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White House Resaerches Gun Violence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 7, 2012
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Denio Junction
Political Leaning

Ofailures researches didn't promote the mans agenda too well.

A) found that legal uses of guns in self defense equaled or exceeded illegal gun usage,

B) previous "stories" of a 118,000 defensive uses a year might have been a little of. Number could be as high as 3 million legal defensive uses a year....oops

Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence
Of course the headline reveals 105,000 deaths or injuries by firearms a year, and forgets to parrot its own findings I noticed above.
There is no for guns to be legal there are other ways to protect property and do not offer any real protection from the government
There is no for guns to be legal there are other ways to protect property and do not offer any real protection from the government
Yeah, we've heard this before, and defeated this before. You folks really need new talking points. Guns are a legal right, you have no authority to dictate otherwise, and your opinion means nothing to us.
Yeah, we've heard this before, and defeated this before. You folks really need new talking points. Guns are a legal right, you have no authority to dictate otherwise, and your opinion means nothing to us.

At the moment they are legal but so is Coca cola's exploitation of the poor in 3rd world country's. Just because something is a legal right does not make it correct. A weapon to kill another person is a unjust right if any-think it promotes more violence making you less safe. At the end of the day the guns trade is just another business which is hard for the government to tackle. PS DON'T DISCREDIT SOMEONES ARGUMENT WITHOUT PUTTING A COUNTER ARGUMENT PEACE
At the moment they are legal but so is Coca cola's exploitation of the poor in 3rd world country's. Just because something is a legal right does not make it correct. A weapon to kill another person is a unjust right if any-think it promotes more violence making you less safe. At the end of the day the guns trade is just another business which is hard for the government to tackle. PS DON'T DISCREDIT SOMEONES ARGUMENT WITHOUT PUTTING A COUNTER ARGUMENT PEACE
At the moment they are legal but so is Coca cola's exploitation of the poor in 3rd world country's. Just because something is a legal right does not make it correct. A weapon to kill another person is a unjust right if any-think it promotes more violence making you less safe. At the end of the day the guns trade is just another business which is hard for the government to tackle. PS DON'T DISCREDIT SOMEONES ARGUMENT WITHOUT PUTTING A COUNTER ARGUMENT PEACE

You're right! We should
1. Ban corporations from employing workers in anything but first world countries! Screw the people in third world countries! Who cares if they starve! They can go back to the rural life making 50% less then what we would pay them! And dig through the garbage just to find food!
2. Ban guns! But only for law abiding citizens, but not the criminals! They make good Democrats!

I ****ing love liberal logic.
You're right! We should
1. Ban corporations from employing workers in anything but first world countries! Screw the people in third world countries! Who cares if they starve! They can go back to the rural life making 50% less then what we would pay them! And dig through the garbage just to find food!
2. Ban guns! But only for law abiding citizens, but not the criminals! They make good Democrats!

I ****ing love liberal logic.
I've said my piece with the latest talking point repeater. All this bogus garbage they spew is partisan party line crap handed down from a bunch of agendists in random groups. There is no logic behind this stuff and no divergence. I'm literally hearing verbatim from new guy stuff I've heard since joining here and before. I've been hearing, verbatim, the EXACT language word for word since my childhood in the '80s, and I'm sure it's exactly the same crap they used before that. Nothing new, and not worth further debate, the only thing we need to do as a society is go back to the old way of reminding the agendists just how little they matter.
You're right! We should
1. Ban corporations from employing workers in anything but first world countries! Screw the people in third world countries! Who cares if they starve! They can go back to the rural life making 50% less then what we would pay them! And dig through the garbage just to find food!
2. Ban guns! But only for law abiding citizens, but not the criminals! They make good Democrats!

I ****ing love liberal logic.
Actually the west is largely the reason the third world is in the state it is think slave trade. Obvious more weapons will fall in too the hands of criminals is guns are legal common sense. We should be tackling the routes of crime rather than encouraging more serous crime.
I've said my piece with the latest talking point repeater. All this bogus garbage they spew is partisan party line crap handed down from a bunch of agendists in random groups. There is no logic behind this stuff and no divergence. I'm literally hearing verbatim from new guy stuff I've heard since joining here and before. I've been hearing, verbatim, the EXACT language word for word since my childhood in the '80s, and I'm sure it's exactly the same crap they used before that. Nothing new, and not worth further debate, the only thing we need to do as a society is go back to the old way of reminding the agendists just how little they matter.

Haha your opinions are no more valid than anyone else s. Everybody's opinion matters
Actually the west is largely the reason the third world is in the state it is think slave trade. Obvious more weapons will fall in too the hands of criminals is guns are legal common sense. We should be tackling the routes of crime rather than encouraging more serous crime.

I hate to say this but perhaps a little more self-education through personal research and a little less use of distorted history and you might eventually be able to provide a cogent argument for your position. Unfortunately, up to now that hasn't happened.

You've bought into socialist propaganda entirely too much.
Actually the west is largely the reason the third world is in the state it is think slave trade. Obvious more weapons will fall in too the hands of criminals is guns are legal common sense. We should be tackling the routes of crime rather than encouraging more serous crime.

And the west is also largely the reason behind why those countries are seeing their standards of living skyrocket (70 million people moved out of poverty every single year). Think sweatshops. ;)

And I love your argument here. Obviously its not the criminals fault that he illegally has guns, its the law abiding citizens fault! Most of whom have never sold a gun to a criminal! Of course, you're probably the same kind of person who would say that gang members and drug dealers are just misunderstood lost souls who had absolutely no other choice in life... aren't you?
And the west is also largely the reason behind why those countries are seeing their standards of living skyrocket (70 million people moved out of poverty every single year). Think sweatshops. ;)

And I love your argument here. Obviously its not the criminals fault that he illegally has guns, its the law abiding citizens fault! Most of whom have never sold a gun to a criminal! Of course, you're probably the same kind of person who would say that gang members and drug dealers are just misunderstood lost souls who had absolutely no other choice in life... aren't you?

Well the drug dealers live in are country and something has made them turn to drug dealing e.g the media and materialism. Even things like rapper influence people turning to drug so they are also partly to blame and of course people have free will but there free will operates within their current rational which they have gained through external sources and their own interpretation.
I hate to say this but perhaps a little more self-education through personal research and a little less use of distorted history and you might eventually be able to provide a cogent argument for your position. Unfortunately, up to now that hasn't happened.

You've bought into socialist propaganda entirely too much.

Well firstly at was largely the slave trade which financed are industrialization and if the QUANTITATIVE DATA TELL YOU THE FACTS OF THE LEVEL OF CORRUPTION OF MANY 1ST WORLDT IN 3 WORLD COUNTRY'S
Haha your opinions are no more valid than anyone else s. Everybody's opinion matters
1) You have said nothing new, it's not even your own material, literally this garbage has been recycled for decades, it's old and stinks. 2) I've been shooting since age 6 and studying the issue since age 10, I'm 34 so yes, my opinion does matter more than someone who doesn't even own their analysis but rather simply repeats bad info. 3) Gun control is prohibited, your side has gotten about all it's going to get, keep pushing and pro second advocates will take ground from you, this is not a threat but a promise. 4) You don't like private gun ownership, too damn bad, my rights trump your desires and opinions.

5) We're done here.
1) you have said nothing new, it's not even your own material, literally this garbage has been recycled for decades, it's old and stinks. 2) i've been shooting since age 6 and studying the issue since age 10, i'm 34 so yes, my opinion does matter more than someone who doesn't even own their analysis but rather simply repeats bad info. 3) gun control is prohibited, your side has gotten about all it's going to get, keep pushing and pro second advocates will take ground from you, this is not a threat but a promise. 4) you don't like private gun ownership, too damn bad, my rights trump your desires and opinions.

5) we're done here.

and of focus these views will be recycled and evolved in till it changes
and of focus these views will be recycled and evolved in till it changes
Refer to point 5, there's nothing more to discuss with you. You've proven you don't understand the issue.
1) You have said nothing new, it's not even your own material, literally this garbage has been recycled for decades, it's old and stinks. 2) I've been shooting since age 6 and studying the issue since age 10, I'm 34 so yes, my opinion does matter more than someone who doesn't even own their analysis but rather simply repeats bad info. 3) Gun control is prohibited, your side has gotten about all it's going to get, keep pushing and pro second advocates will take ground from you, this is not a threat but a promise. 4) You don't like private gun ownership, too damn bad, my rights trump your desires and opinions.

5) We're done here.[/Q

Refer to point 5, there's nothing more to discuss with you. You've proven you don't understand the issue.[

I don't even know why I bother. The real numbers embarrass your arguments, take your own advice. Now we're back to (5), I forget more about this subject than you've demonstrated you know.
There is no for guns to be legal there are other ways to protect property and do not offer any real protection from the government

I don't understand this babbling Could you actually rephrase it so it is easily understood. If you are saying what others think you did, then your claim is idiotic. there is no weapon you can own that is superior-in most scenarios, to a firearm. at four feet a sword might be, in an elevator car a knife might be but both are worthless against a firearm at 35 feet or further
I don't even know why I bother. The real numbers embarrass your arguments, take your own advice. Now we're back to (5), I forget more about this subject than you've demonstrated you know.

hahaha how could you possibly know how mutch i know i am hardly going to write you a article i have presented real argument with you have resulted to petty name calling
hahaha how could you possibly know how mutch i know i am hardly going to write you a article i have presented real argument with you have resulted to petty name calling
hahaha how could you possibly know how mutch i know i am hardly going to write you a article i have presented real argument with you have resulted to petty name calling

Let me explain something that might help you in the future. There is a pecking order on the Gun Forum of DP. LMR is way high up on the totem pole because

1) he has been around a long time

2) he has proven to those who matter that he knows what he is talking about

3) his posts are well reasoned and consistent with known reality

You on the other hand are a newbie with no earned credibility or status

Its not a smart move butting heads with an alpha poster until you have established a reputation that earns respect.

just saying..............
let me explain something that might help you in the future. There is a pecking order on the gun forum of dp. Lmr is way high up on the totem pole because

1) he has been around a long time

2) he has proven to those who matter that he knows what he is talking about

3) his posts are well reasoned and consistent with known reality

you on the other hand are a newbie with no earned credibility or status

its not a smart move butting heads with an alpha poster until you have established a reputation that earns respect.

Just saying..............

hahahaaha more elitism the strength of the argument is what matter rather what someone has done on a online forum it proves what you just said also proves your bias i will except being proven wrong trust me i would love for you to prove me wrong

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