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Why do you have to be a gun geek to have an opinion on gun control? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 13, 2011
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Political Leaning
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Because without knowing what you are talking about you look like an idiot. The AR-15 used doesn't go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta it goes pow pow pow every time you pull the trigger just like any other legal rifle or hand gun. So to answer your own question yes if Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go pow pow pow he could have killed 50 people and he did. He could have done that with a hand gun too or even a shotgun. He had the hostages for several hours, he could have killed them all with a box cutter.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

anti-gun weenie-Well golly we want such and such thing banned.

2nd amendment advocate-
Well what is that such and such thing you want banned?

anti-gun weenie-
I don't know what it is I just know its bad der dee der.

You should know what the **** it is you want banned. It doesn't take a firearm enthusiast to know the difference between a automatic and semi-automatic and to know what some of the cosmetic features are that make one firearm an assault weapon the other not an assault weapon.
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I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Then you should work diligently to find an area where you have intelligence, no matter how difficult that might be.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Under the Brady assault weapons ban this was not an assault rifle. Because this passes the two or more features test of the Brady assault weapons ban.It has no bayonet lug nor does it have a flash suppressor and it does not have a collapsible butt stock.


In some of the anti-2nd amendment states that have an assault weapons ban with a 1 or more features test this would not be an assault weapon.There is no flash suppressor, no bayonet lug and no pistol grip.

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I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

The son a of a radical Muslim who had a TV show declaring his allegiance to the Taliban. WTF could possibly go wrong........Right???

The guy had anger issues since childhood.

He was a woman beater.

He had a co-worker quit because of his violent views and threats to other people.

He stalked his co-worker.

He rejoiced when 9/11 happened.

Yeah..... that AR-15 did it all by itself................right?

Keep up with your self polyp checks and have a nice day.
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I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

If you are going to discuss Socialism you should understand that philosophy, right?

If you want your opinions to be given any credit you need to be reasonably well versed in the function, uses and laws surrounding firearms ownership, the use of firearms, the transfer of firearms between individuals and entities and the laws surrounding those issues.

"I don't think terrorists should be allowed to buy guns", for example, is a perfectly valid opinion but how to effect that goal in a Constitutional manner without negatively impacting the rights of millions of law abiding citizens leads to a more substantive discussion.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink.

The issue is whether the opinion is valid or not. What makes an opinion valid is information, and the more informed one is, the more valid and important the opinion.

If you're tired of being told something why not try doing what they suggest?

I guess ignorance really is bliss
You want to have credibility while insisting on being ignorant of the subject? That's not how having a valid opinion works.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Your a dumbass.

How are you going to know you're doing the right thing if you know nothing about the topic? If you want to ban AR-15's it might be a good idea to know some things about them. Just sayin'.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Owning machine guns is heavily regulated in the US. There is an extended background check that takes about 6 months and civilians can only purchase machines guns made before 1986 which has driven the prices into the 10's of 1000's.

The reason why understanding what you are talking about is important is because there is absolutely no functional difference between any semi-automatic rifle that accepts a box magazine. And if you think there is the political will to pass something that surpasses the Brady Bill, then you are listening to an echo chamber. Not really a red herring.

The technical details are not complicated, nor extensive. It makes absolutely no sense that at least your representatives would not gain this knowledge so they can write appropriate legislation.

As for hunting, well the AR15 was marketed by Colt to civilians, FOR HUNTING, before it was used by the military with automatic and 3 round burst selective fire.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

There is ignorant and there is stupid. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid. If one chooses no to educate oneself on the very things one wants to legislate, that would put them squarely in the "stupid" camp.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

You don't get to say what guns I 'need'. That's how it works.
Because without knowing what you are talking about you look like an idiot. The AR-15 used doesn't go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta it goes pow pow pow every time you pull the trigger just like any other legal rifle or hand gun. So to answer your own question yes if Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go pow pow pow he could have killed 50 people and he did.
Nonetheless the AR-15 was designed specifically for military use--meaning killing numerous people. IMO: I do not see anyone in the civilian life needing that kind of firepower.

He could have done that with a hand gun too or even a shotgun. He had the hostages for several hours, he could have killed them all with a box cutter.
If it is any handgun or shotgun that I own he would definitely need to reload. And I doubt if he could have killed 50 people with a box cutter without people at that place jumping him and taking him down.
Nonetheless the AR-15 was designed specifically for military use--meaning killing numerous people. IMO: I do not see anyone in the civilian life needing that kind of firepower.

If it is any handgun or shotgun that I own he would definitely need to reload. And I doubt if he could have killed 50 people with a box cutter without people at that place jumping him and taking him down.

Then how do you explain converting ordinary "hunting" rifles into killing machines that make the AR-15 seem like a Daisy BB gun? The civilian AR-15 is as safe or dangerous as and person wants to make it, and so are many other calibers, and rifle configurations.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

You don't need an education to have an opinion, but you do if you want to share it with the public. But judging by the tone of your post, your opinion is a rant and probably won't garner much of an audience amongst pro gun people such as myself.
Nonetheless the AR-15 was designed specifically for military use--meaning killing numerous people. IMO: I do not see anyone in the civilian life needing that kind of firepower.

If it is any handgun or shotgun that I own he would definitely need to reload. And I doubt if he could have killed 50 people with a box cutter without people at that place jumping him and taking him down.

the original Armalite AR15 prototype was yes. but it was designed to be select-fire which means it had a switch to switch it to fully automatic. However that never panned out and they sold out to Colt.
Colt produced and AR15 which was 'not' designed for military use it was designed for semiautomatic civilian use and its been that way since 1963.

as to the handgun, you can buy two handguns with 17 round magazines for slightly less than you can buy one AR15 with a 30 round magazine. and the handguns have a larger caliber. so yes he could have actually killed more people with the handguns.
the original Armalite AR15 prototype was yes. but it was designed to be select-fire which means it had a switch to switch it to fully automatic. However that never panned out and they sold out to Colt.
Colt produced and AR15 which was 'not' designed for military use it was designed for semiautomatic civilian use and its been that way since 1963.

as to the handgun, you can buy two handguns with 17 round magazines for slightly less than you can buy one AR15 with a 30 round magazine. and the handguns have a larger caliber. so yes he could have actually killed more people with the handguns.

In a panic situatation where I just shot 10 people running for thier lives I'd like to see someone try to take me out before I can change a magazine.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Oh goody an emotional rant with no facts, no fixes, nothing. You are certain to gain hearts and minds with cute buzz words like - "Child Killer 6000", "Arab Impaler 7500" Maybe just maybe if you, et al, start focusing on the killer behind what ever tool the killer uses instead of the tool we as a society may start getting somewhere.
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

If you wish to remove your fellow citizens' Constitutional rights, you really ought to know a little something about what you are suggesting we ban. At least be able to identify it correctly and accurately and have some notion of what distinguishes it from whatever guns you aren't banning.

It's like someone who wants to ban free speech and doesn't know that libel and slander are already illegal....
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

Let's put this in a different context.

On the subject of ion propulsion who should be listened to? The person with actual knowledge on the subject? Or the person with no knowledge yet tons of opinions on it?

On the subject of knowing case law who should be listened to? A lawyer or judge? Or Joe Blow down the street that's never even looked at a court case his entire life much less attempted to understand it?

No one is saying that you need to know every little thing that there is to know about guns AA. But if you want your opinion to not be summarily dismissed, and be able to actually debate someone on the subject then you should at least have some knowledge of what it is you're talking about. Because without that knowledge you're going to get your butt handed to you every single time. And this applies no matter what subject that is being talked about. It's why I rarely go into the economic section of the forums. Because I simply don't know that much about it. Personally when it comes to subjects I have no knowledge of I go by the old saying "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

No it's not.

I think you need to grasp the fact the founding fathers were concerned enough about individual rights, they made sure to protect them from individuals and groups who think like you. The fact the rights involved on this issue were the second most important matter they addressed should signal something to people.

Some are anxious to ignore this fact.
No it's not.

I think you need to grasp the fact the founding fathers were concerned enough about individual rights, they made sure to protect them from individuals and groups who think like you. The fact the rights involved on this issue were the second most important matter they addressed should signal something to people.

Some are anxious to ignore this fact.

Greetings, ocean515. :2wave:

Well said! :thumbs:
I'm getting so tired of right wingers telling me I need to educate myself on guns in order to have an opinion on gun legislation. I don't care anything about learning about those awful killing machines any more than I care about learning about medieval torture devices. I couldn't care less what the difference is between a semi-automatic and an automatic or what the difference between the Child Killer 6000 and the Arab Impaler 7500 guns. Honestly, what does it matter?

Haven't we gone too far when we can own weapons that kill 50 people?

If Omar Mateen had had one of those guns that go POW! click-click POW! click-click POW! could he have killed 50 people? Could Adam Lanza have shot a classroom full of children with a gun like that?

The kind of guns that go ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and fire lots of bullets really quickly need to go. You don't need it to hunt and you don't need it to defend your home. These guns are for killing and should not be in the possession of civilians!

We liberal's lack of knowledge of guns is just a red herring.

So, would you feel better if a Liberal told you to get better educated on the topic and drop the Drama?
A knife can kill 50 people, how about a plastic bag, yeup, maybe a stick, yes again. Yes, by all means get better educated and avoid posting on the topic until you have actually learned something on the topic. Are you willing to learn?. True many of our right leaning friends support the 2nd A and are unwilling to give up Their or yes, Your, Rights, because some mentally ill person goes off and does something horrible, and guess what they are correct. Read some facts on the topic, look into WHY the last ban on AR's was lifted and why so many Sheriff's offices across the Nation agreed with lifting the ban. Are you just as passionate about dealing with the mental health issue that is plaguing this Nation or is it easier to blame a tool for the actions of the mentally ill? Yes, by all means educate yourself, there is a lot of work to do. Coming from the Left, Casper.

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