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What penalty should abortion carry? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2009
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Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

Think about your answer then consider this next question

How will we know if a woman has actually had an abortion? (remembering that legislation does nothing to affect the rate of abortion)

and finally once you have thought on that

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?
Well I'm pro-choice so I don't want abortion illegal in the first place. I'd say no penalty at all.
Death of your first born son!
Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

Think about your answer then consider this next question

How will we know if a woman has actually had an abortion? (remembering that legislation does nothing to affect the rate of abortion)

and finally once you have thought on that

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

Assuming that abortion was made illegal, the performer of the abortion should be criminalized, not the patient. The punishment should be equal to any other murder or manslaughter.
Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

Think about your answer then consider this next question

How will we know if a woman has actually had an abortion? (remembering that legislation does nothing to affect the rate of abortion)

and finally once you have thought on that

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

I suppose you're asking this in thought of a society/political environment where it would be illegal.

I fully support it - so I think there should be fines for people who try to force a pregnancy to term. (cynicism)
Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

Think about your answer then consider this next question

How will we know if a woman has actually had an abortion? (remembering that legislation does nothing to affect the rate of abortion)

and finally once you have thought on that

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

I actually did ask it early on, Mellie called for such women to be tried and convicted for murder.
Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

If abortion was made illegal it should be classified as murder. Especially seeing how abortionist love to reminded the anti-abortion crowed that "murder" is nothing more than a legal term and that since abortion is legal then it is not murder. If the woman was successful killing her baby then she should be charged with premeditated murder and punished like anyone else convicted of premeditated murder, and if she was not successful then she should be charged with attempted murder and murder for hire and punished like anyone else convicted of those crimes. The person performing the abortion should be charged with murder and punished like anyone convicted of murder and attempted murder if he or she was not successful and punished like anyone else convicted of attempted murder.

Think about your answer then consider this next question

Why? If you consider killing a baby in the womb no different than killing one outside the womb then answers should be obvious and not that hard to figure out. Most people who are actually against abortion including my self view abortion no different than killing a innocent human being outside the womb. This is why abortionists appalled by the late term abortion performed on Tiller the baby serial killer are hypocrites

How will we know if a woman has actually had an abortion?

Most likely we would have to catch the woman in the act of trying to get an abortion and charge her with murder for hire. Unless she regularly goes to the doctor or if one day she had a big belly and the next day she is skinny then there is probably no real way to determine if a woman had an abortion. Still this has nothing to do with making it a crime. Just because something may or may not be hard to prosecute has nothing to do with something being illegal.

(remembering that legislation does nothing to affect the rate of abortion)and fin
ally once you have thought on that

I disagree. If abortion is illegal then less women will be seeking an abortion. Most might even use common sense and practice abstinence or use birth control pills with a combination of other female prophylactics and require the dumbass she is screwing to use a damn condom.

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

Yes. If there is evidence they had an abortion then they should be charged and tried in a court of law and punished accordingly.
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The punishment for abortion should be whatever is allowed for murder in each state.

And yes, the woman with blood seepage from a backyard abortion should still be prosecuted. She committed murder and must stand on trial for it.
Looking over this forum I can see that this question has not been asked before, and yet it is a very important question.

What penalty should abortion carry?

that i don't know. i would suppose it would depend whether we are talking about the mother or doctor, and what the situation was. it would also depend on the state of the law; which i would bet would vary with the states. but manslaughter at the least seems reasonable.

If someone you knew were admitted to in ICU with severe blood loss and sepsis and it was thought to be related to a backyard abortion - would you still want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

um. don't we have people who investigate things like that for a living? deckitives....dectitivives.... detectors.... something like that. ? :)
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I actually did ask it early on, Mellie called for such women to be tried and convicted for murder.

But... that's 25% of all the women in the US. :lol:
But criminalization doesn't cause abortion rates to decrease.

And I'm sure legalizing gay marriage won't increase the number of homosexuals either. Therefore no one should fight for that either ;)

Criminalizing abortion would properly punish those caught committing the act and take a legal stance against abortion and calling it for what it is: the murder of unborn children.
And I'm sure legalizing gay marriage won't increase the number of homosexuals either. Therefore no one should fight for that either ;)
That is correct, unless this is some homophobic sarcasm.

the murder of unborn children.
Unborn children, is that something like undead corpses?
That is correct, unless this is some homophobic sarcasm.
No, it's an attack on her flawed and foolish logic behind not criminalizing abortion.
Unborn children, is that something like undead corpses?
No, it's unborn children. Fully living children who are still in the womb. Educate yourself.
No, it's an attack on her flawed and foolish logic behind not criminalizing abortion.
There is nothing flawed or foolish about her logic. History well documents that as does the rate of abortions in countries where it is still illegal. The same can not be said about your homophobic remark.

No, it's unborn children. Fully living children who are still in the womb. Educate yourself.
No, it is an embryo or fetus. It is you who needs the education as it seems that you can only support a position with emotional drivel.
There is nothing flawed or foolish about her logic. History well documents that as does the rate of abortions in countries where it is still illegal. The same can not be said about your homophobic remark.
My remark is not homophobic. And please cite a reputable source that shows criminalizing abortions doesn't decrease the amount in that country.
No, it is an embryo or fetus. It is you who needs the education as it seems that you can only support a position with emotional drivel.
And an embryo/fetus is an unborn child. An embryo/fetus is a child in the earliest stages of development. Regardless how we label them, they are still human and deserve their human rights. Plus, it's unethical and wrong for a woman to kill a human zef in any stage of pregnancy.
No penalty is necessary. I am against damaging the social infrastructure of our society in this manner. Arguably, the majority of women who seek abortions have no criminal records and lead law abiding lives. I see no reason to introduce a new punishment and increase jail populations just to satiate the Christian Dominionists.

What most people don't realize is that coat hangers weren't used to induce abortion; they were used to cause bleeding so that therapeutic abortion would be necessary to save their lives. Women will find ways around the law and those ways will have tragic consequences. The most common cause of death in women of reproductive age during the era when abortion was illegal was from medically unsafe abortions. It would be medically, socially, morally, and legally irresponsible to backtrack to that point in time. So while the pro-life movement claims to care about the sanctity of life, they have demonstrated that they either don't care about the health and safety of women, or they are simply ignorant of what the status of women's health was in the 40's and 50's.
My remark is not homophobic.
Of course not, it is actually quite supportive of the right of gays. You are for gay marriage then yes?

And please cite a reputable source that shows criminalizing abortions doesn't decrease the amount in that country.
Here is a study of world rates
The Incidence of Abortion Worldwide

And an embryo/fetus is an unborn child.
For those who must rely on emotional drivel instead of rational thought.

An embryo/fetus is a child in the earliest stages of development.
And an undead corpse in the earliest stages of eternity.

Regardless how we label them, they are still human and deserve their human rights.
That is your opinion and a baseless one too. I have no problem with it as long as you do not try to force it upon the rest of society.

Plus, it's unethical and wrong for a woman to kill a human zef in any stage of pregnancy.
Why? Because you say so?
That is your opinion and a baseless one too. I have no problem with it as long as you do not try to force it upon the rest of society.

Meh. Who cares if he "tries to force it on the rest of society"?
It's not like he stands any chance of succeeding, and it's funny to watch him try. :lol:

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