Almost nothing is more personally pleasing than when I post an argument that points out such things as Obama being a damn liar, or that him hiding his educational records is because he's border line, mentally challenged, (Formerly known as RETARDED), or that he is Anti-America, which is proven in his 20 year association with Rev. Roberts Black Liberation Theology Phony Church, than when I am personally attacked and called nasty names by Liberals.
Oh there are the attacks by people who claim to be other than liberals and they threaten me call me names etc. and I get off on it every time.
I find I am very seldom in fact nearly never attacked on facts because unlike Liberals I don't post my ideas as facts.
I post facts as facts and as I have always said Liberals cannot deal in the truth or facts.
That is why the name calling is so pleasing, because it proves every point I just made. Liberals have to go right to the attack because they lack the ability to deal in the truth or the facts.
So I want to thank you ahead of time for the attacks that are coming next.
Oh there are the attacks by people who claim to be other than liberals and they threaten me call me names etc. and I get off on it every time.
I find I am very seldom in fact nearly never attacked on facts because unlike Liberals I don't post my ideas as facts.
I post facts as facts and as I have always said Liberals cannot deal in the truth or facts.
That is why the name calling is so pleasing, because it proves every point I just made. Liberals have to go right to the attack because they lack the ability to deal in the truth or the facts.
So I want to thank you ahead of time for the attacks that are coming next.