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Will there be a Government shut down tonight? (1 Viewer)

Will there be a Government shut down tonight?

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We have seen this scene play out so many times before. I'm not too worried about it. A bunch of political grandstanding. Must be an election coming up soon. :roll:
We have seen this scene play out so many times before. I'm not too worried about it. A bunch of political grandstanding. Must be an election coming up soon. :roll:

Problem is that the debt ceiling debate is coming up. The Republicans took a run at this hoping that Obamacare's relative unpopularity would shield them from the same blowback they got for taking the government's financial credibility hostage in the 90s. Didn't work, so now they want to kick the can down the road so they can try something similar during the debt ceiling debate. Allowing the Republicans to take the fall now lessens their standing in that debate.
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The government shuts down every night and every weekend.

I was gonna say that. It is about to shut down right here and right now cause it is 1630 and I am out of here.
Betcha they do....

You're relatively new here, so let me explain.

Whatever Navy predicts, the exact opposite will happen. He's so wrong on predictions that the reverse of his predictions he gives are virtually ironclad in coming true.

Also, T-15 minutes. Last I checked the news, Boehner and Reid aren't talking. Therefore, no deal is going on. Therefore, shutdown is coming.
You're relatively new here, so let me explain.

Whatever Navy predicts, the exact opposite will happen. He's so wrong on predictions that the reverse of his predictions he gives are virtually ironclad in coming true.

Also, T-15 minutes. Last I checked the news, Boehner and Reid aren't talking. Therefore, no deal is going on. Therefore, shutdown is coming.

:mrgreen: I'll have to remember that...Just minutes until shut down...Boehner must have a "splitting" headache....
Ok, bring the troops home and keep it shut down until Obama and the Congress agree to endure the same Obamacare they're forcing on the rest of us.

It's been one crisis after another with this worthless president.
I voted yes. I win.

The House is still in session trying a last ditch effort to pull a rabbit out of the hat.. The Senate has adjourned and said if it isn't a clean CR, forget it.....They are going to have a press conference shortly...
The House is still in session trying a last ditch effort to pull a rabbit out of the hat.. The Senate has adjourned and said if it isn't a clean CR, forget it.....They are going to have a press conference shortly...


Hopefully we don't all die in the streets. From what I'm told, we cannot survive without the federal government.
The House is still in session trying a last ditch effort to pull a rabbit out of the hat.. The Senate has adjourned and said if it isn't a clean CR, forget it.....They are going to have a press conference shortly...

A last ditch effort at playing hot potato with the Senate over who is responsible for shutting down government. However, while they're screwing around with the potato the floor has come out from under their feet.
Boehner is a good man in a bad job. And once again, the opposite of what Navy said happens.
I hardly call this a government shutdown.......Now back under Clinton that was a shutdown.
The government does not shut down on the weekend.. If you served you would know that.

Yeah it does. Call Congress at ten pm.

Servicemen aren't government, they work for the government. I do serve i am a peace officer, even though I work at night and in weekends I know the government doesn't.

Hopefully we don't all die in the streets. From what I'm told, we cannot survive without the federal government.

People can survive for a short time...Most people, except the money people, live from paycheck to paycheck.. More than a couple of missed paychecks can be catastrophic for the average person...
A last ditch effort at playing hot potato with the Senate over who is responsible for shutting down government. However, while they're screwing around with the potato the floor has come out from under their feet.

They just don't want to give up, no matter the cost.. A CNN poll yesterday said that 60% of the American people did "not" want a government shutdown...
People can survive for a short time...Most people, except the money people, live from paycheck to paycheck.. More than a couple of missed paychecks can be catastrophic for the average person...

For as large and advanced as human brains are, I find the notion that catastrophe, starvation and death are a mere couple missed paychecks away to be very strange. It should inspire some deeper reflection on the new profound vulnerability of humans.

How have we survived this long, and what the hell happened to us that we've become so helpless? Should we be living in such a state of helplessness and dependence? How can we back away from this edge of utter catastrophe and get back to a state of a little bit more confidence and self-reliance?
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I hardly call this a government shutdown.......Now back under Clinton that was a shutdown.

You call military being paid with IOUs not a shutdown? The entire national parks being offline not a shutdown? 80% of NASA going home? 800,000 civilian military contractors not working not a shutdown?

You are wrong. As usual, man up for once in your life.

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