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Who is Trump Really (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

Who knows? But an exceptionally large number of people who have associated with Trump throughout the decades, and already have fame and fortune, seem to agree with his assessment.
“Warn the world?” Trump has been on display for the last three years, unvarnished.
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

Trump has proven The Art of the Deal to be a work of fiction, to put it kindly.

Without the benefit of creative editing to make him come across as a smooth operator, he has revealed himself to be a complete screw-up at pretty much everything except rabble-rousing.
He has been president for a while now, with no major disasters. That could be dumb luck, I don't know.

We won't really be able to judge him unless something really bad happens, and we see how he deals with it. He might just keep on skating through the first term.

It does amaze me, a little, how Democrats find "evidence" that Trump has been a disaster as president, all real evidence showing he's been ok.
He has been president for a while now, with no major disasters.

Who are you crapping? Trump just emerged from a 35 day government shutdown disaster.
Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

No, actually...you DON'T know that at all.
Have you noticed that a lot of former Republicans have chosen to identify as independent?
Of course one can dislike Trump merely on the basis of one's liberalism, but many more people are a mix.
They might be liberal on some issues and conservative on others, or vice versa.

And it is possible to dislike Trump because one might have the notion that he is simply flat out bat****.
A person could be as conservative as Barry Goldwater and detest Donald Trump intensely.
Who are you crapping? Trump just emerged from a 35 day government shutdown disaster.

Which he caused.

Following a negative stock market year, which he caused.
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

You would think that way if you are a Trump head. They are so vile in their corruption they see enemies everywhere, even in authors of decades old books.

Just stow it. His comments are consistent with every aid, advisor, speech writer and those who have detailed the man's character...enough in fact I believe we can take it as absolute in a time when Trump and his base are floating thousands of deliberate lies at once...yeah I think we can see the kind of character Trump is very well and these comments fit perfectly into what we have seen so far.
He has been president for a while now, with no major disasters.

A lot of people who are hooked on phony faith healers would actually say that The End of the World is a wonderful thing.
All they need is their continual "high" and the rest of the world can go to utter **** for all they care, even falling down around their knees.

Now, replace "Juh-hey-zus!!" with "MAGA"...

Who are you crapping? Trump just emerged from a 35 day government shutdown disaster.

Have you forgotten:

"I will be proud to shut down the government"

I don't think you can claim rights on what was one of the greatest disasters in modern times. He LOST that fight as his approval ratings dove to 35% or so - nearly ten point drop. He's below Bush now.

I think history will record this as "Trump's Waterloo"
Your original post concluded with "So there is no real point in my asking."

It must be soooooo stimulating trying to have a real conversation with you. You probably ask and answer your own questions all the time, then stand there with your hands on hips, expecting nods of approval, and if none are forthcoming, it's because everyone else is wrong.


And you even call yourself Good4Nothing, but you seem desperate to have folks think you're good for something. I don't think you're very good at this "debate" thing because it is impossible to debate someone who thinks that they already know all the answers.
Trump has proven The Art of the Deal to be a work of fiction, to put it kindly.

Without the benefit of creative editing to make him come across as a smooth operator, he has revealed himself to be a complete screw-up at pretty much everything except rabble-rousing.

He has also revealed himself to be the worst deal maker in the history of the art. How can anyone expect results from negotiations when he declares them "a waste of time"? I'd walk away from those talks, the only reason they are going on is to save face, we all know Trump will NEVER accept a compromise unless it is rammed down his throat.

Further, he has revealed himself to be untrainable; he cannot learn. Present him with facts showing that tree leaves can make oxygen to breath, he will announce he has the secret to end the climate debate.

It is also clear his communications skills are in decline. In the 80's he was very good verbally but today he rarely finishes sentences, resorts to a very short list of words he is comfortable with led by his favorite word "I" and "tremendous".

What is really nuts? This ass hole never officially mentioned his "wall" to congress for the two years he had complete control and could have had $10.7 billion for the asking.

NOW he's desperate to get thrown out by the people, the "WALL" is a live and die issue, and Americans simply accept that.

I hope you give him his wall, and then send the bill to him with a note telling him to either pay it himself or talk to Mexico
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

Schwartz is utterly unnecessary to determine whether Trump is a ****ty person.
He has been president for a while now, with no major disasters. That could be dumb luck, I don't know.

We won't really be able to judge him unless something really bad happens, and we see how he deals with it. He might just keep on skating through the first term.

It does amaze me, a little, how Democrats find "evidence" that Trump has been a disaster as president, all real evidence showing he's been ok.

There are 800,000 civil servants who will disagree with you.

There are more than a few million residents along the border who will call what you said a lie, the steel industry, dairy, and auto industries are all losing their portion of the market, or have you forgotten Trump went to war with every ally you have?

No major catastrophe's? Do you have any idea how much trade Canada has shifted AWAY from the US?

Start talking to the dairy industry in Trump owned Wisconsin, say that there and you'll be laughed out of town

Donald Trump IS a catastrophe, by any standard.
Whos is he? An idiot. A spoilt rich boy who woke up one day, decided he wanted to be called president (and nothing else: he has never had an interest in doing the job) and stumbled onto a way to wing it into office. He's basically a pretender: the first president in US history who has no interest in running a country.
Your original post concluded with "So there is no real point in my asking."

It must be soooooo stimulating trying to have a real conversation with you. You probably ask and answer your own questions all the time, then stand there with your hands on hips, expecting nods of approval, and if none are forthcoming, it's because everyone else is wrong.


And you even call yourself Good4Nothing, but you seem desperate to have folks think you're good for something. I don't think you're very good at this "debate" thing because it is impossible to debate someone who thinks that they already know all the answers.

Forgot to take your tranquilizers today???:shock:
Forgot to take your tranquilizers today???:shock:

Was I the one who started a thread by asking a question, then answering it, then concluding "there is no real point in my asking." ?

Was that me?
Uhhhhhh, no...it was

Owl YOU.jpg

When you start a thread that way, you're basically saying that you don't really care what the answers are.
Now, maybe that is just what you do on the internet because no one on the internet is a real person to you, and maybe you're nothing like that in real life.


But we are on the internet, yes?

So...you're "good for nothing" and we're not real to you anyway, am I right? Am I wrong?
Is anybody supposed to take a thread like that seriously?
I just want to know, that's all.
Didn't read the book, not going to read the book, haven't read any book about the donald. I think most americans have seen and heard enough to form an opinion of who the donald might be.
A lazy con man who's only concern is himself and his money. Been that way for years, well before he pretended to be a Republican.
Was I the one who started a thread by asking a question, then answering it, then concluding "there is no real point in my asking." ?

Was that me?
Uhhhhhh, no...it was

View attachment 67249512

When you start a thread that way, you're basically saying that you don't really care what the answers are.
Now, maybe that is just what you do on the internet because no one on the internet is a real person to you, and maybe you're nothing like that in real life.


But we are on the internet, yes?

So...you're "good for nothing" and we're not real to you anyway, am I right? Am I wrong?
Is anybody supposed to take a thread like that seriously?
I just want to know, that's all.

The reason I said that is because I am HOPING to see thoughtful answers, not just reflexive partisan answers. I was hoping to see THOUGHT not raw blind emotion.

I was hoping someone would prove me wrong in expecting knee jerking and mindless screaming. But you sure didn't.
There are still millions of Trump supporters in this country. Just not at this forum. C'mon, isn't anyone taking the other side? (I am not on either, btw).
The writer of The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, portrays Trump as a very unloveable person. Someone no one should ever trust. The last person you would ever want in charge of the world (which he more or less is).

Now, Schwartz was paid a lot for writing the book, back in the 1980s. Now he says he did it for money and fame, even though he didn't like Trump even back then.

So, I wonder, is Schwartz doing the same thing now but in reverse? Is someone paying him a ton of money to discredit Trump?

Or is Schwartz just being honest and trying to warn the world?

Now I know that everyone's opinion here will depend on if they are left or right, so there is no real point in my asking.

I sometimes wonder if Trump isn't a Manchurian Candidate for the Republican Party. Way way way way back in the 1980s, he was a fairly staunch Democrat. Could be that he planned to become the worst President ever so as to discredit the Republicans going forward.

Of course, I have absolutely zero evidence that such is the case. Just a bit of wild speculation.
The reason I said that is because I am HOPING to see thoughtful answers, not just reflexive partisan answers. I was hoping to see THOUGHT not raw blind emotion.

I was hoping someone would prove me wrong in expecting knee jerking and mindless screaming. But you sure didn't.

No, because I tend to not take threads like this seriously when they start off the way yours does.
Do a better job and you might see different results.
Pro tip: Saying there's no real point in asking isn't a good opening gambit.

But hey, it's a free country and it's your thread.

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