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Will Republicans raise more money than past Presidential elections? (1 Viewer)

Will Republicans raise more money than past Presidential elections?

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Unsure, I'm seeing too many complications within party establishment to ensure higher than normal fundraising rates.
Unsure, I'm seeing too many complications within party establishment to ensure higher than normal fundraising rates.

Off topic but I think Clinton will have a banner year.
Off topic but I think Clinton will have a banner year.

The right pockets of left leaning wealth will get behind her, including most of Hollywood.
Off topic but I think Clinton will have a banner year.

Yeah, I see the corporations lining up in droves for her campaign like pigs getting ready to feed out of the trough.
Yeah, I see the corporations lining up in droves for her campaign like pigs getting ready to feed out of the trough.

Some deep pocketed Republicans have stated they will not vote for Trump, and donate to Clinton.

Will Republicans raise more money than past Presidential elections?
Not sure

A lot of democrats and republicans tend to be what I call party-tards. They want their party to win no matter what and could care less that their party's nominee's values contradict their values. Its why despite claiming to oppose Obama-care, claiming to support the 2nd amendment, claiming to oppose the man made global warming fairy tale nonsense, and other liberal nonsense. They voted for a man who came out with the predecessor to Obama-care, enacted anti-2nd amendment laws that Obama has wet dreams about passing, supported cap and trade and other liberal nonsense. Logically such a candidate should have never won the GOP primary. But because the liberal media and RINOs led them to believe that they had to pick a RINO to win,Romney won the 2012 Republican primary.Now its the same thing with Trump-tards who claim to hate the establishment and oppose liberal things. They are literally voting for a guy who praised, supported and donated money to the establishment.Heck this guy even had the democrat front runner and her husband show up to his wedding.This guy has said lots of contradictory things and supported liberal issues such as excessive taxes on the rich,single payer health-care and other liberal issues. So a guy like that should be the last person on the planet that conservatives vote for. So I say it will be about the same as other times republican money was raised.
As far as the presidential election I don't think so because Trump to a point is spending his own money.
But overall the money republicans raise will more than likely go more toward Congressional races.
Hillary will have to spend a great sum of money in attack ads against what Trump will say about her and her husband. Trump will get a lot more free air time to vent than Hillary, although the main street media will do all they can to discredit Trump and hide Hillary's transgressions.
No. For the most part the giant donors are not party loyalists. They view donating to politicians as investments in hopes of getting a larger return in the future. Often the Republican candidate is the better investment from their perspective. I think a good portion of them will think Hillary is the safer investment this time around. She is more predictable and likely more controllable.
More than likely. While unhappiness with Trump is there, the rally around the party candidate effect is already well underway, and the desire to help those downticket is going to cause the regular donors to open the purse strings.l

I agree with the other Republicans running will have no problem with donations, though I do think Trump has turned many off.
We will see what the platform contains, and how lose his mouth is.

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