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why admire napoleon? (1 Viewer)


Libertarian socialist
DP Veteran
Jul 23, 2005
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Staffs, England
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Very Liberal
where do people get the idea that napoleon was some wonderfully herioc revolutionary? Your talking about a dictator that tryed to take over europe for no reason then satisfying his own ego and wallet, killing thousands in the process. This is someone who completely turned his back on the revolutionary ideas he claimed to represent becoming a de facto monarch with more power than most in the bourbon dynasty. How can anyone claim he was the hero of the french revolution when he was the complete antithesis of its ideals? He was a brutal imperialst monarch, surely this is exactly what the french revolution was all about opossing?
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Red_Dave said:
where do people get the idea that napoleon was some wonderfully herioc revolutionary? Your talking about a dictator that tryed to take over europe for no reason then satisfying his own ego and wallet, killing thousands in the process. This is someone who completely turned his back on the revolutionary ideas he claimed to represent becoming a de facto monarch with more power than most in the bourbon dynasty. How can anyone claim he was the hero of the french revolution when he was the complete antithesis of its ideals? He was a brutal imperialst monarch, surely this is exactly what the french revolution was all about opossing?

He's usually admired for his great military mind.
Agreed that his military ingenuity won him acolades. However, its also been said that Roman legions would have easily destroyed him using the superior range of their artilery.

Napoleon's success was the result of using a new tactic of clumping artillery together rather than spreading it out in a long line.

I agree however, that he represented a reactionary movement in French society following the reign of terror. I personally expect a similar reactionary movement to occur in Russia following their adoption of democracy, and see Putin as the leader of the movement.. Hopefully military realities will keep him from adopting expansionist policy.
He was the last Frenchman to win any type of military conflict.:mrgreen:
I wasn't aware that Napoleon was all that admired. A genius yes, but admired? After all he went from being a man "of the people" to this..... <see pic>

I don't admire him. He is quite a character though. Wasn't he exiled? Twice? Gotta love that....We oughta bring that one back.

Okay....there's the pic :doh


  • napoleon.jpg
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Because Napoleon was extremely influential in spreading a formal, codified law and influencing the culture of western civilization. That's one reason.
liberal1 said:
He was the last Frenchman to win any type of military conflict.:mrgreen:

:2rofll: Reminds me of demosthenes' sig. Best sig on this forum IMO
Will I do admire napoleon also Hitler...I know you going to think I am nuts...but I am look at a sociology point of view...how were these guys so smart...I know they killed a lot of innocent people...but I am look at how they thought and there decides...and how they lost...and reasons whys...
Loxd4 said:
Will I do admire napoleon also Hitler...I know you going to think I am nuts...but I am look at a sociology point of view...how were these guys so smart...I know they killed a lot of innocent people...but I am look at how they thought and there decides...and how they lost...and reasons whys...

No doubt they were geniuses but I don't think they should be admired for their decisions.
The Real McCoy said:
No doubt they were geniuses but I don't think they should be admired for their decisions.

Well I know there were geniuses but I want to know why they did each deicide...so I don’t always like there decision but I look at them at all point of views.
They aren't respected for the decisions that they made so much as the fact that they could lead people so well as to make them make bad decisions with them. I mean that is talent...

Of course thank god that he eventually got killed off or exiled or beaten (I can't remember how his reign ended)...Could you imagine a world of french stuff everywhere...:thumbdown What would we do when aliens attack? Surrender and give them a gift basket?
Napoleon was one of the smartest military geniuses in the world. Don't you get it that he took over a whole country without any noble blood? Now that's genius. I only wish I could be half as smart. Of course he killed people. You can't get power without that, there's too many idiots who get in your way who do have birthright. Napoleon became what the revolution ended, and the thing is, the people didn't care. they loved him. after having one of the bloodiest wars in the history of this world, he brought back exactly what they had been fighting to get rid of. You have to admire him, even if you don't agree with what he did. If you think about it, it would be pretty smart to kill all but a few people on the earth with one leader and start all over. Hitler was a genius. If you leave out emotions, then you'll realize that he was creating an elite group of people to follow him which could've turned out for the better, if you don't ad the emotional side. But I'll quit talkign b/c im only in high school so who gives a crap what i say?
Kill them all?

peterlocke said:
But I'll quit talkign b/c im only in high school so who gives a crap what i say?

I'll give you the satisfaction of knowing that I care about what you said. Which does you no good, because I myself am only in high school and no one cares what I say, either. But to the point:

peterlocke said:
You have to admire him, even if you don't agree with what he did. If you think about it, it would be pretty smart to kill all but a few people on the earth with one leader and start all over. Hitler was a genius. If you leave out emotions, then you'll realize that he was creating an elite group of people to follow him which could've turned out for the better, if you don't ad the emotional side.

I do admire Napoleon (for some things), but I completely disagree with you on your more important point. In what way would it benefit anyone if the majority of the world's population were slaughtered and the remainder united under one man?

With all respect, think of what you're saying! Entirely aside from the moral problems- emotions or no emotions, I am not aware of a single group of any kind anywhere which dares advocate the extermination of billions of people for no other reason than to let those left "start over-" the odds of a handful of people returning us to the point it took 30 billion to drag us to is incredibly low.

There have been a thousand, a million instances in which a bullet an inch to the left, thirty votes not cast, the escape of a man from prison could have forever plunged the world into a Dark Age with no kind of Renaissance at the end. To start over is to take all those chances again in the hope that things turn out still better, that more things which are purely chance happen the right way. The odds of that are, of course, far lower. The path to where we are has been a razor's edge; why chance walking it again? I have thought about it- many times- and I fail to see the merit in what you suggest. "Could have" is not good enough, I don't think.

Again, with all due respect, could you perhaps explain your reasoning?
Hitler for all his evils was an economic and propaganda genius.

When he took over in 1933 Germany was slumped in the great depression. By 1939 Berlin has hosted the Olympics had had the most powerful and efficient economy and army in the world. In six years that is some going. He did this my brainwashing the masses with his propaganda. Some Nazi propaganda tactics are used my the US to this current day.
GarzaUK said:
Hitler for all his evils was an economic and propaganda genius.

When he took over in 1933 Germany was slumped in the great depression. By 1939 Berlin has hosted the Olympics had had the most powerful and efficient economy and army in the world. In six years that is some going. He did this my brainwashing the masses with his propaganda. Some Nazi propaganda tactics are used my the US to this current day.

true hitler was a genius in that sense. Nazi Propoganda tactics are being used by every country more or less, not just the US. Propoganda itself has been used ever since there was a government.
GarzaUK said:
Hitler for all his evils was an economic and propaganda genius.

When he took over in 1933 Germany was slumped in the great depression. By 1939 Berlin has hosted the Olympics had had the most powerful and efficient economy and army in the world. In six years that is some going. He did this my brainwashing the masses with his propaganda. Some Nazi propaganda tactics are used my the US to this current day.

I quite agree. But also some of Hitler's lackeys and propagandists were hired and used by the US later. Because they were thought to be so good. Also he also was noted for saying "The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is repeated again and again. "

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think. "

And also"Gebt mir zehn Jahre Zeit, und ihr werdet Deutschland nicht wiedererkennen! "

Which means

"Give me ten years, and you will not recognise Germany. (1933) "
Re: Kill them all?

Stupiderthanthou said:
I'll give you the satisfaction of knowing that I care about what you said. Which does you no good, because I myself am only in high school and no one cares what I say, either. But to the point:

I'm in high school also but age doesn't really matter in here unless you truly believe everything you say and are completely unwilling to comprimise or revise your thinking....

George_Washington said:
Why admire Napoleon when you can admire Wellington? Afterall, he did best Napoleon at the sea.

I do respect Wellington but he led people into battle doing something that was easy...."Kill the enemy".....Napolean led people convincing them to do terrible things.....it is one thing to be a great general leading men into battle it is a completely different thing to be a leader destroying towns and killing innocents...

I said all of that kinda strangely but I can't think of a revision right now....
"why admire napoleon?"

Because he is the only thing France has to be proud of.....and then they turned on him.
GySgt said:
"why admire napoleon?"

Because he is the only thing France has to be proud of.....and then they turned on him.

yeah kindof.....he led the army who couldn't win and he almost won.....that's pretty good....
goligoth said:
yeah kindof.....he led the army who couldn't win and he almost won.....that's pretty good....

For France.....that's awesome.

Did your hear about that authentic French rifle being sold on e-bay? Caption reads - Mint condition...Never fired, only been dropped once.

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