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Whistle Blower Worked Directly With Joe Biden, The Scam Is Falling Apart (1 Viewer)

One question. Why are you constantly defending men such as these that are being accused of a federal crime? Yes, campaign finance violation is a serious federal crime. Does this crime come with a possible prison sentence penalty? Of course it does, that's why Michael Cohen is sitting in jail today. But what makes this crime even especially more serious is that these two were Ukrainians, Russian operatives, spending money to influence a U.S. election. Why do you continue to argue on their behalf and try to make this seem as if it's, to put this in Don Jr's. term, a 'nothingburger'?

Should I post a link to the campaign finance bundlers for Obama and Hillary, who were arrested and jailed?
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Well, when those sources have been repeatedly shown and proven to be blatantly politically biased, fabricators and purveyors of outright falsehoods why would you be surprised?

When they all tank like CNN to the lowest rated cable news provider for fake news, give us a shout. Until then you really have no claim.
When they all tank like CNN to the lowest rated cable news provider for fake news, give us a shout. Until then you really have no claim.

What? Ratings don't reflect the quality of the content, only who is watching/reading it. If you believe ratings are a true reflection of quality I guess you'll be a huge fan of McDonalds because they sell the most burgers.
What? Ratings don't reflect the quality of the content, only who is watching/reading it. If you believe ratings are a true reflection of quality I guess you'll be a huge fan of McDonalds because they sell the most burgers.

Yeah right, Heres your hint, They all sell one thing and one thing only. News. When your burgers are made of horse s**t and all the others are beef its easy to make a choice. Ratings are what they all work for. When ratings tank so do subscribers and advertisers. The only way you could sell steak among hamburgers is to charge 5 times as much. You think Advertisers are paying that kind of money to hit the smallest percentage of viewers? You have no clue how ratings effect the success of a news provider.

Your argument is CNN prefers to be the lowest rated news provider, laying off people and closing locations because they have the best news around. You need to sell that BS to someone with an IQ less than 50.
You think arresting these guys for a campaign finance violation doesn't look exactly what it looks like. More desperation from 3 years a failed fake claims and still refuses to try and get the House to vote on the Impeachment Inquiry.

What ever happened to the quid pro quo? It fell by the way side in a week. Nothing but scams and further desperation for the voters to see for themselves.

It's kind of stunning the lengths you and others will go to defend Trump. The DoJ is headed up by Trump appointee Barr and SDNY by Trump appointee Berman. I guess now even Trump appointees are part of the Deep State out to get Trump.
This is what you don't get. I could care less who the president is. I am disgusted at the actions, blunders, and falsifications made by the left all because they don't like who won an election. Democrats don't care about the law when it pertains to them but they think they can take control and do what ever they want without any penalty what so ever. They started this Impeachment before Trump even took office.

So you're 'disgusted' with things that only exist in your imagination?

That's rather odd.
So let me get this straight. Trump, Giuliani, Barr, and the DOJ are all stupid and put out the call script but you are the enlightened one who knows its a crime.

Got it.

In fact the WH was acting rationally in the beginning when they put that call behind a vault that no one could access. They knew in the moment how damaging the contents were, even though other than the President asking a corrupt foreign government to investigate a political rival, there was nothing sensitive in the call, at all.

And giving them credit for releasing the call AFTER THEY GOT CAUGHT is nonsense. This is especially true AFTER Barr and the OLC tried to bury the WB complaint, keep Congress in the dark that it even existed, and after DoJ conducted the criminal investigation in about 2 minutes then dismissed it even though it implicates Barr as if nothing else a fact witness. Without the IC IG acting with a conscience and sense of duty, no one ever hears about the call or the complaint.

So from the time the call was made until the WB was made public, all those people you mention did their best to bury EVERYTHING about the call, and used all the official levers at their fingertips to keep it buried from Congress and the public.
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online
Couldn’t come up with a single reliable source?

Wasted click.
The whole latest whistle blower was a scam, a hoax, a setup, a frame up, from the word go.
Same as the Russian Collusion hoax.
Same as the obstruction hoax.
Same as the Cohen hoax.

Every time the Democrats try to pull a hoax to attack Trump for the hate in their hearts they end up degrading the trust in federal institutions and themselves.

The Democrats are a clear and present danger to the nation, its institutions, its rule of law, and to the electorate. Such should not be elected high political office, ever.
Even if it brings an unconventional president such as Trump.

Don't tell me you think Michael Cohen lied to Congress or to the press or the American people? Just because he was going to go to jail for a long time for criminal actions involving his private business dealings and lying to the FBI about those dealings. You think the man would lie to try to make the crooked investigators employed by Mueller happy so they might cut him a deal?
This is what you don't get. I could care less who the president is. I am disgusted at the actions, blunders, and falsifications made by the left all because they don't like who won an election. Democrats don't care about the law when it pertains to them but they think they can take control and do what ever they want without any penalty what so ever. They started this Impeachment before Trump even took office.


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Someone who is more than likely a fairly high level Intelligence agent probably worked with the former Vice President while he was serving in the White House.

In fact the WH was acting rationally in the beginning when they put that call behind a vault that no one could access. They knew in the moment how damaging the contents were, even though other than the President asking a corrupt foreign government to investigate a political rival, there was nothing sensitive in the call, at all.

And giving them credit for releasing the call AFTER THEY GOT CAUGHT is nonsense. This is especially true AFTER Barr and the OLC tried to bury the WB complaint, keep Congress in the dark that it even existed, and after DoJ conducted the criminal investigation in about 2 minutes then dismissed it even though it implicates Barr as if nothing else a fact witness. Without the IC IG acting with a conscience and sense of duty, no one ever hears about the call or the complaint.

So from the time the call was made until the WB was made public, all those people you mention did their best to bury EVERYTHING about the call, and used all the official levers at their fingertips to keep it buried from Congress and the public.

All fake BS. They didn't have to release the call information at all. Its all executive privileged information. They released it to show Pelosi was full of BS. Nice try though.
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online

So no names as to who these sources are and no name for the whistle-blower even though these sources suggest they know who this person is. Uh huh, very credible indeed.

So release the whistle-blowers name or just keep writing vague b/s like this article.
All fake BS. They didn't have to release the call information at all. Its all executive privileged information. They released it to show Pelosi was full of BS. Nice try though.

Saying the equivalent of NUH UHHHHHH!! isn't an argument. If you think anything I said is not backed up by the record, be specific.

And, no, they didn't have to release the transcript at that time, but the contents were leaking out already, the WB complaint was going to get to Congress one way or another, and then Congress would request and get the transcript eventually as part of its investigation into that complaint.

So they chose to get it out there, which is good, actually. But there isn't any question that Trump, Barr, everyone who knew about the call tried as hard as they could and used every lever they had to bury that call and the complaint centered on it at the figurative bottom of the ocean. They got caught. So sad.... :(
Uh huh, I guess the CIA who exposed this are just lying.

Well, let's break down what the professional relationship was,.. according to the Daily Wire. The whistle blower worked at the white house, and was on a security consul. That's a professonal relationsihp, and if he was on the one during the trump admin too, he would have the exact same relationship with Mike Pence and Donald Trump. So, the claim is a 'nothing burger' so to speak
Saying the equivalent of NUH UHHHHHH!! isn't an argument. If you think anything I said is not backed up by the record, be specific.

And, no, they didn't have to release the transcript at that time, but the contents were leaking out already, the WB complaint was going to get to Congress one way or another, and then Congress would request and get the transcript eventually as part of its investigation into that complaint.

So they chose to get it out there, which is good, actually. But there isn't any question that Trump, Barr, everyone who knew about the call tried as hard as they could and used every lever they had to bury that call and the complaint centered on it at the figurative bottom of the ocean. They got caught. So sad.... :(

Sorry, your opinion of what is happening doesn't line up with the actual facts of whats happening. You are only doing what Democrats have been doing for 3 years now. Make up your own story, try and sell it to everyone else, only to get egg on your face at the end. Sorry if I don't find your story credible as history has proved over and over these stories are just mindless guessing.

If Pelosi had the evidence she would hold a vote to support their Impeachment. She won't do it because she doesn't have it. This is just another partisan hack job and the voters know better. You don't circumvent the House if you have the evidence and documents to support your claim. EVER.
Sorry, your opinion of what is happening doesn't line up with the actual facts of whats happening. You are only doing what Democrats have been doing for 3 years now. Make up your own story, try and sell it to everyone else, only to get egg on your face at the end. Sorry if I don't find your story credible as history has proved over and over these stories are just mindless guessing.

If Pelosi had the evidence she would hold a vote to support their Impeachment. She won't do it because she doesn't have it. This is just another partisan hack job and the voters know better. You don't circumvent the House if you have the evidence and documents to support your claim. EVER.

But you're not telling me what facts I'm getting wrong. Oh well.. :roll:
So no names as to who these sources are and no name for the whistle-blower even though these sources suggest they know who this person is. Uh huh, very credible indeed.

So release the whistle-blowers name or just keep writing vague b/s like this article.

So without releasing the identity of the whistle blower, he has no credibility. I agree.
So without releasing the identity of the whistle blower, he has no credibility. I agree.

Unlike the democrats who will at some point prove their accusations, I'm looking forward to the people who report stories like these testifying under oath if they know the whistle-blowers account is a lie. Put your money where your pen is.
All fake BS. They didn't have to release the call information at all. Its all executive privileged information. They released it to show Pelosi was full of BS. Nice try though.

LOL! The call clearly shows that your god, your lord and savior, twump, committed very serious felonies.

That you can't own that simple fact speaks volumes.
Can't find a single source to dispute anything huh.
You think trusted news sources are interested in debunking garbage propaganda promulgated by well known unreliable sources?. Should Reuter’s bother fact checking Alex Jones? Should AP waste resources verifying stories from thegatewaypundit? Of course not, they have real news stories to investigate.

If any of your sources were telling the truth at least a couple of other main stream news organizations would also be talking about it, but there not. Why? Because your sources are jokes.
But you're not telling me what facts I'm getting wrong. Oh well.. :roll:

In fact the WH was acting rationally in the beginning when they put that call behind a vault that no one could access.

False, All calls to foreign heads of state were given a higher classification two years ago because of staffers leaking information to the media, which is illegal. ANYONE with such classification can review anything at that level so stop the whole hiding calls where no one can see them. It just isn't true

They knew in the moment how damaging the contents were, even though other than the President asking a corrupt foreign government to investigate a political rival, there was nothing sensitive in the call, at all.

If they thought this was damaging information, Trump would have refused to release the call under privileged information. He has hundreds of calls secured, they aren't going after those, are they. Because they are out of reach.

And giving them credit for releasing the call AFTER THEY GOT CAUGHT is nonsense.

They released the call when Pelosi made her Impeachment claim before she ever read the WB report. They already knew what was in the information. For your theory to be true, anyone running for office is immune to criminal activities and a sitting president loses all executive authority over anyone running for president.
This is especially true AFTER Barr and the OLC tried to bury the WB complaint,

Having the WB information provided to the DOJ isn't burying anything. You just made that up.

keep Congress in the dark that it even existed, and after DoJ conducted the criminal investigation in about 2 minutes then dismissed it even though it implicates Barr as if nothing else a fact witness. Without the IC IG acting with a conscience and sense of duty, no one ever hears about the call or the complaint.

Please provide your link where the IC or IG was asked to hide any information. He actually testified that Neither Trump or the DOJ asked who the whistle blower was or hindered him in any way. This is just an outright lie.

So from the time the call was made until the WB was made public, all those people you mention did their best to bury EVERYTHING about the call, and used all the official levers at their fingertips to keep it buried from Congress and the public.

So now you are claiming the very same IG that testified and brought the WB claim to the attention of the committee, was the very same IG who testified that neither Trump or the DOJ interfered with his duties is lying.

THis is what I mean by making up stories and getting caught falsifying information and why nothing you posted can be found credible. You are just using talking points because you don't like a candidate and allowing yourself to lower standards just to make a point. Maybe if you actually watched the hearings instead of regurgitating what other people post you would be able to make a credible claim
Cultists 'proof'.

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner... (Anonymous source, thought they dismissed anonymous sources)

...probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely... (doesn't know for sure, guessing)

... former Trump administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity...(Again anonymous source)

...may feel defensive towards him...(again doesn't know, guessing)

“Maybe it is innocent, maybe not.”(Hasn't a clue if anything happen)

What the cultists ignore.

"First, our client has never worked for or advised a political candidate, campaign, or party," said Andrew Bakaj and Mark Zaid. "Second, our client has spent their entire government career in apolitical, civil servant positions in the Executive Branch." (Named sources that actually know who the WB is, denies the innuendos)

Glenn Carle, a former CIA officer who himself blew the whistle on George W. Bush administration efforts to collect intelligence on an American citizen, said the distinction was crucial. “The truth is that the whistleblower would have worked with Biden not in some partisan political sense but as a member of the government,” he said. “It is scurrilous to suppose there was a political motivation.” (Named CIA officer explaining how the CIA really works)

Cultists aren't the shapest crayons in the box. :rofl

Yeah, that stands up in court. LOL!!

They are so easily conned. We're dealing with folks who have like a 12yo's ability to pick out a con.

Remember back about 50 or 60 years ago when a car dealer saw women coming and they tried to con the hell out of them? That's the same thing that Rush and Sean and Trump and the whole clan are doing now. Just with grown men AND women.

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