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Whistle Blower Worked Directly With Joe Biden, The Scam Is Falling Apart (1 Viewer)


More Mafia Lawyer tactics by voting Republicans.

The mob in Chicago blushes.
We already found out that the WB claimed Rudy was pushing Volker to help with the investigation when it was Volker who was asked Rudy
Yeah, he asked Rudy to stop since Rudy was following false leads.
Wow, dude, it was a minority. Orange did not win the popular vote....or is that a CT too?

This isn't the United States of California. Trump actually has 2 million more votes than Hillary in 49 states. But you can keep crying about the popular vote. Thats funny you guys are still crying about that.

Of course, the current minority I'm referring to are those that DON'T believe an impeachment inquiry should go forward.

You are a victim of your own party. You still believe those fake polls? You go right ahead. Maybe you should tune into Trumps rally so you can see 20,000 people inside and another 25,000 outside.

Yeah, he's losing in the polls? :lamo
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner: “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president." As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Now we are unwinding this new fake hoax. The Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and the Untied States. Liars and phony's who will do ANYTHING for power including treason in lying to remove a sitting president. You are watching the demise of the Democrat party.

BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked With’ Democrat Joe Biden, Report Says | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: Whistleblower Worked With Joe Biden At The Obama White House

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president say sources | Daily Mail Online

Just another overly worded piece of propaganda. Here’s the kicker, no one needs the WB. You can’t make this go away no matter how many words you put up as a deflection.

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He is a career CIA guy.... he has likely worked with several administrations.

But, you are overplaying the significance of a whistleblower. He fundamentally simply pulled the fire alarm, and put an investigation of legitimacy of his claims into motion. That investigation found his claims credible and subsequent disclosures by the Trump administration have confirmed most of his allegations, as has a 2nd whistle blower.

Similar to the guy the pulls the fire alarm, he is now irrelevant (as is his work history or political leanings... they do not matter) Don't obsess over the irrelevant. It is unbecoming.

BTW. Our condolences. It is tough to finally learn what most have already known: the Emperor has no clothes, with this emperor particularly corrupt.

What is falling apart, however, are Trump's re-election chances. They were "slim" before all of this happened. They are rapidly heading toward "none"

False alarm - Wikipedia
We don't have any "evidence". The Democrats are shoving this through in secret, and they are releasing a little information here and some texts there and some testimony here. All selected strategically. We need to see everything.

The WHOLE Nothing Burger.
This isn't the United States of California. Trump actually has 2 million more votes than Hillary in 49 states. But you can keep crying about the popular vote. Thats funny you guys are still crying about that.
LOL....so thats the new GOP math, "we only count the votes from SOME states"!

You are a victim of your own party. You still believe those fake polls? You go right ahead. Maybe you should tune into Trumps rally so you can see 20,000 people inside and another 25,000 outside.
Yeah, fake polls, even the ones on Fox. Hows the water in Egypt, cuz yer drowning in De-Nile.

Yeah, he's losing in the polls? :lamo
Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

A new high of 51 percent wants Trump impeached and removed from office

Ouch, thats gotta hurt...
is that the euphemism for criminal?

What crimes have been proven, or even supporting evidence demonstrated, that Trump has committed crimes?

So far there's only been manufactured rumors, gossip, innuendo, setups, and frame ups, you know, the stuff that typically makes up political hit jobs, and not the truth.


Might as well ask yourself why Pelosi hasn't called for a House vote for a full fledged impeachment proceedings, and has had to settle for an 'impeachment inquiry' instead?

What hoaxes that have been played out over the last 2 1/2 years have ended up being truthful? Or proven themselves to be truthful and accurate in court?

I think it's like 99 to 0 or something.

The Democrats and the left are throwing **** up against the wall, and none of it is sticking on its own merits.

If there really were something there, through all the investigations, through all the 'subpoena cannon' firings, through all the congressional oversight, you'd think that if there were something there, that it'd have been found. No?

All we've seen is manufactured setups, frame ups, gossip, rumors and innuendos that haven't made any of those cases, and has in fact, uncovered ever more Democrat collusion and corruption.


Clean up government. Let the Democrats keep going as they have been! :mrgreen:
We don't have any "evidence". The Democrats are shoving this through in secret, and they are releasing a little information here and some texts there and some testimony here. All selected strategically. We need to see everything.

The Democrats are conducting a Star Chamber, in the modern sense.

In modern usage, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings are sometimes called, metaphorically or poetically, "star chambers". This is a pejorative term and intended to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings. "Star Chamber" can also, rarely, be used in its original meaning, for instance when a politician uses parliamentary privilege to examine and then exculpate or condemn a powerful organisation or person. Due to the constitutional separation of powers and the ceasing of the Star Chamber, the main powers of select committees are to enhance the public debate—politicians are deemed to no longer wield powers in the criminal law, which belongs to the courts.[a]
Star Chamber - Wikipedia
Riiiiiight. Oooooooookaaayyy.

We already found out the WB lied about his contact who was supposedly a WH official that he said gave him the information about the call only the official testified he was not on the call.

We already found out that the WB claimed Rudy was pushing Volker to help with the investigation when it was Volker who was asked Rudy

Now we find out this partisan hack was actually working for Biden? What a fraud.

He was a CIA operative that worked in the White House (as he does now). The article says he "worked with" and you are translating that into some type of statement of loyalty. Talk about an error in logic. By your logic, he is loyal to Trump since he worked with Trump. CIA/Military/FBI are civil servants, they are not typically political

But, you are missing a major point. He made his report. It was deemed credible by the inspector general and most of what he had to say is in the public domain (and there is a second whistle blower) His political leanings, if any, are completely irrelevant and is he to the process going forward. You can disclose to us that he has a proclivity for sheep as it simply doesn't matter.

I appreciate the fact they you have endorsed a very bad dude as president. He is corrupt to the core; he always has been. I appreciate you don't like being shamed in this way. Its hard. But grasping at straws is not a defense to an onslaught of facts.
Just another overly worded piece of propaganda. Here’s the kicker, no one needs the WB. You can’t make this go away no matter how many words you put up as a deflection.

Uh huh. We don't want it to go away. We want to continue to expose the Democrat party for who they are. We are enjoying the show.
How does this look for Pig Face Pelosi now? :lamo

Pig Face - tsk.

That's Skull Face Pelosi.


Meh. There's enough of Pelosi's policies, opinions and familial corruption to legitimately object to and to legitimately criticize, so I see no need to drag in anything about her appearance, mannerisms, or dentition. But that's just me. As you were.
LOL....so thats the new GOP math, "we only count the votes from SOME states"!

Yeah, fake polls, even the ones on Fox. Hows the water in Egypt, cuz yer drowning in De-Nile.

Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

A new high of 51 percent wants Trump impeached and removed from office

Ouch, thats gotta hurt...

Fake news, fake outrage, and the same old fake claims we have heard now for 3 years. You can't sell this BS anymore cuz ain't nobody buying it
What crimes have been proven, or even supporting evidence demonstrated, that Trump has committed crimes?

So far there's only been manufactured rumors, gossip, innuendo, setups, and frame ups, you know, the stuff that typically makes up political hit jobs, and not the truth.


Might as well ask yourself why Pelosi hasn't called for a House vote for a full fledged impeachment proceedings, and has had to settle for an 'impeachment inquiry' instead?

What hoaxes that have been played out over the last 2 1/2 years have ended up being truthful? Or proven themselves to be truthful and accurate in court?

I think it's like 99 to 0 or something.

The Democrats and the left are throwing **** up against the wall, and none of it is sticking on its own merits.

If there really were something there, through all the investigations, through all the 'subpoena cannon' firings, through all the congressional oversight, you'd think that if there were something there, that it'd have been found. No?

All we've seen is manufactured setups, frame ups, gossip, rumors and innuendos that haven't made any of those cases, and has in fact, uncovered ever more Democrat collusion and corruption.


Clean up government. Let the Democrats keep going as they have been! :mrgreen:

No, you just haven’t been paying attention. Looks like Rudy’s Ukraine buddies are under arrest. Then trump said he never met them. Then video proof emerged along with a FB thank you for the dinner and conversation at the WhiteHouse.

If it makes you feel better keep lying to yourself. The exact statute that trump broke is in black and white. Then there’s the cover up part. The video of trump asking China to help investigate Biden, that double down sure paid off.

Last, 10 felony counts waiting for him to lose the protection from the Justice department, state charges that cannot be pardoned by anyone except the governor.

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He was a CIA operative that worked in the White House (as he does now). The article says he "worked with" and you are translating that into some type of statement of loyalty. Talk about an error in logic. By your logic, he is loyal to Trump since he worked with Trump. CIA/Military/FBI are civil servants, they are not typically political

But, you are missing a major point. He made his report. It was deemed credible by the inspector general and most of what he had to say is in the public domain (and there is a second whistle blower) His political leanings, if any, are completely irrelevant and is he to the process going forward. You can disclose to us that he has a proclivity for sheep as it simply doesn't matter.

I appreciate the fact they you have endorsed a very bad dude as president. He is corrupt to the core; he always has been. I appreciate you don't like being shamed in this way. Its hard. But grasping at straws is not a defense to an onslaught of facts.

I prefer to stand behind the guy who has historical stack markets, historical unemployment, and historical economy than I ever would a party who have been caught dozens of times with nothing but lies and accusations that never come true. The numbers of fake claims by the Democrat party are in the hundreds and with 50 forensic FBI officials, 19 super lawyers, and 2500 witnesses you couldn't prove a single claim and you think the country is going to follow the biggest bullsh**ers on the planet down another empty rabbit hole?

I don't think so. But we do enjoy the show
Meanwhile, SDNY just arrested two Ukranian (Russian-backed it seems) associates of Rudy.
They dined with Trump, great conversation they claim. Of course, Rudy has been meeting with Manafort in prison to get help on Ukraine corruption too.

Falling apart indeed, just in the opposite way you claim. Black is white, up is down...you know the drill.
Fake news, fake outrage, and the same old fake claims we have heard now for 3 years. You can't sell this BS anymore cuz ain't nobody buying it

Uh, 51 percent want him impeached and removed - Fox News
That’s a lot of nobody’s that vote.

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What crimes have been proven, or even supporting evidence demonstrated, that Trump has committed crimes?

So far there's only been manufactured rumors, gossip, innuendo, setups, and frame ups, you know, the stuff that typically makes up political hit jobs, and not the truth.


Might as well ask yourself why Pelosi hasn't called for a House vote for a full fledged impeachment proceedings, and has had to settle for an 'impeachment inquiry' instead?

What hoaxes that have been played out over the last 2 1/2 years have ended up being truthful? Or proven themselves to be truthful and accurate in court?

I think it's like 99 to 0 or something.

The Democrats and the left are throwing **** up against the wall, and none of it is sticking on its own merits.

If there really were something there, through all the investigations, through all the 'subpoena cannon' firings, through all the congressional oversight, you'd think that if there were something there, that it'd have been found. No?

All we've seen is manufactured setups, frame ups, gossip, rumors and innuendos that haven't made any of those cases, and has in fact, uncovered ever more Democrat collusion and corruption.


Clean up government. Let the Democrats keep going as they have been! :mrgreen:

No, you just haven’t been paying attention. Looks like Rudy’s Ukraine buddies are under arrest. Then trump said he never met them. Then video proof emerged along with a FB thank you for the dinner and conversation at the WhiteHouse.

If it makes you feel better keep lying to yourself. The exact statute that trump broke is in black and white. Then there’s the cover up part. The video of trump asking China to help investigate Biden, that double down sure paid off.

Last, 10 felony counts waiting for him to lose the protection from the Justice department, state charges that cannot be pardoned by anyone except the governor.

Annnnd Trump is a planted Russian agent,
annnnd Trump loans are all co-signed by Russian oligarchs,
annnnd We have video of Russian hookers peeing on Trump,
annnnd Trump owns billions in loans to Russia,
annnnd Kavanaugh is a High School Alcoholic Rape Train Conductor,
annnnd Trump will crash the stock market,
annnnd Trump will bee Impeached for the Emoluments clause
annnnd We will get Trumps tax returns via subpoena
annnnd We have the evidence to prove Trump is working for Russia

Blah blah blah blah
Meh. There's enough of Pelosi's policies, opinions and familial corruption to legitimately object to and to legitimately criticize, so I see no need to drag in anything about her appearance, mannerisms, or dentition. But that's just me. As you were.

As with The Schiffer, Pelosi's warped & twisted features are a testament to a warped & twisted personality.

Fair ball.

Uh, 51 percent want him impeached and removed - Fox News
That’s a lot of nobody’s that vote.

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With 48% of those votes Democrats and 11% Independents. What did you think it was going to say.

Fake news

ANd with those percentages all you could get is 51%? Pretty lame
What crimes have been proven, or even supporting evidence demonstrated, that Trump has committed crimes?:

Trump call.jpg

52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
Uh, 51 percent want him impeached and removed - Fox News
That’s a lot of nobody’s that vote.

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So Pelosi can call a vote in the House.

Annnnd Trump is a planted Russian agent,
annnnd Trump loans are all co-signed by Russian oligarchs,
annnnd We have video of Russian hookers peeing on Trump,
annnnd Trump owns billions in loans to Russia,
annnnd Kavanaugh is a High School Alcoholic Rape Train Conductor,
annnnd Trump will crash the stock market,
annnnd Trump will bee Impeached for the Emoluments clause
annnnd We will get Trumps tax returns via subpoena
annnnd We have the evidence to prove Trump is working for Russia

Blah blah blah blah

You forgot:

Trump is LITERALLY Hitler!

Fake news, fake outrage, and the same old fake claims we have heard now for 3 years. You can't sell this BS anymore cuz ain't nobody buying it
You heard it here folks, this conservative believes Fox News is publishing fake news.

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