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White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election (1 Viewer)

President Trump is standing up to a lawless and vindictive Democratic-held House.

Whether or not he succeeds, future presidents will be grateful to him for his efforts to stop a deranged House from intruding on the rights of the Executive.

Personally, I hope that he teaches Speaker Pelosi and her ilk that they must stay within certain boundaries.
President Trump is standing up to a lawless and vindictive Democratic-held House.

Whether or not he succeeds, future presidents will be grateful to him for his efforts to stop a deranged House from intruding on the rights of the Executive.

Personally, I hope that he teaches Speaker Pelosi and her ilk that they must stay within certain boundaries.

Personally I hope we start jailing his staff

Due Process:

When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.

Yep and it applies to criminal proceedings only

No it doesn't VG. Perhaps you should learn something about Constitutional Rights.

As you apparently don't, there is no reason to say anything else on the subject.

Yes it does. And if that is all you have the matter is settled
Trump is completely out of control, he has declared himself above the law, openly committing crimes and defying congress.

How can any true American condone this action???

because it owns the libs or some such nonsense
Yes it does. And if that is all you have the matter is settled

No it doesn't. Due process is Constitutional Right that covers far more than criminal proceedings.

If a student is suspended or expelled, do they have a right to due process?
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

Impeaching Crooked Donald and removing him from office wouldn't be undoing the will of the American people because he didn't get the most votes.

No it doesn't. Due process is Constitutional Right that covers far more than criminal proceedings.

If a student is suspended or expelled, do they have a right to due process?

Not unless they sue the school. Due process is a legal action
Remarakable that someone who claims to have taught the Constitution as a teacher in public school, would ignore all the protections contained in the Constitution, one being the principle of due process.

Can you show where in the Constitution, the President of the United States is excluded from the right to due process?

Impeachment is not a criminal or civil process. There are no penalties attached to an impeachment other than removal from office and disqualification from federal office. Moreover, the House had sole power over impeachment. That is all in the Constitution, and thus trumps any SCOTUS opinion regarding due process.

That being the case, it's also why all those 'obstruction' claims from either Mueller report or the contemporary nonsense are all balderdash.
Remarakable that someone who claims to have taught the Constitution as a teacher in public school, would ignore all the protections contained in the Constitution, one being the principle of due process.

Can you show where in the Constitution, the President of the United States is excluded from the right to due process?

I am sure that when the impeachment trial takes place Trump will be afforded all the due process he can muster.
Can you quote the Constitution please regarding the demand from Trump that an impeachment inquiry vote be taken now?

I would very much like to see a vote on this inquiry. I think it is a good idea. But that is just me and I have seen no language in law that it is necessary. Can you present it?

Of course they can't. If they could it would already be plastered to every meme on social media by now.
This is a smoke-show.
Do you think Trump should be able investigate Schiff as a co-equal branch of government?
Investigate him for what? If the DOJ has some sort of evidence that Schiff has done something illegal, then they have the power to investigate him.

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Impeachment is not a criminal or civil process. There are no penalties attached to an impeachment other than removal from office and disqualification from federal office. Moreover, the House had sole power over impeachment. That is all in the Constitution, and thus trumps any SCOTUS opinion regarding due process.

That being the case, it's also why all those 'obstruction' claims from either Mueller report or the contemporary nonsense are all balderdash.

I would suggest that removing a duly elected President of the United States from office not only penalizes the person removed, but the 10's of millions of US Citizens who put that person there.

You might want to learn how Constitutional Rights work.
Investigate him for what? If the DOJ has some sort of evidence that Schiff has done something illegal, then they have the power to investigate him.

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Shh. You're ruining the game-plan.
Investigate him for what? If the DOJ has some sort of evidence that Schiff has done something illegal, then they have the power to investigate him.

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Let him indict him. He cant.
Can you quote the Constitution please regarding the demand from Trump that an impeachment inquiry vote be taken now?

I would very much like to see a vote on this inquiry. I think it is a good idea. But that is just me and I have seen no language in law that it is necessary. Can you present it?

Under Federal law, obstructing Congress can only occur during the work of a committee, or the House as a whole.
No commitee, nor has the House as a whole, voted for an impeachment inquiry.
Legally, there is nothing for the Trump Admin to obstruct.
Thus, there is no inquiry.
I would suggest that removing a duly elected President of the United States from office not only penalizes the person removed, but the 10's of millions of US Citizens who put that person there.

Maybe so. But that is a political issue that those 10's of millions can address with their elected representatives.
Under Federal law, obstructing Congress can only occur during the work of a committee, or the House as a whole.
No commitee, nor has the House as a whole, voted for an impeachment inquiry.
Legally, there is nothing for the Trump Admin to obstruct.
Thus, there is no inquiry.

Good let's start putting some of his staff in jail

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