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White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election (1 Viewer)

That may be a legitimate suggestion if we were talking about a legitimate president rather than our very first illegitimate president...

Very rational and meaningful post. Glad you wasted your time with it.
The longer this takes, the worse it will be for Trump, not Dems. It doesnt look good for him to stall to those outside his small (relatively) group of supporters.
History supports this view, as does polling. That is why the Trump strategy is twofold: 1) try to rush judgment; 2) keep evidence/testimony Out of the public eye (stonewall). They literally argued that in court yesterday. They think that Nixon didn't stonewall long and hard enough.

Former President Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency in 1974 to avoid being impeached. His successor and former vice president, President Gerald Ford, then fully and unconditionally pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed. In what was widely seen as fallout from the Watergate scandal, Republicans lost four Senate seats and 49 House seats in the following midterm election.
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I have no idea what you think you are talking about. Be specific.

It's a very simple question Haymarket.

When do the Constitutional protections of due process apply to anyone? When can they be suspended?

Does a student have a right to due process when they are suspended or expelled?

Does a person have a right to due process when they are being accused and investigated?

Care to touch on the following:

Due Process Clause - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes

The Due Process Clause provides four basic areas of protection, all of which are overseen by the U.S. Supreme Court:

  • Substantive due process
  • Procedural due process
  • Prohibition against vague laws
  • As a means to incorporate the Bill of Rights
It's a very simple question Haymarket.

When do the Constitutional protections of due process apply to anyone?

In a trial they most certainly take hold and will be accorded to Trump.

What is it Trump is specifically being denied?
It's a very simple question Haymarket.

When do the Constitutional protections of due process apply to anyone? When can they be suspended?

Does a student have a right to due process when they are suspended or expelled?

Does a person have a right to due process when they are being accused and investigated?

Care to touch on the following:

Due Process Clause - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes

The Due Process Clause provides four basic areas of protection, all of which are overseen by the U.S. Supreme Court:

  • Substantive due process
  • Procedural due process
  • Prohibition against vague laws
  • As a means to incorporate the Bill of Rights

Available to him at trial.

You are aware the trial or indictment has not taken place yet???
Investigate him for what? If the DOJ has some sort of evidence that Schiff has done something illegal, then they have the power to investigate him.

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Remind me again....what has Trump done illegal again?
Don't feed the trolls.
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

I don't know about anyone else, but I sure love the smell of obstruction of justice in the morning.

This man is a danger to the country, an un-American corrupt fraud who has utter disdain for the Constitution.
In a trial they most certainly take hold and will be accorded to Trump.

What is it Trump is specifically being denied?

I included additional information and questions. If you're going to ignore them, then you aren't interested in a discussion.

I'll move on.
Trump is completely out of control, he has declared himself above the law, openly committing crimes and defying congress.

How can any true American condone this action???

No true American condones this. No intelligent American condones it either.

Then you have Trump Fan Nation, which obviously doesn't fit the definition of either of those two things.

Hey, the men proudly insulted his own base over 3 years ago by declaring that he could commit murder in broad daylight and he wouldn't lose a single vote. The smart people knew that he was insulting his base. His base was too stupid to know it. And to this day they do precisely what he knew they were ignorant enough to do.
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

Well apparently it's all a "kangaroo court", "inquisition", "witch hunt" etc. So never mind what's being investigated and the fact he isn't cooperating.

Of what?

And since the right of due process has been removed from the subject of the investigation, there is no reciprocal requirement to participate in it.

He's receiving due process, that's the purpose of the investigation
Can you quote the Constitution please regarding the demand from Trump that an impeachment inquiry vote be taken now?

I would very much like to see a vote on this inquiry. I think it is a good idea. But that is just me and I have seen no language in law that it is necessary. Can you present it?

It looks like pelosi has trump figured out. And her narrative managers have analysed the situation and have come to the conclusion that trump makes it impossible to manage narratives.

So they push, and he throws tantrums and doubles down.

If they could get him to shut up and stop tweeting debu ked onspiracy theories they'd probably be fine.

But they can't. And the more he flails, the more guilty he looks to those not members of the cult.

When public opinion peaks she'll pull the trigger. IMO it wasn't the instant act but the defiance that made her start the inguiry. And if she can continue to get him to act like he thinks he's above the law I suspect that the general public is gonna turn against him. We all have to obey the law. America doesn't do kings.

And the right is counting on people being unable to read, unable to weigh the evidence of their senses against the narratives being pushed. The more this becomes evident the more independents they're gonna lose.

It's gonna be an interesting time.

And trump being trump is their best ammunition.
Remind me again....what has Trump done illegal again?
Don't feed the trolls.
Seriously, don't.

I don't know about anyone else, but I sure love the smell of obstruction of justice in the morning. This man is a danger to the country, an un-American corrupt fraud who has utter disdain for the Constitution.
See. She understands that the investigation is vindictive and the opposite of justice, but wants it anyway out of personal animosity.

He's receiving due process, that's the purpose of the investigation
I thought we had elections.
Seriously, don't.

See. Even she understand that the investigation is the destruction of justice, but wants it anyway out of personal animous.

I thought we had elections.

Just because Trump lies doesn't mean you have to as well. Lying about what someone didn't post is considered ignorant. Congratulations. You just posted something ignorant.
See. Even she understand that the investigation is the destruction of justice, but wants it anyway out of personal animous.


7+ Benghazi investigations designed to smear Hillary with an email server --> Cool

A legitimate investigation into something everyone who isn't a Trumpist sees as corrupt and massively out of the ordinary --> "the destruction of justice."

The most idiotic and dishonest set of statements ever. My God are you people getting disgustingly desperate
Just because Trump lies doesn't mean you have to as well. Lying about what someone didn't post is considered ignorant. Congratulations. You just posted something ignorant.
You are promoting the destruction of Justice. That said, I did rephrase.

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