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Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent (1 Viewer)

Well for one, there's a picture of it and two, there's a couple inches of ceramic between his hands and her body even if his hands were rested on her person.

Also...yes...gestures and "simulated" sexual assault are not sexual assault.

So yes...that's my argument.
Like I said with the Moore situation, let's wait for the all the facts before making judgement.

Tweeden is a former model/playmate. I'm sure she has been around......

That's a despicable comment.

Yeah..malicious. Yeah...he was an asshole. Yeah, the kiss thing was gross. Did he sexually assault her? No, none of the things he did are illegal just very creepy.
She has a photo of Franken making a tasteless joke...Other than that she has nothing...I'm betting she is a Right Winger selling her story to the Fox News crowd to make them feel better about the losers they support...That have done much much worse

So you think her detailed story, which matches now another detailed story, is just made up? Gotcha.

There's a lot of mess out there, but 90 percent falls into these ultra-liberal bastions of immorality. You're not dealing with it well. I understand.
Congrats. you have completely shredded any possible integrity or credibility you may have ever had on the subject of Donald Trump, Roy Moore, or anyone accused of inappropriate sexual behavior.

And I expected nothing less.

Yeah, i agree, it stretches belief to imagine that someone who posed with you for a picture while you were sleeping caused meaningful trauma when they didn't even seem to touch you.
So it's OK to grope sometimes? Strange

The photo certainly didn’t convince me that that was anything to claim more than a yawn, unless you are partisan and disinterested in the quality of evidence.
Yeah, i agree, it stretches belief to imagine that someone who posed with you for a picture while you were sleeping caused meaningful trauma when they didn't even seem to touch you.

As slander it seems to work fine.

Politics is ugly game. You dont think these people have ulterior motives?

Your obvious disrespect for women is well known around here, so it's not nonsense. one of many dispicable comments I have seen.

Politics is ugly game. You dont think these people have ulterior motives?

When Trump is very surprised to learn how dirty a business is you know that it is special.....
She has a photo of Franken making a tasteless joke...Other than that she has nothing...I'm betting she is a Right Winger selling her story to the Fox News crowd to make them feel better about the losers they support...That have done much much worse

Groping a sleeping woman is a joke? I don't get it.
Your obvious disrespect for women is well known around here, so it's not nonsense. one of many dispicable comments I have seen.

Al franken made a lot of enemies even before he went into politics.

That senate seat hes is dangerous. Remember Paul Wellstones plane was tampered with and murdered because of his politics
Your obvious disrespect for women is well known around here, so it's not nonsense. one of many dispicable comments I have seen.

My comments werent meant as disrespectul. Certainly that wasnt my intent.
Tune into Hannity shell be on this hour

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Her story about how he grabbed the back of her neck and put his tongue in her mouth really gives the photo context. He took advantage of her sleeping as if to say "look what I'm doing to you now, and you can't stop me".
If he just stuck it in a little way it would barely be rape if I am to use your standard.

Not at all. Your claim is brazenly dishonest. You seem to have difficulty comprehending the meaning of the word "grope".

Maybe they will come up with new legal standards for guys with a short penis. She was asleep. That robbed her of any chance to react. She still found it offensively disgusting after she saw the photo. It still had emotional repercussions.

It's hard to take right wingers outrage seriously in this case when they claim that a woman who says "no" during sex can be legally raped.


This is such a brazen case of partisan double standards, it's obscene. You seem to be taking pleasure in this fantasy narrative.

You simply restated your mischaracterization. You seem to have trouble with understanding the point of his post, in spite of the fact that it was explained to you.

The partisanship of your posts in this thread speaks for itself.

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