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Who are worse... Hardline Americans or Hardline Muslims ? (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
GySgt said:
Screw these bastards. If I was the...er & which we moderates might get drawn into.
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You're wrong.
You support terroism.
You hate America.
We should kill you.
What country do you live in? We're gonna bomb it. America hater.
Dirty liberal.


You know..I don't know. Hardline Muslims tend to be more extreme the hardline Americans. They recruit, they kill, they blow themselves up. Hardline American's support people who SPONSER people to recruit and kill.
It is hard to say, they are both to blind to see that the world would be better without them. If I have to pick one it would have to be the hardline Americans only because I have had contact with them so I know that they have no clue about world history outside of America and Europe. The same could be said about Muslim fundies but I do not know this for sure.
Hardline Americans do not want harm to be done to civilians of any race, or religion. Hardline Muslims do not care who they kill, as long as they are seen as the enemy. Hardline Americans see fanatical Muslims as the enemy, not all Muslims or middle easterners. I think the distinction is clear.
I do not see them crying over the civilian deaths in the Middle East, and if radical muslims did want to kill everyone why is it tha only American allies get attacked. I have not heard of any attacks on the Swiss lately have you??
We should have followed the Constitution. Congress should have debated the issue and if they agreed, as I think they would have, they should have formally declared war on radical Islam. But it was not politically correct so we now have the current mess. Bush has not up to this point in time shown the American people and the rest of the civilized world the strategic plan that undergirds our war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think it probably has as much to do with the "flypaper strategy" as anything else and I believe it is a much more rational reason to have invaded Iraq. Of course the politically correct crowd would have gone bozonkers had he come right out and said it. So, we are now in this mess. Blame it on politics.
quietrage said:
I do not see them crying over the civilian deaths in the Middle East, and if radical muslims did want to kill everyone why is it tha only American allies get attacked. I have not heard of any attacks on the Swiss lately have you??

Yeah, but they intentionally hit civilian targets like cowards. Even hardline americans do not want all muslims killed. I agree that all radical muslims are evil and should be destroyed.
mistermain said:
Yeah, but they intentionally hit civilian targets like cowards. Even hardline americans do not want all muslims killed. I agree that all radical muslims are evil and should be destroyed.
I am sorry if it sounded like I was justifying the terrorists but the American media makes no mention of civilians killed in Iraq, it is just expected to happen, and there are people who want to kill all muslims
this is just one example but I am lazy so I got only one.
Kind of an off balanced question, vauge, and totally designed to fuel an anti-American flame fest.
Deegan said:
Kind of an off balanced question, vauge, and totally designed to fuel an anti-American flame fest.

I think that the question raises a valid point. Nothing wrong with honest reflection is there. If we (collective US) have a thriving extremist population isn't that something that we should give some attention to as we denounce radical islam?
V.I. Lenin said:
You're wrong.
You support terroism.
You hate America.
We should kill you.
What country do you live in? We're gonna bomb it. America hater.
Dirty liberal.
LOL that is so typical of the kind of people you are illustrating.

V.I. Lenin said:
You know..I don't know. Hardline Muslims tend to be more extreme the hardline Americans. They recruit, they kill, they blow themselves up. Hardline American's support people who SPONSER people to recruit and kill.
So true. Though lets not forget by the way... we are only talking about 'hardline Americans' here for those that think this is an anti American flame fest. If we generalise then we become the same as those hardliners are themselves, since they thrive on generalisations. Just like the Nazis did... All Jews & slavs are bad etc which we know of course is utter nonsense becuase only 90% of them are ... only kidding :lol:
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TechDad said:
I think that the question raises a valid point. Nothing wrong with honest reflection is there. If we (collective US) have a thriving extremist population isn't that something that we should give some attention to as we denounce radical islam?

If that is the purpose of this thread, I would have to see a much better example of this "extremism" then this obvious angry Marine. He speaks the truth, the dangers are real, and while I would not suggest "nuking" the whole of the M.E, I can see through his anger, and assume he is just frustrated. These two obviously have a history, and Robin has used this opportunity to make Gunny out to be a raving lunatic. He has crossed my path before, and I have seen this tactic first hand, I for one am not impressed.
Deegan said:
If that is the purpose of this thread, I would have to see a much better example of this "extremism" then this obvious angry Marine. He speaks the truth, the dangers are real, and while I would not suggest "nuking" the whole of the M.E, I can see through his anger, and assume he is just frustrated. These two obviously have a history, and Robin has used this opportunity to make Gunny out to be a raving lunatic. He has crossed my path before, and I have seen this tactic first hand, I for one am not impressed.

You accussed the question of being posed to elicity anti-american flames but now you are saying that it is a clever attempt to make single poster look like a "raving lunatic". I understand your distrust of a question that you see as an attack against and individual.

Out of curiosity, how willing would you be to see through the anger of a muslim extremist and understand that they are only frustrated. I ask this question because I have heard the sentiment that you expressed before by muslims that I know. Nice guys who love their families. When viewing a young muslim protester burning an american flag they are likely to say that they are surely angry but the danger they are protesting is real and they are just frustrated.

Is it possible that we are more accepting and tolerant of extremists who we have a better understanding of and whose views are closer to our own? Does that make them any less dangerous?
TechDad said:
You accussed the question of being posed to elicity anti-american flames but now you are saying that it is a clever attempt to make single poster look like a "raving lunatic". I understand your distrust of a question that you see as an attack against and individual.

Out of curiosity, how willing would you be to see through the anger of a muslim extremist and understand that they are only frustrated. I ask this question because I have heard the sentiment that you expressed before by muslims that I know. Nice guys who love their families. When viewing a young muslim protester burning an american flag they are likely to say that they are surely angry but the danger they are protesting is real and they are just frustrated.

Is it possible that we are more accepting and tolerant of extremists who we have a better understanding of and whose views are closer to our own? Does that make them any less dangerous?

My assumption remains the same, nothing has changed, I only noticed the war of words with the two recently, but make no mistake, this is designed to fan those flames IMO.

I really don't think either are extremists, that was my point. I can understand the anger of a young Muslim, yes, but not when he wants to fight for a religious belief. The example givien in this thread was very different, a soldier, angry, and frustrated that America is not being protected. This is a far cry from, "kill the infidel" surely you see that?:confused:
I keep for getting how many hardline Americans are out there targeting woman and children. I keep forgetting how many are out there targeting working civilians. O ya targeting other Americans.... Ya I can't see a difference...:roll: :roll: :roll:

Course like the UK we can sit back do nothing and wait for others to clean up the mess....O the moral high ground is so easy to keep when you don't have to worry about the clean up.....
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Deegan said:
My assumption remains the same, nothing has changed, I only noticed the war of words with the two recently, but make no mistake, this is designed to fan those flames IMO.
I made an observation about GY that I've made with many Americans. I posted my conclusions. If it's made some angry.. well that's life. If we never posted anything that might upset some people, there wouldn't be much to post becuase whatever one says, there is bound to be someone that doesn't like it.
I stand by what I say. I could probably say the same about hardline Brits or anyone else. I chose that kind of American becuase they seem predomonantly so much more self righteous & arrogant compared to hardliners of other nations, though in the end I guess they aren't. They are all the same kind of animal after all.
You have to admit Deegan, the similarities are striking are they not ?
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TechDad said:
You accussed the question of being posed to elicity anti-american flames but now you are saying that it is a clever attempt to make single poster look like a "raving lunatic". I understand your distrust of a question that you see as an attack against and individual.

Out of curiosity, how willing would you be to see through the anger of a muslim extremist and understand that they are only frustrated. I ask this question because I have heard the sentiment that you expressed before by muslims that I know. Nice guys who love their families. When viewing a young muslim protester burning an american flag they are likely to say that they are surely angry but the danger they are protesting is real and they are just frustrated.

Is it possible that we are more accepting and tolerant of extremists who we have a better understanding of and whose views are closer to our own? Does that make them any less dangerous?

So the muslim extremist aka- terrorist are frustrated? because they can't kill americans fast enough? Because the infidels still exsist and it is there job to rid the world of them. The hole that is the ME is not of our making. It was there and still a hole long before we showed up. Why or how does frustration result in killing innocent people enmass. Don't seem to have that problem anywhere else in the world for some reason
robin said:
I made an observation about GY that I've made with many Americans. I posted my conclusions. If it's made some angry.. well that's life. If we never posted anything that might upset some people, there wouldn't be much to post becuase whatever one says, there is bound to be someone that doesn't like it.
I stand by what I say. I could probably say the same about hardline Brits or anyone else. I chose that kind of American becuase they seem predomonantly so much more self rightious & arrogant compared to others.
You have to admit Deegan, the similarities are striking are they not ?

No, I still think it a stretch to compare Muslim extremists, to Hardline Americans.(That phrase is really much too vauge IMHO) I believe the good Gunny Sarge has the uper hand in this debate, as it was America that was attacked first, not the other way around. The other glaring difference would be the mission, one is to kill the infidel, the other is to protect America, as well as others in the M.E, who have been ruled by religious fanatics for centuries.

You have a few strawman arguments that appear to suggest you're correct, but this strikes at the heart of the issue, but nice try though.;)
Deegan said:
No, I still think it a stretch to compare Muslim extremists, to Hardline Americans.(That phrase is really much too vauge IMHO) I believe the good Gunny Sarge has the uper hand in this debate, as it was America that was attacked first, not the other way around. The other glaring difference would be the mission, one is to kill the infidel, the other is to protect America, as well as others in the M.E, who have been ruled by religious fanatics for centuries.
You have a few strawman arguments that appear to shttp://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows98&clcid=&pver=4.10&ar=Microsoft
Microsoftuggest you're correct, but this strikes at the heart of the issue, but nice try though.;)
I've seen GY advocate preemtive strikes based on the most ridiculous excuses. In fact he's happy to see 30,000 Iraqis killed so far becuase of 3,000 mostly Americans dead in 911 even though Iraq has nothing to do with 911!
I know GY would happily bomb Christ knows who to **** just in case they might attack USA. Rather like the Himmler analogy isn't it I gave earlier. "Kill the Jewish children or they will kill us in the future".
The only reason GY didn't wind up herding people into gas chambers is becuase he wasn't born in 1900 & in Germany. Otherwise I'm sure he'd have been a willing participant in the holocaust.
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robin said:
I've seen GY advocate preemtive strikes based on the most ridiculous excuses. In fact he's seen 30,000 Iraqis killed so far becuase of 3,000 mostly Americans dead even though Iraq has nothing to do with 911 !
I know GY would happily bomb Christ knows who to **** just in case they might attack USA. Rather like the Himmler analogy isn't it I gave earlier. "Kill the Jewish children or they will kill us in the future".
The only reason GY didn't wind up herding people into gas chambers is becuase he wasn't born in 1900 & in Germany. Otherwise I'm sure he'd have been a willing participant in the holocaust.

Once again comparing President Bush to hitler. Just can't take what you say seriously when you throw stupid shitt like that around.
Calm2Chaos said:
Once again comparing President Bush to hitler. Just can't take what you say seriously when you throw stupid shitt like that around.
Who mentioned Bush or Hitler ?
I can't take you seriously becuase you can't read !
I said GY had SS like qualities & exibited thought process's similiar to those of Himmler.
As for Bush... he has more neanderthal like qualities.
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Calm2Chaos said:
Once again comparing President Bush to hitler. Just can't take what you say seriously when you throw stupid shitt like that around.

:yt :fueltofir :screwy Yeah how can someone even equivicate pres. Bush to Hitler? This is truly idiocy at its best. Once again liberalism proves to the wolrd that it is a mental disorder.
As for Bush he has more neanderthal like qualities.

Sounds to me you resemble alot of neadrethal like attributes and quealities as well. Go figure.
:yt :fueltofir :screwy Yeah how can someone even equivicate pres. Bush to Hitler? This is truly idiocy at its best. Once again liberalism proves to the wolrd that it is a mental disorder.

Maybe you should read what was actually written instead of assuming what was, because when you assume you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". If liberalism is a mental disorder I'm sure you will rebut my pledge argument with an astounding demonstration of critical thought (I won't hold my breath, well...alright. I'll hold it for a little bit).
And in relation to this thread, I think it would have been better to compare Muslim extremists to Christian extremists (in America). I'll get you started with a similarity: both saw hurricane Katrina (or was it Corrina, I can't recall...) as divine punishment.

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