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Why A Government Shutdown Over The Wall? (1 Viewer)

Only is the dishonest comments of a con would Holding a president accountable for his words he TDS. You cons post such dishonest comments, you are no moderate.

You are no "independent".
“Holding Trump to his own words = TDS”.

Trump supporters sure are a hoot.

It is the left who are holding Trump to his words, not the right. Most of the right doesn't give a rat's ass who pays for the wall, as long as it is built. It is only an issue to those suffering from TDS.
And the battle lines are drawn.

There are no battle lines, Trump promised he would have Mexico pay for the wall so as soon as that check clears you and the other Trump supporters can get your wall. Until then, no, blame Trump for lying about it then.
You are no "independent".

Being anti-Trump doesn't make me not an Independent and you know nothing of my other views so you only show your ignorance.
It is the left who are holding Trump to his words, not the right. Most of the right doesn't give a rat's ass who pays for the wall, as long as it is built. It is only an issue to those suffering from TDS.

So you will pay for it as much as you can?
It is the left who are holding Trump to his words, not the right. Most of the right doesn't give a rat's ass who pays for the wall, as long as it is built. It is only an issue to those suffering from TDS.

You don’t give a rats ass who pays for it and how expensive and useless it is?

So much for that famous fiscal conservativism.

Guess when all those people cheered when he said he would get Mexico to pay for it, “believe me” they were actually cheering that they were going to pay for it?
So, extortion from trump is what you support got it. BTW trump has already owned he will be proud to shut down the government. It will be Trump that shuts down the government and you and the other cons posting dishonest comments cannot change that fact. You think trump should be king and what he says should be law.


Yes, we laugh when you guys mention "the wall" because you support some Trumptard that lied about it. :lamo
Maybe if Trump gives in on DACA without Miller's draconian legal Immigration policy, he gets his $5M for more idiot wall funding. Without that, the Dems will just let Trump own the shutdown since he is so anxious to do it.

The people don't want DACA.
You don’t give a rats ass who pays for it and how expensive and useless it is?

So much for that famous fiscal conservativism.

Guess when all those people cheered when he said he would get Mexico to pay for it, “believe me” they were actually cheering that they were going to pay for it?

Is Canada offering citizenship to anyome crossing the U.S./Mexico border, going north?
Is Canada offering citizenship to anyome crossing the U.S./Mexico border, going north?

Irrelevant as usual apdst.

Let me ask you this:

If Trump had said “we’re going to build a wall and all of you are going to pay for it”.

Do you think it would have been as well received?
How did he lie?

By saying Mexico will pay for it. When Mexico signs the check THEN he can get his wall. Not until then.
Irrelevant as usual apdst.

Let me ask you this:

If Trump had said “we’re going to build a wall and all of you are going to pay for it”.

Do you think it would have been as well received?

I'll take that as a "no".
By saying Mexico will pay for it. When Mexico signs the check THEN he can get his wall. Not until then.

Where's the lie? Outside of your posts, that is.
Where's the lie? Outside of your posts, that is.

Has Mexico paid for the wall, yes or no? I haven't lied unlike Trumptard who does so on a daily basis. Are you saying I'm lying?
Good, it should be an easy thing for them to approve then.

Because that's why Trump was elected. Give people what they want, or suffer for it.

Trump has a base of about 1/3 of the populace. The rest of the people who voted for him were voting against Clinton more than anything else so it’s not clear that a majority of the want a wall.

And even if they did we don’t do things just because it’s what the people want.
Has Mexico paid for the wall, yes or no? I haven't lied unlike Trumptard who does so on a daily basis. Are you saying I'm lying?

Mexico told trump to go shove the wall up his ass.....Not that they paying for it
Has Mexico paid for the wall, yes or no? I haven't lied unlike Trumptard who does so on a daily basis. Are you saying I'm lying?

Irrelevant. Keep lying.
Pelosi and Schumer both agreed with Trump that they want better border control, just not a wall. Wall makes no sense, cost too much...

Walls have been built for 10,000+ because they reduce the manpower needed to stop people from invading their country. I have a fence/wall around my yard. It is a deterrent and it works. I have was an MP in Arizona on a military Post that borders Mexico. We had no fence or wall but we did have manpower. The word was out that we had zero tolerance and we had the manpower to catch them. Either you have to have more people or you need to assist the manpower with walls. Jails have cells because it is cheaper than assigning enough men to each prisoner. A wall allows fewer border patrol agents to secure vast area's with fewer people. If the wall is stormed as was the case with these lawless people coming through Mexico we simply bring our military in to stop the invasion. Zero tolerance is even more important than the wall or people. The word needs to get out that we do not tolerate lawless people and you will never be allowed in this country if you enter this way.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know more than you obviously. Trump claimed Mexico would pay for the wall and they haven't.

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