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Whistle Blower Worked Directly With Joe Biden, The Scam Is Falling Apart (1 Viewer)

Heres your first clue, Biden isn't immune to criminal investigation just because he runs for president and the president doesn't lose his executive authority just because Biden ran for president.

What did you think, the DOJ and Barr just missed that part? You guys are like Goober running behind Barney Fifes car yelling
Citizens Arrest, Citizens Arrest.

You have no clue as to the power of the office and think everyone is as dumb as normal Dunbocrats.
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online
I don't think you realize that most people really see through all this fake hoax crap that Trump tries to spin

None of that really matters. The WB report has confirmed facts. Not to mention a whole Cesspool of other events surrounding Guiliani Russian clients arrested which link to Trump such that this ****show is just getting started. No doubt more shoes will drop before the end of the year
Uh huh, I guess the CIA who exposed this are just lying.

Well, what you also are failing to accept is that the whistle blower had a working relationship with Mike Pence. You do know that, right?
I don't think you realize that most people really see through all this fake hoax crap that Trump tries to spin

None of that really matters. The WB report has confirmed facts. Not to mention a whole Cesspool of other events surrounding Guiliani Russian clients arrested which link to Trump such that this ****show is just getting started. No doubt more shoes will drop before the end of the year

You think arresting these guys for a campaign finance violation doesn't look exactly what it looks like. More desperation from 3 years a failed fake claims and still refuses to try and get the House to vote on the Impeachment Inquiry.

What ever happened to the quid pro quo? It fell by the way side in a week. Nothing but scams and further desperation for the voters to see for themselves.
POTUS is never immune from solicitation law.

When did Trump ask someone to commit an illegal act? We went from a quid pro quo, to election tampering, and now violation of a solicitation Law. In about a week you should have Trump guilty of the Kennedy assassination. What a joke.
Too many words for you?
Too much logic and facts for you?


I’m sure the goal is to confuse, the problem is, we are not your neighbors. Doesn’t work on us.

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The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online

Three far-right sources including the Daily Fail? You're doing well in the credibility stakes.:lamo

10 Egregiously False Stories In The 'Daily Mail' - Listverse
So let me get this straight. Trump, Giuliani, Barr, and the DOJ are all stupid and put out the call script but you are the enlightened one who knows its a crime.

Got it.

Uh, no, well, the first part maybe, they had no choice, it was coming out either way, figured if they put it out there it wouldn’t look so bad. They were wrong - see first part you wrote.

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The whole latest whistle blower was a scam, a hoax, a setup, a frame up, from the word go.
Same as the Russian Collusion hoax.
Same as the obstruction hoax.
Same as the Cohen hoax.

Every time the Democrats try to pull a hoax to attack Trump for the hate in their hearts they end up degrading the trust in federal institutions and themselves.

The Democrats are a clear and present danger to the nation, its institutions, its rule of law, and to the electorate. Such should not be elected high political office, ever.
Even if it brings an unconventional president such as Trump.

Which Cohen hoax? The Cohen who now sits in jail? Yeah, that sure was a hoax!

You Trump devotees embarrass yourself constantly.
When did Trump ask someone to commit an illegal act? We went from a quid pro quo, to election tampering, and now violation of a solicitation Law. In about a week you should have Trump guilty of the Kennedy assassination. What a joke.

Oh don’t worry, that was already done by trump to Ted Cruz.

He involved a lot of people in this scheme, he removed the ambassador because she wouldn’t go along. Give it time.

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The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online

This is kind of hilarious, yet sad. The whistleblower has accounts of Trump's corruption from numerous sources. Its not like he/she is alone in this. The whistleblower's report is being affirmed by facts on the ground, administration emails and phone "transcripts".

Beyond all that, there is nothing wrong with working for Joe Biden in the White House.

YOure just throwing mud, desperately.
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online

For some of us, the scam was stillborn. Clearly just another effort at Russiagate.

Some are more easily fooled than others.
I believe that you're having trouble understanding. :)

I'm not. The idea that the WB is a traitor is objectively stupid. The only question is why you suggested it.
You think arresting these guys for a campaign finance violation doesn't look exactly what it looks like. More desperation from 3 years a failed fake claims and still refuses to try and get the House to vote on the Impeachment Inquiry.

What ever happened to the quid pro quo? It fell by the way side in a week. Nothing but scams and further desperation for the voters to see for themselves.

One question. Why are you constantly defending men such as these that are being accused of a federal crime? Yes, campaign finance violation is a serious federal crime. Does this crime come with a possible prison sentence penalty? Of course it does, that's why Michael Cohen is sitting in jail today. But what makes this crime even especially more serious is that these two were Ukrainians, Russian operatives, spending money to influence a U.S. election. Why do you continue to argue on their behalf and try to make this seem as if it's, to put this in Don Jr's. term, a 'nothingburger'?
CIA officer assigned to White House detail works with 2nd highest employee in White House.

You got him now!
One question. Why are you constantly defending men such as these that are being accused of a federal crime? Yes, campaign finance violation is a serious federal crime. Does this crime come with a possible prison sentence penalty? Of course it does, that's why Michael Cohen is sitting in jail today. But what makes this crime even especially more serious is that these two were Ukrainians, Russian operatives, spending money to influence a U.S. election. Why do you continue to argue on their behalf and try to make this seem as if it's, to put this in Don Jr's. term, a 'nothingburger'?

This is what you don't get. I could care less who the president is. I am disgusted at the actions, blunders, and falsifications made by the left all because they don't like who won an election. Democrats don't care about the law when it pertains to them but they think they can take control and do what ever they want without any penalty what so ever. They started this Impeachment before Trump even took office.
Oh don’t worry, that was already done by trump to Ted Cruz.

He involved a lot of people in this scheme, he removed the ambassador because she wouldn’t go along. Give it time.

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We have. About 3 years now. Same ole same ole

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