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White Nationalist PAC Blankets Iowa With Robocalls For Trump (1 Viewer)

Now you've gone from just plain ridiculous to spectacular incoherence.

That went way over your head. I'm not surprised. Anyways, can you or can't you fit 400-500 years of nationalism into your statements?

If you had a shred of dignity you'd quietly disappear so I'm sure you'll continue to embarrass yourself. Please continue.

Want to triple down on me being a right winger? Lol.
That went way over your head. I'm not surprised. Anyways, can you or can't you fit 400-500 years of nationalism into your statements?

Well, now we can add altitude, along with history, politics and language, to the ever growing list of subject about which you know nothing.

Want to triple down on me being a right winger? Lol.

I'm tempted to use the "waddles and quacks" metaphor again for you, "dude," but this time I'm going to go with the "camp follower" description. Comparing you to a duck is too generous for the kind of service you provide for rightwing extremists. You might not be one but you'll do anything to share their bed which is so much worse, really. (I also rejected the simple-minded puppy metaphor since there's nothing cute about you despite all your pathetic efforts).
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Well, now we can add altitude, along with history, politics and language, to the ever growing list of subject about which you know nothing.

See what I mean? You're given the opportunity to explain and validate your position, and you simply can't. So you bait. I think you should try harder.

I'm tempted to use the "waddles and quacks" metaphor again for you, "dude," but this time I'm going to go with the "camp follower" description. Comparing you to a duck is too generous for the kind of service you provide for rightwing extremists. You might not be one but you'll do anything to share their bed which is so much worse, really. (I also rejected the simple-minded puppy metaphor since there's nothing cute about you despite all your pathetic efforts).

The above is a terrible effort. You look worse when you go from the 'You're not a liberal!' accusations to the ad hom instead of supporting your position.
See what I mean? You're given the opportunity to explain and validate your position, and you simply can't. So you bait. I think you should try harder.

Can't explain something to someone who's either incapable of understanding it or simply refuses out of ideologic rigidity. In your case there's also this futile and pathetic effort to even the score for your unmasking. That makes getting through to you on any level impossible.

The above is a terrible effort. You look worse when you go from the 'You're not a liberal!' accusations to the ad hom instead of supporting your position.

I'm sure you can't comprehend how your critique of my "work" couldn't mean less to me. And that last bit of pusillanimous (look it up, kid) fake victimhood and projection are well-know rightwing trademarks. As I've pointed out several times, if you're not one of them you're a near-perfect counterfeit.
Can't explain something to someone who's either incapable of understanding it or simply refuses out of ideologic rigidity. In your case there's also this futile and pathetic effort to even the score for your unmasking. That makes getting through to you on any level impossible.

You see what I mean? You're completely unable to explain the ins and outs of your position. You can't, so here is what you do:

- refuse to explain your poistion
- pretend to take a higher ground (feigned outrage at calling Washing "the dude"
- go after somebody's labels
- make ad homs
- pretend the position is too complex for people to understand.

This is why you're terrible at this. You're transparent.

I'm sure you can't comprehend how your critique of my "work" couldn't mean less to me. And that last bit of pusillanimous (look it up, kid) fake victimhood and projection are well-know rightwing trademarks. As I've pointed out several times, if you're not one of them you're a near-perfect counterfeit.

See what I mean? All too avoid having to answer a simple question
Instead of banning guns we should consider banning automated telemarketing.
No, I haven't seen a single example of someone here claiming women are inferior to men. What I do see, however, is liberals lying about that sort of thing all the time.[/QUOTE]

What I see on this forum constantly is right-wing people lying about what liberals do or don't do.
then they are independent of trump and his campaign, and he holds zero responsibility for them or thier action, or them being bigots;....and there's literally nothing anyone can or should do about it , except maybe exercise your own 1st amendment rights and criticize them.

why do you care what white supremacists do?... everybody else usually ignores them as the useless creatures they are.

Ignoring racism has never made it go away.
Lee Atwater lives. It wouldn't surprise me if big GOP money was behind it all.

I mentioned Lee and the "Southern Strategy' in another thread. And was basically told by someone(I don't mention ID's) that I was uneducated, that liberals know nothing because the Southern Strategy no longer exists and is just a 'liberal' fantasy. I hope all people who believe that nonsense read this thread.
Why do you make excuses for these people? I make no excuses for that dumb kid who shot the black churchgoers; he needs to be executed or given multiple life sentences.
The Black Hebrew Israelites preach on busy street corners in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Dallas, etc. And
the media is completely silent about them. Why?[

The media prints and broadcasts what sells, they're in business to make money.
I've gone over this, what seems like about 20 times now, in the past couple of days.

Values like equal rights, freedom, and separation of church and state are parts of our culture that people are going to have to assimilate to.

Lots of people who were born in the USA haven't assimilated to those ideas.

Some of them post on this forum.
I mentioned Lee and the "Southern Strategy' in another thread. And was basically told by someone(I don't mention ID's) that I was uneducated, that liberals know nothing because the Southern Strategy no longer exists and is just a 'liberal' fantasy. I hope all people who believe that nonsense read this thread.

Some people are willfully ignorant and find comfront in the avoidance of deductive reasoning. Trump has an army of them.
Some people are willfully ignorant and find comfront in the avoidance of deductive reasoning. Trump has an army of them.

I agree 100%. Honestly, me being in the NE, and having listened to Trump for 3 decades or so, PLUS he a businessman who lives in NYC so I'm sure he's had to deal with all sorts of minorities, I doubt very much he's a racist. BUT he's running for prez, as a Republican, so he KNOWS who he needs on his side. He knows he has to cater to the racist in the party. It's no secret that when Stormfront people show up here they may swear up and down they're not Republicans, but then 99.99% of the time they support GOP politicians and issues. It's no coincidence that 99% of the time when a White Supremacist group backs a politician, that politician is Republican. Trumps no dummy, he knows this. he knows the Southern Strategy works. It worked in 1968, and it still does.

If, and I still doubt hew will, but IF he gets the GOP nod, I think in the general election he'll tone down the rhetoric. I don't like the guy, I never did. But what we are seeing now from him isn't the Donald Trump of 20 years ago. I don't think anyone can change this much. He's doing this because he knows what the far right Republican voter wants, and to get the GOP nom he needs to use the Southern Strategy. He needs to kiss up to the racist, angry white males in the GOP.
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Why do you make excuses for these people? I make no excuses for that dumb kid who shot the black churchgoers; he needs to be executed or given multiple life sentences.
The Black Hebrew Israelites preach on busy street corners in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Dallas, etc. And /QUOTE]

The media prints and broadcasts what sells, they're in business to make money.

They also operate by a set of political alliances, Fox News and talk radio sides with the GOP, while the other 99% of American media side with the Democrats.
Lots of people who were born in the USA haven't assimilated to those ideas.

Some of them post on this forum.
In the case of people who were born here, there's not a lot we can do about it.

In the case of people who want to immigrate here, there is. We can choose who gets in and who doesn't.
I agree 100%. Honestly, me being in the NE, and having listened to Trump for 3 decades or so, PLUS he a businessman who lives in NYC so I'm sure he's had to deal with all sorts of minorities, I doubt very much he's a racist. BUT he's running for prez, as a Republican, so he KNOWS who he needs on his side. He knows he has to cater to the racist in the party. It's no secret that when Stormfront people show up here they may swear up and down they're not Republicans, but then 99.99% of the time they support GOP politicians and issues. It's no coincidence that 99% of the time when a White Supremacist group backs a politician, that politician is Republican. Trumps no dummy, he knows this. he knows the Southern Strategy works. It worked in 1968, and it still does.

If, and I still doubt hew will, but IF he gets the GOP nod, I think in the general election he'll tone down the rhetoric. I don't like the guy, I never did. But what we are seeing now from him isn't the Donald Trump of 20 years ago. I don't think anyone can change this much. He's doing this because he knows what the far right Republican voter wants, and to get the GOP nom he needs to use the Southern Strategy. He needs to kiss up to the racist, angry white males in the GOP.

Trump elected or not I believe we are fairly ****ed. Here's why. Trump has been and is a magnet for white men and women (primarily men) who have lost hope in the system and lost sight of the American dream. Those millions and millions of people are afraid of the future and the present isn't looking at all good for them. They are right to be concerned. I won't deny that. I agree with them. For the most part it's American dream, adios mother****er. It'll never happen. Dream gone.

Many of them are angry because they been shucked and jived. They've been sold a bill of goods and they know it, and they don't like what they gave up and that they are left holding the bag. It's now dog eat dog at ditch level. They damn sure don't like established Republican Party. Trump expresses much of their trepidation.

A subset of that demographic are racist bastards, anarchists, down and out opportunists, social misfits, desperate chancers and a hell of a lot of people who because their own life choices never had a shot at the brass ring. All these people believe they have found a home with a real estate mogul cum political messiah from New Jersey. Not good.

If Trump is elected most of those mad bastards in the subset are not going to find what they were looking for. Once again a politician will have sold them down the river. At first they will pledge allegiance to Trump. With little American dream on the horizon they'll be double pissed. That will not play well for America in the long run.

If Trump is not elected many of these same people will blame everything that isn't Trump along with what seems to be preventing whatever Trump said must be. In their minds their ticket out of misery will have been snatched from their hands by "the government", black people, brown people, Muslim people, liberal people, educated people and so on.

It will get ugly either way.
So... :coffeepap

(fyi nazi was an epithet for awkward and clumsy volk long before the Nationalsozialistischm Deutsche Arbeiterpartei came on the scene and members of the Drittes Reich never called themselves Nazis, that was a term that was given them... so, no you really can't call all nationalist parties nazi's...)
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Trump elected or not I believe we are fairly ****ed. Here's why. Trump has been and is a magnet for white men and women (primarily men) who have lost hope in the system and lost sight of the American dream. Those millions and millions of people are afraid of the future and the present isn't looking at all good for them. They are right to be concerned. I won't deny that. I agree with them. For the most part it's American dream, adios mother****er. It'll never happen. Dream gone.

Many of them are angry because they been shucked and jived. They've been sold a bill of goods and they know it, and they don't like what they gave up and that they are left holding the bag. It's now dog eat dog at ditch level. They damn sure don't like established Republican Party. Trump expresses much of their trepidation.

A subset of that demographic are racist bastards, anarchists, down and out opportunists, social misfits, desperate chancers and a hell of a lot of people who because their own life choices never had a shot at the brass ring. All these people believe they have found a home with a real estate mogul cum political messiah from New Jersey. Not good.

If Trump is elected most of those mad bastards in the subset are not going to find what they were looking for. Once again a politician will have sold them down the river. At first they will pledge allegiance to Trump. With little American dream on the horizon they'll be double pissed. That will not play well for America in the long run.

If Trump is not elected many of these same people will blame everything that isn't Trump along with what seems to be preventing whatever Trump said must be. In their minds their ticket out of misery will have been snatched from their hands by "the government", black people, brown people, Muslim people, liberal people, educated people and so on.

It will get ugly either way.

I've been saying for years the GOP has been lying to their base about illegal immigration. Businesses love illegals, they work cheap and help keep the overall wages low. So the very business friendly GOP don't want immigration, illegal or legal, stopped anymore then the Dems do. That includes the foaming at the mouth mad Tea Party politicians. They talk a great game, but their campaigns are funded by Corp. America too. The business lobbyists grease their palms too.

So I hear you, when/if Trump gets in and does nothing that he's promising, especially on the immigration issue that is fueling his campaign. There's going to be a lot of pissed off Republicans, again.
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...and they wonder why I shut off my land line after just one day.


5 in just 37 minutes the day it got connected. 28 the very first day they hooked it up. It was like they were sharks circling the boat waiting for their next scrap of meat to be thrown in.
Trump elected or not I believe we are fairly ****ed. Here's why. Trump has been and is a magnet for white men and women (primarily men) who have lost hope in the system and lost sight of the American dream. Those millions and millions of people are afraid of the future and the present isn't looking at all good for them. They are right to be concerned. I won't deny that. I agree with them. For the most part it's American dream, adios mother****er. It'll never happen. Dream gone.

Many of them are angry because they been shucked and jived. They've been sold a bill of goods and they know it, and they don't like what they gave up and that they are left holding the bag. It's now dog eat dog at ditch level. They damn sure don't like established Republican Party. Trump expresses much of their trepidation.

A subset of that demographic are racist bastards, anarchists, down and out opportunists, social misfits, desperate chancers and a hell of a lot of people who because their own life choices never had a shot at the brass ring. All these people believe they have found a home with a real estate mogul cum political messiah from New Jersey. Not good.

If Trump is elected most of those mad bastards in the subset are not going to find what they were looking for. Once again a politician will have sold them down the river. At first they will pledge allegiance to Trump. With little American dream on the horizon they'll be double pissed. That will not play well for America in the long run.

If Trump is not elected many of these same people will blame everything that isn't Trump along with what seems to be preventing whatever Trump said must be. In their minds their ticket out of misery will have been snatched from their hands by "the government", black people, brown people, Muslim people, liberal people, educated people and so on.

It will get ugly either way.

Risky Thicket....your post should be made a STICKY.

It is the most fair assessment of the rural middle class I have read.

You know most everyone in that demographic are good people.

It is that lunatic disenfranchised fringe that usually causes trouble.

Unfortunately, most of the liberal left sees the entire group as being like them.

That lunatic fringe would NEVER fit in anywhere, no matter who is president. To have a job, you have to take a shower, put down the stem, show up on time, and then be expected to work 8 hours, sometimes even longer.

Unless Jerry Springer pays real good, they will not have much of a career no matter who is the prez.

but...like I said before, the liberal extreme left sees EVERYONE that does not think like they do in that same light.
You see what I mean? You're completely unable to explain the ins and outs of your position. You can't, so here is what you do:

- refuse to explain your poistion
- pretend to take a higher ground (feigned outrage at calling Washing "the dude"
- go after somebody's labels
- make ad homs
- pretend the position is too complex for people to understand.

This is why you're terrible at this. You're transparent.

See what I mean? All too avoid having to answer a simple question

Still crying yourself a river, we see.
A subset of that demographic are racist bastards, anarchists, down and out opportunists, social misfits, desperate chancers and a hell of a lot of people who because their own life choices never had a shot at the brass ring. All these people believe they have found a home with a real estate mogul cum political messiah from New Jersey. Not good.


I carved out that particular ¶ because it's that specific demographic that Trump is targeting and too many of the "good people" are also going to fall for the Trump siren song. Nothing good ever came from demagoguing the resentments and and anger of voters.
Why do you make excuses for these people? I make no excuses for that dumb kid who shot the black churchgoers; he needs to be executed or given multiple life sentences.
The Black Hebrew Israelites preach on busy street corners in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Dallas, etc. And the media is completely silent about them. Why?

You either haven't been paying attention to (no surprise there for your type) or are you deliberately ignoring (also typical) my posts citing the "hate group" status of groups like the NBPP and the NOI? I confess the the group you cite was unfamiliar to me so I had to look them up. There is a splinter group of the BHI which has made it to the hate group list at the SPLC, so they're not being ignored. The biggest difference between white and black hate groups in this country is that the former is well-known for matching their violent rhetoric with violent acts while the latter is almost all rhetoric. That still doesn't get them a pass on earning the label of "hate group."

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