her very gender identitiy is confusing to the children. I just dont see anything exceptional coming from allowing Ms. M to thrust those kinds of questions on children at such an impressionable time in their lives. Further, I think the time and circumstances of explaining those situations should be at the discretion of the parents and not because the school did nothing to curb such an incident, but exacerbated it by exposing the children to gender crises that are confusing for most adults to think about...let alone elementary school kids.

This is a substitute teacher, for Christ's sake. My guess is that the kids might not even recognize the guy. People are assuming that the kids will either recognize the guy or recognize the last name. If it was a teacher they had on a day-to-day basis, that might be true. But I am guessing they wouldn't remember his face or his name.

Regardless, this is a fact of life, and as long as this person does his/her job well, they shouldn't be discriminated against. This just feeds to people's prejudices. If parents don't make a big deal about it, children won't as well. Why are people so discriminatory? I think children should be taught tolerance at an early age.
ngdawg said:
The ignorance that is pervading this forum when it comes to this subject in particular just boggles the mind.
First off, where on earth are you getting the idea that she's out to teach your kids ' it is alright to change your sex'? What? Little football-playing junior is suddenly going to ask you if he can be a girl for a week? Get real...
Transgenderism is, in a word, complicated. The subject has to actually live the life of the preferred gender for a minimum of one year before any type of transformation is begun. They have to undergo psychological therapy, hormonal therapy, blood work for years. The surgery to complete the transformation is the last item of a long list a transgender must follow.
Quite frankly, the fact that this person really had to live two lives for so long, knowing that one was a lie, shows more strength than most posters have shown here. Also, the fact that for almost 7 decades she knew she was not a 'normal' man, yet tried to live as one anyway must have been a lot harder psychologically than anything she is going through now. Quite frankly, not one single person here or anywhere else is aware of the psychological health of their kids' teachers until it's brought out in such arenas-then suddenly everyone starts arming themselves and with lit torches, march through their village to 'kill the monster'. That mentality shows a lot more instability than someone who FINALLY got their $h!t together.

Fantastic post, ngdawg! :clap:

Phoenix, I am just glad that you're not one of my parents. I'd probably be a bigot if you were. I am so grateful that my parents taught me to be tolerant of everyone. They are classy people with big hearts.
aps said:
This is a substitute teacher, for Christ's sake. My guess is that the kids might not even recognize the guy. People are assuming that the kids will either recognize the guy or recognize the last name. If it was a teacher they had on a day-to-day basis, that might be true. But I am guessing they wouldn't remember his face or his name.

I dont care if s/he is the janitor they see in the hall from time to time. The fact remains that this individual underwent an extreme reformation with implications that are both fascinating and confusing at the same time. I dont think it is right nor is it healthy to subject elementary school children to that kind of confusion. There is no way to delicately approach the topic of gender identity issues in a way that children understand. And as far as the kids not even knowing...thats utter bullshit...the whole damned nation knows as evidenced by the article and this thread. Come on aps, I am as tolerant and open-minded as anyone on this forum, but this is an extreme circumstance and the value of the children's education over shadows the political correctness of letting a post op trannie into an elementary school classroom. :roll:

Regardless, this is a fact of life, and as long as this person does his/her job well, they shouldn't be discriminated against. This just feeds to people's prejudices. If parents don't make a big deal about it, children won't as well. Why are people so discriminatory? I think children should be taught tolerance at an early age.

You are correct. It is a fact of life that some individuals are born with gender identity crisis and that they have a right to form themselves into the person they feel that they are inside. No one is arguing that point. I am sure the person can continue to do their job well after the procedure and some re-adjustment counseling. However, being an elementary school teacher is not one of those instances. I for one would jerk my kid right out of that school and take on an extra job to put them in a good Catholic school if I were in such a position. It is the parent's right to pick a time of their choosing to explain such heavy issues to their children. I believe the school board needs to listen to these parents and a good ole healthy dose of common sense in dealing with this issue.
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