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White Anxiety, and a President Ready to Address It (1 Viewer)

You have to clarify what you mean. Are you talking about political or ideological views related to income inequality or are you talking about political and ideological views related to the white race?

What does income inequality have to do with the white race?
What does income inequality have to do with the white race?

As a concept it should not be connected to white race but of course we all know how demagogues in history use economic problems to promote their political agendas. That is how the Jews became "subhuman" in Hitler's Nazi Germany.
As a concept it should not be connected to white race but of course we all know how demagogues in history use economic problems to promote their political agendas. That is how the Jews became "subhuman" in Hitler's Nazi Germany.

Being in the top 5% economically cannot be used by whites unless only whites are in the top 5%. Income inequality is not an economic problem like the economic problems that Germany faced after WWI. An economy can function successfully with income inequality. It is not a cause of inflation, recessions, or depressions.
Being in the top 5% economically cannot be used by whites unless only whites are in the top 5%. Income inequality is not an economic problem like the economic problems that Germany faced after WWI. An economy can function successfully with income inequality. It is not a cause of inflation, recessions, or depressions.

I do not compare the economic conditions that people face in the US today to those in Germany. Thankfully, it is not the same. Otherwise, I am not sure if we would have fared much better than the Germans in our handling of fellow citizens. Only in our case it would have been the Muslims and Latino Americans, in addition to the Jews.

I do not know what you want to say by the top 5%. Personally, I am not among those who want to use racism to explain such income inequality. My criticism is against the economic system in general.

Still, I am also not among those who try to claim that race does not matter at all in our society, including the economy. It still does and we have many examples to show this from racial gerrymandering which targets minorities and not whites to police practices which disproportionally target minorities even when the data do not justify it (see stop and frisk practice in NYC) to social studies' experiments which show that being a black is still a disadvantage even when two candidates present the EXACT same resume to an employer.
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What does income inequality have to do with the white race?

Well, it could certainly be argued that fear of brown skinned people, and hatred of brown skinned people, has been used to get poor and middle class whites to vote against their self interest for a long time. That is the whole point of the Southern Strategy.

Reagan talked about "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" to help get votes. Then he implemented "trickle down economics."
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Well, it could certainly be argued that fear of brown skinned people, and hatred of brown skinned people, has been used to get poor and middle class whites to vote against their self interest for a long time. That is the whole point of the Southern Strategy.

Reagan talked about "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" to help get votes. Then he implemented "trickle down economics."

Welfare Queen's dang those were good memories lol JK
Yes, but what is the problem that it is causing? White anxiety?

You tell me. Are too many whites living paycheck to paycheck and having trouble making ends meet? The answer is yes.
You tell me. Are too many whites living paycheck to paycheck and having trouble making ends meet? The answer is yes.

And so are too many non-whites. So it is not a race issue, but a class issue. It is class anxiety.
Still haven't got that speech impediment fix yet? Sad. Also, in case you missed it, the Russian collusion thing is dead.

Still suffering from your Radical Irrelevancy Syndrome, I see.

The Mueller Report established and demonstrated collusion.

You wouldn't know. You live in pathological fear of reading it.
Another prime example: a gun store billboard uses the Squad to rile up the rubes.

What does the squad have to do with guns? I've never even heard their policies. Most likely just mainstream Democrat 'more control' types, but apart from that what made them poster children for the gun movement? Nothing except their color, because the same type of people get fired up whenever they see someone with a tan.
White Anxiety, and a President Ready to Address It - The New York Times

Emily Badger & Nate Cohn @ NYT postulate that Donald Trump's Presidency is giving white people the confidence to view themselves as having a unique identity of their own! Oh noes! How can we stop this? Should white people be encouraged to view themselves as lacking an identity, and is a unique identity which contains an element of racial identity something that only minorities should be encouraged to possess?


Emily Badger once wrote an article detailing how the Talmud may be used to uncover the building blocks of the US Constitution.

Talmud, Internet Unlock James Madison - Pacific Standard

So, identity politics is okay now with rightwingers. Wonder of wonders.
Another prime example: a gun store billboard uses the Squad to rile up the rubes.

What does the squad have to do with guns? I've never even heard their policies. Most likely just mainstream Democrat 'more control' types, but apart from that what made them poster children for the gun movement? Nothing except their color, because the same type of people get fired up whenever they see someone with a tan.

Target practice?
You tell me. Are too many whites living paycheck to paycheck and having trouble making ends meet? The answer is yes.

Making a lot of them easy prey for a white-identity fascist like Trump.
And here we are again listening to half-baked denials while another Trump inspired shooting or two takes place.

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