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Who are you voting against? (1 Viewer)

Who Are You Going to Vote Against

  • I am voting AGAINST Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • I am voting AGAINST Donald Trump

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Captain America

Jedi Master
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DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2006
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Okay, here's the deal. By now we ALL should have figured out that very few people are comfortable with the candidate their favored political party is offering them in the upcoming general election.

There's talk about not voting at all. There is talk about voting 3rd party. It should make for a very interesting election as the ever changing conditions on the ground offers no real assurances for either candidate.

So, rather than asking people who the are voting FOR, I am asking people who they are voting AGAINST. Because, more times than not, that seems to be the case.
Okay, here's the deal. By now we ALL should have figured out that very few people are comfortable with the candidate their favored political party is offering them in the upcoming general election.

There's talk about not voting at all. There is talk about voting 3rd party. It should make for a very interesting election as the ever changing conditions on the ground offers no real assurances for either candidate.

So, rather than asking people who the are voting FOR, I am asking people who they are voting AGAINST. Because, more times than not, that seems to be the case.

Why not both?
i will most likely vote against Trump / Pence. the only opponent with a chance of winning is a hawk who i don't trust, though.
Why not both?

Well, that's a good question.

Perhaps, because voting 3rd party, albeit independently righteous, can be argued as to be doing nothing to assist in the vote AGAINST the more demonic of the two real candidates.

So, one would not be doing their part in helping to prevent the disaster they feel one candidate will create over the other.

It's like choosing between lung cancer or pancreatic cancer huh?

Perhaps. I dunno.
I am voting against Clinton. That doesn't mean I like Trump, but like in every single election, there is nobody worth actually supporting in any party that fields a candidate, period.
Well, that's a good question.

Perhaps, because voting 3rd party, albeit independently righteous, can be argued as to be doing nothing to assist in the vote AGAINST the more demonic of the two real candidates.

So, one would not be doing their part in helping to prevent the disaster they feel one candidate will create over the other.

It's like choosing between lung cancer or pancreatic cancer huh?

Perhaps. I dunno.

Doing nothing to assist in the vote against the more demonic of the two "real" candidates can also be looked at as refusing to participate in humanity's self-destruction.
Well now.

Here's a kick in the pants for ya.

I have just created a poll that I can't even get myself to vote on. One way or the other. Are any of you guys having the same problem? :confused:

Although I do feel that it is more important to keep DJT away from the White House than HRC, I still can't make myself accept the fact that it means I'd have to vote for HRC to make sure DJT fails. Such a dilemma, hey?
Doing nothing to assist in the vote against the more demonic of the two "real" candidates can also be looked at as refusing to participate in humanity's self-destruction.

This is true. It would surely allow the 3rd party voter to stand at the top of the smoking rubble, that used to be the USA, with moral dignity.
This is true. It would surely allow the 3rd party voter to stand at the top of the smoking rubble, that used to be the USA, with moral dignity.

Moral dignity but still losing the election.
I am voting against ignorance, tyranny, and the corrupt 2-party system, which essentially means......I am voting for no one.
You should've made it a multiple choice poll so both could have been selected. There will be more names on the ballots....as insignificant as they may be.
Well now.

Here's a kick in the pants for ya.

I have just created a poll that I can't even get myself to vote on. One way or the other. Are any of you guys having the same problem? :confused:

Although I do feel that it is more important to keep DJT away from the White House than HRC, I still can't make myself accept the fact that it means I'd have to vote for HRC to make sure DJT fails. Such a dilemma, hey?

Right now this is exactly my problem. Maybe that will change in the future, I don't know. I can't vote for either of these two scumbags, but can't imagine DJT as president.
Gosh.......looks like a Trump landslide coming up.

Well now.

Here's a kick in the pants for ya.

I have just created a poll that I can't even get myself to vote on. One way or the other. Are any of you guys having the same problem? :confused:

Although I do feel that it is more important to keep DJT away from the White House than HRC, I still can't make myself accept the fact that it means I'd have to vote for HRC to make sure DJT fails. Such a dilemma, hey?

That feeling is exactly why Trump will win.

Yeats said it best:

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

November will see the most massive and angry white working and middle class vote in history.......while the rest muddle in confusion.
I live in perhaps the most important swing state. I cannot trust Hillary with 2 or maybe 3 supreme court picks that would be like Elizabeth Warren.
That feeling is exactly why Trump will win.

Yeats said it best:

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

November will see the most massive and angry white working and middle class vote in history.......while the rest muddle in confusion.

Well, alrighty then! :coffeepap
anonymous polls suck BTW :mrgreen:
The important votes this November will be the down ballot ones. The ONLY thing that will save us from either of these candidates is congressional gridlock.
I never liked Hillary. I liked Bill till the Lewinski thing and "ending welfare as we know it".
That feeling is exactly why Trump will win.

Yeats said it best:

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

November will see the most massive and angry white working and middle class vote in history.......while the rest muddle in confusion.

White, middle class blue collar Christians without college degrees (generally classified as 'real Americans' by the repubs) are a minority in the USA. They make up 30% of the country. If you only want to include southern/midwestern folk, 20%. If you only want to include men, <10%.

Now, if their turnout is bigger than other demographics then sure, that's a potential big impact. When Romney ran, he won 70% of 'real American' votes, but when that only relates to 20% of the electorate it's less important than it sounds.

America is far more diverse than most people realize.

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