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White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election (1 Viewer)

Yeah, they are successful, unlike Trump who filed for bankruptcy multiple times and inherited most of his wealth through massive tax fraud schemes.

But. Nice try with the deflection attempt.

Yip just yang could buy and sell trump a hundred times...
No. The constitution is clear-- the House has sole power of impeachment.

Exactly and it was Pelosi, the speaker of the house that announced it.

Maybe you are beginning to understand...
Exactly and it was Pelosi, the speaker of the house that announced it.

Maybe you are beginning to understand...

Ms. Pelosi is not the House. She is but one member.
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

Trumpty Dumpty sat on his Wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a Great Fall!
All of his lawyers and all of his men couldn’t put Trumpty in office again.
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

Not at all. as there has been no vote on the house floor.
Ignore the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry | TheHill

The House has not voted as a body to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Moreover, there are no subpoenas. As Secretary Pompeo observed in his fittingly tart response on Tuesday, what the committee chairmen issued was merely a letter. Its huffing and puffing notwithstanding, the letter is nothing more than an informal request for voluntary cooperation. Legally, it has no compulsive power. If anything, it is rife with legal deficiencies.

But standing committees do have subpoena power, so why not use it? Well, because subpoenas get litigated in court when the people or agencies on the receiving end object. Democrats want to have an impeachment show — um, inquiry — on television; they do not want to defend its bona fides in court.

They are issuing partisan letters that pose legally offensive threats, rather than subpoenas, because this is a show, not an impeachment inquiry. Subpoenas don’t require chest-beating about obstruction. Everyone knows they are compulsory, but everyone also knows they may be challenged in court.

Until there is a vote on the house floor this is nothing but a kangroo court and we the people should be appalled that these people have done this to our government.
no one should support this nonsense coming from the left no one that is a real american anyway.
For those who might be interested in reading the letter as well as the inevitable screed against its existence - WH letter announcing noncompliance with impeachment probe | United States House Of Representatives | Due Process Clause

Basically the White House says it won't comply with the "inquiry" and gives a few reasons why it won't comply.

OK, that's unfair. The letter takes dead aim at the Democrats and calls them out personally, professionally and ethically. It's a fun read!

I thought it was a very good read as well. because well it is basically true.
as i posted before there is a huge reason that pelosi won't call for a real inquiry vote.

because it then allows for a ton of other things to kick in. they simply can't shut out the other party.
their witnesses get to be cross-examined. republicans get to call witnensses as well. people get lawyer protections
afforded by the cosntitution and due process.

you know that leftists hate that word due process gets way to much in their way.
the president would then have legal standing to defend himself. What it would then allow them to do
is actually issue subpoena's on people. they would then have to comply, but they would have a lawyer present.

the reason they won't do this is because they know for a fact they have nothing. they have had nothing.
so they are waging a media war vs an actual impeachment war.

this is the most corrupt thing i have ever seen in my entire life time. it is disgusting that they are allowed to get away with it.
Pelosi does not deserve her post. schiff should be locked up on federal crimes.
White House Declares War on Impeachment Inquiry, Alleging Effort to Undo Trump’s Election

WASHINGTON — The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, announcing that it would not cooperate with what it called an illegitimate and partisan effort “to overturn the results of the 2016 election” of Donald J. Trump.

In a letter to House Democratic leaders, the White House said the inquiry violated precedent and President Trump’s due process rights in such an egregious way that neither he nor the executive branch would willingly provide testimony or documents, a daring move that sets the stage for a constitutional clash.

“Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice,” said the eight-page letter signed by Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel. “In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”

White House Blocks Sondland Testimony, Signaling Plan to Stonewall Impeachment Inquiry - The New York Times


So Trump is now openly obstructing a congressional investigation.

Trump will be impeached. What he did is obvious to all. It’s just a matter of time as more people come forward and the public becomes informed. The polls will soon be more than 60% in favor of the investigation. Then, it’s over for Trump.
Let's address these bitch fits.

1. There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates a full House vote on the inquiry. What defines an inquiry is totally up to the House, and there's nothing that says the Speakers say-so isn't enough.
The floor vote is not required, just as the Senate can withhold a vote to steal a SCOTUS for a future president.

The article of impeachment must be voted on and there is due process that is afford to and rules that are required to be voted on as well as past precedent of previous impeachment inquiries have shown.
Right now this is nothing more than a free for all kangroo court with no support or backing of anything.

Ignore the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry | TheHill

Nothing was stolen this is a lie. the SCOTUS belongs to the people not the president. The senate did vote. They voted not to appoint or hold a hearing.
So you don't know what you are talking about.

2. Even in a full floor vote defining the impeachment inquiry, the Republican subpoenas would have to go through a committee vote, where they would fail miserably.

Wrong they would be entitled to call their own witnesses cross-examine witnesses and people that would be called would be afforded legal aid and legal advice. that is not what is happening
so there is a due process issue going on here as well.

3. Why should the President's counsel have any part of the process, when the WH refuses to even recognize the Houses authority? Until they play by the law, **** em'.

Because the president is allowed to defend himself and is allowed to face his accusers per the constitution. there is due process that is allowed. No the white house refuses to acknowledge
a kangroo court by the leftist of this country who are hell bound to undo an election because they lost. Yes leftist scum should play by the law and hold a vote.

Democrats finally took a page from McConnell and Gingrich's book, and are playing constitutional hardball. It's clearly making the Republicans sick to get a taste of their own medicine in a street fight.


The Republicans set a precedent on how to do partisan impeachments in 98, and they are finally paying a price twenty years later.

clinton lied to a grand jury there is nothing partisan about that. it is a federal felony.

Now they know what it's like to be helpless.

and you would be wrong the house voted on the rules and had a full impeachment inquiry vote for clinton.
he was afforded due process allowed legal counseling and they were allowed to question and call their own witnesses.

you seriously do not know what you are talking about.
Impeachment is a political act. Let the Democrats be accountable for their actions.

that would be a first they are never responsible for anything they do.
that is why pelosi knowingly didn't punish schiff for his unethical behavior through this whole thing.
when in fact he should be removed from his position.
The article of impeachment must be voted on and there is due process that is afford to and rules that are required to be voted on as well as past precedent of previous impeachment inquiries have shown.
Right now this is nothing more than a free for all kangroo court with no support or backing of anything.

Ignore the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry | TheHill

Nothing was stolen this is a lie. the SCOTUS belongs to the people not the president. The senate did vote. They voted not to appoint or hold a hearing.
So you don't know what you are talking about.

Wrong they would be entitled to call their own witnesses cross-examine witnesses and people that would be called would be afforded legal aid and legal advice. that is not what is happening
so there is a due process issue going on here as well.

Because the president is allowed to defend himself and is allowed to face his accusers per the constitution. there is due process that is allowed. No the white house refuses to acknowledge
a kangroo court by the leftist of this country who are hell bound to undo an election because they lost. Yes leftist scum should play by the law and hold a vote.


clinton lied to a grand jury there is nothing partisan about that. it is a federal felony.

and you would be wrong the house voted on the rules and had a full impeachment inquiry vote for clinton.
he was afforded due process allowed legal counseling and they were allowed to question and call their own witnesses.

you seriously do not know what you are talking about.

Can you quote the Constitution please regarding the demand from Trump that an impeachment inquiry vote be taken now?

I would very much like to see a vote on this inquiry. I think it is a good idea. But that is just me and I have seen no language in law that it is necessary. Can you present it?
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I thought it was a very good read as well. because well it is basically true.
as i posted before there is a huge reason that pelosi won't call for a real inquiry vote.

because it then allows for a ton of other things to kick in. they simply can't shut out the other party.
their witnesses get to be cross-examined. republicans get to call witnensses as well. people get lawyer protections
afforded by the cosntitution and due process.

you know that leftists hate that word due process gets way to much in their way.
the president would then have legal standing to defend himself. What it would then allow them to do
is actually issue subpoena's on people. they would then have to comply, but they would have a lawyer present.

the reason they won't do this is because they know for a fact they have nothing. they have had nothing.
so they are waging a media war vs an actual impeachment war.

this is the most corrupt thing i have ever seen in my entire life time. it is disgusting that they are allowed to get away with it.
Pelosi does not deserve her post. schiff should be locked up on federal crimes.

Subpoenas have already been issued
that would be a first they are never responsible for anything they do.
that is why pelosi knowingly didn't punish schiff for his unethical behavior through this whole thing.
when in fact he should be removed from his position.

Lets see if we can get so worked up we can convince Pelosi to convince the Dems in Trump territory to put their political life on the line with vote for impeachment.

call me after impeachment vote...:yawn:

Why would we call you, you've been sleeping through it all up to this point, why break with tradition?
Clear obstruction. Once the Punkinhead regime can no longer obstruct, it's time for prosecution of those who participated, including and especially Tweety.
Can you quote the Constitution please regarding the demand from Trump that an impeachment inquiry vote be taken now?

I would very much like to see a vote on this inquiry. I think it is a good idea. But that is just me and I have seen no language in law that it is necessary. Can you present it?

Remarakable that someone who claims to have taught the Constitution as a teacher in public school, would ignore all the protections contained in the Constitution, one being the principle of due process.

Can you show where in the Constitution, the President of the United States is excluded from the right to due process?
Clear obstruction. Once the Punkinhead regime can no longer obstruct, it's time for prosecution of those who participated, including and especially Tweety.


Thank you Justice Helix....

Trump can continue his corrupt delusions as if he thinks he's King of America... it only means he "falls even harder".
The level of damage(s) he's done is an atrocity that will take America a Decade to Clean Up and Fix.
The fall of the Republican Party will be one heard around the world. Already, none of the nation in NATO and the U.N. have any respect for Republican Ideology, and Modern Day Republican Politicians have shown the world they are nothing more than a "Mob Organization", led by a Belligerent Mobster.

This has been a long time in the making and the world has all the proof it needs. The world remembers all the way back to Nixon, and the Carpet Bombing of S.E. Asia's countries, they remember the Ronald Reagan damages that caused the world to suffer behind high interest rates, the insane spread and build up of the Cocaine Empires and establishing networks for them to move mass volumes of drugs. We know about the Drug moved into the U.S., but what is to be revealed in historical documents is the many other locations the spread of Cocaine damaged. Then comes the Republican led invasion of Iran with the ultimate destabilization of the Middle East. Now... with the Republican Imbecile in the Whitehouse and the Subversive Republican Senate... and the severe damages done to global diplomacy and the dissensions within American society.

These are things the world community of Nations won't sweep under the rug and they won't forget the damages they have suffered and the instability being promoted by this buffoon who sits in the Whitehouse.

He has insulted and damaged The DOJ to a degree that it has caused global damages to the respect for the once highly praised American DOJ. These things are Tremendous Atrocities!!!! Followed up by his "incessant solicitation of Foreign Interference in the once highly respected American Election Processes.

The world of nations know his agenda of delivering to Putin the highest dreams of the Putin Administration, piece by pieces as he praised Putin while denigrating former American President, the Intelligence Agency and damaging the stature of Allied Relationship.

This is the last of the stand of the American White Nationalist Agenda.. his henchman Barr, Giulaini, and the global preacher trying to promote white nationalism, Steve Bannon... and the entire Mob network of Republican Cabinet and Republican Senators... will all be documented in history as "The Fall of American The White Nationalist Regime".

This is what it was always going to look like in the downfall of the White Nationalist Idealist and their Damage filled history of white nationalism....

The world will go forward as a Global Multicultural, Multi-ethnic and Multi-National Global System that moves society into the 21st Century in ways were we will see the decline of the malice that has been spread across the globe for centuries and decades by this vile madness.

Technology will play a big part in helping nations understand that with technology, the world can and does work on a better playing field... the down fall of White Nationalist Imperialism is the reality we are wittnessing....It will come tumbling down.
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Remarakable that someone who claims to have taught the Constitution as a teacher in public school, would ignore all the protections contained in the Constitution, one being the principle of due process.

Can you show where in the Constitution, the President of the United States is excluded from the right to due process?

Due process applies to criminal proceedings only

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