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What is the #1 problem in America Today? (1 Viewer)

The #1 issue in America is....

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Government corruption.

All the other problems could be readily solved if we had trustworthy leadership.
Government corruption.

All the other problems could be readily solved if we had trustworthy leadership.
Not when there are as many state voting majorities who choose the opposite, voting in lockstep with their oppressors who own the candidates they vote for, the wealthiest donors to the G.O.P.

The border is not open.
That's not what the Border Patrol agents, and ICE say !
Also when they are just dropping off 1,000's of Illegals Invaders in US Cities every day, that is pretty much an OPEN BORDER !

Not when there are as many state voting majorities who choose the opposite, voting in lockstep with their oppressors who own the candidates they vote for, the wealthiest donors to the G.O.P.
"Government" needn't be viewed as something solely at the federal level. Nor should government corruption.
Voted Other:

The number one problem in America today is the overly political and partisan media.
That's not what the Border Patrol agents, and ICE say !
Also when they are just dropping off 1,000's of Illegals Invaders in US Cities every day, that is pretty much an OPEN BORDER !

They also are removing aliens. As I have stated repeatedly, there is a tension between the right of a nation to control its borders and the Refugee Act and the three Senate ratified treaties that require the US to hear asylum claims and to not deport people to danger. From what I understand, Biden is trying to do both. If you don’t like it, call on your representatives to change the law or withdraw from the treaties. Lemme know if you want me to draft your letters
if there's no democracy were don't get to freely talk about this kind of stuff.
I voted inflation and the high cost of living. If you want to buy an affordable house these days you have to move to the hood. You can't buy a new car for less than 20K.
Extreme leftism running rampant through the democrat party.....the absolute greatest threat to our Republic today. They want it demolished, then replaced with a new socialist regime.....extreme threat, warning to America.
Globalism...and the resultant Uniparty.

Everything else on that list is a subsidiary.
Bubbles doesn't like trademark infringement!

Forget about who you're voting for, or voting against. What is the #1 problem in America? Does the #1 problem impact your personally or society as a whole?

Top Five statista:

1. The Government / Poor Leadership - 21%
2. Immigration - 20%
3. High cost of living / Inflation - 13%
4. The Economy - 12%
5. Unifying the Country - 6%

Top Five Pew Research Center:

1. Strengthening the Economy - 73%
2. Defeating against Terrorism - 63%
3. Reducing the influence of money in politics - 62%
4. Reducing Health Care Costs / Improving Education / Making Social Security Sound - 60%

Based on those two surveys, here are your options.

Abortion - Pro-Life policies, pro-choice policies, protecting birth control.
Economy - Jobs, wages, stock market, 401ks, U.S trade policy
Education - Making it affordable, improving the quality, teaching positive morals
Government Corruption - Poor/idiotic/corrupt leadership, the influence of money in politics, supporting fair and free elections.
Health-Care - Making health care more affordable, increasing access to health-care
Immigration - Illegal immigration, migrant crisis, crimes committed by illegals
Inflation / High Cost of Living - You're concerned with the high cost of living: ability to purchase goods and services, purchase a house.
Social Security - Upgrading the social security system to make it more solvent.
Terrorism - Defending home and abroad on the threats of terrorism and bigotry.

I added abortion to the line-up for obvious reasons. If you're voting to stop Trump from being President or wanting to stop Biden for getting a second term, then your answer is Government Corruption. There are only
I voted Other.

Generative AI.

This will be both the number one "solution" in many of the above areas, as well as the number one "problem" for many of the same but also a litany of others.
Extreme leftism running rampant through the democrat party.....the absolute greatest threat to our Republic today. They want it demolished, then replaced with a new socialist regime.....extreme threat, warning to America.
Don’t visit Canada, Europe and other countries similar to the US. You think leftism runs rampant in the US? You’d go crazy. Why their governments have provided health care for years before the ACA.

Get serious. Conservatives have been saying the sky is falling at every reform since even before Reagan suggested we’d lose our freedom if a Medicare bill passed. In the fifties it was called “creeping socialism.” But America has been socialist on various subjects since the Homestead Act, and even before when federal troops paid for with tax money moved Indians out of the way so settlers could replace them.
I am glad you mentioned present....since Biden is in office.......
Biden has challenged election results? Sparked an attack on the Capitol? I fully expect he will accept November’s election results if he loses. Not so sure about his opponent.
A disengaged, self-absorbed citizenry.

Ripe for exploitation.
Voodoo economics
Somehow our system encourages tribalism. The left and right can't compromise and refuse to stay within a budget. Fixing just these two things would go a long way. Way too much spending and too much regulation. Not enough state level government, too much federal government. Too many laws and too many idiotic laws that are outdated. Poor healthcare for any Americans who aren't poor enough for welfare. Ignorant policies, like raising minimum wage only for the cost of living to increase in response, resulting in others earned higher wages being worth less. Degradation if family values and family supports and a placation of victim mentality and illogical woke ideologies. Just to name a few.
Capitalism is probably the only thing saving us right now. Check out how Sweden merged capitalistic and socialistic policies to better help the Everyman. All societies that have ditched capitalism, have failed (usually resulting in dictatorships and impoverishment). You can't share a cake if there's no one there to bake it.
Not enough taco trucks.

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