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Why was Martin considered as SUSPICIOUS by Zimmerman? (1 Viewer)

I go out in the rain quite often. I have no doubt I have gone by homes or business that were burglarized. Often, I even run. And if the weather warrants it - I wear a cap or even a hoodie at times. I have a radio with headset and sometimes sing to the songs. Badly.

Should I get a sign that says OLD & WHITE - DO NOT SHOOT? :doh:roll:

Hyperbolic. TM did not get shot because of how he was acting when Z first spotted him nor because Z thought that TM was acting suspicious. TM got shot because he assaulted Z and was banging his head into concrete, attempted to smother Z so that he couldn't yell out (evidenced by the bruising around Z's nose and mouth as seen by Z's doctor and the emt that responded to the scene). Basically he was shot because Z felt that TM was trying to kill him.

If you were acting in such a way as to make you look suspicious to me I would have not only followed you but I would have also intercepted you and asked what was going on or some other phrase that would be appropriate for the specific situation. I would not have attacked you just as Z did not attack TM. I've done it multiple times in various areas that I have lived in. Not once did the person that I thought was being suspicious ever run and hide from me or even acted all tough...much less attacked me. In fact they were very co-operative and understood my position. But I guess that was just too much to ask of Trayvon huh?
And neither are you. So why are you falling for this stupid not moving normally routine? Whatever the hell that means anyway. When I listen to that radio call its obvious to me that Zimmerman has not got squat other than his own Fearless Fosdick wishful suspicions.

Why did the cops respond if it was only *his own Fearless Fosdick wishful suspicions*?
It has nothing to do with this case so it is irrelevant to my point.

This is this . This isn't something else. This is this.

I am not trying to make your point. I'm making my point. Why are you afraid? The only diversion to discussion going on is being done by you. I asked you am on topic question. You won't answer.

Does a black kid stand out in a white neighborhood? Does a white guy stand out in a Mexican neighborhood? Mexican stand out in a black neighborhood? Would mother Theresa stand out at The Apollo?
YOU guys on your side need to PM more to each other. Others of your persuasion have already claimed that African American did live there. Oscar is even quoting a BLACK NEIGHBOR.

So make up your mind. Which is it?

Your game, set and matched just got rained out by a hard shower or reality.

It was a multiracial community. There were witnesses, neighbours of asianamerican, latinamerican, asianamerican, and caucasianamerican descent taking the stand.

Your point being what?
It was a multiracial community. There were witnesses, neighbours of asianamerican, latinamerican, asianamerican, and caucasianamerican descent taking the stand.

Your point being what?

He can invent racism out of thin air??
And neither are you. So why are you falling for this stupid not moving normally routine? Whatever the hell that means anyway. When I listen to that radio call its obvious to me that Zimmerman has not got squat other than his own Fearless Fosdick wishful suspicions.

You do realize that cops look out for people behaving suspiciously all the time right? That that suspicious behavior can be a physical way of moving also? Its funny that you ignore that police do it all the time and yet when Z does the same thing you call it a "stupid routine". And no its not just cops that do it. Also store owners, security personel, and millions of other people do it all the time.
It has nothing to do with this case so it is irrelevant to my point.

This is this . This isn't something else. This is this.
Its absolutly the case you have made since the beginning. Trayvon was black and that had everything to do with why he was killed. Solely and exclusivly.
You have made the deal about race, when everyone involved said it was not.
It has nothing to do with this case so it is irrelevant to my point.

This is this . This isn't something else. This is this.

So I am taking it from your silence that you agree...even begrudgingly...that a black kid would stand out in a white community.

So my next question to you...is would someone stand out on an otherwise empty street in a gated community?
Now we know why Martin was suspicious of Zimmerman. Jabba told us.

Martin thought that Zimmerman was gay and a rapist. So it turns out that Martin was a massive gay hating homophobe.

So does that disqualify him from Sainthood now? I mean you have Martin supporters on twitter, social media and all over the streets demanding the death of Zimmerman and now the jury. Their justification for this is the false perception that Zimmerman is racist. We know that's a big lie now created by the media who even doctored audio to try and make the claim. Right from Jabba's mouth now however, the prosecution's star witness who cannot be questioned (Jeantel) we learn that Martin attacked Zimmerman and pounded his head into the ground because he believed Zimmerman was a homosexual. Martin automatically assumed that Zimmerman was also a rapist as well since he was a homosexual. So essentially Martin was a gay basher.

If you support Martin you support a homophobe whose intent was to kill a homosexual who he considered a rapist.
Is it the left or the right that is inflaming the situation right now. Real time riots, burnings, beatings, traffic stoppages.
You proud of your left brothers?

WOAH!!!! Where did I miss the riots and cities burning?
So I am taking it from your silence that you agree...even begrudgingly...that a black kid would stand out in a white community.

So my next question to you...is would someone stand out on an otherwise empty street in a gated community?

What about - this is irrelevant since it is not about this case as that community was integrated and not all white - do you not understand?
You do realize that cops look out for people behaving suspiciously all the time right? That that suspicious behavior can be a physical way of moving also? Its funny that you ignore that police do it all the time and yet when Z does the same thing you call it a "stupid routine". And no its not just cops that do it. Also store owners, security personel, and millions of other people do it all the time.

in the army, we like to call that "maintaining situational awareness" ;)
and that in and of itself does not make zimmerman a murderer. I have seen 3 combat tours. I have put bullets in more people than I care to remember. I guess, in your eyes, I am a murderer as well

Putting a bullet in another human being doesn't make anyone a murderer.
WOAH!!!! Where did I miss the riots and cities burning?
Way to over exaggerate what I said.
But there are riots and violent protests. Did you not watch the news, hear the reports out of San Fran and Oakland.
You do realize that cops look out for people behaving suspiciously all the time right? That that suspicious behavior can be a physical way of moving also? Its funny that you ignore that police do it all the time and yet when Z does the same thing you call it a "stupid routine". And no its not just cops that do it. Also store owners, security personel, and millions of other people do it all the time.

Suspicious movement. I love it. ;):roll:

Good thing Zimmerman did not come across a person who was physically disabled. That would have really rocked his world trying to watch them move.
in the army, we like to call that "maintaining situational awareness" ;)
And I have preached that endless times on here about how Zimmerman allowed himself to get sucker punched and taken down.
But people want to shuffle around, looking at their phones and get all suprised when things are going south around them.
Way to over exaggerate what I said.
But there are riots and violent protests. Did you not watch the news, hear the reports out of San Fran and Oakland.

The stuff I heard was that Saturday and Sunday were relatively without any major incident and in many places were even more peaceful that normal since people stayed away.

Yeah - a few yahoos lit a few small fires and broke a few windows and we had some minor league stupidity out there in a few isolated areas.

Real time riots, burnings, beatings, traffic stoppages.

I do not know of any riots - real time (whatever that means) or otherwise.
Its absolutly the case you have made since the beginning. Trayvon was black and that had everything to do with why he was killed. Solely and exclusivly.
You have made the deal about race, when everyone involved said it was not.

I do not know who EVERYONE is - but this has been involving race from the get go.
The stuff I heard was that Saturday and Sunday were relatively without any major incident and in many places were even more peaceful that normal since people stayed away.

Yeah - a few yahoos lit a few small fires and broke a few windows and we had some minor league stupidity out there in a few isolated areas.
And it aint over yet, and the professional race baiters are making a US tour to stir up more angst and violence.
And it aint over yet, and the professional race baiters are making a US tour to stir up more angst and violence.

Oh - so you were looking in your crystal ball at the riots yet to come? Got it. :doh:roll: :shock:
You still don't get it do you? Probably because you refuse to get it as that would upset you carrying out the orders of the far right and repeating their meme on this case.

This entire thread was started for one purpose: to show the right that it was NOT the so called "left" that introduced the idea of RACE into this case. It was there and a factor from the second Zimmerman involved himself with Martin.

Are we clear on that now?'[/

What about - this is irrelevant since it is not about this case as that community was integrated and not all white - do you not understand?

Hey man. You are the one claiming racism. I am simply highlighting that even an untrained observer could point out that a black kid stands out in a white crowd, and that the RELEVANT factor to this topic...it wouldn't be racist to notice the black kid in a white crowd.

Now. Enter your attempt to claim racism. A human standing out in the rain on an otherwise empty sidewalk. How is noticing that person racist?

Now. Given the history of the community. What would the prudent thing be to do? Call the police. Where is the racism?

Don't be mad that I proved you have been believing msnbc since day one.

On and the only racists are the ones tryin to make this a race issue.
I do not know who EVERYONE is - but this has been involving race from the get go.
Jesus, I have outlined who everone is a million times.
Trayvons parents, Zimmermans parents, Zimmermans friends and family, Zimmerman dated a black women in school, the FBI, the prosecutors, his lawyers, the police, people that lived in his neighborhood, the fact that he is multiracial.
He was not a racist, race played no part in it.
Through all your bellowing you have yet to PROVE race had anything to do with it.
Suspicious movement. I love it. ;):roll:

Good thing Zimmerman did not come across a person who was physically disabled. That would have really rocked his world trying to watch them move.

With the kind of education that you say that you have you should know about this stuff Haymarket....why are you trying to deny that people can move and act in a way that is suspicious? Are all the cops wrong in how they do their jobs? Those in the military? Those in security positions? Millions of people are all wrong and you are right huh?
Hey man. You are the one claiming racism. I am simply highlighting that even an untrained observer could point out that a black kid stands out in a white crowd, and that the RELEVANT factor to this topic...it wouldn't be racist to notice the black kid in a white crowd..

Are you still talking about the Martin case because I remember no crowd on that dark and rainy night.

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