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Wisc GOP plan on stripping governor power (1 Viewer)

The Wisconsin GOP plans on stripping gubernatorial powers that they granted Scott Walker .among him the most powerful governor in the US.

Apparently that kind of power is only good for their own party....


They did that **** to the North Carolina governor-elect in 2016 and they're going to do that here if Abrams somehow makes it to a runoff and wins it.

Republican politicians are such crybabies. :thumbdown
They did that **** to the North Carolina governor-elect in 2016 and they're going to do that here if Abrams somehow makes it to a runoff and wins it.

Republican politicians are such crybabies. :thumbdown

The GOP uses radical political tricks and then pretends to be victimized. I could not be more disgusted by them.
They did that **** to the North Carolina governor-elect in 2016 and they're going to do that here if Abrams somehow makes it to a runoff and wins it.

Republican politicians are such crybabies. :thumbdown
The solution? Just keep voting them out until one day, no more 'R's appear on your ballots, and a sane second party rises from the ashes.
The solution? Just keep voting them out until one day, no more 'R's appear on your ballots, and a sane second party rises from the ashes.

I have been hoping for a resurgence of the bull moose party.

However I think I could get behind the party of the Phoenix...
Sounds good to me.

I thought Republicans were supposed to be all for local control, that is what the Wisconsin GOP stripped when they gained control.

They created a big state all led from Madison...
I thought Republicans were supposed to be all for local control, that is what the Wisconsin GOP stripped when they gained control.

They created a big state all led from Madison...

Democrats have been acting like a bunch of asses in Wisconsin for years. The republicans are doing the best they can to keep the insanity in check.
They did that **** to the North Carolina governor-elect in 2016 and they're going to do that here if Abrams somehow makes it to a runoff and wins it.

Republican politicians are such crybabies. :thumbdown

She's "bleck."
Democrats have been acting like a bunch of asses in Wisconsin for years. The republicans are doing the best they can to keep the insanity in check.

What Republicans, the last true Republican in Wisconsin was Dale Schultz, everyone else are just Koch brothers puppets...

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