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World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report (1 Viewer)

I laugh.....

You're the one bitching about everything American.

You're right, America's expensive and poorly ranked healthcare should never, ever, be criticized, lest we might have to improve it. Wanting to improve your country obviously means you hate it.
You're right, America's expensive and poorly ranked healthcare should never, ever, be criticized, lest we might have to improve it. Wanting to improve your country obviously means you hate it.

Yes! Who needs stinkin’ healthcare when we got our big guns? Why do you want big nanny gubmint when you can just stand on your own two feet? Next time that West Nile Virus or cancer strikes just take out your AR15 and show it who’s boss. That fixes everything. Well that and then cut taxes. It’s the American way!
Good grief....an actual thread about America sucks....it should just be titled "America sucks - because people get to keep their money"...lol

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Yes! Who needs stinkin’ healthcare when we got our big guns? Why do you want big nanny gubmint when you can just stand on your own two feet? Next time that West Nile Virus or cancer strikes just take out your AR15 and show it who’s boss. That fixes everything. Well that and then cut taxes. It’s the American way!
Aw, what's the matter? Work too hard?

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Some lacky opinion piece........... and of course you lap it right up just like any good angry liberal.

You can shove maternity leave up where the sun doesn't shine along..... with all the other BS that you didn't earn.

Funny to see grumpy old men complain about "maternity" leave
Good grief....an actual thread about America sucks....it should just be titled "America sucks - because people get to keep their money"...lol

Today I learned discussing the fact that at least 18 countries outside the US are statistically happier than Americans is equivalent to saying "America sucks". No improvements can possibly be made, America is perfect right?
You're right, America's expensive and poorly ranked healthcare should never, ever, be criticized, lest we might have to improve it. Wanting to improve your country obviously means you hate it.

Who said it couldn't be criticized? That is your newest insertion to a never ending whine fest.
Who said it couldn't be criticized? That is your newest insertion to a never ending whine fest.

You did, if I point out a handful of things we could be better you accuse me of "bitching about everything American". That's literally what you're saying.

You're the one bitching about everything American.
Today I learned discussing the fact that at least 18 countries outside the US are statistically happier than Americans is equivalent to saying "America sucks". No improvements can possibly be made, America is perfect right?

Depends....Maybe you should seek domicile in one of the other 18...You'd be happier....
So everyone who doesn't want America to be ranked 19th should leave? Why do you hate America so much?

Nope didn't say that...But, you on the other hand instead of lifting up America as the shining beacon it is, are only saying "look, we aren't as good as the others ahead of us on the list."

And we both know that this list is pure bunk anyway, that one of the metrics that they say adds to happiness is single payer health care....It's nothing by propaganda....So, if you really feel that way you should go there....
Nope didn't say that...But, you on the other hand instead of lifting up America as the shining beacon it is, are only saying "look, we aren't as good as the others ahead of us on the list."

And we both know that this list is pure bunk anyway, that one of the metrics that they say adds to happiness is single payer health care....It's nothing by propaganda....So, if you really feel that way you should go there....

When you attack anyone trying to improve America, you hate America.

And yes, America has the most expensive healthcare in the world, it's heavily rationed, and it's ranked nowhere near the top in quality or outcomes.
When you attack anyone trying to improve America, you hate America.

And yes, America has the most expensive healthcare in the world, it's heavily rationed, and it's ranked nowhere near the top in quality or outcomes.

Well, that is up for debate, maybe you should start another thread....

As for your first charge here, that "When you attack anyone trying to improve America, you hate America." I would only say, thanks for admitting that you hate America....By attacking Trump, proves by your own words that you hate America...

Of Ivanka? Sure. I too want my daddy to give me everything, so then I can relax, sit for a TV interview, and tell everyone how Americans don’t want everything just handed to them.
Natives of BC were featured in media stories complaining about not being able to afford to live in the city they were born, because of Chinese people buying up huge amounts of real estate, and only renting to other Chinese people. The stories detailed how Chinese landlords publish ads online in Chinese, so that English speakers don't answer the ads. This is but one example of dozens that show the effects of multiculturalism on your cities.

But unhappiness due to monetary problems primarily effects people who are below the poverty line, where affording basic necessities like healthy food, providing for your kids, or living in a safe, decent neighborhood is unattainable.

Many people may blame their unhappiness on income disparities, or not having lots of money, but that's often an excuse used to cover up some other problems that are the real source of their unhappiness.

That's great. But that's still your personal experience, and not indicative of the overall situation.

'We all agree life is better here'- social cohesiveness.

'But then someone says "DAMN it's white out here"- let me guess... that person is usually you, right? And the others awkwardly laugh, because you've all had the same race-shaming public education experience.

The Harvard researcher's study didn't say that only newcomers huddle together in diverse neighborhoods, he said everyone does, regardless of background. The study also said that trust amongst neighbors evaporates in diverse places. So no, it's not just those darn white xenophobes isolating themselves because of their racism, it turns out that every race and ethnicity does.

Liberals want to portray diversity in a completely unrealistic manner, similar to TV commercials that show a group of friends out at a restaurant dining, and one guy is black, his girlfriend is white and blonde, another friend is Asian, and his wife is Latina, the waiter is transgender, and everyone has big smiles on their faces, showing how amazing diversity is. Scenes like this are non-reality though in most of real life.

I mean, this is a fancy bit of writing and all, cool story, if a little mein kampf-y, but here's your biggest problem: ignorance and fiction do not win debates, nor do they change reality. :shrug:

I know you want to believe everyone is as gross as you, it would make the views you hold a little lighter to carry, but we're just not. As time goes by, and more and more people turn their backs on that broken mentality, you become less and less relevant, which is probably a little scary. We'll get over it... ;)
Originally Posted by truthatallcost View Post
Natives of BC were featured in media stories complaining about not being able to afford to live in the city they were born, because of Chinese people buying up huge amounts of real estate, and only renting to other Chinese people. The stories detailed how Chinese landlords publish ads online in Chinese, so that English speakers don't answer the ads. This is but one example of dozens that show the effects of multiculturalism on your cities.

As Solomon Mussallem once remarked, "Those people complain about foreigners buying up the country, but they never once mention who is selling it to them.".
I mean, this is a fancy bit of writing and all, cool story, if a little mein kampf-y, but here's your biggest problem: ignorance and fiction do not win debates, nor do they change reality. :shrug:

I know you want to believe everyone is as gross as you, it would make the views you hold a little lighter to carry, but we're just not. As time goes by, and more and more people turn their backs on that broken mentality, you become less and less relevant, which is probably a little scary. We'll get over it... ;)

As far as I am concerned "successful diversity" means that you simply don't care about surface features like "race", "national origin", "religion", "gender", "gender identity", "political leaning" and the like but rather assess people based on what type of a person they are and what they do.

David See-chai Lam, a former Lt-Governor of BC, once said "I don't like 'tolerance' because 'tolerance' is like saying 'You stink, but I'm too polite to mention it.'.". I agree with him.
Good grief....an actual thread about America sucks....it should just be titled "America sucks - because people get to keep their money"...lol

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It should be titled "America sucks for those on the left".
From The San Jose Mercury News

World’s happiest countries: Here’s why U.S. slipped in new report

HELSINKI, March 20 (Reuters) – Finland topped the ranking of the world’s happiest countries for the second year in a row, with the Nordic countries taking the leading spots, an annual survey issued on Wednesday showed.

South Sudan came last in the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s 2019 World Happiness Report.

It ranked 156 countries according to things such as GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom, generosity and absence of corruption.

Taking the harsh, dark winters in their stride, Finns’ happiness is boosted by access to nature, safety, affordable childcare, free education and heavily subsidized healthcare.

The top 10 was again dominated by the Nordics, with Denmark, Norway and Iceland taking the other leading spots followed by Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Austria. The United States dropped one place to 19th.


I wouldn't worry about being 19th out of 156. After all that's still in the top 1/8th.

However, the whole report might be interesting to some people and there is a link to it in the article.

PS - The reason for the drop is NOT "Donald John Trump".

PPS - Did you know that 60% of the top 10 countries are monarchies?

If only we could lose the Left, we could be in the top five.

Thanks liberals.
If only we could lose the Left, we could be in the top five.

Thanks liberals.

You do realize that those on "the Left" feel that "If only we could lose the Right, we could be in the top five.", don't you?

Wouldn't the "logical" solution be to divide the country into two separate countries with everyone "on the Left" in one half and everyone "on the Right" in the other half? That way the DIVIDED States of America would get TWO of the top five positions.
You do realize that those on "the Left" feel that "If only we could lose the Right, we could be in the top five.", don't you?

Wouldn't the "logical" solution be to divide the country into two separate countries with everyone "on the Left" in one half and everyone "on the Right" in the other half? That way the DIVIDED States of America would get TWO of the top five positions.

But they're the most unhappy with their oppressedness. They should leave.

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