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Would death penalty in OBL's case be justifiable? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2005
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I'm against the death penalty because I can not believe without a doubt that all ppl on death row are guilty of thier crime. Also I do not believe that such vengence ever provides any closure to the victim's family or close ones.
However in relation to another thread on this site I began thinking. In the case of the coward Osama Bin Laden where it is clear of his guilt it is clear of the many cowardly crimes he has commited I believe that the death penalty may very well be applicable. Because keeping him alive for the remainder of his natural life would almost seem to draw more of the civilized world down to his level through torture.....
Yet then lethal injection doesn't seem to serve enough justice...... a slow painful death seems much better suited for this coward, such as burning at the stake after being nuked in the sun for many hours.

What do you think, and please I do not wish for partisan bickering of you dems, you repubs, or you left and you right type of generalizations in this thread as it is hardly constructive to say the least.
Why make a martyr out of him? Jesus Christ was a martyr to his cause, let's not Bin Laden one to his.

Let him rot in jail until he dies.
jfuh said:
I'm against the death penalty because I can not believe without a doubt that all ppl on death row are guilty of thier crime. Also I do not believe that such vengence ever provides any closure to the victim's family or close ones.
However in relation to another thread on this site I began thinking. In the case of the coward Osama Bin Laden where it is clear of his guilt it is clear of the many cowardly crimes he has commited I believe that the death penalty may very well be applicable. Because keeping him alive for the remainder of his natural life would almost seem to draw more of the civilized world down to his level through torture.....
Yet then lethal injection doesn't seem to serve enough justice...... a slow painful death seems much better suited for this coward, such as burning at the stake after being nuked in the sun for many hours.

What do you think, and please I do not wish for partisan bickering of you dems, you repubs, or you left and you right type of generalizations in this thread as it is hardly constructive to say the least.

Stuff him full of bacon and fry him in the electric chair and bury him with his balls in his mouth.This would send the message to every rat out there who is thinking about bombing us not to **** with us.
OBL should be locked up never to see the light of day for the rest of his life.
Billo_Really said:
OBL should be locked up never to see the light of day for the rest of his life.

Better yet people could come and visit him like an attraction, like an animal in the zoo - feed him food pellets. The humilation!!! :mrgreen:
I agree with the assessment that we shouldn't make a Martyr out of him by executing him after a long, tedious and drawn out trial.

Now, if say he were to take a bullet in the head at the time of his capture...I don't think anyone would be the wiser. Problem solved.
jamesrage said:
Stuff him full of bacon and fry him in the electric chair and bury him with his balls in his mouth.This would send the message to every rat out there who is thinking about bombing us not to **** with us.

Damn I like that idea!
You got my vote.
jamesrage said:
Stuff him full of bacon and fry him in the electric chair and bury him with his balls in his mouth.This would send the message to every rat out there who is thinking about bombing us not to **** with us.

I think it would send a message to every anti-progressive Muslim that this is what the US and the West does to men of God. That's not how I would see it, but that's how they would spin it. Keeping him alive wouldn't hurt us at all. Killing him and burying him with his testicles in his mouth would hurt us tremendously.
I think you are all wrong. We have some very capable surgeons in the United States. I vote to give him a sex change operation with a hefty dose of female hormones and send him back to the Middle East as a woman. I'm sure he would enjoy the anonomity that the burka provides.
Originally posted by Gaivs Ivlivs
I think you are all wrong. We have some very capable surgeons in the United States. I vote to give him a sex change operation with a hefty dose of female hormones and send him back to the Middle East as a woman. I'm sure he would enjoy the anonomity that the burka provides.
He leaves a Ben and comes back as a Brenda. That's different.

Welcome to Debate Politics.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I think it would send a message to every anti-progressive Muslim that this is what the US and the West does to men of God. .

If any retard thinks Osama Bin laden is man of god then **** what they think.They need to be stuffed full of bacon and fried in the electric chair too.

Keeping him alive wouldn't hurt us at all.

What the **** have you been smoking?Do you remeber all those hostages?They were not taken hostage for the **** of it.Everyone of those terrorist had demands. The last terrorist wanted some prisoners freed in order to release that female reporter.What makes you think those hitlers in head scarfs will not hold more innocent people hostage to get Osama Bin Laden released?

Killing him and burying him with his testicles in his mouth would hurt us tremendously

The hitlers in head scarfs would have no reason to hold anyone hostage if Osama Bin Laden is dead.
jamesrage said:
If any retard thinks Osama Bin laden is man of god then **** what they think.They need to be stuffed full of bacon and fried in the electric chair too.

Despite his radical nature, he is a devout Muslim. To kill him would be to create the propaganda for them. It is an ill-adviseable course of action.

What the **** have you been smoking?Do you remeber all those hostages?They were not taken hostage for the **** of it.Everyone of those terrorist had demands. The last terrorist wanted some prisoners freed in order to release that female reporter.What makes you think those hitlers in head scarfs will not hold more innocent people hostage to get Osama Bin Laden released?

If they were to kill anyone, it would go even further to distinguish the good from the bad. It would show anyone who doubts the intentions of the United States how we treat our prisoners, even mass murders. Any hostage or threat on any civilian lives, would be hollow and idle. To follow through would be to spread the effects of the Jordan hotel bombing even further. They will lose if we clarify the good from the bad. They will lose we act as God would act. I don't know that God would put any balls in any mouths, but then again, I'm a Pagan.

The hitlers in head scarfs would have no reason to hold anyone hostage if Osama Bin Laden is dead.

It would give them even more reason to kill. More heads coming off. If that is what you want, then you have chosen the right course of action by advocating the castration of Usama bin Laden.

P.S. I'm not a Pagan.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Despite his radical nature, he is a devout Muslim. To kill him would be to create the propaganda for them. It is an ill-adviseable course of action.
You call being a mass murdering terrorist a devout muslim?

If they were to kill anyone, it would go even further to distinguish the good from the bad. It would show anyone who doubts the intentions of the United States how we treat our prisoners, even mass murders.
I really do not care what terrorist think of us,they should be exterminated.
Any hostage or threat on any civilian lives, would be hollow and idle. To follow through would be to spread the effects of the Jordan hotel bombing even further. They will lose if we clarify the good from the bad. They will lose we act as God would act. I don't know that God would put any balls in any mouths, but then again, I'm a Pagan.

It would give them even more reason to kill. More heads coming off. If that is what you want, then you have chosen the right course of action by advocating the castration of Usama bin Laden.

P.S. I'm not a Pagan.

It seems that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.The hitlers in head scarves already feel that they have justified reasons for slitting the throats of innocent people.You are full of crap if you think the hitlers in head scarfs are going to change their ways because we give Osama Bin laden life instead of death.Incarcerating Osama will encourage these hitlers in head scarfs to slit the throats of more innocent people.
jamesrage said:
You call being a mass murdering terrorist a devout muslim?

He is more than simply a mass murdering terrorist. He is a man that prays five times a day, who fights in the cause of Allah, who resists the Satan of the West, who has made the Hajj, and a man who believes in his God with as much faith as I believe in mine.

Eric Rudolph is a devout christian. The men in the IRA are Christians. It is a hard reality, but devout religious faith does not make someone a religious saint.

I really do not care what terrorist think of us,they should be exterminated.

Hatred should be exterminated. The extermination of hatred is the antithesis of the extermination of men who hate. If you want me to quote Dr. King, I can do so, though I'm sure you're aware of his theory.

It seems that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.The hitlers in head scarves already feel that they have justified reasons for slitting the throats of innocent people.You are full of crap if you think the hitlers in head scarfs are going to change their ways because we give Osama Bin laden life instead of death.Incarcerating Osama will encourage these hitlers in head scarfs to slit the throats of more innocent people.

We would not be giving him life, we would simply not be giving him death. Terrorist hostages have not been killed in every case where Muslims voice against such actions. After the recent woman's deadline passed, she was not killed. The three Brits in Palestine were released. The terrorists are doomed, all we have to do be the saint and let them be the murderers. They are doomed.
Gandhi>Bush said:
He is more than simply a mass murdering terrorist. He is a man that prays five times a day, who fights in the cause of Allah, who resists the Satan of the West, who has made the Hajj, and a man who believes in his God with as much faith as I believe in mine.

A terrorist is a not a devot religious person.Unless you think Islam is a religion of violence and throat cutting.I do not care how much a man beleaves in God, because the devil himself beleaves in God,so your argument that he has a strong belief in God makes him a devot muslim is horseshit.

Hatred should be exterminated. The extermination of hatred is the antithesis of the extermination of men who hate. If you want me to quote Dr. King, I can do so, though I'm sure you're aware of his theory.
So you think having the head rat in custady will not encourage more rats to take more hostages to try to get the head rat released?.
jamesrage said:
A terrorist is a not a devot religious person.Unless you think Islam is a religion of violence and throat cutting.I do not care how much a man beleaves in God, because the devil himself beleaves in God,so your argument that he has a strong belief in God makes him a devot muslim is horseshit.

George Bush has started a war, something Jesus (the man that he has a personal relationship with) was opposed to. Though, by what I know of his faith, he is a devout Christian.

It is a sad reality that the actions of the followers hardly ever align with the will and foundation of their religion.

The castration and humiliation of this figure is something that would destroy all efforts of good will between Americans and Muslims abroad. We want to destroy hatred not to proliferate it.

So you think having the head rat in custady will not encourage more rats to take more hostages to try to get the head rat released?.

They make take hostages, but Usama bin Laden would not be let go nor would the terrorists dare make good on their threats. They know the effects of the Hotel bombing. Murdering innocents will wake up the world and alienate all of his allies against them. They are doomed.
Gandhi>Bush said:
George Bush has started a war, something Jesus (the man that he has a personal relationship with) was opposed to. Though, by what I know of his faith, he is a devout Christian.

You are telling me that Jesus would have wanted everyone in a position of power to let the Jews during WWII be slaughtered by the Nazis?So you think it is justified to stand by and let innocent people be slaughtered by Saddam?

The castration and humiliation of this figure is something that would destroy all efforts of good will between Americans and Muslims abroad. We want to destroy hatred not to proliferate it.

So you are saying that all muslims support terrorist?You seem to have this over generalized view on Muslims.
They make take hostages, but Usama bin Laden would not be let go nor would the terrorists dare make good on their threats.

If a terrorist would blow himself up to murder innocent civilians, what makes you think they give a rats ass on what they would dare to do or not do?
Murdering innocents will wake up the world and alienate all of his allies against them. They are doomed.

Do not understand that to these hitlers in head scarves want to exterminate christians, jews, atheist and muslims who do not practice their brand Islam?They are not too worried about being alienated.These hitlers in head scarves will contineu to take and kill hostages in hopes of freeing Osama.

Is Osama Bin Laden's life more important than the innocent who may be taken hostage in hopes of freeing Osama?What is more important one life or two lives?As long as Osama is alive there is hope he can be released if ever caught.If he is dead then there will be no reason to try to get him freed.
jamesrage said:
You are telling me that Jesus would have wanted everyone in a position of power to let the Jews during WWII be slaughtered by the Nazis?

I don't remember saying that...

So you think it is justified to stand by and let innocent people be slaughtered by Saddam?

I didn't say that either.

So you are saying that all muslims support terrorist?You seem to have this over generalized view on Muslims.

Yet another thing I didn't say.

If a terrorist would blow himself up to murder innocent civilians, what makes you think they give a rats ass on what they would dare to do or not do?

Terrorists play politics. They know what to do and what not to do to get the target audience ontheir side.

Do not understand that to these hitlers in head scarves want to exterminate christians, jews, atheist and muslims who do not practice their brand Islam?They are not too worried about being alienated.These hitlers in head scarves will contineu to take and kill hostages in hopes of freeing Osama.

Is Osama Bin Laden's life more important than the innocent who may be taken hostage in hopes of freeing Osama?What is more important one life or two lives?As long as Osama is alive there is hope he can be released if ever caught.If he is dead then there will be no reason to try to get him freed.

If Usama bin Laden is killed, he will be a martyr and a hero and another will rise in his place: alive and free. It will incite 9/11s not kidnappings or hostage situations.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I don't remember saying that...

I didn't say that either.

You just said this"George Bush has started a war, something Jesus (the man that he has a personal relationship with) was opposed to. Though, by what I know of his faith, he is a devout Christian."

With that statement you are saying is that Bush should have just let the Iraqis suffer under Saddam's Iron fist because a devote christian would not start a war even if to remove a brutal dictator.So your statement is basicly saying screw every innocent person who has suffered under the iron fist of a brutal dictator.

Yet another thing I didn't say.

You sat there and basicly said that muslims give two shits what happens to terrorist.
"The castration and humiliation of this figure(Osama Bin Laden) is something that would destroy all efforts of good will between Americans and Muslims abroad."

Terrorists play politics. They know what to do and what not to do to get the target audience ontheir side.

What makes yo think they will not try to kidnap and executed one of our allies important citizens to pressure the United States to cave in to get Osama Bin Laden released?

If Usama bin Laden is killed, he will be a martyr and a hero and another will rise in his place:
If Osama Bin Laden is stuff full of bacon and fried in the electric chair and then burried with his balls in his mouth he will be discraced he will be example to every rat Hitler in a head scarf out there to not **** with us.

alive and free. It will incite 9/11s not kidnappings or hostage situations

They are alreading inciting more 9-11 attacks and kidnappings.Osama has threatened us again again.
jamesrage said:
You just said this"George Bush has started a war, something Jesus (the man that he has a personal relationship with) was opposed to. Though, by what I know of his faith, he is a devout Christian."

With that statement you are saying is that Bush should have just let the Iraqis suffer under Saddam's Iron fist because a devote christian would not start a war even if to remove a brutal dictator.So your statement is basicly saying screw every innocent person who has suffered under the iron fist of a brutal dictator.

No, I didn't say that. What I basically said was "Jesus was pro-life." Pro-life as in anti-war. Love your enemy... Blessed are the meek... Blessed are the persecuted... Blessed are the Peacemakers... Turn the other cheek... THOU SHALT NOT KILL.

You sat there and basicly said that muslims give two shits what happens to terrorist.
"The castration and humiliation of this figure(Osama Bin Laden) is something that would destroy all efforts of good will between Americans and Muslims abroad."

Shoving pork and testicles down a mans throat whos religion specifically outlines is a sin, is something offensive to Muslims. Its using their religion to humiliate someone. Maybe I'm alone here, but I think that would tick people off. It would be the equivalent of executing Eric Rudolph after you stuffed him with... fetuses... or something. Its uncalled for and its abraisive to relationships with Muslims.

What makes yo think they will not try to kidnap and executed one of our allies important citizens to pressure the United States to cave in to get Osama Bin Laden released?

Would the United Sates cave in?

If Osama Bin Laden is stuff full of bacon and fried in the electric chair and then burried with his balls in his mouth he will be discraced he will be example to every rat Hitler in a head scarf out there to not **** with us.

I think it would be a well defined reason to **** with us.

They are alreading inciting more 9-11 attacks and kidnappings.Osama has threatened us again again.

They are losing. The fire is losing oxygen, so stop throwing Exxon/Mobil products at it.
Gandhi>Bush said:
No, I didn't say that. What I basically said was "Jesus was pro-life." Pro-life as in anti-war. Love your enemy... Blessed are the meek... Blessed are the persecuted... Blessed are the Peacemakers... Turn the other cheek... ..
So you are saying is that since Jesus was anti-war it is okay to let people suffer under a brutal dictator?Sometimes war must be made so peace can happen.Do you honestly think Hitler would have been nice to the jews if we did not come in to stomp his ass?

Love thy enemy does not mean you have to let him get away with murdering innocents.Love thy enemy does not mean we just slap him on the wrist and let him continue to murder.

Blessed are the meek does not mean we stand by and let them be slaughtered.

Blessed are the persecuted does not mean we stand by while innocent people perish.

The peace makers are not the sub human roaches who protest against the war.Those roaches are nothing more than morons who only give a **** about themselves. It was because of those selfsih subhuman roaches why so many innocent people in WWII suffered.
The peace makers are the soldeirs who defeat terrorist, brutal dictators and so on.The peace makers are the law enforcement that arrest criminals and prevent crime.THe peacemakers are the fire and rescue crew who save the lives of individuals every day.


Actually it is thou shalt not murder.

Mathew 19:18(king james version)
He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,

Shoving pork and testicles down a mans throat whos religion specifically outlines is a sin, is something offensive to Muslims. Its using their religion to humiliate someone. Maybe I'm alone here, but I think that would tick people off. It would be the equivalent of executing Eric Rudolph after you stuffed him with... fetuses... or something. Its uncalled for and its abraisive to relationships with Muslims.

You mean slitting the thoat of a innocent man is not as offensive to muslims
as stuffing a vile scum of the earth terrorist with bacon and then executing him then burying him with his testicles in his mouth?You seem to have a screwed perception of what is offensive to muslims.I would think flying planes into buildings would be offensive to muslims,I would think slitting the throats of innocent people would be offensive to muslims.

Would the United Sates cave in?
So you justify that a innocent man shall die so that a guilty man lives?Because the united states will not cave innocent people die in the hands of terrorist hoping to free Osama.

I think it would be a well defined reason to **** with us.
They are already ****ing with us.

They are losing. The fire is losing oxygen, so stop throwing Exxon/Mobil products at it

I would call having Osama BIn laden in custady throwing fuel to the fire.In the eyes of the terrorist we would be saying "hey look we got your leader and you can't do **** and I tripple dog dare you to do something about it".Executing Osama eliminates the possiblity of any one trying to get him freed.Stuffing him full of bacon,frying him inthe electric chair andshoving his testicles in his mouth ensure that he will be discraced in everyones eyes and not mytared.
jamesrage said:
So you are saying is that since Jesus was anti-war it is okay to let people suffer under a brutal dictator?Sometimes war must be made so peace can happen.

I disagree.

Do you honestly think Hitler would have been nice to the jews if we did not come in to stomp his ass?

No, I really don't think it would have been that simple.

Love thy enemy does not mean you have to let him get away with murdering innocents.Love thy enemy does not mean we just slap him on the wrist and let him continue to murder.

I agree.

Blessed are the meek does not mean we stand by and let them be slaughtered.

I agree.

Blessed are the persecuted does not mean we stand by while innocent people perish.

I agree.

The peace makers are not the sub human roaches who protest against the war.Those roaches are nothing more than morons who only give a **** about themselves. It was because of those selfsih subhuman roaches why so many innocent people in WWII suffered.

Actually, I blame the Treaty of Versialles. Who were those "subhuman cockroaches" that threw Germany's economy and culutre into the gutter which in turn made the price of German bread 80 billion mark? The French. Blame the French.

The peace makers are the soldeirs who defeat terrorist, brutal dictators and so on.

I disagree. Any "peace" made at the end of a rifle is shaky at best. It is the efforts of peace after a war that destroys hatred or allows it to stagnate. It is possible to argue that war makes peace possible, but to say that a war monger is in some twisted way a "peacemaker," I think is a stretch.

The peace makers are the law enforcement that arrest criminals and prevent crime.

I agree, to a point.

THe peacemakers are the fire and rescue crew who save the lives of individuals every day.

I'm not sure that qualifies as "peace," but it is noble none the less.

Actually it is thou shalt not murder.

Mathew 19:18(king james version)
He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,

Exodus 20, but that's fine too.

But... back to topic.

You mean slitting the thoat of a innocent man is not as offensive to muslims as stuffing a vile scum of the earth terrorist with bacon and then executing him then burying him with his testicles in his mouth?You seem to have a screwed perception of what is offensive to muslims.I would think flying planes into buildings would be offensive to muslims,I would think slitting the throats of innocent people would be offensive to muslims.

I believe both are offensive to Muslims. You're polluting right and wrong when you insist on an execution that involves castration and pork products. You're not just humiliating him, you're humiliating him by using his religious principles.

If you do wrong to any single person, radical or moderate, you will hurt this cause to end Islamic terrorism. On some level they will no that this brutal and cruel death is deserving of resentment, and possibly vengeance. It is wrong. It is not the action of a saint to castrate, humiliate, or kill. That is why we should abstain from them. American must be the Saint in a world of tyrants, that is the only way we will win.

So you justify that a innocent man shall die so that a guilty man lives?Because the united states will not cave innocent people die in the hands of terrorist hoping to free Osama.

I sincerely don't think they would dare. We have to be able to define the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. They are murderers, we are not. We cannot forfeit that ground.

They are already ****ing with us.

Is that something you want to galvanize or to make malleable?

I would call having Osama BIn laden in custady throwing fuel to the fire.In the eyes of the terrorist we would be saying "hey look we got your leader and you can't do **** and I tripple dog dare you to do something about it".Executing Osama eliminates the possiblity of any one trying to get him freed.
Executing Usama guarantees the will for revenge and the proliferation of hate. Letting him live would be an undeniable act of mercy.

Stuffing him full of bacon,frying him inthe electric chair andshoving his testicles in his mouth ensure that he will be discraced in everyones eyes and not mytared.

He would be desecrated along with my country. If my country were to stand for such barbaricism, I would not stand for my country. I do not suspect I would be alone. An act like would rape the pride of America and gut all that it stands for.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I disagree.

So you are telling me that Hitler would have a change of heart and not try to exterminate the jews and other people who did not meet their definition of a healthy superiors race if we did not come in to stomp a mudhole in his ass?
No, I really don't think it would have been that simple.

PLease explain how things would have happened if we or any of the other nations did not come in to stop hilter and allies?

I disagree. Any "peace" made at the end of a rifle is shaky at best. It is the efforts of peace after a war that destroys hatred or allows it to stagnate. It is possible to argue that war makes peace possible, but to say that a war monger is in some twisted way a "peacemaker," I think is a stretch.

You passiifst crack me up.You damn well if it was not for our military most of Europe would be under the Iron Fist of Hitler and those other dictators.

I believe both are offensive to Muslims. You're polluting right and wrong when you insist on an execution that involves castration and pork products. You're not just humiliating him, you're humiliating him by using his religious principles.

So it is okay he murder people base on alledged relgious principals?He should be humiliated with his religious principals.

If you do wrong to any single person, radical or moderate, you will hurt this cause to end Islamic terrorism.
I say bring out all the terrorist so we can shoot them down and end the scurge upon humanity.

On some level they will no that this brutal and cruel death is deserving of resentment, and possibly vengeance.
IF there are any Osama bin laden sympathizers out there they are just as much as terrorist as he is and therefor should be wiped out as well.

American must be the Saint in a world of tyrants, that is the only way we will win.
THese people view passivism and comprimize as weakness.You are a little punk bitch to them if you are a passifist and you are oly falling for their trap if you comprimize with their extreamism.Why do you not understand that?Is so hard for you to understand that not every culture gives a rats ass about a burn out hippy's ideology of how peace should be accomplished? Martin Luther King Jr's no violence in response to violence against them does not work everywhere.

I sincerely don't think they would dare. We have to be able to define the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. They are murderers, we are not. We cannot forfeit that ground.

Where did you get this insane idea at?They are murderers but they would not kill their hostatges in hope of freeing Osama or sending the message they are not playing when it comes to wanting Osama freed??

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