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Who is your arch-enemy? (1 Viewer)


The Almighty
DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Denver, CO
Political Leaning
So we've got the touchy feely "who's your favorite member" upstairs. Time to rant and rave at your least favorite. So who do you love to hate?

My list is short but sweet.


Pretty much it. I have never met anyone else so illogical and incapable of listening to reason. Not to mention that fact that his smack is weak.

Honorable mention:

Stinger, Scarecrow Akhbar, Stu Ghatze and jamesrage. Why you guys gotta be so mean ALL THE ****ING TIME?!?! Seriously, lighten up. Liberals are not the devil, they are not evil, and they are not going to eat your kids.
Right now, Scarecrow Akhbar, aquapub, and jamesrage. Worst group of sexist partisans I've ever met.



Doughgirl, hands down. I hate hysterical, lying skanks.
Anyone claiming to be a liberal. What's worse is that liberalism is the #1 enemy to America, and you libs have no clue as to your seditious acts and words. There is no help for you. BTW, that aquapub chick is getting away with nailing you libs to the burning cross upstairs. My only bitch is that she gets away with it, where I have to inject common sense into you people down here in the basement. Oh well, 'AQUAPUB'--you go girl!
ptsdkid said:
Anyone claiming to be a liberal. What's worse is that liberalism is the #1 enemy to America, and you libs have no clue as to your seditious acts and words. There is no help for you. BTW, that aquapub chick is getting away with nailing you libs to the burning cross upstairs. My only bitch is that she gets away with it, where I have to inject common sense into you people down here in the basement. Oh well, 'AQUAPUB'--you go girl!

If you hate us libs so bad, you're in the wrong f.ucking place.

And aquapub is a male, moron. Pay attention to gender symbols.
The weatherman on channel 9 news. That motherfuc/kers got it coming . . . he knows why. Also, that guy on Everyone Loves Raymond, I think his name starts with an R-something, I don't like his face.
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Stace said:
If you hate us libs so bad, you're in the wrong f.ucking place.

And aquapub is a male, moron. Pay attention to gender symbols.

***My, my, aren't you the nasty bitch. I don't hate you anti American libs, I just consider you America's #1 enemy. And this is the perfect place to air our disgust with traitors. We all know the history of the censorship upstairs when the facts get too much for you libs to handle. Tell us what you're doing down here in the basement, sweetie pie?
None of you libs hate me..........I must be losing my touch.......;)
Navy Pride said:
None of you libs hate me..........I must be losing my touch.......;)

Awww, now you know you made my favorites list for a reason. :2wave:
ptsdkid said:
***My, my, aren't you the nasty bitch. I don't hate you anti American libs, I just consider you America's #1 enemy. And this is the perfect place to air our disgust with traitors. We all know the history of the censorship upstairs when the facts get too much for you libs to handle. Tell us what you're doing down here in the basement, sweetie pie?

Oh geez, you act like I've never been in the basement before. Don't you know that I have a VIP pass to this place? More than you can say.

Me? Anti American? Traitor. Hardly. I served my country, which is more than a lot of your conservative friends up there that like to call libs anti American/traitors can say.
Kelzie said:
So we've got the touchy feely "who's your favorite member" upstairs. Time to rant and rave at your least favorite. So who do you love to hate?

My list is short but sweet.


Pretty much it. I have never met anyone else so illogical and incapable of listening to reason. Not to mention that fact that his smack is weak.

Honorable mention:

Stinger, Scarecrow Akhbar, Stu Ghatze and jamesrage. Why you guys gotta be so mean ALL THE ****ING TIME?!?! Seriously, lighten up. Liberals are not the devil, they are not evil, and they are not going to eat your kids.

Awww don't let anybody get ya down, Kelzie. Then you'll make lines in your pretty face. :(
Stace said:
Oh geez, you act like I've never been in the basement before. Don't you know that I have a VIP pass to this place? More than you can say.

***You were the one that siad I don't belong in this *****ing place. I was just curious as to why you belong in this *****ing place...while I don't.

Me? Anti American? Traitor. Hardly. I served my country, which is more than a lot of your conservative friends up there that like to call libs anti American/traitors can say.

***You served our country? Yeah, Kerry and Murtha served for this country as well. While Kerry is a traitor, Murtha is a chicken s*it. Where does your patriotism or support for our military come in with regards to our current war in Iraq? Funny, I haven't heard much support from you (a veteran) for our troops.
ptsdkid said:
***You served our country? Yeah, Kerry and Murtha served for this country as well. While Kerry is a traitor, Murtha is a chicken s*it. Where does your patriotism or support for our military come in with regards to our current war in Iraq? Funny, I haven't heard much support from you (a veteran) for our troops.

Oh really? I don't support the ******* troops? I sent my husband over to f.ucking Iraq TWICE, you piece of ****. I don't support the troops? Perhaps you haven't bothered to follow the link in my signature that so clearly states "Support the Troops". YOU haven't heard much support from me? That doesn't mean ****. This is a f.ucking message board. I don't have to prove myself to you or anyone else here as a sign of my support. SAYING you support the troops isn't enough, dumbass. Nor are those pretty little magnets pasted all over vehicles. You ask me what I've done to support the troops? Go read my ******* list. I've done everything on it. Tell me what YOU'VE done.
How about the liberals that say they support the troops if they will kill their officers?
Stace said:
Oh really? I don't support the ******* troops? I sent my husband over to f.ucking Iraq TWICE, you piece of ****. I don't support the troops? Perhaps you haven't bothered to follow the link in my signature that so clearly states "Support the Troops". YOU haven't heard much support from me? That doesn't mean ****. This is a f.ucking message board. I don't have to prove myself to you or anyone else here as a sign of my support. SAYING you support the troops isn't enough, dumbass. Nor are those pretty little magnets pasted all over vehicles. You ask me what I've done to support the troops? Go read my ******* list. I've done everything on it. Tell me what YOU'VE done.

Damn stace tou should have been in the Navy instead of that fly;) boy club......You swear like a sailor........
Navy Pride said:
Damn stace tou should have been in the Navy instead of that fly;) boy club......You swear like a sailor........

It's the basement so you gotta add the sparkle!:rofl
Doughgirl, jamesrage, Apostle13, prophetxxx, ptsdkid.

George_Washington said:
Awww don't let anybody get ya down, Kelzie. Then you'll make lines in your pretty face. :(

;) No one gets me down. TOT and I have a love hate relationship. Just with less love. :lol:
Navy Pride said:
Damn stace tou should have been in the Navy instead of that fly;) boy club......You swear like a sailor........

What can I say....I had a lot of influence growing up....my grandfather and one of my uncles served in the Navy, and my brother has been serving in the Navy since 1997....I actually was going to join the Navy, but my brother said no freaking way, said I was too smart and that if I was going to join the military at all, I'd better join the Air Force....and since I idolize my brother, I listened to him. It's funny though, because after I joined, we were always stationed somewhat close to each other. When I was in tech school down in Biloxi, MS, he was at the naval base in Gulfport...when I went to Seymour Johnson AFB in Goldsboro, NC, he went to Virginia Beach....he's still there, actually, and just got back into the DEB program (I think that's what it's called?)....he's been in a few times before, but had to drop it every time 'cause he kept getting sick....they finally figured out what the problem was so he should go through with flying colors this time.

Sorry for the tangent there, but I'm damn proud of my brother.
No I change my mind about my list. I hate you all! :mrgreen: just kiddin

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