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Why do people excuse bad cops? (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Political Leaning
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"
People support bad cops (bigotry) because they believe bigotry will protect them. You don't see minorities supporting bad cops. Minorities do not believe bigotry will protect them.
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"
It's definitely not 1 single reason that applies to everyone.

I think that the "blue lives matter" type people was partially brought out as a way to tell black lives matter to go **** themselves. It's a way to tell them to quit being so uppity but in a way that they can act as though they aren't really saying that.

A sizable portion of people that constantly defend bad cops I believe do so because the job is just so insanely hard. My uncle was in the Baton Rouge Police Department for 30 years. I heard plenty of stories from him that I couldn't really imagine dealing with. There was an attack that killed 4 BR police officers a number of years ago, and he knew all of them personally and had actually trained 1 or 2 of them. It ****ed him up for months. He's also mentioned stories to me where he had drawn his gun because he thought someone was reaching for a gun, and if his reaction that day had merely been a hair off he might have shot an unarmed person.

I'm not very hopeful that it will get better either. When he retired a few years back he told me about the latest recruits. When he had signed up 30 years ago, they would have an academy and have 200+ people come and give it a shot and they'd pick the best 10 or 20 or however many they needed ( he told me this long ago. These numbers are from memory and might not be perfectly accurate, but represent what he was conveying at the time). The recruiting class that had happened as he was retiring there were only around 30 recruits that signed up. So you are having to hire people that might not have the right mentality or abilities or temperament that you'd really want just to get butts in the seats. It's really a terrifying thought.
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"
I will attempt a serious answer. Some people are frightened of what they think is increasing violence all around. They might think that imperfect law enforcement is better than none at all.

Two cities I know well. London: daily stabbings, most by teens or early twenties on those of similar ages. Stockholm (and several other Swedish cities). No go areas where most civilians are scared to enter and emergency services will not venture into, particularly after dark.

Recruitment and retention of police officers is difficult. London's Metropolitan Police has a target of hiring 50% women. Few survive even one year. Main reason? Unwillingness to confront abusive and violent criminals.
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"

Because 99.9% of the time it wasnt a "bad cop", but merely an asshole bad criminal. Just like asshole Mike Brown for instance, and asshole Geo "Angel Wings & Halo" Floyd.

Thats why Bodhi.

Stay safe out there Officers, we appreciate you!!👮‍♂️🚔👮‍♀️
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"

Please provide some examples - I am assuming that you mean: why do people allow LEOs to commit (alleged) crimes without criminal prosecution. People have no means to bring criminal charges, that power is exclusively left up to (other) government employees.
It's definitely not 1 single reason that applies to everyone.

I think that the "blue lives matter" type people was partially brought out as a way to tell black lives matter to go **** themselves. It's a way to tell them to quit being so uppity but in a way that they can act as though they aren't really saying that.

A sizable portion of people that constantly defend bad cops I believe do so because the job is just so insanely hard. My uncle was in the Baton Rouge Police Department for 30 years. I heard plenty of stories from him that I couldn't really imagine dealing with. There was an attack that killed 4 BR police officers a number of years ago, and he knew all of them personally and had actually trained 1 or 2 of them. It ****ed him up for months. He's also mentioned stories to me where he had drawn his gun because he thought someone was reaching for a gun, and if his reaction that day had merely been a hair off he might have shot an unarmed person.

I'm not very hopeful that it will get better either. When he retired a few years back he told me about the latest recruits. When he had signed up 30 years ago, they would have an academy and have 200+ people come and give it a shot and they'd pick the best 10 or 20 or however many they needed ( he told me this long ago. These numbers are from memory and might not be perfectly accurate, but represent what he was conveying at the time). The recruiting class that had happened as he was retiring there were only around 30 recruits that signed up. So you are having to hire people that might not have the right mentality or abilities or temperament that you'd really want just to get butts in the seats. It's really a terrifying thought.
So is being an air traffic controller, pilot, fire fighter, teacher, nurse and surgeon.

A teacher goes off and punches a kid and they are fired and in jail. Not cops. They just keep punching and kill a persoin
So is being an air traffic controller, pilot, fire fighter, teacher, nurse and surgeon.

A teacher goes off and punches a kid and they are fired and in jail. Not cops. They just keep punching and kill a persoin

Nope. This teacher caught on video punching a student was allowed to retire.

He has been arrested and released on bond, but it will likely be a while before the case is handled (given a plea deal?) by the ‘just us’ system.

This teacher (also forced to retire) had the charge dropped.

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Please provide some examples - I am assuming that you mean: why do people allow LEOs to commit (alleged) crimes without criminal prosecution. People have no means to bring criminal charges, that power is exclusively left up to (other) government employees.
I mean the people that defend police actions no matter what and blame the innocent person shot or violated... no . matter . what.
Nope. This teacher caught on video punching a student was allowed to retire.

He has been arrested and released on bond, but it will likely be a while before the case is handled (given a plea deal?) by the ‘just us’ system.

This teacher had the charge dropped.

You are kinda missing the point but that is what I get for talking like a normal person with general context.
If you do would you also excuse bad pilots? Most of our know what most of the buttons do on the plane"
Surgeons? "Our hospital has a 50% success rate for surgery"
Crossing guards? "But sir, I only sent kids running into traffic once... only three kids died!"
Are they excused? Is there a very rigorous set of civilian and union rules that make it difficult to easily excuse bad cops?
Is it possible that the job and the pay are so horrible that we have to ease the standards of acceptance for those jobs?
Is it possible that the political leaders are giving citizens lip service about actually caring about their citizens?
I can continue on about all of the bad civil servants within our society who are failing us before a human being ever gets to be abused by a bad cop.
If we had much lower crime rates, would we have much lower numbers of bad cops?
Are they excused? Is there a very rigorous set of civilian and union rules that make it difficult to easily excuse bad cops?
Is it possible that the job and the pay are so horrible that we have to ease the standards of acceptance for those jobs?
Is it possible that the political leaders are giving citizens lip service about actually caring about their citizens?
I can continue on about all of the bad civil servants within our society who are failing us before a human being ever gets to be abused by a bad cop.
If we had much lower crime rates, would we have much lower numbers of bad cops?
I am talking about the people, many here, that excuse police behavior no matter what... not laws... not unions... not etc.
Is it possible that the job and the pay are so horrible that we have to ease the standards of acceptance for those jobs?

Cops are grossly overpaid, and the job could be performed by an orangutan. Being a cop does not require intelligence. In my state, you are disqualified for being too smart:

The job is also not physically demanding. Not only are they stupid, but they are fat as well:

Basically to be a cop you have to be fat and stupid.

Is it possible that the political leaders are giving citizens lip service about actually caring about their citizens?

Is this sarcasm?
I am talking about the people, many here, that excuse police behavior no matter what... not laws... not unions... not etc.

For the same reason they excuse the behavior of the state no matter what.
People support bad cops (bigotry) because they believe bigotry will protect them. You don't see minorities supporting bad cops. Minorities do not believe bigotry will protect them.
Even some white people are shouting “i cant breathe” now while a cop kneels on their neck. The boot that stamps on the neck of those people look down on will eventually come down on theirs.
This is the tough on crime ideology coming full circle.
Even some white people are shouting “i cant breathe” now while a cop kneels on their neck. The boot that stamps on the neck of those people look down on will eventually come down on theirs.

Either that....OR...hear me out here....OR.... those people can simply start obeying the laws and cooperating with arrest?

Thats what I do, and I havent had one cops knee on my neck yet. People that get a cops boot on their neck are criminals. And not only that, but criminals that are too dumb to know when to shut up and cooperate. I just cant abide that type Bomber, dont care for 'em and dont associate with them.
Either that....OR...hear me out here....OR.... those people can simply start obeying the laws and cooperating with arrest?

Thats what I do, and I havent had one cops knee on my neck yet. People that get a cops boot on their neck are criminals. And not only that, but criminals that are too dumb to know when to shut up and cooperate. I just cant abide that type Bomber, dont care for 'em and dont associate with them.

Not shutting up is not a crime and doesn't excuse the use of excessive force.
The fact that you see anyone who tries to stand up for their rights as criminals is telling.

US police seem to jump to excessive force when it's nowhere near needed and then get even more excessive when people rightly call them on it.
No wonder so many people distrust the police and are wary of them.
It's also why even lawyers now tell people to always film any contact with the police.
Not shutting up is not a crime and doesn't excuse the use of excessive force.
The fact that you see anyone who tries to stand up for their rights as criminals is telling.

US police seem to jump to excessive force when it's nowhere near needed and then get even more excessive when people rightly call them on it.
No wonder so many people distrust the police and are wary of them.
It's also why even lawyers now tell people to always film any contact with the police.
And for their own protection against lawyers police should always film any contacts with criminals.
Because most people are very stupid =
+ very paranoid + false dichotomy thinking(if we don't side with the cops - good or bad, then [often imaginary] criminals will prevail)
+ very superficial, ignorant and naive(it won't happen to me, I'm a law abiding citizen,those who get in trouble must have done somehing wrong/there's no smoke without fire)
+ many people are simply evil

That's why democracy will not work for the foreseeable future, if ever!

Largely, overcriminalization - the biggest cancer in Western societies, happens for about the same reasons that cops get away with crime.
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And for their own protection against lawyers police should always film any contacts with criminals.

That's why I support all police officers being fitted with bodycams and police cars to have dash and other cameras.

It goes both ways and protects everyone to have as much of the story filmed as possible. I don't want the police to be falsely accused of mistreatment just as much as I want the police to be held accountable for their actions.
Not shutting up is not a crime and doesn't excuse the use of excessive force.

maybe.....but any person with any sense knows that when you're dealing with Police, you should be courteous and respectful and follow instructions. If you respect the cop, the cop is going to respect you is what I always say.

I used to be quite an irresponsible hooligan back in the day. Drunk, bar fights, driving impaired (thankfully never hurt anyone or caused an accident), just real moronic stuff like that.
And when the Police showed up: that was it. You knew enough to STFU and be arrested or whatever, because you knew that you didnt want a Wood Shampoo.
Do you know what a Wood Shampoo is Peter?
maybe.....but any person with any sense knows that when you're dealing with Police, you should be courteous and respectful and follow instructions. If you respect the cop, the cop is going to respect you is what I always say.

I used to be quite an irresponsible hooligan back in the day. Drunk, bar fights, driving impaired (thankfully never hurt anyone or caused an accident), just real moronic stuff like that.
And when the Police showed up: that was it. You knew enough to STFU and be arrested or whatever, because you knew that you didnt want a Wood Shampoo.
Do you know what a Wood Shampoo is Peter?

Yes, it's police assault and battery.
You seem to be destined to forgive the police for the use of excessive force.
The UK is rather well known for having lots and lots of pubs and as such drunken brawls so the police here are rather well versed in dealing with them and the use of truncheons is ultra rare.
The police in the US seem to feel the need to escalate situations where UK police are taught to de-escalate situations, there's a vast difference.

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