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World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report (1 Viewer)

Isn't it funny how Canada has a HIGHER rate of "racial diversity" than the US and also (proportionately) takes in more immigrants than the US does. [The US, with approximately 10 times the population of Canada accepted around 5 times as many immigrants per year during the 2007 - 2012 period.)

As of 2015 approximately 14.3% of the US population was foreign born - the Canadian percentage was approximately 21.9.

In absolute numbers the US does quite well. In proportion to size, wealth, and population, the US doesn't do quite so well.

I would love to move to Canada, this country is going down the tubes and I have to live amongst so many assholes
lol...I mean, these things tend to get competitive, but of course I hope that you guys are happy down there. Allow a little gloating from the rest of us, though, you guys tend to "#1" it a lot. ;) :lol:

A couple things, though, that are curious to me... You're the most powerful country in the world, the biggest economy, biggest military, etc., etc., and yet only 19 on happiness. I think there's a deep philosophical discussion to be had around why that is. Given the amount resources poured into chasing those things, in money and time and effort, if it were me I'd want an explanation...and perhaps a shift in priorities.

the explanation is that our far right wing is very organized and powerful, while our left wing is currently ineffective and disorganized. hopefully Trump will piss enough people off that the left will be motivated to show up and vote in 2020.
Of course you would say that. You'll believe anything.

No source is good enough for you, unless has your fantasy world numbers...
Limited socialism can work if your population has a sense of responsibility and works well together. I'm sure the vast majority of Fins appreciate their system and don't take undue advantage of it. In this country we would milk that socialism for everything we could get out of it, and everybody else be damned. And the main reason health care is so expensive in this country is we're so fat, fat, fat. Fat people cost a lot to keep above ground.
I think you're full of ****. You, like most conservatives, are actively hostile to these things. You don't want affordable Healthcare, you don't want paid paternity leave, you don't want a lot of paid vacation, and you don't want a solid social safety net. If you did, you would support the policies that enable those things instead of screaming SOCIALISM. Even now you're trying to blame minorities for not having these things when it's Republicans that actively rally against these things. Conservatives are the problem, not non-whites.

Of course I and many other conservatives support those ideas. We just know that if we let nickel head liberals try to implement them with their everyone farts unicorn's ideology that there's a snowball's chance in hell it will work out the way they say it will. Sort of like Obamacare.

See, some of use math and common sense instead of just blindly waling and pulling out our hair over the unfairness of it all like liberals tend to do. Take for instance your complete glossing over of real questions I asked and instead you go straight to the whining and crying gambit while insulting everyone who won't blindly support the next, "Hope and Change" nonsense you guys come up with.

I men honestly, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
As far as single parent families are concerned (from the 2015 data), Denmark, the UK, and Lithuania have higher percentages than the US does.

From the same data, did you know that 2/3rds of American single parent households are white?

Besides, it's much easier to blame someone else if you don't bother to find out what the actual facts are.

Thanks Einstein.

Perhaps it never occurred to you that I was referring to BOTH low skilled immigrants and our high single parent households, regardless of ethnicity, as being issue.
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

Universal health care is kinda nice too....as is a year off when you have a baby, decent wages, social programs, better education, less of the citizenry in jail, etc...yay socialism. ;) :lol:

God damn Fins.....I blame the Swedes cause why not.
Sent from my Honor 8X using Tapatalk

That sounds absolutely horrible! But freedom and stuff... Its all the <insert preference> fault....I still blame the Swedes.
Now if you will excuse me, I will now go have my Marabou chocolate while watching a rerun of Hamilton....

Sent from my Honor 8X using Tapatalk

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit...
Mar 10, 2019 - "Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care"You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health ...
Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health Care...
Mar 8, 2019 - ... Finland collapsed due to the rising cost of universal health care and ... population is increasing the financial strain on its health care system.You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Bernie touts Finland's failing healthcare system in his call for socialism
4 hours ago - Despite spending just 8.6 percent of GDP on healthcare — for reference, ... the system collapses or some government succeeds in reforming it.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Mar 12, 2019 - Finland has long been touted by American socialists as the socialist Nirvana, where everything is free and everyone is happy, happy, happy.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...

Mar 11, 2019 - 1 post - ‎1 author
"Government collapse" is a bit hyperbolic. But I get the compulsion to spin it like Finland is on fire. Heaven forbid their government accept ...

Finland's government resigns after healthcare reform fails - CNBC.com
Mar 8, 2019 - Finland's government resigned on Friday after ditching plans to reform the healthcare ... The collapse of the government comes just one month before parliamentary ... Financial constraints are colliding with the healthcare costs imposed by Finland's fast-ageing population. ... Can universal health care work?

Yeah Socialism!
Yeah Government Run Single Payer Health Care!

Only morons make such comments.

I agree with you... its basically the Right Winger... fighting against the diversity spectrum, and trying to pretend as if America only belongs to their white right wing groups.... It's the most absurd thing that exemplifies the element and stature of moron's !!!!

Everybody of the multicultural mix, including white liberals who is working to build Unity among all.... continually working on ways to make America work for all...

Its the White Right Wing types who are incessantly fighting against and trying to stand against any non white ethnic group.
It is the White Right Wing who continue to fight and push a stand against women in general by trying to dictate and expect everyone to submit themselves to White Right Wing Agenda.....of White Nationalism.
It is the White Right wing who is continually on attack against any and all "NON White Immigrants..."

If white people could have did everything alone, then they'd never have left Europe and Europe would be the Greatest Country on the Planet IF... Right Wing Whites think they are so great.

America became the Greatest Nation on this Planet BECAUSE OF DIVERSITY... It was and still is the work of MULTI-CULTURAL PEOPLE WHO MAKE UP AMERICA, is why the success of America became to be a developmental industrious nation.. It is the Right Wing White segment, that has led this country into every Economic Downfall that has every existed on American Soil...It is the Right Wing White Segment that Squander Centuries of Wealth and Led this Country to be in 21+ Trillion of Debt and Decimated the Economic Viability that Multi Cultural had over many centuries built up in this nation to be the most dominant industrial nation on the planet.
It was the Industrious work of black people who were forced into slavery who's labors built up vast fortunes and were left out of their share in the profits their labors produced, by Greedy and Vile Minded Right Wing White People. It was also the work of Many NON White Ethnic People from Around the World who Contributed to Every Aspect of American Growth and Development that gave American the ability to become an Economically powerful Nation... they were fleeced out of their share, again, by Greedy and Vile Right Wing White People's Avarice.

Look at the influences today that propel America... it is people of many Non White Ethnic make up that changed and advance the arts, sciences, technology, that were stolen from the works of people in other nations and the credit for that work, hijacked by Right Wing White people over centuries. When it comes to Medicines, it was Right Wing White People who went to NON White Ethnic nation trying learn what the people know about "herb and plants and compounds to treat, heal and cure many ailments, and it was stolen and the credit omitted from records by false claims by Right Wing White people, who turned around and used weapons to go to those countries and "hoard" the herbs, and compound elements, and constructed his laws to try and prohibit the people of those lands from using the herbs and compounds they had been using long before any white person set foot in their lands. Systems and Government Organization is not a white man construct. Egypt Had it, Africa Had it, Greeks Had it and Romans had it long before these type of Right Wing White People were still in the caves of Europe and Fighting their Barbaric cycles of conflicts.

Real World History has it all recorded... That's why the Ancient Civilization that were NON White... have the oldest recorded history of it all.
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Of course I and many other conservatives support those ideas. We just know that if we let nickel head liberals try to implement them with their everyone farts unicorn's ideology that there's a snowball's chance in hell it will work out the way they say it will. Sort of like Obamacare.

See, some of use math and common sense instead of just blindly waling and pulling out our hair over the unfairness of it all like liberals tend to do. Take for instance your complete glossing over of real questions I asked and instead you go straight to the whining and crying gambit while insulting everyone who won't blindly support the next, "Hope and Change" nonsense you guys come up with.

I men honestly, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Show me where the Republicans have included any of that in their platform. Universal healthcare? Paternity leave? Mandatory minimum vacation for workers? Tuition free college? These are all liberal concepts that Republicans actively fight. Not just "they want it their way", they literally do not want these things.
I have a job, and what I also have is:

And my income tax rate is about 11%. You make up these little stories like pretending everyone outside of the US is unemployed because you know you can't admit that America isn't the best in a lot of categories.

I never said anything about employment overseas......you just injected this because you have zero truth in your argument. I also know that America has it's own warts, so that nonsense of yours is BS too.

Come to think of it, most of yours posts are anyways.
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit...
Mar 10, 2019 - "Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care"You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health ...
Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health Care...
Mar 8, 2019 - ... Finland collapsed due to the rising cost of universal health care and ... population is increasing the financial strain on its health care system.You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Bernie touts Finland's failing healthcare system in his call for socialism
4 hours ago - Despite spending just 8.6 percent of GDP on healthcare — for reference, ... the system collapses or some government succeeds in reforming it.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Mar 12, 2019 - Finland has long been touted by American socialists as the socialist Nirvana, where everything is free and everyone is happy, happy, happy.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...

Mar 11, 2019 - 1 post - ‎1 author
"Government collapse" is a bit hyperbolic. But I get the compulsion to spin it like Finland is on fire. Heaven forbid their government accept ...

Finland's government resigns after healthcare reform fails - CNBC.com
Mar 8, 2019 - Finland's government resigned on Friday after ditching plans to reform the healthcare ... The collapse of the government comes just one month before parliamentary ... Financial constraints are colliding with the healthcare costs imposed by Finland's fast-ageing population. ... Can universal health care work?

Yeah Socialism!
Yeah Government Run Single Payer Health Care!


Ermagherd, he found one with problems... :lamo

Lovin' universal health care up here, bud. So are the other 31 countries out of 33 developed nations. But hey, Finland!! WTF? :lol:

Well, let's look at Finland:


What's the root cause? Why, the aging population, we find out. How do you solve issues with an aging population? Encourage immigration. Or just, you know...wait. ;)
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

Ermagherd, he found one with problems... :lamo

Lovin' universal health care up here, bud. So are the other 31 countries out of 33 developed nations. But hey, Finland!! WTF? :lol:

Well, let's look at Finland:

Finland's government resigns after healthcare reform fails

What's the root cause? Why, the aging population, we find out. How do you solve issues with an aging population? Encourage immigration. Or just, you know...wait. ;)

Only one?

Rationing of NHS services ‘leaving patients in pain and distress’, says new report

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care: Socialized medicine has meant rationed care and lack of innovation. Small wonder Canadians are looking to the market. | City Journal

Europe’s health systems on life support
Europe’s health systems on life support – POLITICO

OK. If you say so. :shrug:
I once met a person who said America sucks and burned your flag.

What deductions should we take from one person?

Also, Jordan Peterson, and anything bearing his genetics, may feel free to exit to pursue greener pastures at their earliest convenience. I'd even be happy to see my tax dollars go to funding it. As soon as possible.

He's probably the most popular Canadian at the moment, worldwide. Why would you not take some pride in that, given the smallish size of your population, which doesn't often produce internationally renowned public figures? Because he won't say 'zhi' 'chi', and 'wee-wee', or whatever the pronouns are?
the explanation is that our far right wing is very organized and powerful, while our left wing is currently ineffective and disorganized. hopefully Trump will piss enough people off that the left will be motivated to show up and vote in 2020.

You might want to consider, also, the fact that "the American Left" is about as left-wing as the "center" and "right-wing" factions of the Conservative Party of Canada (sort of “[Moderate to Conservative] Right Center").
It is embarrassing when ignorance prevents one to know about the place one lives.

I don't know how you could possibly think that Louisiana is NOT incredibly ethnically diverse. Why there are people living in Louisiana who originally came from EVERY SINGLE ONE of the United States of America's 50 states and you can't get more ethnically diverse than that, can you?
Thanks Einstein.

Perhaps it never occurred to you that I was referring to BOTH low skilled immigrants and our high single parent households, regardless of ethnicity, as being issue.

I do know the meaning of the word "and".

Did you realize that one of your "issues" just got blown out of the water?
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit...
Mar 10, 2019 - "Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care"You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health ...
Finnish Government Collapses Due to Rising Cost of Universal Health Care...
Mar 8, 2019 - ... Finland collapsed due to the rising cost of universal health care and ... population is increasing the financial strain on its health care system.You visited this page on 3/16/19.

Bernie touts Finland's failing healthcare system in his call for socialism
4 hours ago - Despite spending just 8.6 percent of GDP on healthcare — for reference, ... the system collapses or some government succeeds in reforming it.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...
Mar 12, 2019 - Finland has long been touted by American socialists as the socialist Nirvana, where everything is free and everyone is happy, happy, happy.

Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs ...

Mar 11, 2019 - 1 post - ‎1 author
"Government collapse" is a bit hyperbolic. But I get the compulsion to spin it like Finland is on fire. Heaven forbid their government accept ...

Finland's government resigns after healthcare reform fails - CNBC.com
Mar 8, 2019 - Finland's government resigned on Friday after ditching plans to reform the healthcare ... The collapse of the government comes just one month before parliamentary ... Financial constraints are colliding with the healthcare costs imposed by Finland's fast-ageing population. ... Can universal health care work?

Yeah Socialism!
Yeah Government Run Single Payer Health Care!


It will be nice if you first learn a few things about the "socialist" countries you want to criticize and how their problems compare to the American ones...


Finnish public debt to fall within EU limits in 2019

Thursday's report says that with the improved balance in public finances and faster GDP growth, the decline in Finland’s debt-to-GDP ratio has accelerated, going from 61.4 percent last year to a projected 59.6 percent in 2019.


Page 2 ( or 8 of the Pdf file)


Federal debt held by the public is projected to reach $16.6 trillion at the end of 2019. Relative to the size
of the economy, that amount—at 78 percent of GDP

So, I will agree with you

Yeah Socialism!
Yeah Government Run Single Payer Health Care!

WTF is wrong with you, Americans?

And by the way, if I am not mistaken, the American "federal debt held by the public" does not even include the intra-government debt
Last edited:
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

It will be nice if you first learn a few things about the "socialist" countries you want to criticize and how their problems compare to the American ones...

Finnish public debt to fall within EU limits in 2019 | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi

Finnish public debt to fall within EU limits in 2019

Thursday's report says that with the improved balance in public finances and faster GDP growth, the decline in Finland’s debt-to-GDP ratio has accelerated, going from 61.4 percent last year to a projected 59.6 percent in 2019.


Page 2 ( or 8 of the Pdf file)


Federal debt held by the public is projected to reach $16.6 trillion at the end of 2019. Relative to the size
of the economy, that amount—at 78 percent of GDP

So, I will agree with you

Yeah Socialism!
Yeah Government Run Single Payer Health Care!

WTF is wrong with you, Americans?

You like your system. Fine.

Doesn't mean that everyone does, nor has to.
You might want to consider, also, the fact that "the American Left" is about as left-wing as the "center" and "right-wing" factions of the Conservative Party of Canada (sort of “[Moderate to Conservative] Right Center").

I consider myself to be European center left, and the American left is to my right, due to necessity.
Re: World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

You like your system. Fine.

Doesn't mean that everyone does, nor has to.

That is fine AS LONG AS people are informed about reality and do not base their decisions on information provided by ideologues.
This is why I said that it is important that you actually learn basic facts about the situation in other "socialist" countries before you argue that the American system is somehow superior...
I consider myself to be European center left, and the American left is to my right, due to necessity.

The "rating" system that I use is

If you divide the world's political spectrum into seven general categories "Far Left", "Left", "Left Center", "Center", "Right Center". "Right", and "Far Right" then divide each of those categories into " - ", "neutral", and "+" so that your scale now runs from "Far Far Left -" [equaling 1] to "Far Far Right +" [equaling 21]. For simplicity, think of the divisions as

1. “Far Left” (1, 2, &3),
2. “Left” (4, 5, & 6),
3. “Left Center” (7, 8, & 9),
4. “Center” (10, 11, & 12),
5. “Right Center” (13, 14, & 15),
6. “Right” (16, 17, & 18) and
7. “Far Right” (19, 20, & 21).

When you use that scale then:

• Canada’s “New Democratic Party” probably comes in around an “8” or “9” (sort of “[Moderate to Conservative] Left Center”) ; and
• Canada’s “Liberal Party” probably comes in around an “11” or “12” (sort of “[Center to Conservative] Center”); and
• the "Libertarians" probably coming in around "12" to "13" (on the "Center" - "Right Right" border); and
• Canada’s “Conservative Party” probably comes in around a “13” or “14” (sort of “[Progressive to Moderate] Right Center”); and
• the Democrats probably come in around "14" to "15" (sort of “[Moderate to Conservative] Right Center"); and
• the Republicans probably come in around "16" to "17" (sort of “[Progressive to Center] Right"); and with
• the T.E.A. Party probably coming in around "17" to "18" (sort of “[Center to Conservative] Right".

The vast majority of world politics is probably in the "7" ("Progressive Center Left") to "15" ("Conservative Center Right) range.

[NOTE – “Kleptocracies” and “One-Man-Band” governments don’t really have “politics” as we generally consider them to be.]

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