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Which Is More Powerful? Science or Faith? (1 Viewer)

Which one is more powerful? Science or faith?

  • Science is more powerful.

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Faith is more powerful.

    Votes: 16 55.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Which is more powerful? Science or faith? Defend your position.
Without science, we'd be living as hunters and gatherers. Without faith, we'd be living with more science.

I think it's pretty clear-cut.
Let's see.

Religion has given us such things as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Witch hunts.

Science has given us such things as agriculture, medicine and electricity.

Religion has given us Pat Robertson, Tammy Fay Baker, Osama bin Laden and all of the TV evangelists.

Science has given us Gallileo, Pythagorus, Pasteur, Edison, Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Religion can give us comfort, just about everything else we get from science.
TimmyBoy said:
Which is more powerful? Science or faith? Defend your position.

Faith is more powerful because it requires NO QUANTIFIABLE PROOF.

Science is a slow starter because you have to take all those notes but it is steadily catching up. If Science were more powerful we would be in much better shape globally.
akyron said:
Faith is more powerful because it requires NO QUANTIFIABLE PROOF.

Science is a slow starter because you have to take all those notes but it is steadily catching up. If Science were more powerful we would be in much better shape globally.
I hadn't thought about that but you're correct I believe. Just telling people to have faith and not worry their minds about it is much easier.
Faith is more powerful because people will fight, kill, and die for their faith. I have not heard of any wars launched because of a scientific idea.
MrFungus420 said:
Religion has given us such things as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Witch hunts.

Science has given us such things as agriculture, medicine and electricity.

Religion has given us Pat Robertson, Tammy Fay Baker, Osama bin Laden and all of the TV evangelists.

Science has given us Gallileo, Pythagorus, Pasteur, Edison, Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

I support science but you present an extremely one-sided and narrow minded argument.

It could also be put this way....

Faith has given billions of people hope and been the driving force behind countless great works of charity and aid accross the world.

Science has provided us with biological and chemical weapons including Ricin, Sarin, VX, Tabun, Soman, Mustard Gas, Phosgene weapons. Science produced the nuclear bomb which ushered us into an age of fear which continues to this day. Science has produced firearms and automobiles which have killed millions.

(Keep in mind I subscribe to all fields of science but I think you see my point.)

The question was "Which is GREATER?" If you can keep an open mind, and assume for a moment that there is a God, a Heaven and a Hell (which you could NEVER prove nor disprove with science so you can't automatically claim these things do not exist) then you can be damn sure that faith is infinitely more powerful than science which only applies to our observable, physical universe that we inhabit for only a mere fraction of a blink in the eye of eternity.
TimmyBoy said:
Which is more powerful? Science or faith? Defend your position.

I can't vote.

Faith, as in sprituality, has been around since the begining of Humanity and has done many great and disasterous things.

Science is basically the only evidence of humanities' evolution. And has done many great and disasterous things.

Maybe the question should be; which is more important to persue Science or Faith?

To this I would say science because we have evidence that it can save lives.

But on the other hand Faith has also been known to save lives.

I'm stumped!:confused:
Saboteur said:
I can't vote.

Faith, as in sprituality, has been around since the begining of Humanity and has done many great and disasterous things.

Science is basically the only evidence of humanities' evolution. And has done many great and disasterous things.

Maybe the question should be; which is more important to persue Science or Faith?

To this I would say science because we have evidence that it can save lives.

But on the other hand Faith has also been known to save lives.

I'm stumped!:confused:

Very good point, Saboteur
quietrage said:
Faith is more powerful because people will fight, kill, and die for their faith. I have not heard of any wars launched because of a scientific idea.

Two words, Nuclear Weapons. This is the all powerful, and we are fighting everyday for that idea.;)
quietrage said:
Faith is more powerful because people will fight, kill, and die for their faith. I have not heard of any wars launched because of a scientific idea.

What a creative answer, and correct as well.

I chose science, but I am not sure if I see "science" as being strong versus seeing it as a part of our world.
Science is more productive of results in the real world, because science nothing but a formalized method of eliminating wrong ideas.

Religion is more emotionally powerful because it doesn't have to be true, it just has to make a person feel good (or guilty or simply afraid).

Since the question isn't defined, it can't be answered.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Science is more productive of results in the real world, because science nothing but a formalized method of eliminating wrong ideas.

Religion is more emotionally powerful because it doesn't have to be true, it just has to make a person feel good (or guilty or simply afraid).

Since the question isn't defined, it can't be answered.

How is it that the question isn't defined? It's defined quite cut and clear. Which has more power overall? Faith or Science?
TimmyBoy said:
How is it that the question isn't defined? It's defined quite cut and clear. Which has more power overall? Faith or Science?

Scarecrow does have a point. It depends on the deffinition of power and whether or not one believes in an afterlife among other things.
TimmyBoy said:
How is it that the question isn't defined? It's defined quite cut and clear. Which has more power overall? Faith or Science?

Okay. You've defined "powerful" as that which has more "power".

What's "power"?

In the technological world, "power" is the rate at which energy is expended, dE/dt.

How does the word "power" apply to faith?

As you can see, I'm not requesting a circular definition (r^2 = x^2 + y^2), but a clarification of meaning so it can be shown you understand what you're trying to say.
Another way of looking at the "power" question is:

The nuclear bomb at Hiroshima released approx 20 x 10^15 joules in a few milliseconds, which for conveniece I'll say was 1 x 10^19 watts. That power killed 150,000 people.

Freaks waving the bible and smallpox in the New World killed tens of millions and didn't release anywhere near as much energy.

If you define power as the ability to kill people, clearly religion is more effective.

Define power, or your discussion is meaningless. When you define the word, I'll play.

So far the question is:

What is more powerful, pink or sour?
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
What is more powerful, pink or sour?

The answer is obviously pink and anyone who disagrees will face the wrath of the almighty pinko ;)
someone has said that science has evidence for evolution, but correct me if im wrong last time i checked evolution is still a theory and there hasn't been any evidence proving evolution right.
I'm sorry i just wanted to show this argument for science doesn't work. sorry.

Science is basically the only evidence of humanities' evolution. And has done many great and disasterous things.
Last edited:
Nikola said:
someone has said that science has evidence for evolution, but correct me if im wrong last time i checked evolution is still a theory and there hasn't been any evidence proving evolution right.
I'm sorry i just wanted to show this argument for science doesn't work. sorry.

Don't worry, gravity is only a theory, too.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Don't worry, gravity is only a theory, too.
funny, why do they have newtons law of gravity? forget what they taught you in high school eh?
Nikola said:
funny, why do they have newtons law of gravity? forget what they taught you in high school eh?

LOL, could you be any more of a stereotype? I didn't even realize Alabamans had the internet...:lol:
Nikola said:
someone has said that science has evidence for evolution, but correct me if im wrong last time i checked evolution is still a theory and there hasn't been any evidence proving evolution right.
I'm sorry i just wanted to show this argument for science doesn't work. sorry.

Gotta love the classic misdefining of theory here. Please look up the difference between scientific theory and theory because frankly that argument is dead. More so, anyone who uses that argument quickly defines themself as braindead, because nobody arguing the side of science is fooled by it nor do they give those who use the argument any respect for intelligence.

At this point in time faith is more powerful. If science were then there wouldn't be this ridiculous debate over intelligent design.
Scientia Est Potentia

Knowledge is power.

Faith is the relinquishing of knowledge to something presumed as "Greater".

Any Questions?
Nikola said:
someone has said that science has evidence for evolution, but correct me if im wrong last time i checked evolution is still a theory and there hasn't been any evidence proving evolution right.
Coorect you if you are wrong? Ok, I will. Science is not 'only' a theory. It is a Scientific Theory. That is something very specific, namely the end product of the Scientific Method. It only becomes a Scientific Theory after all the processes and predicytions have been substantiated through research evidence. So you are not right. The mactual provess of Evolution DOES HAPPEN. It has been PROVEN. The Scientific Theory of Evolution is the overarching explanation of how it all hangs together. But certainly, the direct occurence of Evolution has been proven, it is a fact.

So be careful how you word things.
I'm sorry i just wanted to show this argument for science doesn't work. sorry.
Rather, your argument doesn't worjk because you seem to not understand what you are arguing against (Always a dangerous prospect).

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