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White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election (1 Viewer)

I included additional information and questions. If you're going to ignore them, then you aren't interested in a discussion.

I'll move on.

What specially is Trump being denied?
You are promoting the destruction of Justice. That said, I did rephrase.

No, you lied. But it's what I expect from a citizen of Trump Fan Nation who is currently tinkling in his panties because he knows Trump is in trouble.
That being the case, it's also why all those 'obstruction' claims from either Mueller report or the contemporary nonsense are all balderdash.

This is ridiculous. I'd like to see your rationale for this.
No, you lied. But it's what I expect from a citizen of Trump Fan Nation who is currently tinkling in his panties because he knows Trump is in trouble.

Trump is not in trouble for the 500th time! Its the do nothing democrats who will be exposed as liars and frauds because of this.
I don't know how many times we have to tell you this. NOBODY on the Trump side is afraid of anything the dems are doing. LOL
Trump is not in trouble for the 500th time! Its the do nothing democrats who will be exposed as liars and frauds because of this.
I don't know how many times we have to tell you this. NOBODY on the Trump side is afraid of anything the dems are doing. LOL

No, you're right. He's in trouble for at least the 400th time! That's what happens when you are corrupt for your entire life.

Who is "we"? Do you have someone sitting in your lap while you're posting, or are you talking to some of Sarah Huckabee-Sanders' imaginary friends in the FBI?
Trump is not in trouble for the 500th time! Its the do nothing democrats who will be exposed as liars and frauds because of this.
I don't know how many times we have to tell you this. NOBODY on the Trump side is afraid of anything the dems are doing. LOL

This isn't exactly a good thing. In no way does this sentiment reflect positively on you or other Trump supporters. The fact you guys hate the Democrats more than you love the U.S. Constitution and the Republic as a whole is a bad thing.
Ahahhaha. 7+ Benghazi investigations designed to smear Hillary with an email server --> Cool

A legitimate investigation into something everyone who isn't a Trumpist sees as corrupt and massively out of the ordinary --> "the destruction of justice." The most idiotic and dishonest set of statements ever. My God are you people getting disgustingly desperate
I'm glad you acknowledge that the Benghazi investigations were legitimate and that they did find gross negligence.

Your words betray you. When you say "massively out of the ordinary" you make it personal. Justice is not a respecter of person. When you can set aside that prejudice, you can become objective. It's something necessary for justice to prevail. Instead you oppose justice and seek injustice. You sense desperation because time has become short, so desperation has set in.

I give you a quote. This is the way you view Trump.

The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don't like new cars and hair sprays. That's why they are put away. They make the other members of the society fearful. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions.
John Kennedy Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces​

Why don't you ever pay attention.... ?
He understands that Trump has done nothing illegal and that this is all smoke and mirrors.
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Why don't you ever pay attention.... ?

It isn't so much a case of not paying attention so much as believing that the POTUS has done no wrong, when it comes to the crimes he's already admitted to.
I mean, I get it, sort of, if I had spent the better part of 4 years supporting and oftentimes cradling the balls of someone, and they turned out to be corrupt AF, I too would not enjoy the egg on my face.
Eventually I would have to face facts and grab the hand-towel to rinse my face.
There in-lies the difference.
This is ridiculous. I'd like to see your rationale for this.

It is simple, if they say it isn't so, they can go on pretending it isn't so.
Meanwhile, the rest of us, here in reality, know it for what it is.

It's truly a continuing insult to what the world once thought of American Intellect.... to read these one liner and their incessant aims to support the bastardization of our American Governance, Our Historical Policies and Do such an atrocious damage to our Justice System and our Congressional Senate.

These are unforgivable offenses. and the level of serfdom styled ignorance by the Republican Conservative Ideologist has proven itself to be a make up of subversive minions, lusting for the vile remake of a savage system of white nationalism and the promotions of its Imperialist Agenda both Domestic and Internationally.

The Damage they've done with have very long term affects upon America. We will not recover with the same stature we had before this madness, and must re-adjust ourselves to build forward... a system that is no longer driven by Imperialist White Nationalist Aspirations.

The world of nation, will never again accept such vile and savagery, which has infiltrated nation after nations, and the impacts of such madness has displaced 100's of millions of people around the globe, while spreading the impoverishing by the acts of its incessant greed of Imperialist encroachments while looting through process of bribes, threat and playing policy shift games that result to disrespect the people of other nations.

We currently see the Policy Shift Game in Syria, with the aims to turn this over to what Putin has desired, as the alliance of Putin and Iran will move to establish the dominance in the region. This further confounds the nature and elements of the destabilized region.

People who go by the label of Republican and Conservatives demonstrate their utter ignorance on a daily basis and then have the audacity to come to web forms playing one liner slap stick games for the sake of ego elation and the backing of the vile in support of expecting white nationalism to have a rebirth.
No, you're right. He's in trouble for at least the 400th time! That's what happens when you are corrupt for your entire life.

Who is "we"? Do you have someone sitting in your lap while you're posting, or are you talking to some of Sarah Huckabee-Sanders' imaginary friends in the FBI?

Not gonna front, that is one of my favorite Sarahisms.
Boy, that is some especially egregious ignorance of history.
Did you even read the article you cited? It completely refutes your argument,. In fact, the point of the article is the opposite of your hypothesis:Nixon won reelection handily. His approval then was 68%. Over the course of the year, plus, of Watergate hearings, that approval plunged. Trump's approval is already low. It is going lower. A majority of Americans want an inquiry, including 25% of REPUBLICANS. That is exactly the course that preceded Nixon's resignation. It Took A Long Time For Republicans to Abandon Nixon (FiveThirtyEight).

i posted the article....i know exactly what it said

It says you have to get independents and republicans to back your play....

Pelosi isnt even sure enough right now that she wants to put the red state democrats in play

You are barely at 50% OVERALL who want an inquiry, much less an impeachment

Without the formal vote, you arent going to get any administration witnesses, documents, etc

So this is going to become another Mueller case....and that isnt going to cut it for the MAJORITY of america

so what's the plan....you need to get to 70% plus of america that want Trump gone....

how you gonna get there?

It's truly a continuing insult to what the world once thought of American Intellect.... to read these one liner and their incessant aims to support the bastardization of our American Governance, Our Historical Policies and Do such an atrocious damage to our Justice System and our Congressional Senate.

These are unforgivable offenses. and the level of serfdom styled ignorance by the Republican Conservative Ideologist has proven itself to be a make up of subversive minions, lusting for the vile remake of a savage system of white nationalism and the promotions of its Imperialist Agenda both Domestic and Internationally.

The Damage they've done with have very long term affects upon America. We will not recover with the same stature we had before this madness, and must re-adjust ourselves to build forward... a system that is no longer driven by Imperialist White Nationalist Aspirations.

The world of nation, will never again accept such vile and savagery, which has infiltrated nation after nations, and the impacts of such madness has displaced 100's of millions of people around the globe, while spreading the impoverishing by the acts of its incessant greed of Imperialist encroachments while looting through process of bribes, threat and playing policy shift games that result to disrespect the people of other nations.

We currently see the Policy Shift Game in Syria, with the aims to turn this over to what Putin has desired, as the alliance of Putin and Iran will move to establish the dominance in the region. This further confounds the nature and elements of the destabilized region.

People who go by the label of Republican and Conservatives demonstrate their utter ignorance on a daily basis and then have the audacity to come to web forms playing one liner slap stick games for the sake of ego elation and the backing of the vile in support of expecting white nationalism to have a rebirth.
The sermon is concluded, we can now return to reality.
The sermon is concluded, we can now return to reality.

You can do what you choose... but you can't make the truth vanish!!! but if that's your aim and intent ... keep trying...
Not gonna front, that is one of my favorite Sarahisms.

No wonder she vamoosed from the White House. How embarrassing to have her massive lie exposed to the entire world?

Of course, she fits in beautifully with the other idiots on Foxy Friends, as they spend their mornings worshipping at the Temple of Trump.
You can do what you choose... but you can't make the truth vanish!!! but if that's your aim and intent ... keep trying...
The truth will out, but this inquiry is not seeking truth. It's aim and intent is to overturn the facts of the last Presidential election, as any reasonable person already knows.

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