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White Anxiety, and a President Ready to Address It (1 Viewer)

I'm sorry. Trump is not representative of me as a white. I dont identify as a racist and an authoritarian or a Christian.

And it is pretty logical to expect that this is true for many Trump supporters too. One may have voted for Trump because of reasons that have nothing to do with "white identity."
And it is pretty logical to expect that this is true for many Trump supporters too. One may have voted for Trump because of reasons that have nothing to do with "white identity."

I guess. With over 90% support for Trump and those numbers rising, given his current racist bent and racist attacks, I'd wager the majority of white republicans are racist apologists, if not racists at this point.
White Anxiety, and a President Ready to Address It - The New York Times

Emily Badger & Nate Cohn @ NYT postulate that Donald Trump's Presidency is giving white people the confidence to view themselves as having a unique identity of their own! Oh noes! How can we stop this? Should white people be encouraged to view themselves as lacking an identity, and is a unique identity which contains an element of racial identity something that only minorities should be encouraged to possess?


Emily Badger once wrote an article detailing how the Talmud may be used to uncover the building blocks of the US Constitution.

Talmud, Internet Unlock James Madison - Pacific Standard

Nobody should get caught up in the foolish democrat obsession and focus on color and race. Whites are good people just like blacks are good people, as long as they believe and obey God. If they rebel against God, however, it does not matter what color their skin is they are evil.
I guess. With over 90% support for Trump and those numbers rising, given his current racist bent and racist attacks, I'd wager the majority of white republicans are racist apologists, if not racists at this point.

Ohh, I can agree with the bold part. They are apologists about many things. They even came to the point of justifying the possible election of a Senator who was flirting teenagers after Trump told them that he needed his support ( Roy Moore, AL). We saw the same behavior after Trump wet his pants in front of Putin in Helsinki, and the list goes on...
I am not saying there might not be issues, some perceived some real, but there is nothing keeping them from doing so. Oh, the tea party was not an exclusivly white organization, more of a conservative group
Oh, NOW that's admitted....look, all I'm saying is that any group white people start, racism will be the label....especially today when it's the default slur of choice.

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I am not saying there might not be issues, some perceived some real, but there is nothing keeping them from doing so. Oh, the tea party was not an exclusivly white organization, more of a conservative group
Here's an example by Chagos right after you made this post, and all we're doing is talking...

Chagos said:
Jeez, you sure spread a load of tripe in your White Supremacist delusions.

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Here's an example by Chagos right after you made this post, and all we're doing is talking...

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Do NOT quote me out of context and do NOT even attempt to make something I wrote look as though it was addressed at somebody not remotely involved with my post.

And bloody well don't edit my posts at all.
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Left leaning posters- which is it; are white people a monolithic group that needs to be punished for the collective misdeeds of their ancestors, or are they not a monolithic group, and therefore share no common identity? You've gotten your warped beliefs entangled in contradiction again.
When coming across anything you post, it suffices to know what White Supremacists are all about.

Oh Soldier of Odin.
This is ridiculous. We're not talking about Europeans circa 1200, were talking about European identity today, which includes the phenomenon of the European Union, a common currency in the Euro, and the free movement between countries, which up until the introduction of a foreign non-European derived threat (Islamic terrorism) worked just fine. Of course there is a bond between people of European descent, which isn't replicated with people from other continents. To suggest otherwise is nonsense. Why do European expats living abroad naturally nod to each other in the street, or gravitate towards each other when they bump into each other in a cafe, or a crowded venue? Because they recognize others who possess the same identity. All this blabbering on about African Americans being the only people on earth with a shared identity, because only people whose ancestors were slaves in America have an identity? Who do you expect will believe this?
Your take on European expats abroad is laughable and shows that you know none of them.
~....................I believe that simple survival instincts are beginning to bloom in Caucasian Americans minds. .............................~
I hate to break it to you but YOUR mind is not representative of the average Caucasian American mind.

As little as you appear to be representing the average Caucasian American altogether.
Do NOT quote me out of context and do NOT even attempt to make something I wrote look as though it was addressed at somebody not remotely involved with my post.

And bloody well don't edit my posts at all.

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How the **** are whites lacking an identity?

Maybe they ought to get off their ****ing phones for a while.

I don't think they are lacking an identity, I think they feel their identity is being threatened. Trump's intolerance and xenophobia makes them feel he has their interests at heart. They embrace and respond to the demagogue.
How can a group that isn't allowed to consider themselves a group possess 'privilege'?

When that group is disproportionately represented in all levels of government and corporate power, when that group has benefited from institutionalized discrimination against other groups allowing that group to accumulate a disproportionate share of the nations wealth... I mean come on dude, you can't possibly be that dumb.
But regarding the present, they aren't permitted to view themselves as being a distinct group, unless it's for the purpose of collective guilt. That is not indicative of possessing privilege my friend, quite the opposite.

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” - Voltaire
Do NOT quote me out of context and do NOT even attempt to make something I wrote look as though it was addressed at somebody not remotely involved with my post.

And bloody well don't edit my posts at all.


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Moderator's Warning:
Topic you two, get onto it, and stop talking about each other.
You confuse argument with physics where scientists set experiments to demonstrate the soundness of their theories.

I made an argument and presented different evidence to support it, including the fact that "whiteness" cannot even unify more than 50% of whites.

No, you did not. You presented evidence that showed 'white people' as a group to have varied historical experiences. But no one has claimed otherwise and your argument is irrelevant nonsense.

Whiteness can unify 100% of white people when the only unifying criterion is skin color. Adding other criteria may change the unity of that group - which would not be a product of whiteness's ability to unite or not unite but a product of your ability to throw in irrelevant criteria trying to prop up a losing position.

This by itself shows why such bond is not valid to form a group identity.

It shows how you can separate any collective into different groups provided you find enough criteria to distinguish its members.
I'm sorry. Trump is not representative of me as a white. I dont identify as a racist and an authoritarian or a Christian.

What does that have to do with your claim that people are undeserving of an identity if they disagree with your politics.
What does that have to do with your claim that people are undeserving of an identity if they disagree with your politics.

Sorry, I stopped giving a **** about political protections the moment the GOP decided to wage ceaseless war against everything that is not insanely far right.
No, you did not. You presented evidence that showed 'white people' as a group to have varied historical experiences. But no one has claimed otherwise and your argument is irrelevant nonsense.

Whiteness can unify 100% of white people when the only unifying criterion is skin color. Adding other criteria may change the unity of that group - which would not be a product of whiteness's ability to unite or not unite but a product of your ability to throw in irrelevant criteria trying to prop up a losing position.

It shows how you can separate any collective into different groups provided you find enough criteria to distinguish its members.

Now you pull things out of your a** since people who talk about "whiteness" use it as a prime identification. Otherwise, they would have used any other "unifying criterion". And because they use skin color as the prime unifying criterion, they are RACISTS!

Not only that, but this "unifying criterion" of "whiteness" is only in your mind without providing evidence. In reality the selection of such unifying criterion of "whiteness" distances about half of the whites who do not accept it as being unifying and who under different criteria they could have perhaps accepted some type of union with other Europeans but they certainly do not do it with Europeans who want to talk about their "whiteness."

So, the fact that you are unable to argue about using "whiteness" not only as a prime criterion of unification but not even as ONE criterion of unification shows that you cannot make a logical argument about using "whiteness" for group identity.
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How the **** are whites lacking an identity?

Most dont "identify" themselves as white. Unlike for instance many of the LGBTers whose very existence seems to be defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity whereas most whites dont see their white skin as a part of some identity.
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Most dont "identify" themselves as white. Unlike for instance many of the LGBTers whose very existence seems to be defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity whereas most whites dont see their white skin as a part of some identity.

I agree. I identify as white, non-Hispanic on forms. That's pretty much the end of it. There are zillions of other factors that keep same skin color people from joining a group based solely upon that premise.
I agree. I identify as white, non-Hispanic on forms. That's pretty much the end of it. There are zillions of other factors that keep same skin color people from joining a group based solely upon that premise.

Yep! That is what I am saying too about the unifying power of "whiteness"! Not only that, but I am saying that if I hear a European or even a Greek talking about his "whiteness," this will certainly make me keep a long distance from that person even though I am Greek.
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