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Why aren't the media asking Obama about the email scandal? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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How could he not know that was going on?, right under his nose? Did he give her tacit approval?
How could he not know that was going on?, right under his nose? Did he give her tacit approval?

FYI, he is a crook himself. He has violated his oath of office many times. He and she run in the same circles, inside the Beltway. They are buds, birds of a feather.

The big question is will the email scandal detract from the Clinton Foundation investigation/scandal?
Funny how the right never asked the same questions when Bush was in office and doing the exact same things... and worse.

Bush had over 30 Bengahzi´s, he had a massive email scandal where his top advisers in the White House used private RNC email systems, and he used the DOJ as a political weapon against the Democrats.. just to name a few issues.. and yet the right were silent.
Funny how the right never asked the same questions when Bush was in office and doing the exact same things... and worse.

why would you lie and say he was doing the exact same thing? Do you think people here haven't read up on this?
why would you lie and say he was doing the exact same thing? Do you think people here haven't read up on this?

Lie? okay.. Did Clinton actually leak secrets? no.. but Bush and his cronies did.... so how exactly is Clinton the worse guy/gal than Bush?
Funny how the right never asked the same questions when Bush was in office and doing the exact same things... and worse.

Bush had over 30 Bengahzi´s, he had a massive email scandal where his top advisers in the White House used private RNC email systems, and he used the DOJ as a political weapon against the Democrats.. just to name a few issues.. and yet the right were silent.

I was about to call you oit on this when I decided to look for myself.

Millions of emails lost. True that.

Thank you.
why would you lie and say he was doing the exact same thing? Do you think people here haven't read up on this?

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called gwb43.com, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a gwb43.com email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on georgewbush.com (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and rnchq.org (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, gwb43.com has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.

Lie? okay.. Did Clinton actually leak secrets? no.. but Bush and his cronies did.... so how exactly is Clinton the worse guy/gal than Bush?

Clinton has to be painted as being really, really bad. Otherwise, how on Earth can the Republicans ever get the conman elected?
Clinton has to be painted as being really, really bad. Otherwise, how on Earth can the Republicans ever get the conman elected?

You don't think Comey painted her as bad?
whew boy.
Funny how the right never asked the same questions when Bush was in office and doing the exact same things... and worse.

Bush had over 30 Bengahzi´s, he had a massive email scandal where his top advisers in the White House used private RNC email systems, and he used the DOJ as a political weapon against the Democrats.. just to name a few issues.. and yet the right were silent.

How about we work on getting better and not on setting the bar lower with every go around??
You don't think Comey painted her as bad?
whew boy.

He said she had been careless.

So, we have a choice between a president who has been careless with emails that have since been "classified", or an outright fraud and conman.

Maybe we can get it right in 2020. Meanwhile, we can live with someone who proved careless better than a snake oil salesman.
How about we work on getting better and not on setting the bar lower with every go around??

There's the real question.

Bush I did a pretty good job of it despite his commitment to trickle down economics. Then, when Clinton was telling the nation that he did not have sex with "that woman", I was pretty sure we'd hit bottom. I was clearly wrong about that, of course, when Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and now we know, Blair managed to start a war that resulted in half a million dead and the nation of Iraq taken over by a death cult. Now, we have a choice between a candidate who is clearly a fraud and one who has demonstrated poor judgement before even having been elected.

We're going to miss Obama.
“110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.” -James Comey

Please stop lying and pretending Bush did exactly the same thing.

and of course what she did went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond just being innocently 'careless" .

On top of that Comey revealed just what a sniveling liar she has been all along

even the left wing WAPo noticed! They changed acouple of her claim from half truths to flat ou whoppers.

She's just a disgraceful, contemptible human being
How could he not know that was going on?, right under his nose? Did he give her tacit approval?

It's called willful ignorance and he's raised it to an art form. Whenever something bad comes out of his administration, he's got no clue until he reads it in the papers or sees it on TV.

FYI, he is a crook himself. He has violated his oath of office many times. He and she run in the same circles, inside the Beltway. They are buds, birds of a feather.

The big question is will the email scandal detract from the Clinton Foundation investigation/scandal?

One can only hope not. But it's already not looking good.

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months

Obama Administration Wants to Keep Clinton Foundation Emails Hidden Until Late 2018

State Department Wants 27-Month Delay for Release of Clinton Foundation Emails

Most transparent administration in history. Bahh! In motivations only.

It's blatantly clear that they want to keep this scandal away from the public until after her presidential coronation, and well into, if not after, the midterms.

This is corrupt.
This is disgusting.
This is not the way it's supposed to work.
The Obama administration is about as transparent as a brick.

True. Transparent as a brick, when it comes to accountability, FOIA, etc.
But their motivations behind their actions are transparent as glass. They seem to be forgetting that all the time.
How could he not know that was going on?, right under his nose? Did he give her tacit approval?

It's a conspiracy to victimize conservatives. It always is.

How conservatives manage to get through life when everyone is involved in the vast liberal conspiracy that is out to get them (despite their making up roughly 50% of America) is, well, it's just staggering. Pulls on my heartstrings to thing of the strength it must take to get through the day when the whole world - all the politicians, all media sources, all passersby...even the stray dogs - is out to unfairly make you look bad and thereby victimize you.

Here's a thought: "the media" isn't asking Obama because it wasn't Obama's fault.

It's a conspiracy to victimize conservatives. It always is.

How conservatives manage to get through life when everyone is involved in the vast liberal conspiracy that is out to get them (despite their making up roughly 50% of America) is, well, it's just staggering. Pulls on my heartstrings to thing of the strength it must take to get through the day when the whole world - all the politicians, all media sources, all passersby...even the stray dogs - is out to unfairly make you look bad and thereby victimize you.

Here's a thought: "the media" isn't asking Obama because it wasn't Obama's fault.


Not his fault, tell me where does the buck stop? If not with Obama then where?
Here's a thought: "the media" isn't asking Obama because it wasn't Obama's fault.

It's a fair point. What she did was intentionally sneaky but still, wouldn't he find it odd that none of her emails came to him from a dot.gov address? Is he that clueless that he doesn't know it's it's not a good idea for a SOS to use a private email for Gov't business? Unless the only emails they exchanged were about her grandchild { Derisive smirk}

Lucky for him the guns are all aimed at granny, because between this and Benghazi, he ain't lookin so hot as an executive.
It's a fair point. What she did was intentionally sneaky but still, wouldn't he find it odd that none of her emails came to him from a dot.gov address? Is he that clueless that he doesn't know it's it's not a good idea for a SOS to use a private email for Gov't business? Unless the only emails they exchanged were about her grandchild { Derisive smirk}

Lucky for him the guns are all aimed at granny, because between this and Benghazi, he ain't lookin so hot as an executive.

Seems little more than willful ignorance on Obama's part. Recall whenever any scandal related to his administration came up, any of his weaponization of government departments against his political opposition. The first that he knew of any of it was when he read it in the papers or saw it on the news. That's hardly believable. Willful ignorance to deflect any and all accountability.
What are we supposed to ask Obama about it?
What are we supposed to ask Obama about it?

Mr. President, what is your opinion of how this situation was handled by Hillary Clinton, both as your Sec. of State and afterwards when it was revealed that she had violated basic security protocols??

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