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World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report (1 Viewer)

Oh Ap. Go look up diversity and get back to me. Not being mean with this at all, it's not surprising to me in the least that you need to consult the dictionary on this one... ;) :lol:

Aww Nate! Why are you moving the goalpost?...lol
Isn't it funny how Canada has a HIGHER rate of "racial diversity" than the US and also (proportionately) takes in more immigrants than the US does. [The US, with approximately 10 times the population of Canada accepted around 5 times as many immigrants per year during the 2007 - 2012 period.)

As of 2015 approximately 14.3% of the US population was foreign born - the Canadian percentage was approximately 21.9.

In absolute numbers the US does quite well. In proportion to size, wealth, and population, the US doesn't do quite so well.

Are you suggesting that the higher the amount of population a country has the more immigrants it should take in? That's seem counter intuitive.
Aww Nate! Why are you moving the goalpost?...lol

lol...I'm not moving the goalpost, I'm trying to keep it in place. Stop trying to steal it. Man...you gotta watch folks from Louisiana. Good food, but shady folks. At least those that go by Ap, anyway... :p
Aww Nate! Why are you moving the goalpost?...lol

"Moving the goalpost."?

Your comment about how "diverse" Louisiana is sure resembles something that someone who wouldn't recognize a goalpost if they ran into it - a THIRD time - would make.
Are you suggesting that the higher the amount of population a country has the more immigrants it should take in?

Nope. I was comparing "relative impact on existing population".

A country with a population of 10,000,000 will see a MUCH higher "relative impact on existing population" if it accepts 1,000,000 immigrants that a country with a population of 100,000,000 would.

A country with a population of 10,000,000 will see the same "relative impact on existing population" if it accepts 100,000 immigrants as a country with a population of 100,000,000 would if it accepted 1,000,000 immigrants.

That means that simply looking at the absolute numbers of immigrants isn't necessarily a very good way of looking at the data.

That's seem counter intuitive.

Only if you want to completely ignore "capacity to accept and integrate". While the US "should" have a higher "capacity to accept and integrate" (assuming that the "capacity to accept and integrate" per capita is equal) than Canada does, it is starting to look very much like the US, in reality, has a "capacity to accept and integrate" per capita that is falling.

Since the number of refugees that the US is currently prepared to accept in LOWER than the number that Canada is prepared to accept, a case can be made that the American "capacity to accept and integrate" per capita is now LESS than 10% of the Canadian "capacity to accept and integrate" per capita.
Well, it could also be because they look at "how awesome" the country is FIRST and don't actually pay any attention to irrelevant factors like "Does the country have as many "'N'word"s as the US does?".

If someone were to measure the height of all the starting players in NBA games next week and then list the players in order of height, would it be "unconscious racism" if the first 18 out of 19 were NOT "White"?

Using what you appear to use for logic, the only "rational" conclusion would be that it would be.

Do they? It's just coincidence that Libbos constantly laud all white countries? Or, is it a dog whistle?
Reparation repayments were not the cause of Germany's hyperinflation. The Mark had been declining in value long before that.

To be accurate, the costs of the war laid the foundations for reparation payments to in turn cause hyperinflation: the Allies demanded massive repayments in hard currency that the paper mark was inflated to purchase, because the existing debt load from the war made alternatives difficult if not impossible.
I think you're full of ****. You, like most conservatives, are actively hostile to these things. You don't want affordable Healthcare, you don't want paid paternity leave, you don't want a lot of paid vacation, and you don't want a solid social safety net. If you did, you would support the policies that enable those things instead of screaming SOCIALISM. Even now you're trying to blame minorities for not having these things when it's Republicans that actively rally against these things. Conservatives are the problem, not non-whites.

Of course...they want their social security and medicaid, because...somehow that isn't socialism?
The US system is currently engrained with deep roots. You can't just wave a magic wand and change it.

Ohh, I agree with this. I would be very skeptical about any proposition promising the establishment of a universal healthcare as we see it in most western countries within a single term. Even Obamacare had many provisions which kicked in gradually many years after the pass of the bill. So, things can radically change gradually.
lol...I'm not moving the goalpost, I'm trying to keep it in place. Stop trying to steal it. Man...you gotta watch folks from Louisiana. Good food, but shady folks. At least those that go by Ap, anyway... :p

You respond with hate speech? :lamo
It is, because of it's large Cajun community. Louisiana is home to the largest Cajun community in the world.

You know Quebec exists right? An entire province of French speakers from different backgrounds and large communities of anglophones and various allophones.
Just wanted you to understand me...when in Rome, and all of that... you know how "you people" are... ;) :lol:

Your bigotry and hate speech are clear.
You know Quebec exists right? An entire province of French speakers from different backgrounds and large communities of anglophones and various allophones.

You do know Cajuns aren't French, right?
You do know Cajuns aren't French, right?

They are by definition:
a member of any of the largely self-contained communities in the bayou areas of southern Louisiana formed by descendants of French Canadians, speaking an archaic form of French.
Even if they weren't, wouldn't Quebec much better classify as the most culturally diverse part of North America? Considering its unique French-English culture and large population of allophones compared to the rest of North America. Since your definition of diverse seems to be most different.
You do know Cajuns aren't French, right?


It is amazing how both offensive and confirming this sentence can be at the same time. Which I say because I, of course, know where Cajuns come from. As would Carjosse.
That survey is about as full of **** as the rest of them.

Of course you would say that.

And of course, you are wrong again. Its OK to admit you are wrong, everyone else here sees it.
Of course you would say that.

And of course, you are wrong again. Its OK to admit you are wrong, everyone else here sees it.

Of course you would say that. You'll believe anything.

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