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Why Do People Reject Christ? (1 Viewer)

I don't reject Jesus; I just reject you and your unChristian, hate filled dogma.
That thought has crossed my mind many times.
This is a great question.

Hey @Daisy, in your mythology does Jesus need to get regular haircuts, or is he more of the zombie-style resurrected?
What do you think?

"Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man," 1 Corinthians 11:14
Do you think there is no one in this world who tries their very best each and every day to follow in Jesus' footsteps? No one?
I'm sure there are many people who try to follow whatever they think Jesus would do. Some of them are good people, and some of them aren't. Same as adherents of any other religion or philosophy. I see no evidence that this particular belief system produces better life results than lots of other belief systems though.
What do you think?

"Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man," 1 Corinthians 11:14
I think he’s a zombie and his hair has probably rotted away by now.

“And then I said unto Jesus, your hair is unkempt and your style is heinous. Repent, or your teachings will be as the teachings of Pauly Shore.” 15 Phoenix 31:4
I'm sure there are many people who try to follow whatever they think Jesus would do. Some of them are good people, and some of them aren't. Same as adherents of any other religion or philosophy. I see no evidence that this particular belief system produces better life results than lots of other belief systems though.
Thank you for your honest/heart-felt opinion...that being said, it is vital that we keep in mind, all humans are imperfect, so God looks at the heart/the motive...
I think he’s a zombie and his hair has probably rotted away by now.

“And then I said unto Jesus, your hair is unkempt and your style is heinous. Repent, or your teachings will be as the teachings of Pauly Shore.” 15 Phoenix 31:4
When you wanna have a serious convo, get back to me...
When you wanna have a serious convo, get back to me...
When you want to stop shilling your rando mythology to a bunch of people who think it would be for the best if you upgraded to a Real Religion, get back to me.
This is a great question.

Hey @Daisy, in your mythology does Jesus need to get regular haircuts, or is he more of the zombie-style resurrected?



If you're not raised with Christ then you have no relationship to him and Christianity seems weird. It's not that hard to understand. Did you grow up living under a rock or something? Humanity is diverse and not everyone thinks like you. It's that simple.
I didn't say you do. I said you invited other Christians to do so. And don't pretend you're unaware of that phenomenon ... you've been here five years.

Hmm… their join date (of 5/28/2017) makes that six years.
I don't reject Jesus; I just reject you and your unChristian, hate filled dogma.
@Daisy said:
Please elaborate...
@Daisy's "Elaboration" request granted: 👇

Elora said:
I think it's the other way around...atheism dehumanizes a person..

Elora said:
I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who chooses to leave Jehovah..
@Daisy said:
Please elaborate...
Elaboration request granted: 👇

Elora said:
I think it's the other way around...atheism dehumanizes a person..

Elora said:
I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who chooses to leave Jehovah..
The duplicity is on display at all times. Like, in one thread, often times.
Too many here already beat me to it - I don't reject Christ, just the way too many followers express their belief in him. American Evangelicals in particular.
Too many here already beat me to it - I don't reject Christ, just the way too many followers express their belief in him. American Evangelicals in particular.
But do you think Christ will accept that excuse, when he told us to be footstep followers of him, not other imperfect people?
But do you think Christ will accept that excuse, when he told us to be footstep followers of him, not other imperfect people?
I think if Jesus truly exists and will someday come to judge the living and the dead he will do so based not on whether they made some declaration of belief in him, but on how sincerely each of them tried to embody his teachings of forgiveness, humility, and love.

To that end, I think a lot of Christians are going to be unpleasantly surprised come Judgement Day.
But do you think Christ will accept that excuse, when he told us to be footstep followers of him, not other imperfect people?
Who cares? If he shows up and tries to judge us or threaten us for not bowing to his heathen mythology, he’s going to get his ass kicked by Ashur, Poseidon and Vishnu. So, those of us who don’t swear fealty to his sect will be just fine.
I think if Jesus truly exists and will someday come to judge the living and the dead he will do so based not on whether they made some declaration of belief in him, but on how sincerely each of them tried to embody his teachings of forgiveness, humility, and love.

To that end, I think a lot of Christians are going to be unpleasantly surprised come Judgement Day.
But that's just it, that is what true belief involves...faith and obedience go hand in hand...if we allow those of little or no faith stumble us, that is on us, not on them...
If Jesus will accept the "excuse" of a fallen, deposed, hate-filled, hypocritical drunkard who self-proclaimed to be one of the anointed 144,000, little to no doubt, Jesus will accept the "excuses" of the non-hypocritical lay persons among us who do not claim to be one of the self-anointed 144,000.

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