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Why A Government Shutdown Over The Wall? (1 Viewer)

Dont forget the lawless lowlifes that organized and invited them to an open border entitlement country.

Riots arise from passion, but looting is a crime of opportunity, experts say

Looks like Trump is right again. Migrants demand asylum or $50,000.00. I guess it has nothing to do with their life being in danger but a money making scheme. The lawless lowlifes have stooped even lower trying to extort money from the hard working citizens of this country. I think it is time to start shooting people storming our border. We will pay them in lead.
Walls have been built for 10,000+ because they reduce the manpower needed to stop people from invading their country.

Well, it's 2018. We have drones and A.I. Why not invest in a modern solution?
You don't know what you're talking about, as usual.

As usual, I know more than you and you can't back your dishonest comments up with facts. Everyone can see this which is why you have one of the worst reputations on this board con. :lamo
As usual, I know more than you and you can't back your dishonest comments up with facts. Everyone can see this which is why you have one of the worst reputations on this board con. :lamo

As usual, you don't a fact from a rat's ass.
As usual, you don't a fact from a rat's ass.

Still know more than you, so you're really just insulting yourself now.
Well, it's 2018. We have drones and A.I. Why not invest in a modern solution?

What can a drone do. Fly around and record the crime. We already know that millions of criminals are illegally entering our country. Maybe we could arm the drone and start shooting these criminals. I think a wall is the better solution because it prevents the crime in the first place. I am all for stopping the problem before it becomes a problem. The people in this country pay a fortune to take millions of illegal lowlifes to court to deport them from our country because they have no respect for our immigration laws. I think it would be much cheaper just keep them out in the first place.
I am very confused, can Trump supporters please explain this to me.

Why is it, the President of the United States is threatening to shut down his own government because of the Border Wall, when he assured us all, that Mexico was going to pay for it...

<video snips>

Shutdowns actually end up costing more money for Taxpayers than if the government just stays open due to a number of factors.

So not only would building the wall be a massive waste of money, but Trump is threatening to waste even more money in an attempt to waste more money.

The utter stupidity of contemporary American politics is astounding.

They can't explain it to you without insulting themselves. He's singing to a particular type of choir...
What can a drone do. Fly around and record the crime. We already know that millions of criminals are illegally entering our country. Maybe we could arm the drone and start shooting these criminals. I think a wall is the better solution because it prevents the crime in the first place. I am all for stopping the problem before it becomes a problem. The people in this country pay a fortune to take millions of illegal lowlifes to court to deport them from our country because they have no respect for our immigration laws. I think it would be much cheaper just keep them out in the first place.

Yep because a ladder is no match for a wall to a conservative. :lamo
Yep because a ladder is no match for a wall to a conservative. :lamo

Do you have any idea how many walls there are in this world. Do you know how many walls will be built around the world this year. I have 30 or 40 walls just inside my house. They have been built and are still being built because they work. That is the facts that cannot be disputed. A properly built wall for the purpose intended works that is the bottom line. That is why their are billions of walls all over the world and we are building more.
Do you have any idea how many walls there are in this world. Do you know how many walls will be built around the world this year. I have 30 or 40 walls just inside my house. They have been built and are still being built because they work. That is the facts that cannot be disputed. A properly built wall for the purpose intended works that is the bottom line. That is why their are billions of walls all over the world and we are building more.

I hear this a lot, but none of these walls will cover 2,000 miles of varying terrain; some of which is in isolated wildlife preserves. Policing a wall of that size doesn't compare to something much smaller. A wall works to deter those who determine the effort to climb the wall is not worth the trouble; if there's an incentive they will get over a wall. We've witnessed this with drug smugglers climbing over the existing wall.
Do you have any idea how many walls there are in this world. Do you know how many walls will be built around the world this year. I have 30 or 40 walls just inside my house. They have been built and are still being built because they work. That is the facts that cannot be disputed. A properly built wall for the purpose intended works that is the bottom line. That is why their are billions of walls all over the world and we are building more.

If 40,000 wanted to get over your walls, those walls mean ****. Again no wall without ceilings is going to stop a ladder . This is why pro-wall folks are ignorant.
I wonder how many of these avid 'pro-wallers' would be chomping at the bit to spend 25 billion on it had Obama been the President advocating for it to be built?
I wonder how many of these avid 'pro-wallers' would be chomping at the bit to spend 25 billion on it had Obama been the President advocating for it to be built?

Obama did and we did! What happened??
I am very confused, can Trump supporters please explain this to me.

Why is it, the President of the United States is threatening to shut down his own government because of the Border Wall, when he assured us all, that Mexico was going to pay for it...

Shutdowns actually end up costing more money for Taxpayers than if the government just stays open due to a number of factors.

So not only would building the wall be a massive waste of money, but Trump is threatening to waste even more money in an attempt to waste more money.

The utter stupidity of contemporary American politics is astounding.

its for political theater and thats all
its to cater to the more extremist part of his base. There extreme nutters that actually buy stuff like this,l think he it was a good show with him coming out on top

its sad but it works on those people and thats who it was for:shrug:
any normal person right, left, center, for trump against trump wasnt phased
I hear this a lot, but none of these walls will cover 2,000 miles of varying terrain; some of which is in isolated wildlife preserves. Policing a wall of that size doesn't compare to something much smaller. A wall works to deter those who determine the effort to climb the wall is not worth the trouble; if there's an incentive they will get over a wall. We've witnessed this with drug smugglers climbing over the existing wall.

True there are vast area's that are natural barriers. The walls need to start in the populated areas and should be extended as needed to stop these lawless people. We cannot give up because people commit crimes. As we legalize marijuana a lot of the drugs coming into this country will stop due to no money in it. Nobody can grow marijuana better than the American farmer. The wall along with more border patrols will save a lot of money dealing with the problem before they have entered into the country. I think requiring ID and finger prints to enter will also stop a lot of the criminals. We spend all the court cost and then the deporting cost to take a bad apple and send them back across the border only to have him back in our country the very next day. Our border security is the laughing stock of the world.
True there are vast area's that are natural barriers. The walls need to start in the populated areas and should be extended as needed to stop these lawless people. We cannot give up because people commit crimes. As we legalize marijuana a lot of the drugs coming into this country will stop due to no money in it. Nobody can grow marijuana better than the American farmer. The wall along with more border patrols will save a lot of money dealing with the problem before they have entered into the country. I think requiring ID and finger prints to enter will also stop a lot of the criminals. We spend all the court cost and then the deporting cost to take a bad apple and send them back across the border only to have him back in our country the very next day. Our border security is the laughing stock of the world.

Trump is the laughing stock of the world.....rightfully so
Because the Democrats want a vacation from Washington.
I am very confused, can Trump supporters please explain this to me.

Why is it, the President of the United States is threatening to shut down his own government because of the Border Wall, when he assured us all, that Mexico was going to pay for it...

Shutdowns actually end up costing more money for Taxpayers than if the government just stays open due to a number of factors.

So not only would building the wall be a massive waste of money, but Trump is threatening to waste even more money in an attempt to waste more money.

The utter stupidity of contemporary American politics is astounding.
Because the Democrats want a vacation from Washington.

Maybe you missed it. Trump is the one threatening a government shutdown and stating 'he will own it'...not the Democrats.
True there are vast area's that are natural barriers. The walls need to start in the populated areas and should be extended as needed to stop these lawless people. We cannot give up because people commit crimes. As we legalize marijuana a lot of the drugs coming into this country will stop due to no money in it. Nobody can grow marijuana better than the American farmer. The wall along with more border patrols will save a lot of money dealing with the problem before they have entered into the country. I think requiring ID and finger prints to enter will also stop a lot of the criminals. We spend all the court cost and then the deporting cost to take a bad apple and send them back across the border only to have him back in our country the very next day. Our border security is the laughing stock of the world.

I don't disagree with that point, for me it's about how this country uses its resources to remediate the problem. A $25 billion wall doesn't seem like the best use of those resources in my opinion. Similar to your reference to drugs, if you stop the demand then the supply doesn't need to be met. The problem is the demand for cheap labor fuels the profit margins of plenty of businesses in the US, so a wall won't keep the folks out determined to get that kind of work. Also, finding a more efficient way to manage foreign labor would help in that process as well.

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