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What's on your bucket list that you haven't done yet? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2012
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Political Leaning
  • Visit Europe
  • Visit the West Coast
  • Visit Hawaii
  • Visit Alaska
  • Take a Trans-Atlantic Cruise
  • Grow a garden successfully
  • Establish the man-cave
  • Get the house completely tricked out with the lasted integrated smart technology an a massive home theater system
  • Own an electric car
  • Become a millionaire and financially secure as to not have to work in order to sustain an above average standard of living
  • Be a dinner guest at either The White House or Camp David

Gosh, I'm not too demanding at all. :shock:
Drive my vette on the Nurburgring.

Just to see.
Visit Disneyland
Take an Alaskan cruise
Visit Germany during Oktoberfest
Secure front row seats to a Dave & Tim show at RCMH
Have a drink at Miller's in Charlottesville, VA
Purchase a cottage in the Adirondacks
Quit smoking
Circumnavigate the Chesapeake bay in a homemade sailboat
Quit drinking so much beer.....................................................................errrr ummmmm
Teach my grandchildren how to sail
Teach my grandchildren about conservation of wildlife and our waters
Teach my grandchildren to crab and fish
Teach my grandchildren to be kind to people, regardless of initial impressions, and avoid stereotyping
Teach my grandchildren how to shoot, and basic survival skills
Quit smoking
Circumnavigate the Chesapeake bay in a homemade sailboat
Quit drinking so much beer.....................................................................errrr ummmmm
Teach my grandchildren how to sail
Teach my grandchildren about conservation of wildlife and our waters
Teach my grandchildren to crab and fish
Teach my grandchildren to be kind to people, regardless of initial impressions, and avoid stereotyping
Teach my grandchildren how to shoot, and basic survival skills

i can recommend a great book for the quitting smoking part. as for the beer; not sure that i can help you there.. ;)
i can recommend a great book for the quitting smoking part. as for the beer; not sure that i can help you there.. ;)

I quit for 9 weeks one time and thought it was just another long gone bad habit.

Then, I entered a pub in Plymouth England.....but that is another story.
mine :

travel : visit Europe and the western US.
art : i'd like to organize my poems into books and put them out there. i need to devote some time to this. i've also always wanted to hear one of my bands on vinyl.
a lot of other stuff, including starting a family.
I quit for 9 weeks one time and thought it was just another long gone bad habit.

Then, I entered a pub in Plymouth England.....but that is another story.

nine weeks is pretty decent. i barely made it two on a couple different attempts. Allen Carr's Easy Way book is what worked for me.
Visiting/photographing the east coast of Greenland
Same with Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands)
Moving to Paso Robles, CA
I want to pet a giraffe.
- Visit South America
- Visit Antartica
- Get one of my books on the NYT/USA Today bestseller list
- Build my beach house

...that's pretty much it.
Haven't got a chance at trying my hand flying a fixed wing aircraft.
Have someone with their hands just over the controls in case I screw up or start taking aircraft from a stable attitude.
I just want to try my hand at it, see how I do.
Getting a full pilot's license is just too insanely expensive, I can't justify that.

Also aircraft related:
Get a ride in an acrobatic airplane
Maybe get a ride in a military jet aircraft - but that too is insanely expensive

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