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Why the democratic party keeps losing (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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The "once" great democratic party, ..always the icon of the average american who always espoused decency, values, & fair play had no problm defining itself many decades ago.

Ahh,.. but that cannot be said anymore with much certainty today as it "allowed" the most viscious, the most vocal, the most whacko kooks & nuts take control of their party!

Liberals who seem to think that they , & they alone ended racism, & discrimination, ..& think that "they" know best, or can define what decent social moral behavior ought to be, or what it takes to justify a war, or conflict etc. crept into the democratic party.

No, strike that, ..they do not believe any cause is just enough for war as they prefer warring, & railing against their own country, & leaders.

Today, they refuse to define what "obcenity" is. They will tell people that nobody can honestly define it, & yet look how it permeates every fabric of society today.

How absurd, ..the thought of allowing two people of the same sex marry each other!

Also just as absurd,.. the prostituting of the constitution in order to help fill the void in their own miserable bankrupt lives by such memorable words that do not exist, & in fact never existed in the constitution, "Seperation of church & State".

Because they wanted to be fair, & look tollerant to the few who were excellent practicing "secular humanists" by quashing the majorities rights, destroying ones "rights" in the public schools to even mention the word God.

Americans could appreciate that wonderful document that protected aLL Americans from a state run religious system however, ..of course that WAS the REAL intention of the constitution in the first place:

"There shall be no laws with regards to religion, OR THE FREE EXERCIZE THEREOF"..........so ahh, where the hell did the liberals ever get the words "seperation of church & state", ...why it took only a majority of 5 black robed lawyers sitting on the supreme court bypassing the legal legislative process of making laws through the legislative branch of government.

Self appointed Gods sitting in judgement upon the MAJORITY forcing their belief systems on them, & the mainstream media extolling such liberalist belief as just & moral for the atheists, the amoral, the immoral, the secularists, & the humanists. Bet that made the american liberal socialists happy as well, besides condemning America at every opprotunity in the "blame America first" concept!

Only in America....does one condemn the new inhabitants of unjust behavior against the native americans, against the unfortunates who suffered under slavery. Yes...abuses to be sure in a young democracy, ..& ohh how the guilt complex payed dividends!

So by historical revision America's founding fathers were actually all racists, deists, & war mongers so the liberal intelligencia would have people believe.

The liberals should thank God, ..(oops they do not actually believe in the traditional God concept, unless of course they mean worshipping themselves) that they were successful in expelling God from the constitution in 1962, & replacing the creator with a more "modern" godhead such as Darwin, Engles & liberal socialism,.. whereas nobody can define or take part in any definitions of moral absolutes.

The principles of fabianism did its trick, & like some whores that did not appreciate being identified in public, are all so proud in their modern day extirmination of generations of aborted children, everyday immorality, assault upon christianity, the love of foreign culture, & belief systems while at the same time tearing down their own country, & calling it "freedom", & the right of self expression!

Never did these people ever represent the majority, & their leaders knew this, & that is why "invented" victims had to be paraded around with the help of the media to institute new laws, & new definitions by way of judicial activism because they could NEVER hope to get them by way of the election process.

What used to be a dimes bit of difference between the democratic party, & the republican party...no longer exists, as its differences are are now chasims apart.

Perhaps that IS the explanation for only one democratic presidency (Clinton's two terms) since the Jimmy Carter years, ..but then Bill always had a way about himself of always campaigning as something other than himself such as his ruse of pretending to be a centrist, exactly what Hillary, the other Clintonesque God queen is hoping to acheive!

True to liberal form, ..the only chance the democrats have is IF they can invent, or manufacture some damn conspiracy, or scandal such as Bush's military documents issue which proved to be forged, & a fraud meant only to influence the outcome of an election

And how about the call for impeachment because Bush "must" have lied about Iraq's WMD, ..but we ALL know Sadam did in fact possess, & lust for WMD.

Well..that did not work, so we "must" accuse our leaders, & our military of atrocity?

Or how about dredging up paranoia, Why Bush "must" have had surrogates steal the election from Kerry?

Or karl Rove outed Valery Plame,..a modern liberal's invention of a covert Matta Harey,:2razz: or perhaps a desktop intelligence operative that outed herself through magazines (Vanity Fair), & by her own stupidity of giving away CIA front organizations by her contributions to the opposing party, & John Kerry's presidental campaign, ..using the address of the CIA front organization to mail her contributions from?

Oh the poor persecuted outed Valery Plame, & her poor husband....only raking in millions from their book, & now the media darlings of the beltway!

No, liberalism will NOT be institutionalized through the courts any longer, mainstream america has awoken from its slumber, & by the fact that the leftist media moguls do not have a monopoly on the news anymore!

Until the democratic party extricates itself from their liberal whackos, kooks, fruits & nuts bosses, & financial backers...the democratic party will remain as "irrelevant"!

Perhaps the can invent more new nuances & fictional reasons as to why they always seem to keep losing elections.:2razz:
Stu Ghatze said:
The "once" great democratic party, ..always the icon of the average american who always espoused decency, values, & fair play had no problm defining itself many decades ago.

Ahh,.. but that cannot be said anymore with much certainty today as it "allowed" the most viscious, the most vocal, the most whacko kooks & nuts take control of their party!

Liberals who seem to think that they , & they alone ended racism, & discrimination, ..& think that "they" know best, or can define what decent social moral behavior ought to be, or what it takes to justify a war, or conflict etc. crept into the democratic party.

No, strike that, ..they do not believe any cause is just enough for war as they prefer warring, & railing against their own country, & leaders.

Today, they refuse to define what "obcenity" is. They will tell people that nobody can honestly define it, & yet look how it permeates every fabric of society today.

How absurd, ..the thought of allowing two people of the same sex marry each other!

Also just as absurd,.. the prostituting of the constitution in order to help fill the void in their own miserable bankrupt lives by such memorable words that do not exist, & in fact never existed in the constitution, "Seperation of church & State".

Because they wanted to be fair, & look tollerant to the few who were excellent practicing "secular humanists" by quashing the majorities rights, destroying ones "rights" in the public schools to even mention the word God.

Americans could appreciate that wonderful document that protected aLL Americans from a state run religious system however, ..of course that WAS the REAL intention of the constitution in the first place:

"There shall be no laws with regards to religion, OR THE FREE EXERCIZE THEREOF"..........so ahh, where the hell did the liberals ever get the words "seperation of church & state", ...why it took only a majority of 5 black robed lawyers sitting on the supreme court bypassing the legal legislative process of making laws through the legislative branch of government.

Self appointed Gods sitting in judgement upon the MAJORITY forcing their belief systems on them, & the mainstream media extolling such liberalist belief as just & moral for the atheists, the amoral, the immoral, the secularists, & the humanists. Bet that made the american liberal socialists happy as well, besides condemning America at every opprotunity in the "blame America first" concept!

Only in America....does one condemn the new inhabitants of unjust behavior against the native americans, against the unfortunates who suffered under slavery. Yes...abuses to be sure in a young democracy, ..& ohh how the guilt complex payed dividends!

So by historical revision America's founding fathers were actually all racists, deists, & war mongers so the liberal intelligencia would have people believe.

The liberals should thank God, ..(oops they do not actually believe in the traditional God concept, unless of course they mean worshipping themselves) that they were successful in expelling God from the constitution in 1962, & replacing the creator with a more "modern" godhead such as Darwin, Engles & liberal socialism,.. whereas nobody can define or take part in any definitions of moral absolutes.

The principles of fabianism did its trick, & like some whores that did not appreciate being identified in public, are all so proud in their modern day extirmination of generations of aborted children, everyday immorality, assault upon christianity, the love of foreign culture, & belief systems while at the same time tearing down their own country, & calling it "freedom", & the right of self expression!

Never did these people ever represent the majority, & their leaders knew this, & that is why "invented" victims had to be paraded around with the help of the media to institute new laws, & new definitions by way of judicial activism because they could NEVER hope to get them by way of the election process.

What used to be a dimes bit of difference between the democratic party, & the republican party...no longer exists, as its differences are are now chasims apart.

Perhaps that IS the explanation for only one democratic presidency (Clinton's two terms) since the Jimmy Carter years, ..but then Bill always had a way about himself of always campaigning as something other than himself such as his ruse of pretending to be a centrist, exactly what Hillary, the other Clintonesque God queen is hoping to acheive!

True to liberal form, ..the only chance the democrats have is IF they can invent, or manufacture some damn conspiracy, or scandal such as Bush's military documents issue which proved to be forged, & a fraud meant only to influence the outcome of an election

And how about the call for impeachment because Bush "must" have lied about Iraq's WMD, ..but we ALL know Sadam did in fact possess, & lust for WMD.

Well..that did not work, so we "must" accuse our leaders, & our military of atrocity?

Or how about dredging up paranoia, Why Bush "must" have had surrogates steal the election from Kerry?

Or karl Rove outed Valery Plame,..a modern liberal's invention of a covert Matta Harey,:2razz: or perhaps a desktop intelligence operative that outed herself through magazines (Vanity Fair), & by her own stupidity of giving away CIA front organizations by her contributions to the opposing party, & John Kerry's presidental campaign, ..using the address of the CIA front organization to mail her contributions from?

Oh the poor persecuted outed Valery Plame, & her poor husband....only raking in millions from their book, & now the media darlings of the beltway!

No, liberalism will NOT be institutionalized through the courts any longer, mainstream america has awoken from its slumber, & by the fact that the leftist media moguls do not have a monopoly on the news anymore!

Until the democratic party extricates itself from their liberal whackos, kooks, fruits & nuts bosses, & financial backers...the democratic party will remain as "irrelevant"!

Perhaps the can invent more new nuances & fictional reasons as to why they always seem to keep losing elections.:2razz:

What ...no guts? Nobody to champion the liberalist causes, & refute my thread?;)
You do realize that YOU posted this in POLLS and you have no poll that I can see.
scottyz said:
You do realize that YOU posted this in POLLS and you have no poll that I can see.

My apologies, as I'm pretty new here, & not sure of the format. I'm sure some well meaning self appointed righteous person will be more than happy to point out my major sin that must be terribly offensive!

But...thanks again for the heads up!:3oops:
Stu, you are right on.....The democratic party has been hijacked by the far left, by the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, and Dean.........If your a moderate and a democrat you have no chance to win your partys nomination for president........Nothing proves that point more then a moderate like Leiberman (who I might have voted for) ran for president in 2004 and did not win one single primary....

Instead of realizing their mistake, what do they do? Elect a left wing whacko like Dean to head the DNC.......You can't pick up the paper or watch the news without seeing some stupid or outrageous statement from him....Even true democrats like Biden and Breax have distanced theirselves from his outrageous comments........

Until democrats move back to the center they will continue to lose elections no matter how bad the republican nominee is..........
FinnMacCool said:
Far right conservatives can do no wrong, however. . . . .
The conservatives have a message and a leader. The left does not.
FinnMacCool said:
Far right conservatives can do no wrong, however. . . . .

Its pretty obvious you know nothing about politics.........There is no such thing as a far left conservative..........
They've moved so far right they have totally forgetten where center is and even moderates are now labeled "liberals".
[mod mode]

No poll or question in the OP....I thiinnkk...I'll move it to Political Platforms. Problems, questions, concerns? Feel free to pm me.

[/mod mode]
Navy Pride said:
Its pretty obvious you know nothing about politics.........There is no such thing as a far left conservative..........
Soooooo...... it's impossible for someone to be conservative on economic issues but liberal on social issues or vice versa? Gotcha.....
scottyz said:
Soooooo...... it's impossible for someone to be conservative on economic issues but liberal on social issues or vice versa? Gotcha.....

You got no one...........That would probably be a libertarian or a moderate like a Rudy Juliani or and Arnold S. who are both liberals on social issues and conservatives on fiscal issue...

scottyz said:
They've moved so far right they have totally forgetten where center is and even moderates are now labeled "liberals".
I submit that the Dems have moved so far left that they now identify centrists as "extreme right wing." It should be clear to everyone who has watched the presidential elections since 1972 that the Left can't win an election.
Diogenes said:
I submit that the Dems have moved so far left that they now identify centrists as "extreme right wing." It should be clear to everyone who has watched the presidential elections since 1972 that the Left can't win an election.
:rofl The last Dem. president was centrist and wildly popular despite the Repubs. and media spending millions of dollars trying to smear him. Clinton didn't need a war, 9/11 or this "with us or against us" crap to obtain higher approval ratings than Bush. :rofl
People that speak in terms of "left" and "right" do so to scapegoat the issues they don't have the balls to face!
Here's my impression as a foreigner examining how the two parties changed.

It seems that the GOP used to be more of a Libertarian Party, Ike was probably the last of that linage.

Now the democrats used to be the party of the deep south. Aka Dixiecrats. Socially conservative, but more economically collective.

Although things started to change. During the 60's the Democrates became more socially liberal, but to a certain degree remained economically collective. Whilst on the other hand the Republican party remained economically liberal, but became more socially conservative.

Left and right, only really refers to economic stance. To you believe in economic collectivism/socialism, or do you believe in economic individualism?

So in economic terms, I am dead set right winger, but the irony is that economic right, is actually economic liberalism!:mrgreen:

Very complex, but I don't see the Democrats dead in the water just yet.
scottyz said:
The last Dem. president was centrist and wildly popular despite the Repubs. and media spending millions of dollars trying to smear him. Clinton didn't need a war, 9/11 or this "with us or against us" crap to obtain higher approval ratings than Bush. :rofl
He was elected because he pretended to be a centrist. In another few years we will have a large new portion of the electorate who will have forgotten him and the massive corruption of his administration (or, in public schools, never heard of him and his problems), and that trick may work again.

My point stands: the Left can't win an election.
Australianlibertarian said:
Here's my impression as a foreigner examining how the two parties changed. ...
Good analysis, very close to the mark. On the economic axis, Republicans understand that the CREATION of wealth is what drives social progress while the Democrats remain obsessed with a nineteenth century Marxist philosophy. On the social axis, Republicans understand that a society can remain healthy only as long as its citizens behave responsibly while Democrats favor a nanny state.

Agreed also that the Democrats aren't dead in the water yet, because there will always be a crowd that can be demagogued into demanding bread and circuses. If the current crop of Democrats ever becomes a majority, however, our whole society will be dead in the water.
scottyz said:
:rofl The last Dem. president was centrist and wildly popular despite the Repubs. and media spending millions of dollars trying to smear him. Clinton didn't need a war, 9/11 or this "with us or against us" crap to obtain higher approval ratings than Bush. :rofl

Clinton was a Liberal who pretended to be a centrist to get elected......He even fooled Zell Miller who made his nomination speech at the 1992 Democratic Convention.........As soon as Clinton got elected he revealed his true liberal colors by as his fact act trying to get gays to serve openly in the military.......

Hillary is trying to fool people now just like him by pretending to be a Liberal but she is not fooling any moderates or conservatives........If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then its a duck........

If "Slick Willie" (he did not get that name for nothing) had of taken UBL in 1996 when he was offered to him on a silver platter their would have never been a 9/11/01 but he was to busy getting BJs in the Oval Office from a girl young enough to be his grand daughter......
Navy Pride said:
Clinton was a Liberal who pretended to be a centrist to get elected......He even fooled Zell Miller who made his nomination speech at the 1992 Democratic Convention.........As soon as Clinton got elected he revealed his true liberal colors by as his fact act trying to get gays to serve openly in the military.......

Hillary is trying to fool people now just like him by pretending to be a Liberal but she is not fooling any moderates or conservatives........If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then its a duck........

If "Slick Willie" (he did not get that name for nothing) had of taken UBL in 1996 when he was offered to him on a silver platter their would have never been a 9/11/01 but he was to busy getting BJs in the Oval Office from a girl young enough to be his grand daughter......
Rush Limbaugh has programmed you well. :rofl
Diogenes said:
Good analysis, very close to the mark. On the economic axis, Republicans understand that the CREATION of wealth is what drives social progress while the Democrats remain obsessed with a nineteenth century Marxist philosophy. On the social axis, Republicans understand that a society can remain healthy only as long as its citizens behave responsibly while Democrats favor a nanny state.

Agreed also that the Democrats aren't dead in the water yet, because there will always be a crowd that can be demagogued into demanding bread and circuses. If the current crop of Democrats ever becomes a majority, however, our whole society will be dead in the water.

Liberals and democrats love to spend billions on failed social programs as long as its not their money............
scottyz said:
Rush Limbaugh has programmed you well. :rofl

I know the truth hurts....I just calls em as I sees em...........

By the way, I thought we agreed that you would put me on your ignore list.........
Navy Pride said:
Liberals and democrats love to spend billions on failed social programs as long as its not their money............
And Republicans love to spend billions on failed wars, corporate welfare and on funding American killing iraqis as long as it's not their money.
Navy Pride said:
I know the truth hurts....I just calls em as I sees em...........

By the way, I thought we agreed that you would put me on your ignore list.........
You need to lay off the booze. I've never made any such agreement with you or even hinted at it.
So...let me get this straight..

Spending PEOPLE's money on PEOPLE's programs like social security, welfare, etc. is an idiotic liberal waste of money.

Spending PEOPLE's money on killing PEOPLE in Iraq, funding Iran-Contras to kill people (Reagan) and putting people like Pinochet (dictator killed his own peope) in power is a great justice.

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