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Who made god? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
well, who Made god?

religion can come up with answers for everything else. Why not this?

Can anyone explain how God got here?
Many believers would say that God always existed, always has been, always will be.... infinite.

Belief in God is a matter of faith.
I have read that Man made God in his own image, instead of the reverse as written in the Bible. That would make sense as when reading the OT in particular, God gets credit, or blame, for a lot of deeds that just don't seem godlike, or at least the kind of God that I want to believe in. That would be a kind, loving, fatherly God, who wants what is best for his children, but allows them the freedom to choose their own path in life.
God was not made, he/she was invented by people that need something to lean on.
Ever notice how God is given credit for everything good and the Devil is blamed for everything bad? He was invented by the same people.
Old and wise said:
God was not made, he/she was invented by people that need something to lean on.
Ever notice how God is given credit for everything good and the Devil is blamed for everything bad? He was invented by the same people.
made, invented, you say potato, I say tomato....
Human nature has not changed in the last few thousand years, we still have to invent answers to questions that probably have no answers....
I see it as a natural response to fear of the unknown, but not knowing should not be a reason to live in fear.
That would be the enlightened view of things, I suppose, so forgive me if I am making sense. It might happen again, but it won't happen often.
God was not made. God always was and always will be. Causality only applies to the universe we live in. Think of it like an artist painting a picture: the rules of the painting do not apply to the painter himself. The Big Bang, or Creation, or whatever you choose to call it was not simply an event at a specific point in time or empty space, it was the CREATION of space and time. Try wrapping your mind around that notion, my friends.
Lets postulate that is true for a moment, and lets say that what you refer to as God exists outside of the universe we know of, and lets assume that He exists (if just for a moment for those that don't believe) and is engaging you.

How would you know you're talking to God as opposed to another being that happens to exist in that realm? It can be a whole race of beings.

For example, if I were to skydive into some pygmy tribe with medicine, weapons, electronics, etc. and they'd never seen such a thing before, they might very well view me as God. I can heal the sick, kill at a distance with a 'lightning bolt', talk to people other gods in a box (phone), etc.

Much like flatlanders in a 2D universe where incarceration is simply a circle, and if I reached into the circle and removed a 2D being, from their perspective it's God like, vanished into thin air as all they know and can experience is 2D. A 3D being would exist only outside their realm - like your painting example.

So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?
Cloud9 said:
So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?
Ask? If he/she/it is that advanced, they would have nothing to fear or gain from us, and would most likely be honest about it.
UtahBill said:
Ask? If he/she/it is that advanced, they would have nothing to fear or gain from us, and would most likely be honest about it.

I guess having been born and raised in NY has made me somewhat cynical. I wouldn't discount the possibility of us providing some entertainment value, much like watching my kids play with ants and other bugs.
Cloud9 said:
How would you know you're talking to God as opposed to another being that happens to exist in that realm? It can be a whole race of beings.

Personally, I'd like to assume that the creator of the universe is honest and would not try to decieive us. Why else be imprinted with the notions of right and wrong?
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Cloud9 said:
I guess having been born and raised in NY has made me somewhat cynical. I wouldn't discount the possibility of us providing some entertainment value, much like watching my kids play with ants and other bugs.
We might even serve usefully to them as pets, or an emergency food supply.....:rofl
The Real McCoy said:
Personally, I'd like to assume that the creator of the universe is honest and would not try to decieive us. Why else be imprinted with the notions of right and wrong?

You missed what I'm trying to say. How would you know that it's Him, as opposed to a 4D being in a world full of 4D beings that's just toying with us. A being that's a billion years more advanced than us.

How would you know?
Cloud9 said:
You missed what I'm trying to say. How would you know that it's Him, as opposed to a 4D being in a world full of 4D beings that's just toying with us. A being that's a billion years more advanced than us.

How would you know?

A God who is simply one of many beings "toying" with us isn't honest but deceptive, which was the point I was trying to make. And all major religions that take the polytheistic stance are long gone and with good reason.
The Real McCoy said:
A God who is simply one of many beings "toying" with us isn't honest but deceptive, which was the point I was trying to make. And all major religions that take the polytheistic stance are long gone and with good reason.

I don't see how you can refer to a 4D being as a God.

You're a 3D being, if you interacted with 2D beings would you consider yourself to be a God? Would you insist that the 2D beings treat you as a God?

I don't automatically assume that a 4D being that's a billion years more advanced than us is God.

To me, it's just a more advanced civilization with more abilities than we possess. Even if it seems 'miraculous' for our experience.

I no more assume that a being which can split the oceans or disappear on a whim is God than I would assume a magician is really disappearing.
Cloud9 said:
I don't see how you can refer to a 4D being as a God.

YOU were the one who refered to a 4D being as a God, not me. Now you're just being non-sensical.

Cloud9 said:
You're a 3D being, if you interacted with 2D beings would you consider yourself to be a God? Would you insist that the 2D beings treat you as a God?

No, because I did not create them.

Cloud9 said:
I don't automatically assume that a 4D being that's a billion years more advanced than us is God.

Neither do I. I wasn't the one who brought up the "4D being" in the first place.

Cloud9 said:
I no more assume that a being which can split the oceans or disappear on a whim is God than I would assume a magician is really disappearing.

"Magicians" are illusionists. They have mastered the art of misdirection. There is no misdirection in the nature of the universe and the moral code we all share. Only the misdirection devised by our God-given free will.
128shot said:
well, who Made god?

Nobody can make what does not exist.

religion can come up with answers for everything else. Why not this?

Yea, answers you're not supossed to question their veracity, there just attributed to "divine" miracles, so no explanation is needed. They might have an answer for everything, but in turn, they don't answer anything.

Can anyone explain how God got here?

Good question, well if there is such an entity, he/she has to be in coherence with the laws of physics. It's rather impossible to prove such an entity's existance, and disaprove it. Before I explain how "God" got here, tell me which "God" we're talking about?
kal-el said:
Nobody can make what does not exist.
Before I explain how "God" got here, tell me which "God" we're talking about?

I can't say that God as a being exists, but the concept of God certainly exists. If not, we would not be having this discussion.
kal-el said:
Nobody can make what does not exist.

More atheistic mindlessness.. tsk tsk tsk

kal-el said:
Good question, well if there is such an entity, he/she has to be in coherence with the laws of physics.

You naively assume God is constrained by the limits of the universe he/she created. I refer you to the painting analogy I used earlier.
The Real McCoy said:
YOU were the one who refered to a 4D being as a God, not me. Now you're just being non-sensical.

Neither do I. I wasn't the one who brought up the "4D being" in the first place.

"Magicians" are illusionists. They have mastered the art of misdirection. There is no misdirection in the nature of the universe and the moral code we all share. Only the misdirection devised by our God-given free will.

1. Where did I equate a 4D being to God? What I said was, "So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?

2. Clearly, the moral code of the 6 billion people on this planet are not one and the same.
Cloud9 said:
1. Where did I equate a 4D being to God? What I said was, "So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?

2. Clearly, the moral code of the 6 billion people on this planet are not one and the same.

1. I misinterpreted what you said, my mistake. But you were wrong in saying I refered to a 4D being as a God.

2. No, the moral code is the same. Whether or not an individual chooses to follow it is a different story.
The Real McCoy said:
1. I misinterpreted what you said, my mistake. But you were wrong in saying I refered to a 4D being as a God.

2. No, the moral code is the same. Whether or not an individual chooses to follow it is a different story.

On 1. I'll ask the question again.

"So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?"

(And I'll add to it) and perform what we perceive to be miracles such as parting the seas, healing the sick, walking on water, reading your mind, knowing your past, etc.?

On 2. What moral code are you referring to? What is the basis of the moral code you're referencing?
Cloud9 said:
On 1. I'll ask the question again.

"So how would you know you're encountering God as opposed to a 4D being that's a billion 'years' more advanced than us?"

(And I'll add to it) and perform what we perceive to be miracles such as parting the seas, healing the sick, walking on water, reading your mind, knowing your past, etc.?

On 2. What moral code are you referring to? What is the basis of the moral code you're referencing?

1. And I'll give my answer again "A God who is simply one of many beings "toying" with us isn't honest"

2. The moral code I'm referring to is the one I and (I hopefully assume) you and everyone shares: the ingrained sense that certain things are wrong e.g. lying, stealing, rape, murder, etc.
UtahBill said:
I can't say that God as a being exists, but the concept of God certainly exists. If not, we would not be having this discussion.

And who made up the concept of god? O, that's right it was man. A fairy tale cooked up by man.

Originally posted by The Real Mccoy
More atheistic mindlessness.. tsk tsk tsk

What? I prefer to think outside the box, and question how we came about, instead of just dumbly beliveing an "omnipotent",magical, entity is behind everything.:2razz:

You naively assume God is constrained by the limits of the universe he/she created. I refer you to the painting analogy I used earlier

Oh so I assume, god wasn't created? Dude, something can't come up out of nothing. Everything has to be made of something, if it weren't it wouldn't exist- hence your imaginary man in the clouds!:lol: Can you prove "God" exists. I doubt it. Just like I can't prove he dosen't. That's where faith comes in. But remember, faith requires no evidence, hence the term "blind faith."
kal-el said:
And who made up the concept of god? O, that's right it was man. A fairy tale cooked up by man.

What? I prefer to think outside the box, and question how we came about, instead of just dumbly beliveing an "omnipotent",magical, entity is behind everything.:2razz:

Oh so I assume, god wasn't created? Dude, something can't come up out of nothing. Everything has to be made of something, if it weren't it wouldn't exist- hence your imaginary man in the clouds!:lol: Can you prove "God" exists. I doubt it. Just like I can't prove he dosen't. That's where faith comes in. But remember, faith requires no evidence, hence the term "blind faith."

Technically everything is a theroy made up by man. We still dont know for a fact where we came from or who started it or if there was a intelligent designer. Yes there are clues substantiating each possibility but we still dont have without a reasonable doubt a scientific law. This whole discussion is a pi$$ing contest because everyone has their own opinioons and ideals and beliefs on what happened.

A matter a fact all religion discussions are pi$$ contests. I mean I can talk about how much the christian faith is the way to go and the next day I can become a buddha and then the next become a shintao and then next month become a Mormon and tell you that Joseph Smith has it all together and we must follow him and give the church of latter day saints half my income. :lol: The point I am getting at is everyone has their beleifs and everyone has evidenciary support for each. So to say your theory is better is total BS because your theory is just as credible as the other.

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